Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail?

There are so many stupid fucking threads posted on here lately I think I'm getting dumber from just reading them.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

Seriously? Are you even able to put one foot in front of the other and walk on your own? Let's use a simple example here that even you might be able to understand. There is a husband and wife. The husband understands having a budget and living within his means to supply their NEEDS. The wife has a credit card and feels it entitles her to buy anything she WANTS and put the payment of until "later". She keeps buying and spending and buying and spending and dolling the house up with all sorts of luxuries. The husband looks at the credit card bill and realizes that it is quickly growing to the point that they can no longer afford their NEEDS. He does the sensible thing and takes the credit card away from her to stem the flow of spending and force her to follow a budget. His other alternative is to steal from others to pay for the things his wife bought. The husband is the right and the wife is the left. The right has no desire for the economy to fail. They want it to thrive. They are intelligent enough to know that if you spend more than you can afford, bad things are going to happen......like failed economies.

And for those who are easily gender offended, feel free to swap the role of husband and wife.
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I agree this is a totally ridiculous thread. Yea, I want to keep living like this forever, wondering if I can pay the mortgage, the light bill or buy groceries. Sure the right wants the economy to fail.

When are the lefties here going to realize that DC is the 1%, they are the rich ones, they are the folks on the take. A better thread would be, "Why are the left content to let Washington lead us to slaughter???"

Right, left, it doesn't matter in DC, it only matters to us because THEY want it to. They're all the same, Dem or Repub, black or white, everyone of them is on the dole.............on your dime!!
What really gets me is that there are people who can make such thoughtless, stupid and incredibly uneducated political posts, yet they are the ones who consider themselves to be the intelligent one(s).
What really gets me is that there are people who can make such thoughtless, stupid and incredibly uneducated political posts, yet they are the ones who consider themselves to be the intelligent one(s).

they're full of shit aren't they?
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

Well the honest answer is because it's a slippery slope. Once we all got on the wanting dirty air and dirty water bandwagon things just started to snowball. Makes sense. After we and all our loved ones and friends got sick the world economy just seemed like the logical next thing to trash.
The right wants a world Depression because a Dem is in power... Just like when a Rep was in power the Dems wanted a world Depression. The question is do you blame Reps for a world Depression when it happened when Dems were the ones that wanted it so bad under Bush, you know, when it all fell apart? Or do you realize you're a fucking hack idiot who started another Trolling thread?
No, the right doesnt want a depression, idiot. The left doesnt want one either. But the left doesnt want to do what's necessary to balance their budgets and end deficit spending.
What really gets me is that there are people who can make such thoughtless, stupid and incredibly uneducated political posts, yet they are the ones who consider themselves to be the intelligent one(s).

they're full of shit aren't they?

I'm not sure that they are full of shit as much as it's they are the politically inferior. Like a teenager with a "fuck you I'm right!" opinion based off 1/10th of the information.

That's why I can't stand people like Cain, because Cain does what the OP in this thread does, just attacks one side and offeres no way to fix the problem.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

I don't think that "the reactionary right " wants it to fail . It just a simple fact that fascism/socialism are failures and those countries that have adopted them - including the US of A - will fail.


The right wants a world Depression because a Dem is in power... Just like when a Rep was in power the Dems wanted a world Depression. The question is do you blame Reps for a world Depression when it happened when Dems were the ones that wanted it so bad under Bush, you know, when it all fell apart? Or do you realize you're a fucking hack idiot who started another Trolling thread?
No, the right doesnt want a depression, idiot. The left doesnt want one either. But the left doesnt want to do what's necessary to balance their budgets and end deficit spending.

I know neither side wants a Depression, I was spewing the talking points both sides use whenever someone that is not their party is in power. For the record the only one on the right that talks about a balanced budget and actually tells us how we will get there is Ron Paul.. Now others are scrambling to put together a plan but none of them cut near enough to amount to dick.
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A better question would be why does the reactionary left want the government to rule our lives and get us back to the days when we fought a revolution to get away from that kind of treatment?
Do you think the U.S. defaulting on its debt burden would have caused home and 401k values to go up?

Who is advocating default? We have PLENTY of revenue to make interest payments...at least currently we do. Nobody is talking default, we're talking about whether we should be adding even more to the debt or should we be working to reduce our debt. Where do you stand and which approach is more likely to ultimately result in default down the road, more or less debt?

How will you be paying your share by the way?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We don't just have to make interest payments, principal balances must be paid as they come due. Social Security also has to be paid.
Yeah, sure. We're all hoping our 401Ks and home values continue to spin downward. It's so much fun losing money.

Sarcasm off.

Back to reality -

God, you're a fucking idiot.

Do you think the U.S. defaulting on its debt burden would have caused home and 401k values to go up?

I am addressing your OP, dumbfuck, not your idiotic "what ifs."

??? What "what if"? The right attempted to begin the process of default earlier this year, were you not paying attention?
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

Seriously? Are you even able to put one foot in front of the other and walk on your own? Let's use a simple example here that even you might be able to understand. There is a husband and wife. The husband understands having a budget and living within his means to supply their NEEDS. The wife has a credit card and feels it entitles her to buy anything she WANTS and put the payment of until "later". She keeps buying and spending and buying and spending and dolling the house up with all sorts of luxuries. The husband looks at the credit card bill and realizes that it is quickly growing to the point that they can no longer afford their NEEDS. He does the sensible thing and takes the credit card away from her to stem the flow of spending and force her to follow a budget. His other alternative is to steal from others to pay for the things his wife bought. The husband is the right and the wife is the left. The right has no desire for the economy to fail. They want it to thrive. They are intelligent enough to know that if you spend more than you can afford, bad things are going to happen......like failed economies.

And for those who are easily gender offended, feel free to swap the role of husband and wife.

Do the husband and wife have, as their income, the tax revenues of the largest economy on the planet Earth, and is the interest rate on their credit cards around 3.5%? If not, I fail to see what your analogy applies to.
I agree this is a totally ridiculous thread. Yea, I want to keep living like this forever, wondering if I can pay the mortgage, the light bill or buy groceries. Sure the right wants the economy to fail.

When are the lefties here going to realize that DC is the 1%, they are the rich ones, they are the folks on the take. A better thread would be, "Why are the left content to let Washington lead us to slaughter???"

Right, left, it doesn't matter in DC, it only matters to us because THEY want it to. They're all the same, Dem or Repub, black or white, everyone of them is on the dole.............on your dime!!

Ohh, my bad. You just support policies that will lead to economic failure, but you don't want the economy to fail. That makes sense.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

I don't think that "the reactionary right " wants it to fail . It just a simple fact that fascism/socialism are failures and those countries that have adopted them - including the US of A - will fail.



The U.S. has had socialist institutions since its beginning and it hasn't failed yet.

I ask - why do you want the US to fail?
I dont know who your speaking for but its not me. IF the economy tanks then so does our retirement , my housing will tank ,I am sure that has already happened with all the foreclosures around us .. So, to your question. Not all rightwingers want the economy to fail
Do you think the U.S. defaulting on its debt burden would have caused home and 401k values to go up?

Who is advocating default? We have PLENTY of revenue to make interest payments...at least currently we do. Nobody is talking default, we're talking about whether we should be adding even more to the debt or should we be working to reduce our debt. Where do you stand and which approach is more likely to ultimately result in default down the road, more or less debt?

How will you be paying your share by the way?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We don't just have to make interest payments, principal balances must be paid as they come due. Social Security also has to be paid.

Then it's about damn time we stop spending more than we take it, wouldn't you say?

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