Why does the left wing have such a low regard for human beings.....?

As children most liberals have been sexually abuse by other liberals
Preventing people from having more children is probably unconstitutional (except in prison?), but public benefits/tax deductions for large families is unwarranted and counter-productive. People who continue to have children they can't or won't take care of should be prosecuted for child abuse or neglect.
The left, for some reason, wants population control.....why is that?

Population Control, the Undying Dream of the Left

A couple random thoughts:

Why does the left wing have such a low regard for human beings.....?"

is what you get from that Alexandra DeSanctis opinion peace?

It is nice to know you support my economic and social policies of letting in every Hispanic I can get my hands on because population growth is good. I'll post a link to my thread and wait for your "like" later.

As children most liberals have been sexually abuse by other liberals

You accidentally posted this in the CDZ Tank.

Or I suppose post your link that says 50.000001% or more of liberals were sexually abused by someone besides a good conservative anti-abortion catholic priest. Gimme that link and I will owe you a GIF of me bowing to your stat buddy!
Or I suppose post your link that says 50.000001% or more of liberals were sexually abused by someone besides a good conservative anti-abortion catholic priest. Gimme that link and I will owe you a GIF of me bowing to your stat buddy!
Those are all liberals pretending to be good conservative anti-abortion catholic priests
The left, for some reason, wants population control.....why is that?

Population Control, the Undying Dream of the Left
...except in the form of the death penalty. They love losers and criminals....

I have this idea for the wheel of punishment portion of sentencing.

Pretty much if you commit murder we'll make 20% of slots on the wheel the death sentence.

If you shoot someone and don't kill them, ain't my fault you aimed poorly, 20%.

Steal with a firearm .1%, 1 in a 1,000 I believe.

Steal more than $1,000 dollars via any means, .01% increased by .1% for every grand more added to your fraud or crime.

You up for it?
Or I suppose post your link that says 50.000001% or more of liberals were sexually abused by someone besides a good conservative anti-abortion catholic priest. Gimme that link and I will owe you a GIF of me bowing to your stat buddy!
Those are all liberals pretending to be good conservative anti-abortion catholic priests

lol. Them liberal fundamentalists lol.

Hey, while we yell names from different sides of things I suspect we both support the death penalty for the abusers.

Also it shows you don't want them on "your side" any more than I want them on mine so in a practical way we agree.
Also it shows you don't want them on "your side" any more than I want them on mine so in a practical way we agree.
You may not want them on your side, but that's where they are


I was being nice.

Then you presumably said the leadership of the big daddy of the 'christianish' organizations the conservative wing of the government always talks about our country being based on are liberal.

So are you saying our country was founded on liberal ideals?

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