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Why does the Left hate Trump so passionately?

Because he doesn't cower at their bluster and barking like he's supposed to do.

He barks back, and he sometimes even bites. And it makes them melt down. I love it. :)
Why the frothing, fanatical, frenzied fury?
There are a few elements at play here.

First is the abject shock of such a big loss. The Democrats (and particularly the hardcore sub-group Regressive Left) were absolutely convinced that Obama's wins were The Turning Point for the country. They figured that our changing demographics were in part responsible for those wins, and had progressed to a point at which they'd take the party from here.

Second is Trump and his behaviors, which essentially rub salt in the wound. His loud, hyperbolic, simplistic, buffoonish behaviors made this unexpected loss much tougher to swallow. That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long.

Together, these elements somehow pushed many on the Left to just lose their marbles.

I was horrified that Trump won. I still am, perhaps even more so. But the insane behaviors of the hardcore Left, which has done such a fabulous job of lowering themselves to Trump's level, has been as big an embarrassment as Trump himself.

They won the House while losing their marbles? Yeah, your commentary is garbage

Trump mocked a disabled reporter and then lied about it

His first lie was he never knew the guy was disabled
After that lie was disproved, he moved on to the lie being provided by Rightwing pundits who scowered the Internet looking for a clip where he waved his arms

His personal behaviors are often vile and reprehensible. That was one instance. Another was the things he said about Carly Fiorioni, I think her last name is--about her face. There are many more.

He's buffoonish and often outright offensive. That's for sure. But between a man with "nice manners" who doesn't give a goshdarn crap about our country like Obama, and a brash, offensive man with poor manners who loves this nation with his every breath, I'll take the latter. I'll not be inviting him to dinner. But I'll surely vote for him for President, you bet. :)
There are a few elements at play here.

First is the abject shock of such a big loss. The Democrats (and particularly the hardcore sub-group Regressive Left) were absolutely convinced that Obama's wins were The Turning Point for the country. They figured that our changing demographics were in part responsible for those wins, and had progressed to a point at which they'd take the party from here.

Second is Trump and his behaviors, which essentially rub salt in the wound. His loud, hyperbolic, simplistic, buffoonish behaviors made this unexpected loss much tougher to swallow. That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long..

1.) You could overcome some of the defects in your argument by distinguishing between "loss for Democrats" and "loss for the country". Why you don't remains a mystery.

2.) "Trump and his behaviors" isn't just rubbing salt in the wound - it's all part of diminishing the Office of the Presidency and the standing of the U.S. Administration to the status of, essentially, a clown parade of incompetents, grifters and crooks - just after President Obama had restored his office to a level of decency and reasonableness after it had been nearly destroyed by his predecessor. Which again points to the necessary distinction, as mentioned above, you fail to make.

3.) Yeah, that's the old canard of "identity politics" by the regressive right, thrown out to cover up their racist, (White) identity politics. Seeing you rebleat same is kind of disappointing. The largely leftist hope of seeing the American birth defect at least diminished, groups (other than Whitey) recognized along with their specific life situation and needs, and the insistence that all be treated with equal respect, may have had some influence on the 2016 election. The blame for that, however, doesn't show up on the side of the Left by any reasonable standard. It shows up on the side that would cling to their supremacism and racism, and vote accordingly.

But thanks for being somewhat more specific while riding your shtick. Much appreciated.
You assfucks think that to accomplish things one needs to a flaming, lying, amoral asshole?


Trump has ignored the very same military he claims to support when he decided to suddenly pull troops from Syria.

The only thing Trump is actually good at is duping you feeble minded morons into thinking that if you don't want a 40' concrete wall, that you are for open borders.

That’s why he has the backing of the military and police. He’s making good on his word, and saving money and American lives, by bringing some of the military home. You haven’t seen illegals storm the boarders, while throwing rocks at and using their kids as shields. I guess the military and police are less knowledgeable than you also. And the Clintons and obozo are fine upstanding moral people, not out for themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He certainly does not have the backing of military leaders. He certainly does not have the backing of the McCain family after he trashed his service to this country. He trashed the service of all POWs. He mocked a Gold Star family. He called the widow of a fallen soldier a liar the very day she met his coffin at the airfield. He said he knows more than the Generals.

