Why Does Trump Lie So Much? Is It Good Politics?

Yea they were. Dude lide about Selma Borning him, his uncle liberating auswitz, reverend wright, Benghazi etc....... don’t even let me get to his policy lies. He would say anything to get his poll numbers up. That’s just a fact. You’d have to be a tremendous hack to believe obama didn’t lie

Those are not lies. They are campaign objectives some of which were achieved, some not

Obama’s statement about Selma was a reference to Selma representing the whole cIvil rights movement ........nobody was expected to take it literally
He had an uncle who liberated a Concentration camp.....wasn’t Auswitz. Being incorrect in retelling a story is not lying. It is only a lie if you know he didn’t liberate that camp

Obama did not lie

Trump does nothing but lie

Yeah, Rocko can't tell a lie from Trump's ass, but Obama did lie. I'll give him a pass for his Your Insruance thing, because most everyone was better off with Obamacare, but his admin lied and stonewalled over fast and furious. And he sent Susan Rice out to lie about Benghazi. But Reagan lied about Iran and the Contras, Poppy Bush lied about his ambassador screwing up in Iran and Panama big time, Clinton lied .... lets not go there, W .... well that was a whooper. LOL
All politicians lie, the problem is that Trump is not as good at it as Obammy and Billyboy Clinton.
Trump is much more intelligent than Hillary.
Hillary didn't know what classified information was when it was printed on the page header.
Hillary didn't know that her secret e-mail server was highly illegal.
That's the thing. They all lie, but what do they lie about? Personally I'd give Trump a pass for lying about Tariffs. There aren't any. And he hasn't actually negotiated trade concessions. For example the Japanese car makers negotiated quotas on imports, but then built factories here. We got better cars built by Americans. But he's still new on the job. I'll wait two years.

Spygate is troubling because he keeps lying and changing stories. Potentially it's treason. But maybe it's nothing.

But generally all potuses have to lie about some catastrophic failure. JFK never told the public we gave up nukes in Turkey. But that's a lot different from LBJ and Nixon both lying to keep a war going.

W lied about womd. But he never waivered on Iraq. And oddly they do have democracy of sorts. History will be interesting on him.
You can keep your doctor........suuuuuuuuure

I kept my doctor, as did most everyone else, even though it wasn't true in absolute sense that EVERYONE would.

Trump lies are far more blatant and FAR FAR FAR FAR more volumous.

Analysis | In 466 days, President Trump has made over 3,000 false or misleading claims

When republicans claim that as a lie, Obama wasn't lying to me. I kept my doctors.

I have also saved a lot of money because of Obamacare.

All Obamacare did was make my existing employer provided health insurance better.
Is that a campaign speech? The Toronto Tribune listed 1,500 lies told by trump during his campaign.

Moving the goal post are we? You said Hussein didn’t lie, yet I provided proof he did and your retort is trump lied. Btw those weren’t the only lies Hussein told. He lied almost every time he spoke. And it’s sad that you can’t recognize that

Did I say "Obama never lied"?
You can not back up your claims about Obama being a prolific liar. You just can not. He was President for eight years. You should have a long list of examples.

Think about it. The trump defense is "...BUT WHAT ABOUT OBAMA..."!

You said “when did obama lie?” You were implying that he didn’t . And now you are lying

I wasn't implying anything dumbazz. I was baiting you. It worked. Trump supporters are natural suckers. They are easy to bait.
Is that a campaign speech? The Toronto Tribune listed 1,500 lies told by trump during his campaign.

Moving the goal post are we? You said Hussein didn’t lie, yet I provided proof he did and your retort is trump lied. Btw those weren’t the only lies Hussein told. He lied almost every time he spoke. And it’s sad that you can’t recognize that

Did I say "Obama never lied"?
You can not back up your claims about Obama being a prolific liar. You just can not. He was President for eight years. You should have a long list of examples.

Think about it. The trump defense is "...BUT WHAT ABOUT OBAMA..."!

You said “when did obama lie?” You were implying that he didn’t . And now you are lying

I wasn't implying anything dumbazz. I was baiting you. It worked. Trump supporters are natural suckers. They are easy to bait.

Yea okay
You guys never cared when Hussein lied

He didn’t
He didn’t

*rolling eyes*
Good lord kid, time to grow up. They ALL lie.

Most politicians engage is stretching the truth or withholding key facts.

Trump outright LIES. He makes statements he knows are not the truth and when he is given the correct facts...he repeats the lie
You guys never cared when Hussein lied

He didn’t
He didn’t

*rolling eyes*
Good lord kid, time to grow up. They ALL lie.

Most politicians engage is stretching the truth or withholding key facts.

Trump outright LIES. He makes statements he knows are not the truth and when he is given the correct facts...he repeats the lie
True, trump doubles down on his lies.
It has been confirmed that trump lied about the former CIA Directors comments about spying in his campaign. Trump will never retract or apologize. His supporters will continue to believe the trump lies. His base will continue to be misinformed.
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

Ah, a other butthurt one complaining about Trump's undoubted effectiveness.

If you looked more closely what he said, perhaps you would find that his strength is in fact telling the truth for once. His tweets should have a trigger warning, because truth triggers you guys off like a nuclear bomb.
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Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
He “base” can’t tell fact from fiction. So him telling them everything he doesn’t like is a lie works with their limited brain cells. So yes lying works for him politically. Not with normal people but with his loons
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

Ah,a other butthurt one complaining about Trump's undoubted effectiveness.

If you looked more closely what he said, perhaps you would find that his strength is in fact telling the truth for once. His tweets should have a trigger warning, because truth triggers you guys off like a nuclear bomb.

Thanks for proving my point
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It has been confirmed that trump lied about the former CIA Directors comments about spying in his campaign. Trump will never retract or apologize. His supporters will continue to believe the trump lies. His base will continue to be misinformed.
He gives them alternative facts and his base eats them up
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
He “base” can’t tell fact from fiction. So him telling them everything he doesn’t like is a lie works with their limited brain cells. So yes lying works for him politically. Not with normal people but with his loons
They watch Fox
Trump lies impulsively

Even when he doesn’t have to. He seems to prefer his own version of alternative facts


I think it is important to understand that Trump lies, it is because he sees no value in truth or facts.. He lacks any empathy, this is unusual for anyone but especially in anyone in public office.
He see every situation from himself and how it affects him. Comey in an interview with Anderson (on you tube) goes into more detail about this...
And not one of you had any problems with Obama's lies ........ ???????
"...but...but...what about Obama..."

First, the volume of lies being told by trump does not compare. Thousands in one year vs. a handful in eight years.

Second, your claim that "not one of you had any problems with Obama's lies" is bull crap. The media pressured him into making retractions, apologies and explanations. Those are things trump never does. Plus you have no way of knowing if a person had problems with "Obama lies".

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