Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail?

Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?
Well if Toonces the Driving Cat wasn't at the helm, the rest of the sane in this nation wouldn't be in the back seat screaming in terror as we flew off an economic cliff while the libs sitting next to him weren't saying "It's okay, he can drive on air."

Want the world economy to crash? Bullshit. Trying to get out of the car before we die with the idiot behind the wheel or at least wrestle it away from him and save everyone's economy.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?
Well if Toonces the Driving Cat wasn't at the helm, the rest of the sane in this nation wouldn't be in the back seat screaming in terror as we flew off an economic cliff while the libs sitting next to him weren't saying "It's okay, he can drive on air."

Want the world economy to crash? Bullshit. Trying to get out of the car before we die with the idiot behind the wheel or at least wrestle it away from him and save everyone's economy.

Yet another analogy based argument, devoid of actual substance.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?
Well if Toonces the Driving Cat wasn't at the helm, the rest of the sane in this nation wouldn't be in the back seat screaming in terror as we flew off an economic cliff while the libs sitting next to him weren't saying "It's okay, he can drive on air."

Want the world economy to crash? Bullshit. Trying to get out of the car before we die with the idiot behind the wheel or at least wrestle it away from him and save everyone's economy.

Yet another analogy based argument, devoid of actual substance.
Really? And where is the money coming from for all this new spending? How long you think he's going to get to continue the illusion of solvancy while printing us into the Weimar Republic to cover our debts?


Fiat currency is only as good as the integrity of the government that says it's worth something.

Where is the job growth?
Where is the accountability for corrupt elected officials profiteering off of crony capitalism?
Where's the economic restraint?

You're fucking nuts if you think nothing is wrong here.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail?

Cause they are doing the bidding of their reactionary cronies. What the cronies do not yet realize is they are the seed of their own destruction, but who can reach a closed, narrow mind?
Conner opines

Yesterday I would of agreed with your reply. Today I also look at the left for its participation in the failing economy.

I said BIG CAPITAL enjoys this economy.

Unlike most of the nitwit here who tsee the game as a LEFT V RIGHT battle, that is not how my world outlooks works.

There is no left or right fighting over control of the nation.

There are no communists or capitalists battling for the world.

There are insiders V everybody else.

It wasn't just Democrats who are screwed, it wasn't just Republicans screwed, it was everybody who isn't an INSIDER who is being victimized by this disaster.

Rich folks middle class folks, and po' folk, regardless of political party all vicitims.

Get it?
Conner opines

Yesterday I would of agreed with your reply. Today I also look at the left for its participation in the failing economy.
I said BIG CAPITAL enjoys this economy.

Unlike most of the nitwit here who tsee the game as a LEFT V RIGHT battle, that is not how my world outlooks works.

There is no left or right fighting over control of the nation.

There are no communists or capitalists battling for the world.

There are insiders V everybody else.

It wasn't just Democrats who are screwed, it wasn't just Republicans screwed, it was everybody who isn't an INSIDER who is being victimized by this disaster.

Rich folks middle class folks, and po' folk, regardless of political party all vicitims.

Get it?

I would just like to add the word VERY to your Big Capital
And say 'spot on'
Well if Toonces the Driving Cat wasn't at the helm, the rest of the sane in this nation wouldn't be in the back seat screaming in terror as we flew off an economic cliff while the libs sitting next to him weren't saying "It's okay, he can drive on air."

Want the world economy to crash? Bullshit. Trying to get out of the car before we die with the idiot behind the wheel or at least wrestle it away from him and save everyone's economy.

Yet another analogy based argument, devoid of actual substance.
Really? And where is the money coming from for all this new spending? How long you think he's going to get to continue the illusion of solvancy while printing us into the Weimar Republic to cover our debts?


Fiat currency is only as good as the integrity of the government that says it's worth something.

Where is the job growth?
Where is the accountability for corrupt elected officials profiteering off of crony capitalism?
Where's the economic restraint?

You're fucking nuts if you think nothing is wrong here.

And all of this changes the fact that refusing to raise a debt ceiling when you revenues only cover half your expenses will cause treasury prices to drop through the floor - how?

You're confused. I didn't say the reactionary right wanted to fix the economy in a different way than the radical left. I said they want to destroy it. This is abundantly clear by their actions in Congress. They weren't just toying with the debt ceiling for politics, they were clearly 100% willing to allow it to be hit and to suffer the punishing consequences of trillions of dollars in treasuries being dumped all at once by panicked bond investors. I have yet to find a single person on this board or anywhere who says they would buy treasuries if the debt ceiling hadn't been raised. For a bond's price to not fall into oblivion, there has to actually be willing buyers. Do you understand economics?
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Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

Do you have a link to show that statement is true?

His answer seems to be that crashing the world economy could only be avoided by sinking ourselves even further into debt.


Leftists believe with every (hemp) fiber of their beings that the only possible approach to any problem is the one embraced by the left wing. Therefore, anyone who does not agree with a left-wing approach does not care or want to solve the problem (OR, actually wants the problem to get worse). They really, really think this way.
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?



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His answer seems to be that crashing the world economy could only be avoided by sinking ourselves even further into debt.


It's the official position of this administration!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHFEcyUNBjg]Biden: We Have To Spend Money To Keep From Going Bankrupt - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, he's right.

It's worked really well in Greece, I hear.
Are people really this stupid?
Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?

Why does the left constantly project their evils upon us?????

I remember when a prominent Democrat during the run up to Bush's re-election said out loud that for every 100 points the DOW dropped it meant it would boost their chances by 10 percent.
1. The righties who basically want the U.S. to go back to what it was in the 1880's and 1890's.Tea baggers, for instance.
2. I mean supporting policies that will lead quickly to a collapse of the U.S. economy, and hence, the worlds.

Ok, fair enough...

Got examples?

Yes. The teabag attempt to cause the government to default.
Hey Jenius;

You realize that default was the trigger to collapse the Weimar Republic and usher in the Nazi party to power, right?

So ask yourself this, if you know that defaulting is bad, and that if you keep increasing spending, how do you keep from defaulting?

You can't mint money forever without hyperinflation, nor can you survive on your good credit when you have no good credit.

Thats a really good plan, Ray! I like this plan, I'm happy to be a part of it! Let's do it!


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