Why does Trump lie when there is no need

Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

He has signed many bills, very good. Near record amounts for sure.

Why do you hate the fact that workers get to keep more of their money?

That doesn't answer the question.
The question is invalid. No one has been able or willing to produce documented proof of these alleged lies.
Here’s the latest batch from his most recent interview

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times
Real Thin. In many of those little snippets, the NYT is reaching. Nearly anorexic.
No. A lie would be " I did not vreak the lamp"> Meanwhile I'm standing next to the lamp with a broom in my hands that has glass fragments on it. THAT would be a "lie"....
Essentially gutted ACA.....Actually that is true. Because the main funding vehicle IS the mandate. Without the mandate ACA loses most of its funding. IN other words. it may not be totally demolished. But its been stripped to the studs. Or "gutted".
"He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the ME"....How can pulling the trigger on an estimate be considered a "Lie"....Its an estimate. A lie would be its' going to cost $100 billion. That is a deliberate misstatement
If oyu wan to consider that which is a deliberately misleading statement......Here's one.
"The number of coal mining jobs fell to about 48,600 in September 2016 from almost 90,000 in January 2012. Under Mr. Trump, employment in the sector made modest gains until this September — when job numbers reached about 51,700 — but it has since declined.
So lets get this straight. The NYT considers the addition of 3,100( and I don;t believe the NYT numbers anyway. More of that in a moment) jobs, a 6 % increase in the coal mining workforce to NOT be anything newsworthy. And then adds this. "But since has declined" . OH? To WHAT? Why does the writer not provide THAT new number? Is it because the writer has an agenda? Or the writer "heard from an anonymous source the number of Coal mining jobs was down"..Or is the wrote just too lazy to get confirmation?
I have to chuckle at this one.
"He falsely claimed the Democrats “made the Russian story up as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election.”
What makes the accusation "false"....Have the dems presented evidence to the contrary? No. In fact, evidence that the Clinton campaign and the DNC PAID FOR the now debunked and fake Dossier has been produced documented and verified. SO the Dems created the hoax and then planted the story. when it was THEY who were doing that which they accuse POTUS.....
And this....." Obama administration formally accused the Russian government of interfering in the election"......Tell me, in what manner or context does the use of "formally" have here? Is it to simply add impact to the article? What exactly IS a "formal" accusation? Is there an "informal" accusation? And at the end of the day. Obama could have accused Trump for the Kennedy assassination. Doesn't mean a friggin thing, If his accusation was so FORMAL. why did he not order the DOJ or FBI to begin investigating who in the US was on the receiving end of the so called tampering?
This thread is a load of crap.
But, its all you screeching libs have. So keep it up. Gets you no mileage.
The article never said lie. It showed simple falsehoods or misleading statements which have become the norm for Trump. It’s quite sad
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
The problem for Trump is that he has no credibility at home or abroad

It affects his ability to lead

he is leading this country better than Clinton, Obama, both bushes, and Carter. Unlike all of them, he is actually doing what he promised in the campaign.
Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.
So Trump lies more than three Democrats?

I gave a few examples of lies by prominent democrats. A complete list would take hundreds of pages and wear our my keyboard.
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie
He has signed many bills, very good. Near record amounts for sure.

Why do you hate the fact that workers get to keep more of their money?

That doesn't answer the question.
The question is invalid. No one has been able or willing to produce documented proof of these alleged lies.
Here’s the latest batch from his most recent interview