As for ther border, fuck you & your ignorance. We don't want a God damn 40' concrete wall.

Obama never fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with a newborn baby. Obama never cheated people. Obama was never proven to be a fraud., Obama was not accused by 20 women of abuse. That is your fat assed orange buddy who has pocketed mullions of our tax dollars & dumbfuck you are too stupid to know it.
There are a few elements at play here.

First is the abject shock of such a big loss. The Democrats (and particularly the hardcore sub-group Regressive Left) were absolutely convinced that Obama's wins were The Turning Point for the country. They figured that our changing demographics were in part responsible for those wins, and had progressed to a point at which they'd take the party from here.

Second is Trump and his behaviors, which essentially rub salt in the wound. His loud, hyperbolic, simplistic, buffoonish behaviors made this unexpected loss much tougher to swallow. That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long..

1.) You could overcome some of the defects in your argument by distinguishing between "loss for Democrats" and "loss for the country". Why you don't remains a mystery.

2.) "Trump and his behaviors" isn't just rubbing salt in the wound - it's all part of diminishing the Office of the Presidency and the standing of the U.S. Administration to the status of, essentially, a clown parade of incompetents, grifters and crooks - just after President Obama had restored his office to a level of decency and reasonableness after it had been nearly destroyed by his predecessor. Which again points to the necessary distinction, as mentioned above, you fail to make.

3.) Yeah, that's the old canard of "identity politics" by the regressive right, thrown out to cover up their racist, (White) identity politics. Seeing you rebleat same is kind of disappointing. The largely leftist hope of seeing the American birth defect at least diminished, groups (other than Whitey) recognized along with their specific life situation and needs, and the insistence that all be treated with equal respect, may have had some influence on the 2016 election. The blame for that, however, doesn't show up on the side of the Left by any reasonable standard. It shows up on the side that would cling to their supremacism and racism, and vote accordingly.

But thanks for being somewhat more specific while riding your shtick. Much appreciated.

Hey Europe.....get this loud and clear:

We don't care....

What you think.

At all. Not even one little bit.

Take that to NATO and stuff it good and proper. You're welcome
You assfucks think that to accomplish things one needs to a flaming, lying, amoral asshole?


Trump has ignored the very same military he claims to support when he decided to suddenly pull troops from Syria.

The only thing Trump is actually good at is duping you feeble minded morons into thinking that if you don't want a 40' concrete wall, that you are for open borders.

That’s why he has the backing of the military and police. He’s making good on his word, and saving money and American lives, by bringing some of the military home. You haven’t seen illegals storm the boarders, while throwing rocks at and using their kids as shields. I guess the military and police are less knowledgeable than you also. And the Clintons and obozo are fine upstanding moral people, not out for themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He certainly does not have the backing of military leaders. He certainly does not have the backing of the McCain family after he trashed his service to this country. He trashed the service of all POWs. He mocked a Gold Star family. He called the widow of a fallen soldier a liar the very day she met his coffin at the airfield. He said he knows more than the Generals.

As for ther border, fuck you & your ignorance. We don't want a God damn 40' concrete wall.

Obama never fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with a newborn baby. Obama never cheated people. Obama was never proven to be a fraud., Obama was not accused by 20 women of abuse. That is your fat assed orange buddy who has pocketed mullions of our tax dollars & dumbfuck you are too stupid to know it.

Smelling salts, STAT


Trump mocked a disabled reporter and then lied about it

His first lie was he never knew the guy was disabled
After that lie was disproved, he moved on to the lie being provided by Rightwing pundits who scowered the Internet looking for a clip where he waved his arms

His personal behaviors are often vile and reprehensible. That was one instance. Another was the things he said about Carly Fiorioni, I think her last name is--about her face. There are many more.

He's buffoonish and often outright offensive. That's for sure. But between a man with "nice manners" who doesn't give a goshdarn crap about our country like Obama, and a brash, offensive man with poor manners who loves this nation with his every breath, I'll take the latter. I'll not be inviting him to dinner. But I'll surely vote for him for President, you bet. :)

He cared so much about our debt, his y1 budget added a trillion bucks to it.

