Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack?

Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows o

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I know and all his lackeys parroted the video thing.

But the statement oompah loompah is talking about was not a specific one regarding a singular attack it was rather a generic statement about all terror attacks.

Yep, I saw that speech, and he was clearly not directly saying this was Terrorism. He was just basically saying if it is it wont go UN-punished.

I would give him a pass if not for the Consented Deliberate Administration effort over the next 2 weeks, To mislead us all.

He called it an act of terror.

I fail to see how he could be more direct. Maybe next time he should head butt you right before he says it and scream "LISTEN MORON" - would that be direct enough?


From the NY Times article above, which is attempting to apologize more for Obama than you are:

'the reference was indirect. '
Ohpoopoo, why did Ambassador Rice along with many others including the press secretary continue to claim it was a protest over a video if in fact it was a terrorist attack?

Why, when questioned by the ladies on the view on whether it was a terrorist attack did Obama not verify the fact he called it an act of terror?

Are you really as stupid and your handle implies?

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror"

True - or not true?

I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.
Of course, and Obama does not directly call it terrorism in that. And then as I said he spends the next 2 weeks Claiming it was likely just a Mob that got out of hand.

Which of course you want to Dismiss.

Even the Moderator in the Debate walked her statement back and said Romney was right on the Broader Point.

He refers to it as an "Act of terror" - I don't really see how you could get more direct. Do you want him to tack a note to your dumb head?

He said "No act of terror will......"

he did not say spcifically that this was a terrorist attack.

What acts of terror did you think he was referring to - in a speech - about an attack on a U.S. embassy?

For a guy that's supposed to be so articulate he was very vague.

My high school English teacher would not let me get away with that lack of clarity in a sentence so why should I hold the so called smartest president ever to a lower standard?

What lack of clarity? Was your high school english teacher a special ed teacher, because it sure sounds like it. Do you idiots have to have everything spoon fed to you like morons?
Ohpoopoo, why did Ambassador Rice along with many others including the press secretary continue to claim it was a protest over a video if in fact it was a terrorist attack?

Why, when questioned by the ladies on the view on whether it was a terrorist attack did Obama not verify the fact he called it an act of terror?

Are you really as stupid and your handle implies?

How many times does a president have to call an act of terror an act of terror before you 'nuts will acknowledge he called it an act of terror?

Give us a ballpark figure.
Ohpoopoo, why did Ambassador Rice along with many others including the press secretary continue to claim it was a protest over a video if in fact it was a terrorist attack?

Why, when questioned by the ladies on the view on whether it was a terrorist attack did Obama not verify the fact he called it an act of terror?

Are you really as stupid and your handle implies?

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror"

True - or not true?

I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.

Obama yet to confirm ‘terrorist’ act in Libya

Obama yet to confirm
Ohpoopoo, why did Ambassador Rice along with many others including the press secretary continue to claim it was a protest over a video if in fact it was a terrorist attack?

Why, when questioned by the ladies on the view on whether it was a terrorist attack did Obama not verify the fact he called it an act of terror?

Are you really as stupid and your handle implies?

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror"

True - or not true?

I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.

That's because you're an idiot.
Ohpoopoo, why did Ambassador Rice along with many others including the press secretary continue to claim it was a protest over a video if in fact it was a terrorist attack?

Why, when questioned by the ladies on the view on whether it was a terrorist attack did Obama not verify the fact he called it an act of terror?

Are you really as stupid and your handle implies?

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror"

True - or not true?

I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.


Turn up your computer's volume.

Then click this link

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube
None of this explains the full court press to blame a movie trailer for the attack. Both Obamas minions on media talk shows and Obama himself in front of the UN. A known and calculated lie to coverup a failure.

Ohpoopoo, why did Ambassador Rice along with many others including the press secretary continue to claim it was a protest over a video if in fact it was a terrorist attack?

Why, when questioned by the ladies on the view on whether it was a terrorist attack did Obama not verify the fact he called it an act of terror?

Are you really as stupid and your handle implies?

How many times does a president have to call an act of terror an act of terror before you 'nuts will acknowledge he called it an act of terror?

Give us a ballpark figure.


But he called it a spontaneous outrage multiple times, did he not?
is it your position that he did not let the US Ambassador to the UN go on five major networks and blame it on a mob? Is that right?

Are you calling it a cover-up? Please be specific in what you are alleging. Several people on this board are throwing around accusations but when pressed don't really know what they are trying to say other than they hope there is something to gain by making an attack that killed four of our own political.

answer my question. It's a simple enough question.

