Why does the left hate St Jude?

It is appalling that government programs to help the needy are necessary. With such a large population of the 'religious' in America, it should all be taken care of already.

Religious charity is spotty, at best, and like tax dollars, those paying want the money used closed to home, which means none of it makes it into poor communities. In Georgia, a number of wealthy enclaves incorporated their communities into towns, hiring out the running of the town to private interests, all to ensure that their property taxes weren't going to educate the children of the poor.

Even within well-to-do communities, there are always those going through difficult times, and a wish to help those we know go through those periods when through bad times or bad decisions we find ourselves in those situations.

During the Great Depression, and the recent Great Recession, the depth of the poverty and suffering was such that charities were overwhelmed.

During the Great Depression, the poverty and suffering threatened the very foundations of societies throughout the world, leading to mass migrations of populations, and the destruction of communities. Even though millions lost their homes and their jobs in the Great Recession, federal programs, from unemployment benefits, to food stamps, and welfare prevented the kind of mass displacement of people, and the instability of mass migration, seen in the 1930's.

Business and corporate interests are best served by stable governments, with a strong infrastructure. The US is a very stable government, with a meh infrastructure. You are now competing with countries in Europe for jobs, e.g. Ireland.

Ireland has a stable government, and is 15th in the world education rankings (the US is 29th), has 10% corporate tax, and top notch infrastructure. The climate's not bad, everyone speaks English, universal government funded health care. Let's go there.

Canada has a stable government, and is 10th in the world education rankings, has 25% corporate tax, and top notch infrastructure. The climate is doable, in the south and west, everyone outside of of Quebec speaks English, universal government funded health care. Let's go there.

There are at least 10 more countries on that list that are getting the investment and the jobs that require smart, well-educated workers, stability and infrastructure.

While the rest of the world dug their way out of the recession with infrastructure projects to keep people working, and prepare for the 21st Century economy, Republicans voted against such spending so that Obama would be a one-term President. While countries like Canada, Great Britain, and Germany, spent money re-training workers whose jobs were out-sourced, the US left millions of production workers to drift.

While countries in Asia, Europe, and Australia and Canada, ensure that all children get equal funding in education, and that what is taught is not influenced by either politics or religion, Americans continue to do the opposite. Since the 1980's, when Reagan championed parents' rights in educating their children, rich Americans have been insisting that their children be taught conservative, fundamentalist values, which deny science (and logic). As a result, the test scores of American children continue to plummet in basic subjects such as math and science, meaning that Americans will be ill suited to lead the world in science and technology as they have for the past 150 years.

In their eagerness to ensure that Obama was a one-term President, the Republicans may have done more damage to the future economy of the USA, than you will ever know, destroying America's ability to compete for at least 20 years, and that's if you could suddenly regain and catch up what was lost, which you can't, and which you most certainly won't under a Trump administration.

First the Republicans wrecked the economy, then they wrecked the recovery, and now you've re-elected them to finish the job they started on the economy. Now that the elites have taken over the White House and the Cabinet, and there is no need to bribe politicians any more, I strongly suspect that as long as members of the current administration get theirs, they really don't give a shit about the rest of you.
I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.
How the fuck are we denying Canadian veterans and children from anything? That's your country's responsibility, not ours! Are so left wing that you think the United States should have its' wealth confiscated and redistributed across the globe?
Everybody chipping in to a single source (government) to take care of our wounded vets and children in dire need is NOT confiscating and re-distributing YOUR wealth. In the case of vets, YOU got the benefit of their service (thru government), YOU promised (thru government) care for them and family if needed and YOU have a duty, an obligation, to fulfill that promise. I have never used a VA hospital, but I am told that most are very good. It is distance from care and overload that is the problem. If ALL hospitals and care facilities were open to vets, there would probably be little or no issue, or so I hear.
It is appalling that government programs to help the needy are necessary. With such a large population of the 'religious' in America, it should all be taken care of already.

Religious charity is spotty, at best, and like tax dollars, those paying want the money used closed to home, which means none of it makes it into poor communities. In Georgia, a number of wealthy enclaves incorporated their communities into towns, hiring out the running of the town to private interests, all to ensure that their property taxes weren't going to educate the children of the poor.

Even within well-to-do communities, there are always those going through difficult times, and a wish to help those we know go through those periods when through bad times or bad decisions we find ourselves in those situations.

During the Great Depression, and the recent Great Recession, the depth of the poverty and suffering was such that charities were overwhelmed.

During the Great Depression, the poverty and suffering threatened the very foundations of societies throughout the world, leading to mass migrations of populations, and the destruction of communities. Even though millions lost their homes and their jobs in the Great Recession, federal programs, from unemployment benefits, to food stamps, and welfare prevented the kind of mass displacement of people, and the instability of mass migration, seen in the 1930's.

