Why does the right defend the wealthy class

how are liberal gazillionaires still gazillionaires????

haven't they led by example and donated all their "extra" wealth to either the government or directly to the needy?????

idiots and hypocrites

Don't understand how Gov't and Gov't tax system work huh Bubs? Hint it's NOT voluntary crap


you're simply a laughable idiot. all one needs to know is that you CAN give money to the government

so the question remains jackass; and you or course cant answer it

maybe another poster from you will hide the enormous whole in your argument?

I've never heard the right answer from a supposed liberal regarding why the wealthy among them just don't give away what they don't need. I was listening to a radio interview a long time ago between a liberal guest and a conservative talk show host during which the same issue arose. The liberal's answer, when asked why doesn't he just give money to the government if he doesn't need it and it appears the government could use it. His answer was succinct: Why should I? There are tax laws that tell me how much I'm supposed to pay.
Say what?!
There's nothing in the tax code--that I'm aware of--that prevents you from paying more than you owe. Even if there is, that certainly doesn't prevent you from donating the majority of your loot to worthy causes and not claiming those gifts on your return.
Greedy bastards. And then have the nerve to talk shit about the 1%. Eeesh.


Yes, it's "greedy" for the liberal to expect Gov't policy to fund Gov't instead of volunteerism? LMAOROG

Yeah, those rich liberals are the greedy ones asking for higher taxes on themselves and their class! *shaking head*

Whatever. You can't tell people to give up their money when you're not willing to do the same. Quite obviously taxes are not voluntary. Donating to worthy causes is entirely voluntary. The same people who say they don't give voluntarily to the government because they don't have to will be the first ones to have their tax attorneys seek out every loophole to avoid paying as much taxes as possible. Meanwhile, they're rolling around like kings and queens, leading a lifestyle the rest of us only dream about. And preaching to us about the ills of wealth. Shit. Who's been bamboozled here?
Why should the poor vote conservative? I don't know. Why should anyone believe the words of a group of creatures who pray upon the kindness of others as means to reinforce their positions of power and wealth? Or worse, instill a hatred among and between the people to whom they owe their status, position, and money.
I'm no Robin Hood preaching for people to steal from the rich and give to the poor. We should be able to take care of all members of our society without resorting to theft. I'm not even against raising taxes, per se. What I am against are those who sit on one mountain top telling the rest of us at the bottom that we need to go after those on the other mountain tops.
If that's your beef why don't you go after the other guy? Leave us out of it--we got regular, day to day, month to month, year to year bills to pay. Our lives are not yours.
Or so I'd like to believe...

BTW, It's NOT the Dems stopping Obama's "Buffet rule" where there is a MIN 30% TAX ON INCOMES ABOVE $1,000,000 (REGARDLESS OF LOOPHOLES!)...

What is your logic in punishing the rich for working hard while enabling the poor with hand outs to sit around on their fat lard asses?
you're simply a laughable idiot. all one needs to know is that you CAN give money to the government

so the question remains jackass; and you or course cant answer it

maybe another poster from you will hide the enormous whole in your argument?

I've never heard the right answer from a supposed liberal regarding why the wealthy among them just don't give away what they don't need. I was listening to a radio interview a long time ago between a liberal guest and a conservative talk show host during which the same issue arose. The liberal's answer, when asked why doesn't he just give money to the government if he doesn't need it and it appears the government could use it. His answer was succinct: Why should I? There are tax laws that tell me how much I'm supposed to pay.
Say what?!
There's nothing in the tax code--that I'm aware of--that prevents you from paying more than you owe. Even if there is, that certainly doesn't prevent you from donating the majority of your loot to worthy causes and not claiming those gifts on your return.
Greedy bastards. And then have the nerve to talk shit about the 1%. Eeesh.