He cared so much about American workers, he had his cheap wares made in China for no other reason than it was more profitable

He cared so much about nearly a million federal employees, he’s allowed them to go without paychecks for two weeks now.

He cared so much about those Americans who identify as gay, lesbian or transsexual that he told them that he doesn’t want them serving in the military though about 5-7 thousand already are with zero added disruption to the units they serve

His “caring” about America or Americans is not identifiably much better than other presidents.

And these are things the blob has done. His not traveling 2 minute to the TOUS on Veterans Day, his ignoring the ceremonies honoring the fallen in France, the lies about a pay raise to troops... he sucks
That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long.

Together, these elements somehow pushed many on the Left to just lose their marbles.

I was horrified that Trump won. I still am, perhaps even more so. But the insane behaviors of the hardcore Left, which has done such a fabulous job of lowering themselves to Trump's level, has been as big an embarrassment as Trump himself.

I agree with much of what you say except a few points. I believe many Trump supporters see, and acknowledge his many flaws. Especially his personality. That being said, they are somewhat overlooked because it is refreshing that a politician speaks his mind, and doesn't have the ridiculous filter all of them have. Also, Trump's policies are largely SOUND, and WORKING. He is succeeding in many ways especially with the economy, and energy policy, and perhaps with border security.
That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long.

Together, these elements somehow pushed many on the Left to just lose their marbles.

I was horrified that Trump won. I still am, perhaps even more so. But the insane behaviors of the hardcore Left, which has done such a fabulous job of lowering themselves to Trump's level, has been as big an embarrassment as Trump himself.

I agree with much of what you say except a few points. I believe many Trump supporters see, and acknowledge his many flaws. Especially his personality. That being said, they are somewhat overlooked because it is refreshing that a politician speaks his mind, and doesn't have the ridiculous filter all of them have. Also, Trump's policies are largely SOUND, and WORKING. He is succeeding in many ways especially with the economy, and energy policy, and perhaps with border security.
I've seen a few different behaviors from the Republicans. Some clearly and publicly don't like the guy and are hoping he's not causing long-term damage to the party. Some admit that he's a (insert adjective here) but admit they put up with it for the sake of the policies (as you point out). I can respect that, even if I don't agree with them on the policies.

The third group, though, is a little tougher. They pretend not to see the behaviors, or they deflect away from them when they're pointed out. Blech. They're pretty much a waste of time. Of course, that's how the wings are.
I read this, and I said, "you've got to be kidding.
But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated. You're telling me, that because Trump often "uses these same convulsive gestures" that excuses him from making fun of the disabled? Boss, how big was that rock that hit you in the head? Can't you think of a better excuse than that? Of course not! Because there is no excuse. That is Trump being the evil asshole that he is.
There are a few elements at play here.

First is the abject shock of such a big loss. The Democrats (and particularly the hardcore sub-group Regressive Left) were absolutely convinced that Obama's wins were The Turning Point for the country. They figured that our changing demographics were in part responsible for those wins, and had progressed to a point at which they'd take the party from here.

Second is Trump and his behaviors, which essentially rub salt in the wound. His loud, hyperbolic, simplistic, buffoonish behaviors made this unexpected loss much tougher to swallow. That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long..

1.) You could overcome some of the defects in your argument by distinguishing between "loss for Democrats" and "loss for the country". Why you don't remains a mystery.

2.) "Trump and his behaviors" isn't just rubbing salt in the wound - it's all part of diminishing the Office of the Presidency and the standing of the U.S. Administration to the status of, essentially, a clown parade of incompetents, grifters and crooks - just after President Obama had restored his office to a level of decency and reasonableness after it had been nearly destroyed by his predecessor. Which again points to the necessary distinction, as mentioned above, you fail to make.

