Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack?

Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows o

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For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

Your poll sucks and in addition

We can't answer that until you tell us why he let the US Ambassador to the UN go on five major networks and blame it on the video?


How many people you got runnin' round up there? Is there one that isn't a total moron? If so, can you fetch him for us?

Yes, we. got your answer ready for US yet?
After two weeks, he shifted his story. Of course there were three or four versions, all different of course, being trotted out Clinton, O, Carney, WH, admin.
Hey Willow, Fox news reports new species.


is it your position that he did not let the US Ambassador to the UN go on five major networks and blame it on a mob? Is that right?
We can't answer that until you tell us why he let the US Ambassador to the UN go on five major networks and blame it on the video?

That's irrelevant to the core question.

The President called it an act of terror on September 12th. Case closed.

Next question is, why was Paul Ryan lying in the VP debate, saying that the president took 2 weeks to acknowledge it was a terrorist attack.

No, the case is not closed. Not by a long shot. There's a lot of investigating and testimony forthcoming.. and hopefully the incompetent boob will be out of office and cannot claim executive privilege. the people guarding this consulate carried flashlights, not guns, now why is that? since it had been attacked twice before>>> we got lots and lots of questions.

I'm not really sure what this has to do with the question of whether or not Pick-A-Number Romney's claim that
"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror,

is true or not. Perhaps you and the rest of the people running around in your head can explain that one to me.
After two weeks, he shifted his story. Of course there were three or four versions, all different of course, being trotted out Clinton, O, Carney, WH, admin.

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror,[/quote]

True - or not true?
That's irrelevant to the core question.

The President called it an act of terror on September 12th. Case closed.

Next question is, why was Paul Ryan lying in the VP debate, saying that the president took 2 weeks to acknowledge it was a terrorist attack.

No, the case is not closed. Not by a long shot. There's a lot of investigating and testimony forthcoming.. and hopefully the incompetent boob will be out of office and cannot claim executive privilege. the people guarding this consulate carried flashlights, not guns, now why is that? since it had been attacked twice before>>> we got lots and lots of questions.

I'm not really sure what this has to do with the question of whether or not Pick-A-Number Romney's claim that
"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror,

is true or not. Perhaps you and the rest of the people running around in your head can explain that one to me.

I'm still voting for MItt Romney. :D
Hey Willow, Fox news reports new species.


is it your position that he did not let the US Ambassador to the UN go on five major networks and blame it on a mob? Is that right?

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror,

True - or not true?[/QUOTE]

We can't answer that until you tell us why he let the US Ambassador to the UN go on five major networks and blame it on the video?
Because he didn't. He repeatedly blamed it on a video.

For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

He was not specific enough.

Saying , "No act of terror will blah blah..." is not the same as saying, " This was an act of terror", is it?
Because he didn't. He repeatedly blamed it on a video.

For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

He was talking about 9/11.

You know that.

Why did he send his minions out to deceive the American people and blame this on a video?

No he wasn't.

Why did anyone think the video might have caused the attack?

Gee, I don't know, maybe it was this sort of thing:

"...the attackers, recognized as members of a local militant group called Ansar al-Shariah, did tell bystanders that they were attacking the compound because they were angry about the video...."

You think???? EH?????

After two weeks, he shifted his story. Of course there were three or four versions, all different of course, being trotted out Clinton, O, Carney, WH, admin.

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror,

True - or not true?

Nope, he didn't blame it on acts of terror at first.

Actually, for the third time in this thread, here he is, calling it an act of terror, the day after:

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

And that just didn't happen, right? Even though it did happen and there's video proof - it didn't happen because Pick A Number Romney says so, right? Ever thought of working for Mitt Romney? I'm sure he'd love your attitude that he can dictate factual reality in the face of facts to the contrary, you'd be a perfect corporate yes-man.
It makes no sense that HE would call it a terrorist attack and then send the US Ambassordor to the UN onto five major networks to say it was the action of a mob based on a video.. strange people these demoncraps.
Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows otherwise?

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

Perhaps because after the Rose Garden Speech. Where he only indirectly talked in general Terms about terrorism. He and his admin went on a full court press to convince us all it was a Mob Action, even though they clearly knew there was no Mob.

A better question is why does the Left insist on Defending Obama.
Obama was claiming it was due to the movie for a least 2 weeks after the attack. Or perhaps you simply missed that?

"It took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror,"

True or not true?

True. He told us repeatedly that Benghazi was a spontaneous outrage against a video.

Do you people act stupid because it's fun to be annoying, or are you really this stupid.

For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

He was talking about 9/11.

You know that.

Why did he send his minions out to deceive the American people and blame this on a video?

No he wasn't.

Why did anyone think the video might have caused the attack?

Gee, I don't know, maybe it was this sort of thing:

"...the attackers, recognized as members of a local militant group called Ansar al-Shariah, did tell bystanders that they were attacking the compound because they were angry about the video...."

You think???? EH?????


oh,, NOW conveniently we have bystanders, and someone taking dictation. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows otherwise?

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

Perhaps because after the Rose Garden Speech. Where he only indirectly talked in general Terms about terrorism. He and his admin went on a full court press to convince us all it was a Mob Action, even though they clearly knew there was no Mob.

A better question is why does the Left insist on Defending Obama.

So did this happen or not?

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

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