Yes, it's "greedy" for the liberal to expect Gov't policy to fund Gov't instead of volunteerism? LMAOROG

Yeah, those rich liberals are the greedy ones asking for higher taxes on themselves and their class! *shaking head*

Whatever. You can't tell people to give up their money when you're not willing to do the same. Quite obviously taxes are not voluntary. Donating to worthy causes is entirely voluntary. The same people who say they don't give voluntarily to the government because they don't have to will be the first ones to have their tax attorneys seek out every loophole to avoid paying as much taxes as possible. Meanwhile, they're rolling around like kings and queens, leading a lifestyle the rest of us only dream about. And preaching to us about the ills of wealth. Shit. Who's been bamboozled here?
Why should the poor vote conservative? I don't know. Why should anyone believe the words of a group of creatures who pray upon the kindness of others as means to reinforce their positions of power and wealth? Or worse, instill a hatred among and between the people to whom they owe their status, position, and money.
I'm no Robin Hood preaching for people to steal from the rich and give to the poor. We should be able to take care of all members of our society without resorting to theft. I'm not even against raising taxes, per se. What I am against are those who sit on one mountain top telling the rest of us at the bottom that we need to go after those on the other mountain tops.
If that's your beef why don't you go after the other guy? Leave us out of it--we got regular, day to day, month to month, year to year bills to pay. Our lives are not yours.
Or so I'd like to believe...

MORE right wing BULLSHIT

Yeah it's Buffet, Gates, etc on the "left" who are trying to get out of paying taxes *shaking head*

NO ONE is "preaching of the ills of wealth" you POS

Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy
Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy - NetRight Daily

IT'S NOT JUST APPLE: The Ultra-Complicated Tax Measures That Microsoft Uses To Avoid $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes
May 21, 2013, 10:02 AM

How Microsoft Avoids $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes By Exploiting Loopholes In The Tax Code - Business Insider

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

By David Sirota @davidsirota [email protected] on August 22 2014 9:26 AM

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

Shocking YOU don't understand the difference of Corp RESPONSIBILITY (FIDUCIARY) TO THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY. our right wing crap NEVER passes the logic test. Weird

Bet YOU support Obama's proposal to take the Corp tax rate from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes right? The GOP sure doesn't!
What is your logic in punishing the rich for working hard while enabling the poor with hand outs to sit around on their fat lard asses?

PUNISHING THE RICH? Seriously? lol

I guess the "rich" pre Reaganomics didn't work hard, get an education or take risks like today's "job creators" right Bubs?




Movement Conservatism has long understood that it cannot win elections merely by giving tax breaks and deregulation to a small group of plutocrats. Republicans solved this problem in the 70s with an insanely well funded outreach program. They launched a think tank & media revolution designed to attract non-wealthy voters based on religion, values, patriotism, national security (terrorism), etc.
Last edited:
I've never heard the right answer from a supposed liberal regarding why the wealthy among them just don't give away what they don't need. I was listening to a radio interview a long time ago between a liberal guest and a conservative talk show host during which the same issue arose. The liberal's answer, when asked why doesn't he just give money to the government if he doesn't need it and it appears the government could use it. His answer was succinct: Why should I? There are tax laws that tell me how much I'm supposed to pay.
Say what?!
There's nothing in the tax code--that I'm aware of--that prevents you from paying more than you owe. Even if there is, that certainly doesn't prevent you from donating the majority of your loot to worthy causes and not claiming those gifts on your return.
Greedy bastards. And then have the nerve to talk shit about the 1%. Eeesh.


Yes, it's "greedy" for the liberal to expect Gov't policy to fund Gov't instead of volunteerism? LMAOROG

Yeah, those rich liberals are the greedy ones asking for higher taxes on themselves and their class! *shaking head*

Whatever. You can't tell people to give up their money when you're not willing to do the same. Quite obviously taxes are not voluntary. Donating to worthy causes is entirely voluntary. The same people who say they don't give voluntarily to the government because they don't have to will be the first ones to have their tax attorneys seek out every loophole to avoid paying as much taxes as possible. Meanwhile, they're rolling around like kings and queens, leading a lifestyle the rest of us only dream about. And preaching to us about the ills of wealth. Shit. Who's been bamboozled here?
Why should the poor vote conservative? I don't know. Why should anyone believe the words of a group of creatures who pray upon the kindness of others as means to reinforce their positions of power and wealth? Or worse, instill a hatred among and between the people to whom they owe their status, position, and money.
I'm no Robin Hood preaching for people to steal from the rich and give to the poor. We should be able to take care of all members of our society without resorting to theft. I'm not even against raising taxes, per se. What I am against are those who sit on one mountain top telling the rest of us at the bottom that we need to go after those on the other mountain tops.
If that's your beef why don't you go after the other guy? Leave us out of it--we got regular, day to day, month to month, year to year bills to pay. Our lives are not yours.
Or so I'd like to believe...