3.) Yeah, that's the old canard of "identity politics" by the regressive right, thrown out to cover up their racist, (White) identity politics. Seeing you rebleat same is kind of disappointing. The largely leftist hope of seeing the American birth defect at least diminished, groups (other than Whitey) recognized along with their specific life situation and needs, and the insistence that all be treated with equal respect, may have had some influence on the 2016 election. The blame for that, however, doesn't show up on the side of the Left by any reasonable standard. It shows up on the side that would cling to their supremacism and racism, and vote accordingly.

But thanks for being somewhat more specific while riding your shtick. Much appreciated.

Hey Europe.....get this loud and clear:

We don't care....

What you think.

At all. Not even one little bit.

Take that to NATO and stuff it good and proper. You're welcome

NATO has helped the US in many endeavors & acts as a deterrent against Russia.

But you & Trump keep doing the bidding of Putin & push to end NATO>

How fucking stupid are you?
That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long.

Together, these elements somehow pushed many on the Left to just lose their marbles.

I was horrified that Trump won. I still am, perhaps even more so. But the insane behaviors of the hardcore Left, which has done such a fabulous job of lowering themselves to Trump's level, has been as big an embarrassment as Trump himself.

I agree with much of what you say except a few points. I believe many Trump supporters see, and acknowledge his many flaws. Especially his personality. That being said, they are somewhat overlooked because it is refreshing that a politician speaks his mind, and doesn't have the ridiculous filter all of them have. Also, Trump's policies are largely SOUND, and WORKING. He is succeeding in many ways especially with the economy, and energy policy, and perhaps with border security.
The body mimicking to make fun of the disabled is not a filter. That's just being mean and insensitive. He's not someone without a filter. He's just a straight evil asshole.

Trump mocked a disabled reporter and then lied about it

His first lie was he never knew the guy was disabled
After that lie was disproved, he moved on to the lie being provided by Rightwing pundits who scowered the Internet looking for a clip where he waved his arms

His personal behaviors are often vile and reprehensible. That was one instance. Another was the things he said about Carly Fiorioni, I think her last name is--about her face. There are many more.

He's buffoonish and often outright offensive. That's for sure. But between a man with "nice manners" who doesn't give a goshdarn crap about our country like Obama, and a brash, offensive man with poor manners who loves this nation with his every breath, I'll take the latter. I'll not be inviting him to dinner. But I'll surely vote for him for President, you bet. :)
Your offensive man is going to be forced out of office for his excesses

All you are saying is you prefer a repulsive Republican to any Democrat
That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long.

Together, these elements somehow pushed many on the Left to just lose their marbles.

I was horrified that Trump won. I still am, perhaps even more so. But the insane behaviors of the hardcore Left, which has done such a fabulous job of lowering themselves to Trump's level, has been as big an embarrassment as Trump himself.

I agree with much of what you say except a few points. I believe many Trump supporters see, and acknowledge his many flaws. Especially his personality. That being said, they are somewhat overlooked because it is refreshing that a politician speaks his mind, and doesn't have the ridiculous filter all of them have. Also, Trump's policies are largely SOUND, and WORKING. He is succeeding in many ways especially with the economy, and energy policy, and perhaps with border security.
What Republicans are saying is they are willing to elect a repulsive President as long as they get to stack the court and get their tax cuts
There are a few elements at play here.

First is the abject shock of such a big loss. The Democrats (and particularly the hardcore sub-group Regressive Left) were absolutely convinced that Obama's wins were The Turning Point for the country. They figured that our changing demographics were in part responsible for those wins, and had progressed to a point at which they'd take the party from here.

Second is Trump and his behaviors, which essentially rub salt in the wound. His loud, hyperbolic, simplistic, buffoonish behaviors made this unexpected loss much tougher to swallow. That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long..

1.) You could overcome some of the defects in your argument by distinguishing between "loss for Democrats" and "loss for the country". Why you don't remains a mystery.

2.) "Trump and his behaviors" isn't just rubbing salt in the wound - it's all part of diminishing the Office of the Presidency and the standing of the U.S. Administration to the status of, essentially, a clown parade of incompetents, grifters and crooks - just after President Obama had restored his office to a level of decency and reasonableness after it had been nearly destroyed by his predecessor. Which again points to the necessary distinction, as mentioned above, you fail to make.

