Why does TX Bill focus on creationism? Why not Spiritual Healing research?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Texas lawmaker: Colleges shouldn?t discriminate against creationism research | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog

RE: HB 285 by TX Rep. Zedler
It still seems to me the bill is written with a biased purpose in not discriminating against funding research(ers) on the basis of "only certain topics" concerning the origins or development of life.

Should this bill be revised not to discriminate against anyone for their views, but make decisions solely on the content, effectiveness, and impact/value of the research studies?
On that note, is it more effective and valuable to study spiritual healing and the impact on saving lives and costs of health care and mental/criminal illness? Why the focus solely on creationism vs. evolution?

Some of my comments were published and some were omitted from the blog above.
I also posted similar questions and comments elsewhere online with articles on this bill.

Your comments or discussions, please?

Examples of blog comments:

"Dear Zack: Great work with your outreach in the media and legislative lobbying, where I hope to see more academic teams come together on these otherwise divisive issues. I was a classmate of your Dad's from 1988, and have contacted one of my best friends from Rice, formerly Christian now atheist, about forming a joint team to seek solutions agreed upon by all sides. I agree that the biases should be kept out of bills and publicly funded programs.
Here is my response below, along with a letter to Rep. Zedler. I prefer approaches that include all sides equally, as I believe truly unbiased research and proofs will satisfy both, which are equally essential to check and balance each other in the process. Ironically, the scientists who are most skeptical and objective often end up making the best allies in setting up effective research so that it is NOT unfairly biased. So we are shooting ourselves in the foot by discriminating and dividing against each other! Take care and best wishes with your studies and continuing successes! Yours truly, Emily Nghiem Baker College 1988"

"Why not write the bill to protect researchers from discrimination based on their views or beliefs regardless what they are? Clearly the decisions should be based SOLELY on the content, potential impact or value, quality and objectivity of how the study is set up, where the point should be protecting skeptics from discrimination, who may be personally biased toward disproving creationism and proving evolution, EQUALLY as protecting theists from discrimination, who may be personally biased toward proving creationism and disproving evolution. If the studies are set up properly, the personal views or beliefs of the researchers should not matter, so that is the issue which should not be discriminated against either way! Emily Nghiem Rice University 1988 * ethics-commission.net * www. spiritual-healing.us"

Email to Zedler re HB 285:

Dear Rep. Zedler: Thank you for promoting your bill HB 285, which I urge you to expand to include medical research on spiritual healing. May I recommend adding to your team:
Olivia Reiner in Houston who is working with doctors to document the effects of 30 years of spiritual healing cases where cancer, mental illness, and other diseases were cured more cost-effectively than relying on medicine alone. Unlike the fraudulent faith healing that deprives people of health care, true spiritual healing is free and works with science and medicine to heal the whole person. I would like to work with you to push this research to the Governor's attention, to give citizens and taxpayers better options in health care funding based on spiritual healing that would drastically reduce the cost of medical and mental health care, as well as solve issues of criminal illness bankrupting our criminal justice system. The potential impact is enormous, so I ask your help to PLEASE add spiritual healing research to your bill. This would affect the ACA mandates by proving that spiritual healing, which cannot be regulated by govt, is a necessary and natural component in the process of medical and mental care, where neglecting this area increases the costs to the public of both diseases and crime that escalate by letting the root causes go untreated. Thank you and may God help our State and our Nation to come together in unity. Yours truly, Emily Nghiem c/o Olivia Reiner 713-829-0899 freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy
RE: misconception the Bible has to mean the world is 5000 years old

Luis: The "days" of Creation represent STAGES or EPOCHS. If you don't insist on interpreting the Bible literally, the spiritual history and process of human development that it represents can be reconciled with science and common experience. Universal truth will satisfy the beliefs and standards of both secular gentiles by natural laws and theist believers by scriptural teachings, as long as people on all sides agree to forgive each other's differences in approach, and focus on points of agreement instead of dividing by blame for the conflicts where misconceptions can be better corrected by working together in teams. As we change our approach to addressing these issues, we will yield more productive results and conclusions, and make better use of resources instead of wasting them in unnecessary conflict!

RE: misconception that faith and proof negate each other exclusively

FALSE. Faith that forgiveness will help to solve problems better than unforgiveness HAS been demonstrated over and over, by both believers and secular therapists. And yet EACH TIME it takes a "leap of faith" for people to CHOOSE forgiveness, and have faith that it will solve the problem instead of enabling it to continue. . SEE: Steps of Forgiveness and Dangers of Unforgiveness posted at freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy The positive effects of forgiveness on physical and mental health have been scientifically studied and proven, yet the individual choice to seek forgiveness remains faith-based.

What is the intelligent design bill protecting? | The Daily Texan

Bad Bill: Zedler's HB 285. Creationism in Schools? Not So Intelligent Legislation

More Links I found online

Creationists Target Texas Colleges and Universities Again | TFN Insider

"Intelligent design" legislation in Texas again | NCSE

Bill Zedler | The Daily Texan
Anyone else see a problem wasting resources fighting over problems with public policy and funding due to biases toward or against creation or evolution?

Why not focus on things that CAN be proven scientifically to benefit the public, such as spiritual healing, which have a positive impact by saving lives while reducing costs of health care and mental health treatments? This is independent on someone's religious beliefs or lack thereof; spiritual healing works universally by forgiveness therapy regardless of patients' backgrounds because it is based on natural laws and process of healing of the mind/body.

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