Why Does the Obama Administration want MORE people on food Stamps???


Apr 22, 2007
Is it the governments responsibility to ADVERTISE HANDOUTS!!! They need to do this, because people are TOO STUPID to do the research on their own! Give me a break! It you need a handout or government assistance, then you better do the research for yourself. I mean when did these programs of helping people get onto their feet, become entitlements that everyone should get?

The goal shouldn't be to increase the ranks of food stamp participation rather it should be to reduce them through providing means for them to provide for themselves (meaning creating an economy where people work)!!!

This worthless President has been an utter failure on everything from economy, to his energy policy, to the deficit to foreign policy to his divisive politics! He is bad plain and simple!!!

Government runs ads to get more people on food stamps - Jun. 25, 2012
Government wants more people on food stamps

More than one in seven Americans are on food stamps, but the federal government wants even more people to sign up for the safety net program. <That is 44 MILLION Americans if your counting!!!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been running radio ads for the past four months encouraging those eligible to enroll. The campaign is targeted at the elderly, working poor, the unemployed and Hispanics. <The Pandering never stops with this puss-bag President. The economy is what matters, TRY RUNNING ON THAT INSTEAD OF PANDERING AND SELLING OUT. No a coincidence that a large participate group in the elderly Obama panders to and the Hispanics he panders - What a piece of shit!>

The department is spending between $2.5 million and $3 million on paid spots, and free public service announcements are also airing. The campaign can be heard in California, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, and the New York metro area. <Targeting NC, SC, TX and OH - Coincidence that NC, SC and OH are states he is desperately trying to win??? NOPE!>

The radio ads, which run through June 30, come amid a bitter partisan fight over the safety net program. Republican lawmakers want to reduce funding for the benefit or turn it into a block grant program, which would also minimize the cost. Democrats, however, are not willing to make major cuts. <This reaks of partisan gimmicks it's amazing!!!>

The issue has become so heated that Newt Gingrich called President Obama the "food stamp president" to show how he's increased government spending. <The left cried like babies, but its one of the most accurate characterization of Obama that has ever been made>

President Obama's stimulus act made it easier for childless, jobless adults to qualify for the program and increased the monthly benefit by about 15% through 2013.

Getting off government assistance
Some 46.4 million people are in the food stamps program, also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. That's just a touch below the record high hit in January. <Record High in Jan, Yes libs he IS THE FOOD STAMP PRESIDENT!>

In fiscal 2011, the federal government spent more than $75 billion on food stamps, up from $34.6 billion at the end of fiscal 2008, according to the USDA.

"We ought to be looking for ways to save money in the program, not to encourage more people to use it," said Chris Edwards, an economist with the Cato Institute, a libertarian organization.
The government wants more people dependent on the government. Self sufficient people are less likely to do what they are told.
Dependency. The more people they have on assistance the more they can claim they can't cut back.

Control is the ultimate goal.
Obama wants to be known as the Food Stamp President and he sees that as buying VOTES. Just as he is buying other sections of the population.
Does buying votes ring a bell. This is what he has been doing his whole life. He takes from the workers and gives to the lazy. They onl person I can think of that he is not actively helping is his brother in Kenya. Quite a family man and someone you would want looking out for you. He is not only a fraud but he is dangerous.
And its seems to be working to get him votes! Name a President where the economy was this bad that had any chance of winning. People might say Bush, but unemployment was low and the economy was booming (due to a bubble started during the Clinton Admin, but I digress), it wasn't until 2008 when the bubble burst and the economy fell apart. If the bubble burst in 2004 he would have gotten killed. Yet the economy today is in shabbles and getting worse with no signs of getting better, but the sellout in chief has a chance at reelection? :confused:

See who he panders to:
(1) Blacks - Hey bro look at the color of my skin (actually he doesn't pander to them! No Democrat really does. They are so blindly loyal, so why waste time, money and effort for their vote? Obama doesn't!)

(2) Hispanics - "Yo hombre, we will sell out America for illegal immigrant Amnesty. Not good enough, how about more entitlements, more free money, more food stamps and more crumbles from the table, BUT DON'T YOU TRY TO SIT AT THE TABLE, THAT IS FOR US ELITIST!!!"

(3) Elderly - "The GOP wants to get rid of your SS and medicare checks, they want to leave you homeless and hungry. Papa Obama will take care of you, here are some food stamps, now whose your sugar daddy?"

(4) Unions - In Obama's Speeches To the Public: "Fuck the Corps, screw them in the ASS, I will make YOUR employer give you free healthcare, higher wages, free beer, free hookers and I will raise their taxes so high that they scream for mercy! YYYYYYEEEESSSSS."

The Unemployed Union Worker: "Man Obamalia is on our side, I am so glad he is sticking it to the employers they aren't scumbags like Obama say, but only if I could find a job, life would be grand! Go team Obama!"

Behind Closed Doors: "LOL they bought it Mr. Corp, now sign the check to King Obama, move your opps overseas and here is your behind the door tax relief, hahaha, those liberal suckers thought those tax increases were on the corps, you bankroll me I couldn't do that, it was on those small business owners who don't make large contributions, headlines, don't have the capital to move overseas and have no lobbyist! Hahahaha fuck those poverty cases!"

(5) Liberals: Obama to groupd of liberals: "Who has the biggest cock in the room. I do that is! You guys are my sheep, now stand one foot and bark like dogs."
Axelrod to Obama over the loud barking crowd: "Are these smart comments to make? We want them to vote for you and turnout!"

Obama to Ax: " Relax Jewboy, I could literally take out an uzi and start mowing them down and I would still get 100% of the ones that survive to vote for me. Doesn't matter what you tell liberals during the generals, they so dumb! hahahahaha!"

Pandering, selling out, whoring for votes is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than fixing the economy or running on the economy when everything you have done has worsened it!

The government wants more people dependent on the government. Self sufficient people are less likely to do what they are told.

Dependency. The more people they have on assistance the more they can claim they can't cut back.

Control is the ultimate goal.


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