3.) Yeah, that's the old canard of "identity politics" by the regressive right, thrown out to cover up their racist, (White) identity politics. Seeing you rebleat same is kind of disappointing. The largely leftist hope of seeing the American birth defect at least diminished, groups (other than Whitey) recognized along with their specific life situation and needs, and the insistence that all be treated with equal respect, may have had some influence on the 2016 election. The blame for that, however, doesn't show up on the side of the Left by any reasonable standard. It shows up on the side that would cling to their supremacism and racism, and vote accordingly.

But thanks for being somewhat more specific while riding your shtick. Much appreciated.

Hey Europe.....get this loud and clear:

We don't care....

What you think.

At all. Not even one little bit.

Take that to NATO and stuff it good and proper. You're welcome

NATO has helped the US in many endeavors & acts as a deterrent against Russia.

But you & Trump keep doing the bidding of Putin & push to end NATO>

How fucking stupid are you?

Not stupid enough to keep funding Europe's armies with next to nothing in return. Sorrynotsorry

Trump mocked a disabled reporter and then lied about it

His first lie was he never knew the guy was disabled
After that lie was disproved, he moved on to the lie being provided by Rightwing pundits who scowered the Internet looking for a clip where he waved his arms

His personal behaviors are often vile and reprehensible. That was one instance. Another was the things he said about Carly Fiorioni, I think her last name is--about her face. There are many more.

He's buffoonish and often outright offensive. That's for sure. But between a man with "nice manners" who doesn't give a goshdarn crap about our country like Obama, and a brash, offensive man with poor manners who loves this nation with his every breath, I'll take the latter. I'll not be inviting him to dinner. But I'll surely vote for him for President, you bet. :)
Your offensive man is going to be forced out of office for his excesses

All you are saying is you prefer a repulsive Republican to any Democrat

Oh indeed, a personally repulsive Republican over a Democrat every blessed day of the year.

The former is offensive. The latter probably hates the nation and actively seeks to undermine it at every turn.
That's exacerbated by the way Trump's fans have so gleefully ignored so much about him.

And, I suspect, third is the fact that, at some level, they realize they played a role in his win with their own behaviors. This was the ultimate (and perhaps one-time) large-scale pushback against Political Correctness and Identity Politics, strategies on which leftists have hung their hat for so long.

Together, these elements somehow pushed many on the Left to just lose their marbles.

I was horrified that Trump won. I still am, perhaps even more so. But the insane behaviors of the hardcore Left, which has done such a fabulous job of lowering themselves to Trump's level, has been as big an embarrassment as Trump himself.

I agree with much of what you say except a few points. I believe many Trump supporters see, and acknowledge his many flaws. Especially his personality. That being said, they are somewhat overlooked because it is refreshing that a politician speaks his mind, and doesn't have the ridiculous filter all of them have. Also, Trump's policies are largely SOUND, and WORKING. He is succeeding in many ways especially with the economy, and energy policy, and perhaps with border security.
-------------------------------------------- TRUMP is cool and is more in the mold of a real American from a few decade in the past when 'pc' wasn't tolerated in my opinion Pilot .

Trump mocked a disabled reporter and then lied about it

His first lie was he never knew the guy was disabled
After that lie was disproved, he moved on to the lie being provided by Rightwing pundits who scowered the Internet looking for a clip where he waved his arms

His personal behaviors are often vile and reprehensible. That was one instance. Another was the things he said about Carly Fiorioni, I think her last name is--about her face. There are many more.

He's buffoonish and often outright offensive. That's for sure. But between a man with "nice manners" who doesn't give a goshdarn crap about our country like Obama, and a brash, offensive man with poor manners who loves this nation with his every breath, I'll take the latter. I'll not be inviting him to dinner. But I'll surely vote for him for President, you bet. :)
Your offensive man is going to be forced out of office for his excesses

All you are saying is you prefer a repulsive Republican to any Democrat
------------------------------------------------ forced out of office , whens that going to happen , putin , putin , russia , russia , Forced outa office , whens that going to happen RWinger ??

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