MORE right wing BULLSHIT

Yeah it's Buffet, Gates, etc on the "left" who are trying to get out of paying taxes *shaking head*

NO ONE is "preaching of the ills of wealth" you POS

Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy
Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy - NetRight Daily

IT'S NOT JUST APPLE: The Ultra-Complicated Tax Measures That Microsoft Uses To Avoid $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes
May 21, 2013, 10:02 AM

How Microsoft Avoids $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes By Exploiting Loopholes In The Tax Code - Business Insider

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

By David Sirota @davidsirota [email protected] on August 22 2014 9:26 AM

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

Shocking YOU don't understand the difference of Corp RESPONSIBILITY (FIDUCIARY) TO THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY. our right wing crap NEVER passes the logic test. Weird

Bet YOU support Obama's proposal to take the Corp tax rate from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes right? The GOP sure doesn't!

Ah yes, the Republicans this and the Republicans that, but when I prove to you that your lib corp friends are no different, try to change the subject.

Corporation responsibility is to their customers and share holders; that's it. Corporations are not under any other social obligations otherwise.
Movement Conservatism has long understood that it cannot win elections merely by giving tax breaks and deregulation to a small group of plutocrats. Republicans solved this problem in the 70s with an insanely well funded outreach program. They launched a think tank & media revolution designed to attract non-wealthy voters based on religion, values, patriotism, national security (terrorism), etc.

Thank you Lewis Powell/Chamber of commerce who decided Ralph Nader was an "enemy" of capitation for wanting seat belts to save lives!
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
This theory is debunked across the board.
Confiscation does not transfer to the private sector.
I have no idea how it is anyone with more than two functioning brain cells can seriously believe that shoving more wealth into government coffers is going to do anything but to give wasteful politicians more to spend.

Yes, it's "greedy" for the liberal to expect Gov't policy to fund Gov't instead of volunteerism? LMAOROG

Yeah, those rich liberals are the greedy ones asking for higher taxes on themselves and their class! *shaking head*

Whatever. You can't tell people to give up their money when you're not willing to do the same. Quite obviously taxes are not voluntary. Donating to worthy causes is entirely voluntary. The same people who say they don't give voluntarily to the government because they don't have to will be the first ones to have their tax attorneys seek out every loophole to avoid paying as much taxes as possible. Meanwhile, they're rolling around like kings and queens, leading a lifestyle the rest of us only dream about. And preaching to us about the ills of wealth. Shit. Who's been bamboozled here?
Why should the poor vote conservative? I don't know. Why should anyone believe the words of a group of creatures who pray upon the kindness of others as means to reinforce their positions of power and wealth? Or worse, instill a hatred among and between the people to whom they owe their status, position, and money.
I'm no Robin Hood preaching for people to steal from the rich and give to the poor. We should be able to take care of all members of our society without resorting to theft. I'm not even against raising taxes, per se. What I am against are those who sit on one mountain top telling the rest of us at the bottom that we need to go after those on the other mountain tops.
If that's your beef why don't you go after the other guy? Leave us out of it--we got regular, day to day, month to month, year to year bills to pay. Our lives are not yours.
Or so I'd like to believe...

MORE right wing BULLSHIT

Yeah it's Buffet, Gates, etc on the "left" who are trying to get out of paying taxes *shaking head*

NO ONE is "preaching of the ills of wealth" you POS

Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy
Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy - NetRight Daily

IT'S NOT JUST APPLE: The Ultra-Complicated Tax Measures That Microsoft Uses To Avoid $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes
May 21, 2013, 10:02 AM

How Microsoft Avoids $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes By Exploiting Loopholes In The Tax Code - Business Insider

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

By David Sirota @davidsirota [email protected] on August 22 2014 9:26 AM

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

Shocking YOU don't understand the difference of Corp RESPONSIBILITY (FIDUCIARY) TO THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY. our right wing crap NEVER passes the logic test. Weird

Bet YOU support Obama's proposal to take the Corp tax rate from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes right? The GOP sure doesn't!

