Why Does the Left Spend More Time Talking about Republican Candidates Then Their Own Candidates?

Because they never accept responsibility for their guaranteed failure, its the fault of the rich, Boooooosh, it was never fully implemented, etc. They can't learn from their mistakes because they're perfect. Lol

The US interstate highway system is a guaranteed failure? It's actually done a number of very positive things.

The interstate highway system costs $4 trillion annually?

You Progs are so ridiculous

I don't recall cost being brought up, just vilifying socialism yet again.
You can't separate cost from socialism, just ask the Greeks

Okay, let's try to imagine the modern day without any national highway system....hmmm....
you mean a system built by locals that put the roads where they want them and don't take peoples land from them to put down a road?

that kind of system?

yea, freedom is a fucking stewpud idea
Dont their three wrinkled, old, White and rich candidates have anything interesting to say?

Socialism: It'll work this time! Trust us!
It's worked every time.

the horrific results were always the end game. If not, why keep doing it?

Because they never accept responsibility for their guaranteed failure, its the fault of the rich, Boooooosh, it was never fully implemented, etc. They can't learn from their mistakes because they're perfect. Lol

The US interstate highway system is a guaranteed failure? It's actually done a number of very positive things.

The interstate highway system costs $4 trillion annually?

You Progs are so ridiculous
Your comment is ridiculously senseless. Any supporter of unregulated capitalism or outright socialism is senseless. Context, Frank, context.
Nyvin has pinned Two Thumbs and timed him out. Context, TT, context. You have not been able to hold a point at all in this thread or on your OP. That's why you have deflected.
Nyvin has pinned Two Thumbs and timed him out. Context, TT, context. You have not been able to hold a point at all in this thread or on your OP. That's why you have deflected.
he didn't pin jack

I followed the flow of the subjects as they went.

the left talks about con pols b/c people like to bitch when they have nothing to support in reality.

like socialism, in reality is a truly vile form of politics that ends with the country in ruins.

ex; nazi germany
North Korea
most african nations
most South American nations
most Central American nations

And lets not forget to mention the billions upon billions that are murdered to enforce socialism.

making the assertion that socialism works, on paper, when history tells you it ACTUALLY fails....
actually leftard Trump didn't say anything Obama's surrogates didn't say when McCain ran. in fact the Left said MUCH WORSE; calling McCain a traitor who gave up information for special treatment

libs are douchebag hypocrites
Hillary is going to talk about Benghazi, as soon as she tells the committee what questions to ask and which ones not to ask. And she has a vagina.
How can 6 billion be unaccounted for if they knew how much it is?

At least the money Republicans lost in Iraq was counted first:

How the US sent 12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish World news The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.

The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.


Even better than binders of women is pallets of money.
John McCain: Privileged 'War Hero' Fraud, Liar ...
John McCain: Privileged 'War Hero', Liar, Collaborator, Traitor Part 1 . Editor's Note: I transcribed the dialog of a 5 part video interview on June 22, 2007 ...

this is just one attack, FROM THE LEFT; leading up to the 2008 presidential race
Odd that there was no rancor, no judgment, no media outrage when democrat Al Franken said the same thing. He said he wasn't buying the hero thing and that McCain sat out the war.
It's all a game. A really stupid game that Americans don't seem to be paying much attention to anymore.
Hillary is going to talk about Benghazi, as soon as she tells the committee what questions to ask and which ones not to ask. And she has a vagina.
How can 6 billion be unaccounted for if they knew how much it is?

At least the money Republicans lost in Iraq was counted first:

How the US sent 12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish World news The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.

The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.


Even better than binders of women is pallets of money.

You act like I approve of one of those 2 examples. I do not. Nor do I think I should elect one of them.......
actually leftard Trump didn't say anything Obama's surrogates didn't say when McCain ran. in fact the Left said MUCH WORSE; calling McCain a traitor who gave up information for special treatment

libs are douchebag hypocrites
I think what right wingers have been saying about McCain has been worse. It's coming from those who are supposed to be "his" people.
actually leftard Trump didn't say anything Obama's surrogates didn't say when McCain ran. in fact the Left said MUCH WORSE; calling McCain a traitor who gave up information for special treatment

libs are douchebag hypocrites
I think what right wingers have been saying about McCain has been worse. It's coming from those who are supposed to be "his" people.

I notice that you come from the MOST CORRUPT city in the United States Rdean. I am wondering with all your blather; how did that governors race come out for you leftists-) I hear Mr Quinnochio is going to run for dogcatcher. Has he got your vote? I know Hilly was born there, but can she even carry Illinois, hehehehehehehe.

In any case, we conservatives should enjoy these phoney-baloneys talking about our candidates. The harder they try and convince you one is a dog, the more you should realize they are not.

Just consider...................most of these people believe that Hilly is the end all, be all. Their second choice is an avowed socialist named Bernie, lol. They also support the very Reverend Sharpton, Jesse, and Wright. They believe in the brilliance of Kerry, Jarret, Rice, and the soothing words of Josh Earnest. In fact, their leader of their party is someone called "Wasserman (I know nothing, nothing) Shultz." Colonel Hogan would be so proud!

After looking at this stable of nin-com-poops, why would you take seriously anything they have to say? Non of the people I listed can carry on a conversation with any honesty; and the American people have realized it..........finally.

Just laugh at the left. Nobody actually believes them anymore, so what do we care what they say about any of our candidates. All we should care about is what WE say, along with the independents. Right now, it looks like the left might be snickering all the way to the unemployment line, so let them carry on with their arrogant tude; we really do not care until election day.
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