Why does the left refuse to acknowledge a declaration of war?

Do I really have to point out what Islam says about gays, women, church/state, creationism, spreading the gospel, etc.? Are you serious?
Why yes, go ahead... but please first point out what the Bible says about those things. Make sure you thoroughly cover Leviticus.
Yes, I know, the Regressive Left loves to equate Christianity and Islam.

Yet you'll attack one and defend the other.

How mindlessly mundane it must be to live in a world where everything is "left" and "right".
Deflection noted.
What deflection? I am not "attacking" Christianity. I find Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to be beautiful and fascinating religions which all possess many strengths and teach us a great deal about human Nature. However, if you are going to dissect the Quran, selectively searching for passages about brutality, you may as well do the same with the Bible. The Bible is by far the most brutal and Metal thing I have ever read, which ironically enough is still often used to to inspire a path of peace, love, and compassion... like the Quran, with Islam. Yet both can be used for mass manipulation, deception, brainwashing, extortion, exploiting the masses as resources, social control, nefarious political strategies, etc. Both can be used to spread a message of hate and discrimination, violence, murder, death and genocide.

Such is human Nature...

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Bullshit.Iraq was stabilizing QUICKLY. It wasn't until Obama announced his sympathy with Muslim extremists and his subsequent gifting of the American controlled portions of the middle east to those pigs that Iraq devolved.
The Saudi's were pissed at Bush and policies were shifted while Bush was still in office. Obama has dutifully carried out and expanded on those policies.
The Redirection - The New Yorker
I think you know better but your fundamentalist attitude to your political ideology would never allow you to admit it. No doubt you're sorry you read it. It's why you have now declared your intention to ignore all people who challenge your world views.
I won't be expecting a rebuttal.
I don't ignore people who don't share my world views. I ignore anti Christian, anti American pieces of shit who sympathize and support muder of innocents on this board.

Since you have identified yourself as one, goodbye.
Please point to one post of mine where I sympathized or supported the murder of innocents. Lets be realistic.
You identify yourself as such in the post I quoted. Make up your mind...I don't go for wishy washies who enable animals by refusing to identify them as such, either. You are the problem, bye.
What I expect is what I'm getting: Passionate defense of Islam & Muslims, constant criticism of Christians & Christianity, and intellectually dishonest equation of the two from the Left.

The examples on this board are virtually endless.
You didn't refute anything in my post.

Is it Christians, or Muslims trying to impose their religion on people in this country?

Does Islam support or condemn gay marriage? Abortion? Teaching creationism? Separation of Church and state? Contraception? Keeping women subservient to men? Capital punishment? How about Christians in the U.S., do they condemn or support those things?
Both religions are proscribed to impose their religion everywhere.

Islam condemns gay marriage. Abortion, I think. Creationism, yes. Separation of Church & State? No, I don't think so. Contraception? I don't think they're for that. Keeping women subservient to men? Yes. Capital punishment? Yes, obviously.

There, I answered your questions, as if any of that matters.

The American Left, demonstrated here regularly, says it's terribly concerned about bigotry toward Islam but is more than happy to display that same bigotry towards Christianity.

My point remains, regardless of how much deflection is attempted.
Okay so now we've established that Islam and Christianity share many beliefs that the left fights against in this country. We've also established that it is Christians trying to impose those religious evils on this country. Good. Now we can get to your bigotry concern.

There are many moderate Christians in this country. Nobody attacks them. There are also many moderate Muslims in this country. They ARE attacked; by fundamentalist Christians. I'll be bigoted against fundamentalist religious people all day, because they cause severe harm to others. No matter their religion.
Yet all I see on this board from the Left are (1) attacks against Christians and Christianity and (2) complaints of bigotry against Islam and Muslims.
We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
You didn't refute anything in my post.

Is it Christians, or Muslims trying to impose their religion on people in this country?

Does Islam support or condemn gay marriage? Abortion? Teaching creationism? Separation of Church and state? Contraception? Keeping women subservient to men? Capital punishment? How about Christians in the U.S., do they condemn or support those things?
Both religions are proscribed to impose their religion everywhere.

Islam condemns gay marriage. Abortion, I think. Creationism, yes. Separation of Church & State? No, I don't think so. Contraception? I don't think they're for that. Keeping women subservient to men? Yes. Capital punishment? Yes, obviously.

There, I answered your questions, as if any of that matters.