Ah yes, the Republicans this and the Republicans that, but when I prove to you that your lib corp friends are no different, try to change the subject.

Corporation responsibility is to their customers and share holders; that's it. Corporations are not under any other social obligations otherwise.

Gawd YOU are dumb, are you even more stupid than special Ed?


Hint AGAIN they are REQUIRED to get the best fiduciary return for shareholders. Grow a fukkn brain dummy!




Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
So you're an equal opportunity basher. Do you think that gives you additional license? That your words cannot be questioned?
Look, all of this stuff regarding taxation somehow being to the benefit to the middle class is just more Zero Sum Game nonsense.
And I will tell you this. One of the biggest crimes perpetrated on the American people are inheritance taxes..That is the ultimate low. The body isn't cold yet and some cock sucker in the IRS office is firing off a bill with a note that says "give me 55% of the estate. Or we will throw your asses in prison".....
The very idea that the government has given itself a second bite at the apple is infuriating.
Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.
Ok...In what way are you being screwed?
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
This theory is debunked across the board.
Confiscation does not transfer to the private sector.
I have no idea how it is anyone with more than two functioning brain cells can seriously believe that shoving more wealth into government coffers is going to do anything but to give wasteful politicians more to spend.

Yeah they CAN'T build roads, bridges, etc


Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.
There's tons of money in Dc...Yet you think the federal government needs more......I don't get it....
I do actually. I want you to explain yourself
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
So you're an equal opportunity basher. Do you think that gives you additional license? That your words cannot be questioned?
Look, all of this stuff regarding taxation somehow being to the benefit to the middle class is just more Zero Sum Game nonsense.
And I will tell you this. One of the biggest crimes perpetrated on the American people are inheritance taxes..That is the ultimate low. The body isn't cold yet and some cock sucker in the IRS office is firing off a bill with a note that says "give me 55% of the estate. Or we will throw your asses in prison".....
The very idea that the government has given itself a second bite at the apple is infuriating.

The dumbfukk actually "thinks" taxes have been paid on the Koch/Walton gains? LMAOROG


Second bite? LOL

Hint MOST of the estate is capital gains that have never been taxed dumbass!


I've never heard the right answer from a supposed liberal regarding why the wealthy among them just don't give away what they don't need. I was listening to a radio interview a long time ago between a liberal guest and a conservative talk show host during which the same issue arose. The liberal's answer, when asked why doesn't he just give money to the government if he doesn't need it and it appears the government could use it. His answer was succinct: Why should I? There are tax laws that tell me how much I'm supposed to pay.
Say what?!
There's nothing in the tax code--that I'm aware of--that prevents you from paying more than you owe. Even if there is, that certainly doesn't prevent you from donating the majority of your loot to worthy causes and not claiming those gifts on your return.
Greedy bastards. And then have the nerve to talk shit about the 1%. Eeesh.


Yes, it's "greedy" for the liberal to expect Gov't policy to fund Gov't instead of volunteerism? LMAOROG

Yeah, those rich liberals are the greedy ones asking for higher taxes on themselves and their class! *shaking head*

Whatever. You can't tell people to give up their money when you're not willing to do the same. Quite obviously taxes are not voluntary. Donating to worthy causes is entirely voluntary. The same people who say they don't give voluntarily to the government because they don't have to will be the first ones to have their tax attorneys seek out every loophole to avoid paying as much taxes as possible. Meanwhile, they're rolling around like kings and queens, leading a lifestyle the rest of us only dream about. And preaching to us about the ills of wealth. Shit. Who's been bamboozled here?
Why should the poor vote conservative? I don't know. Why should anyone believe the words of a group of creatures who pray upon the kindness of others as means to reinforce their positions of power and wealth? Or worse, instill a hatred among and between the people to whom they owe their status, position, and money.
I'm no Robin Hood preaching for people to steal from the rich and give to the poor. We should be able to take care of all members of our society without resorting to theft. I'm not even against raising taxes, per se. What I am against are those who sit on one mountain top telling the rest of us at the bottom that we need to go after those on the other mountain tops.
If that's your beef why don't you go after the other guy? Leave us out of it--we got regular, day to day, month to month, year to year bills to pay. Our lives are not yours.
Or so I'd like to believe...

