Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail?

Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail?

Given the right’s protesting too much, it would seem the OP has hit a nerve.

Remember that such failure effects both public and private sectors. As unemployment rises, revenues fall forcing the elimination of ‘government programs.’ Indeed, cutting jobs is a way to ‘cut taxes,’ or more precisely, to decrease revenue to governments.

Conservatives for the most part will support any event that will reduce the number of public sector employees, eliminate ‘government programs,’ and, they hope, make government small enough to ‘drown it in a bathtub.’

It is in essence evidence of the radical nature of conservative reactionaryism.


It did hit a nerve. It hit the "I can't believe someone is so stupid" nerve.
What government programs have been eliminated as a result of the present recession and fall in revenues? What? None? Gee, I guess your theory is wrong.
In fact it is the opposite: higher unemployment stimulate demand for more government programs, and thus more deficit spending. Which is why Democrats actually like recession: they can hook up people to gov't programs and then take credit for them.
This is why Obama keeps pushing the stupid payroll tax cut, that hasn't helped anything except his political standing (and that not much). And why Democrats continue to vote for extensions to unemployment benefots, even though such benefits prolong unemployment.
So your post is the opposite of truth,from beginning to end.
Fascism and Socialism are two different things.
No, they only differ in HOW they accomplish the same result.


They only differ in how they get to the same position of absolutist neo-feudalist control where the government has total say on you as their property.

Sorry, but I don't desire to be a peasent or serf.
Perhaps some enjoy having a government leash on thier liberty?
Some people are slaves even when they're free. They cannot handle the danger, uncertainty and responsibility of liberty always begging someone to hold the other end of their leash. And if, God forbid, they DO gain power over others, they demand them to be just as much a slave as they desire to be.
Given the right’s protesting too much, it would seem the OP has hit a nerve.


How would you respond when called an economic-terrorist?

What would a party that has been labeled as "big business, corporate-friendly, capitalist pigs" stand to gain by collapsing the economy responsible for their prosperity?

It was a progressive/liberal agenda that recommended over-burdening the government in an attempt to crash its economy.
see: Cloward/Piven

Why does the reactionary right want the world economy to fail? Seriously, why?


I don't pretend to speak for eveyone, but I'd really miss internet pron.


Really? And where is the money coming from for all this new spending? How long you think he's going to get to continue the illusion of solvancy while printing us into the Weimar Republic to cover our debts?


Fiat currency is only as good as the integrity of the government that says it's worth something.

Where is the job growth?
Where is the accountability for corrupt elected officials profiteering off of crony capitalism?
Where's the economic restraint?

You're fucking nuts if you think nothing is wrong here.

And all of this changes the fact that refusing to raise a debt ceiling when you revenues only cover half your expenses will cause treasury prices to drop through the floor - how?

You're confused. I didn't say the reactionary right wanted to fix the economy in a different way than the radical left. I said they want to destroy it. This is abundantly clear by their actions in Congress. They weren't just toying with the debt ceiling for politics, they were clearly 100% willing to allow it to be hit and to suffer the punishing consequences of trillions of dollars in treasuries being dumped all at once by panicked bond investors. I have yet to find a single person on this board or anywhere who says they would buy treasuries if the debt ceiling hadn't been raised. For a bond's price to not fall into oblivion, there has to actually be willing buyers. Do you understand economics?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWOMsugKkfk]Obama Vote's Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006 - YouTube[/ame]
now take your stupid thread and eat it.

Obama and everyone else who has voted against a debt ceiling raise before this year wasn't actually going to go through with it in the end - the tea party was plenty willing to do it.Its healthy that Congress debates the issue of the debt every time the ceiling gets close - what's not healthy is doing your best to make sure investors really believe you're going to do it.
All Democrat Senators Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling
Posted by John Hitchcock on 17 July 2011, 2:54 am
0diggsdiggThe year was 2006. The President was George W Bush. The debt ceiling was being approached. And every Democrat Senator voted against raising the debt ceiling.

Let’s see.
Joe Biden
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Harry Reid
Barbara Boxer
Chuck Schumer
And the rest of the Democrats

I guess they all wanted the US to default on its debt. I guess they all wanted senior citizens to lose their Social Security checks. I guess they all wanted Medicare and Medicaid recipients to lose their healthcare.

To hear the Democrats talk now, that’s exactly what the Democrats wanted to do back in 2006.

All Democrat Senators Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling « Common Sense Political Thought

Yay! So obviously its OK to crash the economy
denial is a powerful thing.
Fascism and Socialism are two different things.
No, they only differ in HOW they accomplish the same result.


They only differ in how they get to the same position of absolutist neo-feudalist control where the government has total say on you as their property.

Sorry, but I don't desire to be a peasent or serf.

You don't really know what feudalism is, do you?
Leftists believe with every (hemp) fiber of their beings that the only possible approach to any problem is the one embraced by the left wing.

Really? And I suppose righties believe that sometimes the best approach comes from the left?
No, they only differ in HOW they accomplish the same result.


They only differ in how they get to the same position of absolutist neo-feudalist control where the government has total say on you as their property.

Sorry, but I don't desire to be a peasent or serf.
Perhaps some enjoy having a government leash on thier liberty?
Some people are slaves even when they're free. They cannot handle the danger, uncertainty and responsibility of liberty always begging someone to hold the other end of their leash. And if, God forbid, they DO gain power over others, they demand them to be just as much a slave as they desire to be.
Very insightful. You described what is going on pefectly.
Because all they care about is political power.

As opposed to the Democrats who are for Hope and Change.
Thank God, we haven't lost hope.

Yeah. The 2012 election is right around the corner. Step one was taking the House in 2010, so monstrosities like card check and cap n trade couldn't become law. Step Two is taking the Senate and White House in 2012 so we can roll back the damage that's been done.
That's change you can hope for.

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