The American Left, demonstrated here regularly, says it's terribly concerned about bigotry toward Islam but is more than happy to display that same bigotry towards Christianity.

My point remains, regardless of how much deflection is attempted.
Okay so now we've established that Islam and Christianity share many beliefs that the left fights against in this country. We've also established that it is Christians trying to impose those religious evils on this country. Good. Now we can get to your bigotry concern.

There are many moderate Christians in this country. Nobody attacks them. There are also many moderate Muslims in this country. They ARE attacked; by fundamentalist Christians. I'll be bigoted against fundamentalist religious people all day, because they cause severe harm to others. No matter their religion.
Yet all I see on this board from the Left are (1) attacks against Christians and Christianity and (2) complaints of bigotry against Islam and Muslims.
We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
No. Religious fundamentalists, yes.
Both religions are proscribed to impose their religion everywhere.

Islam condemns gay marriage. Abortion, I think. Creationism, yes. Separation of Church & State? No, I don't think so. Contraception? I don't think they're for that. Keeping women subservient to men? Yes. Capital punishment? Yes, obviously.

There, I answered your questions, as if any of that matters.

The American Left, demonstrated here regularly, says it's terribly concerned about bigotry toward Islam but is more than happy to display that same bigotry towards Christianity.

My point remains, regardless of how much deflection is attempted.
Okay so now we've established that Islam and Christianity share many beliefs that the left fights against in this country. We've also established that it is Christians trying to impose those religious evils on this country. Good. Now we can get to your bigotry concern.

There are many moderate Christians in this country. Nobody attacks them. There are also many moderate Muslims in this country. They ARE attacked; by fundamentalist Christians. I'll be bigoted against fundamentalist religious people all day, because they cause severe harm to others. No matter their religion.
Yet all I see on this board from the Left are (1) attacks against Christians and Christianity and (2) complaints of bigotry against Islam and Muslims.
We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
No. Religious fundamentalists, yes.
Then the Left is only seeing what it wants to see.

They attack Christians, constantly, and defend Muslims, constantly.

I don't think you're denying that, you just appear to be trying to justify it.
Okay so now we've established that Islam and Christianity share many beliefs that the left fights against in this country. We've also established that it is Christians trying to impose those religious evils on this country. Good. Now we can get to your bigotry concern.

There are many moderate Christians in this country. Nobody attacks them. There are also many moderate Muslims in this country. They ARE attacked; by fundamentalist Christians. I'll be bigoted against fundamentalist religious people all day, because they cause severe harm to others. No matter their religion.
Yet all I see on this board from the Left are (1) attacks against Christians and Christianity and (2) complaints of bigotry against Islam and Muslims.
We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
No. Religious fundamentalists, yes.
Then the Left is only seeing what it wants to see.

They attack Christians, constantly, and defend Muslims, constantly.

I don't think you're denying that, you just appear to be trying to justify it.
We have been over why the focus is on Christians several times already. You should go back and take notes.
Yet all I see on this board from the Left are (1) attacks against Christians and Christianity and (2) complaints of bigotry against Islam and Muslims.
We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
No. Religious fundamentalists, yes.
Then the Left is only seeing what it wants to see.

They attack Christians, constantly, and defend Muslims, constantly.

I don't think you're denying that, you just appear to be trying to justify it.
We have been over why the focus is on Christians several times already. You should go back and take notes.
I have been, hence my post.

You feel this behavior is justified, I think it's hypocrisy.
It's reasonable to wonder why some folks are so quick to denounce Christianity and so quick to defend Islam.

No, I'm not attacking Islam, PC Police, so don't try to deflect.

Bigotry against religion is fine if it's one religion in particular, and they illustrate that every day.

I despise both Christianity and Islam equally. Both are weird and simply scams on humanity. Why can't you ever hear me when I say that?

Earmuffs, bitch.
Why does the left refuse to acknowledge a declaration of war?

The OP doesn't quite have the right idea or answer to its own question. The picture below and its recruiting potential shed a light on the true source of islamic extremist attacks: their fear of American influence spreading into their society, and thereby extinguishing their faith eventually. After all, they just saw a Christian get thrown in jail for abiding by her Bible and God's command. The left doesnt' want this discussion because EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS INSTINCTIVELY what the islamics are all about. But they have even told us, haven't they? The word "infidel" is the exact description of the picture below and the collective-values of a society that seems to promote it, or at least does nothing to stop its spread..

