Why does the right defend the wealthy class

It would take several pages to tell how it happened, BUTT lets just say that I would put top marginal tax rates at the 74 percent pre gipper rate.

I would also take the cap off of social security AND repeal BOcare and replace it with Medicare for all.Hope that helps.

You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

Total complete bullshit. We hated Chaves because he was a socialist dictator. Socialism is the reason for those hillside shacks. What Venezuela needs is more capitalism, not a fucking POS like Chavez and his replacement.

You're so right. I should have contacted an expert on Venezuela like you before I posted my take on the situation there. Although, those shacks were there long before Chavez came on the scene and the country was ruled by an oligarchy.
It would take several pages to tell how it happened, BUTT lets just say that I would put top marginal tax rates at the 74 percent pre gipper rate.

I would also take the cap off of social security AND repeal BOcare and replace it with Medicare for all.Hope that helps.

You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

Total complete bullshit. We hated Chaves because he was a socialist dictator. Socialism is the reason for those hillside shacks. What Venezuela needs is more capitalism, not a fucking POS like Chavez and his replacement.

Again...it was not monolithic.

There was a lot to what existed before he came to power....a ruling class.

He tore that down...in dictatorial fashion.

It's more a lesson on the lesser of two evils.

What the far left won't acknowledge is that if the poor had guns...they might have been able to do something about it.
It would take several pages to tell how it happened, BUTT lets just say that I would put top marginal tax rates at the 74 percent pre gipper rate.

I would also take the cap off of social security AND repeal BOcare and replace it with Medicare for all.Hope that helps.

You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.
It would take several pages to tell how it happened, BUTT lets just say that I would put top marginal tax rates at the 74 percent pre gipper rate.

I would also take the cap off of social security AND repeal BOcare and replace it with Medicare for all.Hope that helps.

You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Agreed. I'm not an expert on a country I've only visited. Just giving another side to story.
My attitude in life has been that no amount of beat-down is going to keep me down.

It's how I've survived for 60 years.

You covet the riches of others, I build strength in my own riches. Which, BTW, do not include money.

I am not talking about beat-down. I am talking about a legitimate conversation around taxes and spending controls.

I think the left wing morons like David42, FrancoWhackjob, Rightwinger whoever are not liberals..they are left wing nazi's who also seek to use government to reach their goals (and they hide behind the so called altruism of their goals).
Left wing nazi's? Shit, he's on to us! :coffee:

All Nazis are left wing. It's impossible for someone who believes in smaller government to be a Nazi.

I don't agree.....

There is a big difference between being conservative and far right.

The far right has used government for it's purposes for a long time.

GWB was a huge tool in that regard.

What you are calling "far right" are actually on the left. GWB was a liberal.

I am not going to get into this.....they hid (and continue to hide) under that title.

What makes it more disgusting is their claim to want "conservative" principles.....all while wiping their asses with them.
You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

Total complete bullshit. We hated Chaves because he was a socialist dictator. Socialism is the reason for those hillside shacks. What Venezuela needs is more capitalism, not a fucking POS like Chavez and his replacement.

You're so right. I should have contacted an expert on Venezuela like you before I posted my take on the situation there. Although, those shacks were there long before Chavez came on the scene and the country was ruled by an oligarchy.

At one time Venezuela was one of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world. Now it's in the bottom third.

You can't argue with those facts.
You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

What is the basis of your claim ?

America is pretty wealthy too.....

The problem (as I've pointed out) is that most of it is in the hands of a few.

Living in wealthy Venezuela is meaningless if you are hungry all the time.

I am telling you what is being reported up from people who live there.
I am not talking about beat-down. I am talking about a legitimate conversation around taxes and spending controls.

I think the left wing morons like David42, FrancoWhackjob, Rightwinger whoever are not liberals..they are left wing nazi's who also seek to use government to reach their goals (and they hide behind the so called altruism of their goals).
Left wing nazi's? Shit, he's on to us! :coffee:

All Nazis are left wing. It's impossible for someone who believes in smaller government to be a Nazi.

I don't agree.....

There is a big difference between being conservative and far right.

The far right has used government for it's purposes for a long time.

GWB was a huge tool in that regard.

What you are calling "far right" are actually on the left. GWB was a liberal.

I am not going to get into this.....they hid (and continue to hide) under that title.

What makes it more disgusting is their claim to want "conservative" principles.....all while wiping their asses with them.

In other words, you agree that they aren't conservatives.
You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? How would that work?

You do know that Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients, don't you? Hospitals and doctors make up the loss when they get cash or private insured people. Take private insured patents out of the mix, and you have closed down facilities which happened so many times in the past. It's one of the reasons our health insurance increased so much the last couple of decades.

Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.
Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

That is the fallacy...the system should allow the poor to find a way to improve.

My point in this thread is that we allow government to stop that from happening.

The far left wants to use government to make things right.

The rich will take that and use it against us. They always have.

The only answer is to reduce government and allow NATIURE to take over.

Stop propping up big business.....remember GM...it should have failed.
Left wing nazi's? Shit, he's on to us! :coffee:

All Nazis are left wing. It's impossible for someone who believes in smaller government to be a Nazi.