MORE right wing BULLSHIT

Yeah it's Buffet, Gates, etc on the "left" who are trying to get out of paying taxes *shaking head*

NO ONE is "preaching of the ills of wealth" you POS

Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy
Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy - NetRight Daily

IT'S NOT JUST APPLE: The Ultra-Complicated Tax Measures That Microsoft Uses To Avoid $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes
May 21, 2013, 10:02 AM

How Microsoft Avoids $2.4 Billion In U.S. Taxes By Exploiting Loopholes In The Tax Code - Business Insider

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

By David Sirota @davidsirota [email protected] on August 22 2014 9:26 AM

Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

Shocking YOU don't understand the difference of Corp RESPONSIBILITY (FIDUCIARY) TO THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY. our right wing crap NEVER passes the logic test. Weird

Bet YOU support Obama's proposal to take the Corp tax rate from 35% to 28% and get rid of loopholes right? The GOP sure doesn't!

a complete moron wrote:
"Whatever. You can't tell people to give up their money when you're not willing to do the same."

but that is the problem left-wing idiot; why should the people running around demonizing the rich while being filthy rich themselves HAVE TO BE TOLD to give up more if they really believe in what they are saying. it doesnt matter if "you cant tell" them, they should be doint it voluntarily

Dad3three; you are simply a brainwashed loser. you cry like a baby every day here and pretend you're intelligent and others are distorting things. you arent man enough to admit it thoudh.

the above examples of warren buffet and Gates ARE examples of hypocrisy since both of them DO take left-wing positions on some issues, and it is people like YOU here that hold up Buffett's views on income taxes as some kind of proof even the rich acknowledge they need to be taxed more.

but of course they hide their money offshore too i see. what do they know that you dont idiot?
I'm not sure why I have to be a POS to point out hypocrisy. I may be a POS for other reasons, but that's not one of them. The fact remains that plenty of people--of whatever political persuasion--love to sound lofty when it comes to taxing the wealth of others, but seem to lose their fervor when it comes to their own money. Pointing out this one or that one who give a lot of their cash away to charitable causes doesn't change this. In the case of Bill Gates, I am of the opinion he just doesn't want to go to his death bed with the moniker of Satan hanging over it. Being reviled the world over changes some people. Personally, I think we owe him a debt of gratitude for bringing technology to the masses on an unprecedented scale--this includes you Mac fanboys.
I just think it's like spotting some great celebrity vegan unawares at a Carl's Junior with a Mile High Bacon Cheeseburger in her mouth--right after preaching to the masses about the evils of meat.
Let those who talk the talk, walk the walk first. Lead by example.
There's nothing about that that makes me a POS. :thup:


Yum! :thup:
Yeah, keep "punishing" us, you dumb bastards. You are too fucking stupid to realize that we pay for your dinner and that your favored tax policies quell growth. You also apparently do not get that one day we will just fucking leave. I already have my exit strategy established - New Zealand.
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
So you're an equal opportunity basher. Do you think that gives you additional license? That your words cannot be questioned?
Look, all of this stuff regarding taxation somehow being to the benefit to the middle class is just more Zero Sum Game nonsense.
And I will tell you this. One of the biggest crimes perpetrated on the American people are inheritance taxes..That is the ultimate low. The body isn't cold yet and some cock sucker in the IRS office is firing off a bill with a note that says "give me 55% of the estate. Or we will throw your asses in prison".....
The very idea that the government has given itself a second bite at the apple is infuriating.

Yes, I am.

What license...I call it like I see it.

Can't be questioned ? Where did you read that ?

It's not about taxation to the benefit to the of the middle class....what I have said is that the wealthy class inherently uses government to fend off assaults on their wealth....like people getting into their business as competitors.

Why is it that you hyperrighties just assume this is a call for more taxes.

I'd like to see taxes on the upper class increased a little more.

I'd like to see everyone pay some federal income tax.

I'd like the government to only spend what it has...not borrow.

I don't support an inheritance tax. Even if there were one, I think people would just transfer their money early.

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