Why the left ACTUALLY doesn't want an active discussion of the islamic terrorist threat...Are we all going to die for the new cult religion?

We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
No. Religious fundamentalists, yes.
Then the Left is only seeing what it wants to see.

They attack Christians, constantly, and defend Muslims, constantly.

I don't think you're denying that, you just appear to be trying to justify it.
We have been over why the focus is on Christians several times already. You should go back and take notes.
I have been, hence my post.

You feel this behavior is justified, I think it's hypocrisy.
It would be hypocrisy if the left said Muslims should be allowed to discriminate against gay people, deny science in schools, etc.

The left does not do that. The left is against religious fundamentalist tyranny in the U.S., and it is a fact that Christians, not Muslims, are the ones behind it in this country. This isn't that hard to understand.
What Islam says about gays, women, church/state, creationism, and spreading the gospel is far more in line with what republicans want in this country than what Democrats want.
If that's the case, tell me why the Left is so quick to defend Islam against bigotry.

We defend all against bigotry. You disingenuous, passive aggressive freak ya..
What Islam says about gays, women, church/state, creationism, and spreading the gospel is far more in line with what republicans want in this country than what Democrats want.
If that's the case, tell me why the Left is so quick to defend Islam against bigotry.
Try to be a little more specific in your charges...I don't defend Muslims when it comes to their individual actions...
I am being specific. The Left passionately defends what it calls "bigotry" against Islam & Muslims, while being more than willing to say pretty much anything about Christianity & Christians.

Thread after thread, post after post, right on this board.

Bullshit. Examples of both. Please.
What Islam says about gays, women, church/state, creationism, and spreading the gospel is far more in line with what republicans want in this country than what Democrats want.
If that's the case, tell me why the Left is so quick to defend Islam against bigotry.
Give me some specific instances. I think what you're upset about is that we won't brand all 1 billion Muslims on the planet as terrorists and jump to destroy them all, women and children included.
One of the standard straw men: "not all Muslims are terrorists". Yes, I know.

You're not really going to deny that Christians & Christianity are not regularly attacked & criticized on this very board, are you?

In what way? Prove that I attack Christianity any more than I attack Islam. I will wait.

Christians hold the cards in this nation, idiot. They actively oppress people. That gets attacked by me. Muslims hold the cards in the ME. They actively oppress people. That gets attacked by me.

Stop being a victim.
Give me some specific instances. I think what you're upset about is that we won't brand all 1 billion Muslims on the planet as terrorists and jump to destroy them all, women and children included.
One of the standard straw men: "not all Muslims are terrorists". Yes, I know.

You're not really going to deny that Christians & Christianity are not regularly attacked & criticized on this very board, are you?
In a message board based in the U.S., a country where it is Christians trying to impose their beliefs (most of which are shared by Islam) on the people, do you really expect more complaints about Islam than Christianity?

And I would bet there are many more anti-Islam threads than anti-Christianity threads on this forum. Just look at the active topics.
What I expect is what I'm getting: Passionate defense of Islam & Muslims, constant criticism of Christians & Christianity, and intellectually dishonest equation of the two from the Left.

The examples on this board are virtually endless.
You didn't refute anything in my post.

Is it Christians, or Muslims trying to impose their religion on people in this country?

Does Islam support or condemn gay marriage? Abortion? Teaching creationism? Separation of Church and state? Contraception? Keeping women subservient to men? Capital punishment? How about Christians in the U.S., do they condemn or support those things?
Both religions are proscribed to impose their religion everywhere.

Islam condemns gay marriage. Abortion, I think. Creationism, yes. Separation of Church & State? No, I don't think so. Contraception? I don't think they're for that. Keeping women subservient to men? Yes. Capital punishment? Yes, obviously.

There, I answered your questions, as if any of that matters.

The American Left, demonstrated here regularly, says it's terribly concerned about bigotry toward Islam but is more than happy to display that same bigotry towards Christianity.

My point remains, regardless of how much deflection is attempted.

You have not supported your claim. Not even a little bit.
Why does the left refuse to acknowledge a declaration of war?