I don't agree.....

There is a big difference between being conservative and far right.

The far right has used government for it's purposes for a long time.

GWB was a huge tool in that regard.

What you are calling "far right" are actually on the left. GWB was a liberal.

I am not going to get into this.....they hid (and continue to hide) under that title.

What makes it more disgusting is their claim to want "conservative" principles.....all while wiping their asses with them.

In other words, you agree that they aren't conservatives.

Absolutely.....not in the least.

The GOP congress of 2000 - 2006 should be flogged.

Then GWB should be castrated in public.
Left wing nazi's? Shit, he's on to us! :coffee:

All Nazis are left wing. It's impossible for someone who believes in smaller government to be a Nazi.

I don't agree.....

There is a big difference between being conservative and far right.

The far right has used government for it's purposes for a long time.

GWB was a huge tool in that regard.

What you are calling "far right" are actually on the left. GWB was a liberal.

I am not going to get into this.....they hid (and continue to hide) under that title.

What makes it more disgusting is their claim to want "conservative" principles.....all while wiping their asses with them.

In other words, you agree that they aren't conservatives.

You're too hung up on conservativism. Today, it represents the business class only, and if profits can be made by taking an industry out of a town that has no other employees but a small service sector, and putting that industry in a low wage country, so be it. Town now broke, but the corporate profit is intact. This is what we have now, profits before people.
Back on topic.....

I've given examples of how government makes the rich richer....

All I've gotten back is the bleating of:

"You hate the rich". Not true. I want to be one. I would find it harder today than 30 years ago.

"You love socialism" Garbage. I want the market to be truly free. Stop using government to prop up big business.
Where did you get this s***?

“You would replace a bad program with a program that's already going broke? “?

Actually, According to the Medicare trustees report that the filed in 2015 “Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund will remain solvent that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides through 2030. “

as for as “Medicare only pays part of the bill for their patients.“

YES! that’s one of the reasons that UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Stephen J. Hemsley received $66.13 million in compensation last year.

UnitedHealth Group healthcare sells supplement insurance to seniors as well as Medicare Advantage insurance, a bundling of plans Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and sometimes plan D(prescription drug coverage (Part D)under the banner of AARP.

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.
All Nazis are left wing. It's impossible for someone who believes in smaller government to be a Nazi.

I don't agree.....

There is a big difference between being conservative and far right.

The far right has used government for it's purposes for a long time.

GWB was a huge tool in that regard.

What you are calling "far right" are actually on the left. GWB was a liberal.

I am not going to get into this.....they hid (and continue to hide) under that title.

What makes it more disgusting is their claim to want "conservative" principles.....all while wiping their asses with them.

In other words, you agree that they aren't conservatives.

You're too hung up on conservativism. Today, it represents the business class only, and if profits can be made by taking an industry out of a town that has no other employees but a small service sector, and putting that industry in a low wage country, so be it. Town now broke, but the corporate profit is intact. This is what we have now, profits before people.

That's pure socialist propaganda. Companies leave because the government drives them out.
All Nazis are left wing. It's impossible for someone who believes in smaller government to be a Nazi.

I don't agree.....

There is a big difference between being conservative and far right.

The far right has used government for it's purposes for a long time.

GWB was a huge tool in that regard.

What you are calling "far right" are actually on the left. GWB was a liberal.

I am not going to get into this.....they hid (and continue to hide) under that title.

What makes it more disgusting is their claim to want "conservative" principles.....all while wiping their asses with them.

In other words, you agree that they aren't conservatives.

You're too hung up on conservativism. Today, it represents the business class only, and if profits can be made by taking an industry out of a town that has no other employees but a small service sector, and putting that industry in a low wage country, so be it. Town now broke, but the corporate profit is intact. This is what we have now, profits before people.

That is not true. Conservatism is not the far right.

The far right represents the business class.

I started this thread. I know the difference.

Profits before people is a nice slogan...but profits is the object of capitalism.

We should be able to compete with those offshore manufacturing sites....we can't...why ? Government.
Only bernie sanders and trump are addressing the issue of offshoring jobs at the detriment of america. This is why their poll numbers look pretty good. Other candidates are not talking about nafta, tpp, that's for sure. They get stuck on side issues like gun control or gay rights, because corporate america funds their elections.
I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

That is true....but just stop for minute and try to answer this honestly...

Doesn't economics teach that if you have the Buffets and Kochs making all that money...that they should be seeing competition for their profits ?

Can we start with that basic premise ?
I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

That is true....but just stop for minute and try to answer this honestly...

Doesn't economics teach that if you have the Buffets and Kochs making all that money...that they should be seeing competition for their profits ?

Can we start with that basic premise ?

What makes you think they don't have competition?
Only bernie sanders and trump are addressing the issue of offshoring jobs at the detriment of america. This is why their poll numbers look pretty good. Other candidates are not talking about nafta, tpp, that's for sure. They get stuck on side issues like gun control or gay rights, because corporate america funds their elections.

While I don't agree with Sanders...he has the most honest approach I've seen in a long time.

And yes you are seeing corporate America doing what it does.....and has every right to do.

What is so funky is that We the People (the government) just roll over and moan about it.

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