Why does the left think the Constitution applies to non-Americans?

Here you seem to have taken an opposing position to the one you tout now. Originally you apparently didn't think the Constitution applied to foreigners on American soil under any circumstances and that any justice they receive is bestowed in the interest of human rights rather than Constitutional rights. I don't accept that position, especially when the foreigner is the perpetrator of a serious crime. If you have changed your perspective since you wrote the second paragraph, I applaud you. If you haven't , please explain.

It doesn't automatically apply to foreigners on American soil. It applies to "foreign nationals" who are here legally, and I have already corrected my error on that.

There are SOME who argue that when a person's feet touch American soil, they instantaneously have Constitutional rights bestowed. That is what I am challenging in the OP.
Here you seem to have taken an opposing position to the one you tout now. Originally you apparently didn't think the Constitution applied to foreigners on American soil under any circumstances and that any justice they receive is bestowed in the interest of human rights rather than Constitutional rights. I don't accept that position, especially when the foreigner is the perpetrator of a serious crime. If you have changed your perspective since you wrote the second paragraph, I applaud you. If you haven't , please explain.

It doesn't automatically apply to foreigners on American soil. It applies to "foreign nationals" who are here legally, and I have already corrected my error on that.

There are SOME who argue that when a person's feet touch American soil, they instantaneously have Constitutional rights bestowed. That is what I am challenging in the OP.
Can you site any case, to support this opinion of yours? Where an illegal or a foreign parachuter :), on our soil, was not given due process???

Looks like this last federal judge who put a stay on the order nationwide, might disagree???

hmmm, I just thought of something that might support your contention....I remember some singer being turned away that flew in from England....was it Cat Stevens? But I do believe he was on a watch list of some kind for some silly reason, and they missed it, and let him fly here.....
Here you seem to have taken an opposing position to the one you tout now. Originally you apparently didn't think the Constitution applied to foreigners on American soil under any circumstances and that any justice they receive is bestowed in the interest of human rights rather than Constitutional rights. I don't accept that position, especially when the foreigner is the perpetrator of a serious crime. If you have changed your perspective since you wrote the second paragraph, I applaud you. If you haven't , please explain.

It doesn't automatically apply to foreigners on American soil. It applies to "foreign nationals" who are here legally, and I have already corrected my error on that.

There are SOME who argue that when a person's feet touch American soil, they instantaneously have Constitutional rights bestowed. That is what I am challenging in the OP.

Pardon my persistence, but I must ask what would you call the trial of Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, the illegal who shot and killed Kathryn Steinle. Sanchez had a long history of illegal entry and deportations. You can argue that he did not have Constitutional rights each time he set foot on our soil but that theory was thoroughly debunked when he was accused of killing someone on American soil. Once arrested, Sanchez immediately incurred the right to a lawyer, and a speedy trial so that he could defend himself against accusations of murder. That due process, set in motion by a chain of events, is a Constitutional guarantee that was extended to Sanchez regardless of his legal or illegal status.
Because a government empowered to strip people of their rights based on their 'papers' is a threat to everyone. Most especially its own citizens.
What "rights" do foreigners residing on foreign soil have in America?
a Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to them, moron. I already explained why.
No, you haven't. Are you merely indulging, right wing fantasy?

How can our supreme law of the land, not apply to any Person in our Republic?
We're discussing people who aren't on US soil, moron.
No, we are not.
Any foreigner residing or traveling within the USA legally is subject to all laws and jurisdictions wherever he goes. Conversely, it is essential that protections afforded by our Constitution be extended as well. For instance: Foreigners accused of crimes such as murder or rape have no immunity against prosecution and the requisite due process that follows. Due process is crucial, and it IS a cornerstone of the Constitution.

There is no separate process for non citizens arrested for serious crimes, they too are entitled to have a lawyer and a trial before being deprived of the same liberties that citizens enjoy.

Now, if a foreigner, such as a tourist, is victimized, even by another foreigner on American soil
both victim and perpetrator are subject to US law and Constitutional protections.

Without protection, what tourist would venture to our shores with family in tow, knowing the risk of having no redress for grievances launched on their behalf.

You are describing "foreign nationals" and no one is advocating they not be given Constitutional protections or due process rights. This has been litigated by SCOTUS and a matter of law. Again... the point of the OP is regarding people who are not in our country. Or... people who are awaiting allowance into our country at the airports or borders.

You are absolutely correct that due process is the cornerstone of our Constitution, which is precisely why it cannot be applied to persons outside of our country. We cannot enforce due process in another country, therefore, the Constitution cannot apply.
It was being applied to legal US residents overseas.
Here you seem to have taken an opposing position to the one you tout now. Originally you apparently didn't think the Constitution applied to foreigners on American soil under any circumstances and that any justice they receive is bestowed in the interest of human rights rather than Constitutional rights. I don't accept that position, especially when the foreigner is the perpetrator of a serious crime. If you have changed your perspective since you wrote the second paragraph, I applaud you. If you haven't , please explain.

It doesn't automatically apply to foreigners on American soil. It applies to "foreign nationals" who are here legally, and I have already corrected my error on that.

There are SOME who argue that when a person's feet touch American soil, they instantaneously have Constitutional rights bestowed. That is what I am challenging in the OP.
Our Constitution? Yes, it does.
What the left really needed to do is visit Ellis Island and see what immigrants had to go through to come to America. By gosh they had English classes.

Two factors at play in my opinion.

The left is lazy. Having no restriction is easy. Besides wanting there pools cleaned and companies filled with cheap labor.