The OP doesn't quite have the right idea or answer to its own question. The picture below and its recruiting potential shed a light on the true source of islamic extremist attacks: their fear of American influence spreading into their society, and thereby extinguishing their faith eventually. After all, they just saw a Christian get thrown in jail for abiding by her Bible and God's command. The left doesnt' want this discussion because EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS INSTINCTIVELY what the islamics are all about. But they have even told us, haven't they? The word "infidel" is the exact description of the picture below and the collective-values of a society that seems to promote it, or at least does nothing to stop its spread..

Why the left ACTUALLY doesn't want an active discussion of the islamic terrorist threat...Are we all going to die for the new cult religion?


Jenner is clearly to blame for the monstrous acts of ISIS. lol. You're becoming more unhinged each passing day and I must admit, it is quite delightful to behold.
Okay so now we've established that Islam and Christianity share many beliefs that the left fights against in this country. We've also established that it is Christians trying to impose those religious evils on this country. Good. Now we can get to your bigotry concern.

There are many moderate Christians in this country. Nobody attacks them. There are also many moderate Muslims in this country. They ARE attacked; by fundamentalist Christians. I'll be bigoted against fundamentalist religious people all day, because they cause severe harm to others. No matter their religion.
Yet all I see on this board from the Left are (1) attacks against Christians and Christianity and (2) complaints of bigotry against Islam and Muslims.
We've already established why #1 happens. Because Islam is not relevant to our laws and culture and it is Christians, not Muslims, trying to impact those things in this country. So obviously there will be more threads about Christians, because they are the ones in the news all the time trying to inflict harm on people in this country, not Muslims.

#2 - there are people in this country who are literally calling for genocide against Muslims over the violent actions of a tiny fraction of their population. When a moderate Muslim comes under attack by one of those nutjobs, of course they should be defended. Wouldn't you defend them? I would defend a moderate Christian if the roles were reversed.
So you're saying that it is acceptable to be bigoted against Christianity & Christians but not against Islam & Muslims.

Is that correct?
No. Religious fundamentalists, yes.
Then the Left is only seeing what it wants to see.

They attack Christians, constantly, and defend Muslims, constantly.

I don't think you're denying that, you just appear to be trying to justify it.

Nope. I do no such thing. May Allah be fucked by his horse.
It's because they sympathize with monsters who target, torture and slaughter the innocent. They always have, they always will.

Progressives do nit speak out nor take action against psychopaths and tyrants because they ADMIRE them.

Alex Duzik on Twitter
Republicans control the Congress. It is their duty and privilege to declare war. If war has not been declared on the people who should have war declared on them, it is the Republican Congress's fault. The so-called "progressives" have no say in declaring war at the current time.
It's because they sympathize with monsters who target, torture and slaughter the innocent. They always have, they always will.

Progressives do nit speak out nor take action against psychopaths and tyrants because they ADMIRE them.

Alex Duzik on Twitter
Republicans control the Congress. It is their duty and privilege to declare war. If war has not been declared on the people who should have war declared on them, it is the Republican Congress's fault. The so-called "progressives" have no say in declaring war at the current time.
Read the OP again, sympathizer...I said they refuse to acknowledge the declaration of war. Not that they refuse to declare war. Another disingenuous ploy by an anti American pos to shift focus and create a different discussion.
Oh they aren't against war as we saw with Obama. they just prefer to do it his chickenshit way. Drop bombs on the people, take out their leaders, (yes they were bad). but unlike President Bush, when he took out Saddam he left the people HELP in the way of our military for rebuilding and Protection.

Obama way. bomb them and then leave them alone to be devoured by groups like ISIS, Al quida, etc.

I wonder how many people in the country knew all of the countries in the middle east that has bombed? this media is NOT A FRIEND to us people. with Bush we got DAILY head counting of the dead. with this puke it's been crickets.

so because of "Obama's way".....you are seeing the results starting with massive invasions of so called, refuges, into other countries around the world. BREAKING down borders, their defenses, rule of law and now backing it up with Terrorism
Yeah Dubya really "helped" 400,000+ Iraqi civilians. If only he had just taken out their leaders.
Bush didnt kill 400,000 civilians. You are clearly uninformed when it comes to the Iraq war.
You don't have the authority to choose who is a real Christian and who isn't.
Of course they (think they) do.

They won't even admit that they're bigoted towards Christianity & Christians while defending Islam & Muslims.

They do it constantly here, every day, thread after thread, post after post, guno being the prime example. And yet they won't admit it.

As I've always said, the PC Police have a great deal to protect, and they will not admit a thing. Even something this obvious.

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