Business and corporate interests are best served by stable governments, with a strong infrastructure. The US is a very stable government, with a meh infrastructure. You are now competing with countries in Europe for jobs, e.g. Ireland.

Ireland has a stable government, and is 15th in the world education rankings (the US is 29th), has 10% corporate tax, and top notch infrastructure. The climate's not bad, everyone speaks English, universal government funded health care. Let's go there.

Canada has a stable government, and is 10th in the world education rankings, has 25% corporate tax, and top notch infrastructure. The climate is doable, in the south and west, everyone outside of of Quebec speaks English, universal government funded health care. Let's go there.

There are at least 10 more countries on that list that are getting the investment and the jobs that require smart, well-educated workers, stability and infrastructure.

While the rest of the world dug their way out of the recession with infrastructure projects to keep people working, and prepare for the 21st Century economy, Republicans voted against such spending so that Obama would be a one-term President. While countries like Canada, Great Britain, and Germany, spent money re-training workers whose jobs were out-sourced, the US left millions of production workers to drift.

While countries in Asia, Europe, and Australia and Canada, ensure that all children get equal funding in education, and that what is taught is not influenced by either politics or religion, Americans continue to do the opposite. Since the 1980's, when Reagan championed parents' rights in educating their children, rich Americans have been insisting that their children be taught conservative, fundamentalist values, which deny science (and logic). As a result, the test scores of American children continue to plummet in basic subjects such as math and science, meaning that Americans will be ill suited to lead the world in science and technology as they have for the past 150 years.

In their eagerness to ensure that Obama was a one-term President, the Republicans may have done more damage to the future economy of the USA, than you will ever know, destroying America's ability to compete for at least 20 years, and that's if you could suddenly regain and catch up what was lost, which you can't, and which you most certainly won't under a Trump administration.

First the Republicans wrecked the economy, then they wrecked the recovery, and now you've re-elected them to finish the job they started on the economy. Now that the elites have taken over the White House and the Cabinet, and there is no need to bribe politicians any more, I strongly suspect that as long as members of the current administration get theirs, they really don't give a shit about the rest of you.
Great post, lady!
I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.
How the fuck are we denying Canadian veterans and children from anything? That's your country's responsibility, not ours! Are so left wing that you think the United States should have its' wealth confiscated and redistributed across the globe?
Everybody chipping in to a single source (government) to take care of our wounded vets and children in dire need is NOT confiscating and re-distributing YOUR wealth. In the case of vets, YOU got the benefit of their service (thru government), YOU promised (thru government) care for them and family if needed and YOU have a duty, an obligation, to fulfill that promise. I have never used a VA hospital, but I am told that most are very good. It is distance from care and overload that is the problem. If ALL hospitals and care facilities were open to vets, there would probably be little or no issue, or so I hear.
YOU missed the point. Vets do get care, it can be better and government needs to get it's priorities straight. And I'm all for replacing the VHA with private care. I worked in a VA hospital so I have some bias.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Is there some reason you can't donate to St Jude?

Quit whining and just send St Jude a check.
OIC, your retardation is voluntary, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, oh well.

Yet smarter than you on any given day, since all you bring to the table are childish insults.
Ahh... look at who's whining about "childish insults" , the USMB king of childish insults himself.

LOL, what's the matter Joe? you can dish it out but you can't take it? :cool:
Moderate downs children are so special, they do need extra care, and since many are given up, they are in AIS homes
If the left had its way, St. Jude charities wouldn't be necessary.

Why wouldn't they?

Because when you have universal healthcare your bills are paid without running off to beg rich people for charity.
The rich are the cheapest people. Most charity comes from the common folk.
Moderate downs children are so special, they do need extra care, and since many are given up, they are in AIS homes
If the left had its way, St. Jude charities wouldn't be necessary.

Why wouldn't they?

Because when you have universal healthcare your bills are paid without running off to beg rich people for charity.

Well said. The fact that we have to beg rich people to keep kids alive is kind of sad in and of itself.
Moderate downs children are so special, they do need extra care, and since many are given up, they are in AIS homes
If the left had its way, St. Jude charities wouldn't be necessary.

Why wouldn't they?

Because when you have universal healthcare your bills are paid without running off to beg rich people for charity.

Well said. The fact that we have to beg rich people to keep kids alive is kind of sad in and of itself.

Nobody's begging for money. BTW, under your system, you just confiscate money from people. Unless of course in your world money magically grows on trees? Where does it come from if not from somebody else?

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