Second is that the left loves to force the unpopular opinion on everyone else and act all righteous in doing so. Most people are for gun rights, f.. them their opinion doesn't matter say the left. Most people think there should be limits on abortion. f.. them their opinion does not matter, say the left. Most people are for legal controlled and safe immigration. f... them their opinion doesn't matter, say the left. More illegals voted for Hillary then Trump, now her receiving more votes all of a sudden most becomes important.

Here is an excellent article explaining the rabid left:

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think" | The Heritage Foundation
What the left really needed to do is visit Ellis Island and see what immigrants had to go through to come to America. By gosh they had English classes.

Two factors at play in my opinion.

The left is lazy. Having no restriction is easy. Besides wanting there pools cleaned and companies filled with cheap labor.

Second is that the left loves to force the unpopular opinion on everyone else and act all righteous in doing so. Most people are for gun rights, f.. them their opinion doesn't matter say the left. Most people think there should be limits on abortion. f.. them their opinion does not matter, say the left. Most people are for legal controlled and safe immigration. f... them their opinion doesn't matter, say the left. More illegals voted for Hillary then Trump, now her receiving more votes all of a sudden most becomes important.

Here is an excellent article explaining the rabid left:

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think" | The Heritage Foundation
I guess our Constitution, has nothing to do with it.
What the left really needed to do is visit Ellis Island and see what immigrants had to go through to come to America. By gosh they had English classes.

Two factors at play in my opinion.

The left is lazy. Having no restriction is easy. Besides wanting there pools cleaned and companies filled with cheap labor.

Second is that the left loves to force the unpopular opinion on everyone else and act all righteous in doing so. Most people are for gun rights, f.. them their opinion doesn't matter say the left. Most people think there should be limits on abortion. f.. them their opinion does not matter, say the left. Most people are for legal controlled and safe immigration. f... them their opinion doesn't matter, say the left. More illegals voted for Hillary then Trump, now her receiving more votes all of a sudden most becomes important.

Here is an excellent article explaining the rabid left:

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think" | The Heritage Foundation
I guess our Constitution, has nothing to do with it.

You would guess right. the only time the constitution matters is when the left can use it to force the minority opinion onto others, which is their game. Other then that it is just a piece of old paper.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? .

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men [not just US citizens] are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thomas Jefferson
Read more at: Thomas Jefferson Quotes - BrainyQuote
You would guess right. the only time the constitution matters is when the left can use it to force the minority opinion onto others, which is their game. Other then that it is just a piece of old paper.
Those snowflakes can be a living hell for you all...tissue ?

by the way a minority of Americans inflicted Orange Julius on all of us ...
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? .

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men [not just US citizens] are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thomas Jefferson
Read more at: Thomas Jefferson Quotes - BrainyQuote
A bigger question might be, why does the Left want to flood the nation with immigrants from the third world and Muslim nations?
Looks like this last federal judge who put a stay on the order nationwide, might disagree???

That was an unconstitutional overreach of judicial power. The judge had no authority to do that. I posted the statute yesterday and it does not give the court authority in this matter. The Trump Justice Department should move to have that judge impeached.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? .

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men [not just US citizens] are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thomas Jefferson
Read more at: Thomas Jefferson Quotes - BrainyQuote

That's the Declaration of Independence and not the Constitution. It is stating the basis on which we established our Constitution. It's important in that regard alone.

We cannot apply the Constitution to people we have no jurisdiction over and whom we cannot enforce the Constitution upon. If we ruled the world it would be different, but we don't. It would certainly be a wonderful world if our Constitution prevailed over it all and I would be glad to accept such a world. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen.
Here you seem to have taken an opposing position to the one you tout now. Originally you apparently didn't think the Constitution applied to foreigners on American soil under any circumstances and that any justice they receive is bestowed in the interest of human rights rather than Constitutional rights. I don't accept that position, especially when the foreigner is the perpetrator of a serious crime. If you have changed your perspective since you wrote the second paragraph, I applaud you. If you haven't , please explain.

It doesn't automatically apply to foreigners on American soil. It applies to "foreign nationals" who are here legally, and I have already corrected my error on that.

There are SOME who argue that when a person's feet touch American soil, they instantaneously have Constitutional rights bestowed. That is what I am challenging in the OP.

Pardon my persistence, but I must ask what would you call the trial of Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, the illegal who shot and killed Kathryn Steinle. Sanchez had a long history of illegal entry and deportations. You can argue that he did not have Constitutional rights each time he set foot on our soil but that theory was thoroughly debunked when he was accused of killing someone on American soil. Once arrested, Sanchez immediately incurred the right to a lawyer, and a speedy trial so that he could defend himself against accusations of murder. That due process, set in motion by a chain of events, is a Constitutional guarantee that was extended to Sanchez regardless of his legal or illegal status.

You said it best yourself... it was a right EXTENDED to him. This is because we are civilized people in a civilized society, not because he is due something by way of law. In all honesty, he could have just as easily been executed on the spot without a trial. Again... since we are not barbarians, we afforded the man due process rights. This was a courtesy not a requirement.
A bigger question might be, why does the Left want to flood the nation with immigrants from the third world and Muslim nations?
Read the inscription in the Statue of Liberty the one Trump beheaded with a machete

Again, the Statue of Liberty is not the Constitution and has no legally binding authority.
Could it be the poster believes otherwise?


Well it's like one of them told me the other day.... and I quote: "Trump is literally Hitler!"

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