Why does the U.S. allow Muslims to immigrate?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....
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The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

Because just like every other group of people, some are good and some are bad, you can't tar them all with the same brush.
The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

Thank you, bigot, for speaking what's on your mind out loud.

It's funny. The Right will rant against an entire group of people based on the actions of a few, and demand more controls and monitoring of those people be put in place.

Yet those same people get all uppity and self-righteous when other people demand more controls and monitoring of all gun owners be put in place because of the actions of a few. Oh, the persecution complexes we hear!

Ban Muslims! Obamaz persecutin me fer havin gunz!

And just because I know people like you are easily confused, I am opposed to gun control and bans on Muslims. The operating principle for why I am opposed to both types of controls is consistent.
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The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

Because "Islam is a religion of Peace" according to the wise words of President Bush.

America needs peace a domestic tranquility after more than 200 years of economic turmoil, capitalistic exploitation, religious bigotry and non-tolerance, blatant racism and total lack of culture and education.

America finally realized that she needs the faith and historical example of Islam in order to achieve that.
Fuck the Constitution. Freedom of religion has to go!

Tomorrow, though, I will be harping and harping about the government ignoring the Constitution when it suits me.
The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

Most Muslims are like most Christians, non-radicalized, wanting to live their lives in peace. As for Communists and people from totalitarian states, yes we do allow them to immigrate. Doesn't mean we don't watch the ones we are aware of and we feel might create problems.
We've allowed dictators to immigrate. The Shah of Iran springs to mind.
All this hate and racism over Islam, and I actually had posters tell me I was wrong when I said this would happen if the bomber turned out to me Islamic.

Yep. Some of the very same people who whined that white right wingers would be blamed don't even hesitate to get their blood up over all Muslims over this incident.

The hypocrisy is ripe.
The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

Most Muslims are like most Christians, non-radicalized, wanting to live their lives in peace. As for Communists and people from totalitarian states, yes we do allow them to immigrate. Doesn't mean we don't watch the ones we are aware of and we feel might create problems.

No....they are not the same....

Christians leave what is Caesar's to Caesar.....Muslims do not.....their religion et al is part and parcel of a theocracy.....

of course there are 'everyday' muslims who just want to live their lives peaceably....for now anyway....but there are leaders among them who practice stealth jihad and jihad that is not so stealthy.....

take CAIR for example.....the Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well and growing in America...it is pushing Sharia law in the U.S.....and supporting the domination of Islam...there are many 'Brothers' in America who appear to be living 'everyday' lives but practice stealth jihad....

what about the thousand Muslim protesters in Dearborn MI who protested against the video maker who had every right to make his video.....yet those 'everyday' Muslims were rousted out of their 'everyday' lives to protest against our First Amendment in favor of Islamic law....

i do not see Christians protesting against our Constitution....nor living like separatists as they do in Dearborn and other places.....nor promoting a world caliphate....similar to one pursued by Communists....
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All this hate and racism over Islam, and I actually had posters tell me I was wrong when I said this would happen if the bomber turned out to me Islamic.
Unfortunately we now have to watch for potential "vigilante" backlashes by uninformed, deranged individuals. Anyone who wears a head wrap could be their target, even non-Muslims like the Sikhs, which has happened in the past.
All this hate and racism over Islam, and I actually had posters tell me I was wrong when I said this would happen if the bomber turned out to me Islamic.

it's certainly not racism...

it's not 'hate' either....except hate for anti-Americanism.....

is that a problem for you.....?
The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

The guys were Christians when they came to America as refugees 13 years ago.

They were 13 and 6 yrs-old at that point.

They decided to do this out of their own volition after they were here.

This is not a case of bad guys coming to America. It's a case of guys turning bad here in the years after they got here.
The U.S. does not allow Communists or other totalitarians to immigrate to America......why is Islam exempt...?

Islam is more than just a religion.....it is a system of life......politically, socially, religiously, legally, militarily, economically, etc......

There is both active and passive Jihad......the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination....just like Communism....

Most Muslims are like most Christians, non-radicalized, wanting to live their lives in peace. As for Communists and people from totalitarian states, yes we do allow them to immigrate. Doesn't mean we don't watch the ones we are aware of and we feel might create problems.

No....they are not the same....

Christians leave what is Caesar's to Caesar.....Muslims do not.....their religion et al is part and parcel of a theocracy.....

of course there are 'everyday' muslims who just want to live their lives peaceably....for now anyway....but there are leaders among them who practice stealth jihad and jihad that is not so stealthy.....

take CAIR for example.....the Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well and growing in America...it is pushing Sharia law in the U.S.....and supporting the domination of Islam...

what about the thousand Muslim protesters in Dearborn MI who protested against the video maker who had every right to make his video.....yet those 'everyday' Muslims were rousted out of their 'everyday' lives to protest against our First Amendment in favor of Islamic law....

i do not see Christians protesting against our Constitution....nor living like separatists as they do in Dearborn and other places.....nor promoting a world caliphate....similar to one pursued by Communists....

Unfortunately your focus is myopically trained on a few. Yes, I'm aware of the ultimate goals of Islam, like the centuries old goal of the European Christians, which no longer exists in that form for the vast majority.
Not all Muslims, matter of fact the most, don't hold to the radical interpretation of convert or die, they hope to teach and convert just like most are here to escape strict Shia Law in their own countries. Not all the Muslims are of middle eastern descent, many are from eastern European countries and most think middle eastern Muslims are nuts.
It's a complex situation, trying to generalize it the way you have shows a lack of real knowledge of the subject in favor of pure emotive rationalization.
Most Muslims are like most Christians, non-radicalized, wanting to live their lives in peace. As for Communists and people from totalitarian states, yes we do allow them to immigrate. Doesn't mean we don't watch the ones we are aware of and we feel might create problems.

No....they are not the same....

Christians leave what is Caesar's to Caesar.....Muslims do not.....their religion et al is part and parcel of a theocracy.....

of course there are 'everyday' muslims who just want to live their lives peaceably....for now anyway....but there are leaders among them who practice stealth jihad and jihad that is not so stealthy.....

take CAIR for example.....the Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well and growing in America...it is pushing Sharia law in the U.S.....and supporting the domination of Islam...

what about the thousand Muslim protesters in Dearborn MI who protested against the video maker who had every right to make his video.....yet those 'everyday' Muslims were rousted out of their 'everyday' lives to protest against our First Amendment in favor of Islamic law....

i do not see Christians protesting against our Constitution....nor living like separatists as they do in Dearborn and other places.....nor promoting a world caliphate....similar to one pursued by Communists....

Unfortunately your focus is myopically trained on a few. Yes, I'm aware of the ultimate goals of Islam, like the centuries old goal of the European Christians, which no longer exists in that form for the vast majority.
Not all Muslims, matter of fact the most, don't hold to the radical interpretation of convert or die, they hope to teach and convert just like most are here to escape strict Shia Law in their own countries. Not all the Muslims are of middle eastern descent, many are from eastern European countries and most think middle eastern Muslims are nuts.
It's a complex situation, trying to generalize it the way you have shows a lack of real knowledge of the subject in favor of pure emotive rationalization.

a "few".....? you mean like the "few" representatives we have in Congress......? amazing how a "few" can have so much clout...

you're the one who is myopic....

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