She didn't just say we think, she said our Best Intel at this time is it was a Mob Action in Reaction to a Video.

We now know, that was never the Intel at anytime, and State even has Real time Video of the Attack which shows there was no MOB at all.

So it's either a Coverup, or Horrible Incompetence on several levels.

Are we to believe Rice who works for State was unaware that State knew it was not a Mob Action, and was not related to a Video?

These guys are desperately trying to spin this, and it's not working. Everyone watching that Debate knows Obama never answered the Question. And everyone know something is not right with the Admin Story, and handling of this in the last few weeks.

The First Thing Obama did right was in the Debate when he said the Buck stops with him.

Finally he takes Responsibility for something. Gotta give him credit for that.
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None of this explains the full court press to blame a movie trailer for the attack. Both Obamas minions on media talk shows and Obama himself in front of the UN. A known and calculated lie to coverup a failure.


Third and last debate should be interesting. I wonder how obie will spin it then?
This is what Liyban Investigators have just put out.

Libyan Investigators Identify Commander of US Consulate Attack

Although Libyan-based Ansar al-Sharia contends it was not behind the siege at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last month that left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead, Libyan authorities are pointing the finger at one of the Islamist group's leaders as being the commander of the attack.
He refers to it as an "Act of terror" - I don't really see how you could get more direct. Do you want him to tack a note to your dumb head?

He said "No act of terror will......"

he did not say spcifically that this was a terrorist attack.

What acts of terror did you think he was referring to - in a speech - about an attack on a U.S. embassy?

For a guy that's supposed to be so articulate he was very vague.

My high school English teacher would not let me get away with that lack of clarity in a sentence so why should I hold the so called smartest president ever to a lower standard?

What lack of clarity? Was your high school english teacher a special ed teacher, because it sure sounds like it. Do you idiots have to have everything spoon fed to you like morons?

He said "No act of terror" then he referenced the Benghazi attack. He didn't say "This act of terror"

It's basic grammar. How you say things matters.
Are you calling it a cover-up? Please be specific in what you are alleging. Several people on this board are throwing around accusations but when pressed don't really know what they are trying to say other than they hope there is something to gain by making an attack that killed four of our own political.

answer my question. It's a simple enough question.

She didn't just say we think, she said our Best Intel at this time is it was a Mob Action in Reaction to a Video.

We now know, that was never the Intel at anytime, and State even has Real time Video of the Attack which shows there was no MOB at all.

So it's either a Coverup, or Horribly Incompetence on several levels.

Are we to believe Rice who works for State was unaware that State knew it was not a Mob Action, and was not related to a Video?

These guys are desperately trying to spin this, and it's not working. Everyone watching that Debate know Obama never answered the Question.

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror"

True - or not true?

I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.


Turn up your computer's volume.

Then click this link

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

It was a speech regarding the protest that were going on not just Libya.

There was no psecific mention of Benghazi being an act of terrorism.

Nice try..... but you failed.
I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.

That's because you're an idiot.

Actually it's because I haven't heard him say it was a terrorist attack.

I understand how things like facts escape you.
The only reason you haven't heard him call it that is because you're incapable of rubbing enough neurons together to click the following link:

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube
I haven't heard him call it an act of terror yet.


Turn up your computer's volume.

Then click this link

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

It was a speech regarding the protest that were going on not just Libya.

There was no psecific mention of Benghazi being an act of terrorism.

Nice try..... but you failed.

He will lie about anything if he thinks it protects his Obama Phone.
Are you calling it a cover-up? Please be specific in what you are alleging. Several people on this board are throwing around accusations but when pressed don't really know what they are trying to say other than they hope there is something to gain by making an attack that killed four of our own political.

answer my question. It's a simple enough question.

She didn't just say we think, she said our Best Intel at this time is it was a Mob Action in Reaction to a Video.

We now know, that was never the Intel at anytime, and State even has Real time Video of the Attack which shows there was no MOB at all.

So it's either a Coverup, or Horrible Incompetence on several levels.

Are we to believe Rice who works for State was unaware that State knew it was not a Mob Action, and was not related to a Video?

These guys are desperately trying to spin this, and it's not working. Everyone watching that Debate know Obama never answered the Question.

Why would she say that when they had LIVE video from Benghazi at the time and the WH damn well it wasn't a mob action due to a film.

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