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times
Real Thin. In many of those little snippets, the NYT is reaching. Nearly anorexic.
No. A lie would be " I did not vreak the lamp"> Meanwhile I'm standing next to the lamp with a broom in my hands that has glass fragments on it. THAT would be a "lie"....
Essentially gutted ACA.....Actually that is true. Because the main funding vehicle IS the mandate. Without the mandate ACA loses most of its funding. IN other words. it may not be totally demolished. But its been stripped to the studs. Or "gutted".
"He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the ME"....How can pulling the trigger on an estimate be considered a "Lie"....Its an estimate. A lie would be its' going to cost $100 billion. That is a deliberate misstatement
If oyu wan to consider that which is a deliberately misleading statement......Here's one.
"The number of coal mining jobs fell to about 48,600 in September 2016 from almost 90,000 in January 2012. Under Mr. Trump, employment in the sector made modest gains until this September — when job numbers reached about 51,700 — but it has since declined.
So lets get this straight. The NYT considers the addition of 3,100( and I don;t believe the NYT numbers anyway. More of that in a moment) jobs, a 6 % increase in the coal mining workforce to NOT be anything newsworthy. And then adds this. "But since has declined" . OH? To WHAT? Why does the writer not provide THAT new number? Is it because the writer has an agenda? Or the writer "heard from an anonymous source the number of Coal mining jobs was down"..Or is the wrote just too lazy to get confirmation?
I have to chuckle at this one.
"He falsely claimed the Democrats “made the Russian story up as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election.”
What makes the accusation "false"....Have the dems presented evidence to the contrary? No. In fact, evidence that the Clinton campaign and the DNC PAID FOR the now debunked and fake Dossier has been produced documented and verified. SO the Dems created the hoax and then planted the story. when it was THEY who were doing that which they accuse POTUS.....
And this....." Obama administration formally accused the Russian government of interfering in the election"......Tell me, in what manner or context does the use of "formally" have here? Is it to simply add impact to the article? What exactly IS a "formal" accusation? Is there an "informal" accusation? And at the end of the day. Obama could have accused Trump for the Kennedy assassination. Doesn't mean a friggin thing, If his accusation was so FORMAL. why did he not order the DOJ or FBI to begin investigating who in the US was on the receiving end of the so called tampering?
This thread is a load of crap.
But, its all you screeching libs have. So keep it up. Gets you no mileage.
The article never said lie. It showed simple falsehoods or misleading statements which have become the norm for Trump. It’s quite sad

name one politician of either party at any level of government who does not lie.

politicians = liars its a basic fact of life. Trump is no better or worse than any of them.

Grow up and move on. Hillary lost, get over it.
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

ACA was a government takeover. You were forced into it or paid a fine. There are more uninsured americans today than before ACA. It fixed nothing and made the entire medical system worse. But the mandate has now been removed, obamacare is dead. Trump fixed it.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
The actual number is significantly higher than 90%
5 million temporarily lost healthcare out of 330 million people

You do the math
Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
The actual number is significantly higher than 90%
5 million temporarily lost healthcare out of 330 million people

You do the math

bullshit. everyone who has insurance (except those getting it free) is paying higher premiums and has higher deductibles and less coverage-------------------THAT IS NOT KEEPING YOUR PLAN
Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya

nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
The actual number is significantly higher than 90%
5 million temporarily lost healthcare out of 330 million people

You do the math

bullshit. everyone who has insurance (except those getting it free) is paying higher premiums and has higher deductibles and less coverage-------------------THAT IS NOT KEEPING YOUR PLAN
Insurance costs have been going up for decades regardless of what you pay........yes you still have the same plan
nice try, but they knew those statements were lies when they said them. They knowingly lied.

There were reports of muslim rioting in NJ. Only the numbers involved is at issue.

A blow job is a form of sex, idiot.

Comey stated under oath that there was classified data on her unsecure illegal server.

"under sniper fire" does not mean "an area where snipers have been previously"

get you head out of their asses, you are making a fool of yourself
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
The actual number is significantly higher than 90%
5 million temporarily lost healthcare out of 330 million people

You do the math

bullshit. everyone who has insurance (except those getting it free) is paying higher premiums and has higher deductibles and less coverage-------------------THAT IS NOT KEEPING YOUR PLAN
Insurance costs have been going up for decades regardless of what you pay........yes you still have the same plan
more bullshit, its not the same plan if the deductibles are doubled and the coverages reduced. Its not the same plan if you cant go to the same doctors. Its not the same plan if you have to buy it on a government exchange. Its not the same plan if your employer no longer pays part of the premium.

Have you ever told the truth about anything?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need

The same reason Barry did...
Unfulfilled estimates of the future are not lies

Republicans lied and lied and lied about healthcare. Government takeover, death panels, you will be forced into Obamacare

In response to those lies, Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan.......Over 90 percent of Americans kept their plan

Hardly a lie

LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
The actual number is significantly higher than 90%
5 million temporarily lost healthcare out of 330 million people

You do the math

bullshit. everyone who has insurance (except those getting it free) is paying higher premiums and has higher deductibles and less coverage-------------------THAT IS NOT KEEPING YOUR PLAN
Insurance costs have been going up for decades regardless of what you pay........yes you still have the same plan
more bullshit, its not the same plan if the deductibles are doubled and the coverages reduced. Its not the same plan if you cant go to the same doctors. Its not the same plan if you have to buy it on a government exchange. Its not the same plan if your employer no longer pays part of the premium.

Have you ever told the truth about anything?
That is between you and your insurance company. Paying more is not losing your insurance

If it makes you feel better, millions of Americans received subsidies to help pay for insurance

Subsidies Republicans took away
LOL, your 90% is a lie. Damn, does it ever end?
The actual number is significantly higher than 90%
5 million temporarily lost healthcare out of 330 million people

You do the math

bullshit. everyone who has insurance (except those getting it free) is paying higher premiums and has higher deductibles and less coverage-------------------THAT IS NOT KEEPING YOUR PLAN
Insurance costs have been going up for decades regardless of what you pay........yes you still have the same plan
more bullshit, its not the same plan if the deductibles are doubled and the coverages reduced. Its not the same plan if you cant go to the same doctors. Its not the same plan if you have to buy it on a government exchange. Its not the same plan if your employer no longer pays part of the premium.

Have you ever told the truth about anything?
That is between you and your insurance company. Paying more is not losing your insurance

If it makes you feel better, millions of Americans received subsidies to help pay for insurance

Subsidies Republicans took away

why should my tax payments be used to buy someone else's overpriced insurance?

the fact is that before ACA no one in America was refused medical treatment. NO ONE, even those here illegally. There was no problem that mandated a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy. It was a failed law, passed by dems only in the most corrupt way in the middle of the night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to even read the POS bill. It failed, Obama failed, dems failed, liberalism always fails.
That doesn't answer the question.
The question is invalid. No one has been able or willing to produce documented proof of these alleged lies.
Here’s the latest batch from his most recent interview

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times
Real Thin. In many of those little snippets, the NYT is reaching. Nearly anorexic.
No. A lie would be " I did not vreak the lamp"> Meanwhile I'm standing next to the lamp with a broom in my hands that has glass fragments on it. THAT would be a "lie"....
Essentially gutted ACA.....Actually that is true. Because the main funding vehicle IS the mandate. Without the mandate ACA loses most of its funding. IN other words. it may not be totally demolished. But its been stripped to the studs. Or "gutted".
"He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the ME"....How can pulling the trigger on an estimate be considered a "Lie"....Its an estimate. A lie would be its' going to cost $100 billion. That is a deliberate misstatement
If oyu wan to consider that which is a deliberately misleading statement......Here's one.
"The number of coal mining jobs fell to about 48,600 in September 2016 from almost 90,000 in January 2012. Under Mr. Trump, employment in the sector made modest gains until this September — when job numbers reached about 51,700 — but it has since declined.
So lets get this straight. The NYT considers the addition of 3,100( and I don;t believe the NYT numbers anyway. More of that in a moment) jobs, a 6 % increase in the coal mining workforce to NOT be anything newsworthy. And then adds this. "But since has declined" . OH? To WHAT? Why does the writer not provide THAT new number? Is it because the writer has an agenda? Or the writer "heard from an anonymous source the number of Coal mining jobs was down"..Or is the wrote just too lazy to get confirmation?
I have to chuckle at this one.
"He falsely claimed the Democrats “made the Russian story up as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election.”
What makes the accusation "false"....Have the dems presented evidence to the contrary? No. In fact, evidence that the Clinton campaign and the DNC PAID FOR the now debunked and fake Dossier has been produced documented and verified. SO the Dems created the hoax and then planted the story. when it was THEY who were doing that which they accuse POTUS.....
And this....." Obama administration formally accused the Russian government of interfering in the election"......Tell me, in what manner or context does the use of "formally" have here? Is it to simply add impact to the article? What exactly IS a "formal" accusation? Is there an "informal" accusation? And at the end of the day. Obama could have accused Trump for the Kennedy assassination. Doesn't mean a friggin thing, If his accusation was so FORMAL. why did he not order the DOJ or FBI to begin investigating who in the US was on the receiving end of the so called tampering?
This thread is a load of crap.
But, its all you screeching libs have. So keep it up. Gets you no mileage.
The article never said lie. It showed simple falsehoods or misleading statements which have become the norm for Trump. It’s quite sad

name one politician of either party at any level of government who does not lie.

politicians = liars its a basic fact of life. Trump is no better or worse than any of them.

Grow up and move on. Hillary lost, get over it.
I didn’t vote for Hillary dumbass. Why are you bringing up her name? And is that really your answer. “All politicians lie so I don’t care”
Fuck that. If I hear I lie, I’m gonna call it out no matter who says it. Trump is far worse than I have ever seen, including any politician or any actual person I’ve known.
Trump is not the worst I have seen. That would be Mr. 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'...also Mr. 'MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION EVUH'.

The DUMBEST group of American citizens in US history have to be the Obama loyalists who still defend the criminal, Constitution / Rule of Law-violating, terrorist-aiding, enemy-assisting POS who left the DNC $24 million in debt and attempted to give terrorists millions on his last day in office.

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