Why doesn't anyone in the GOP want the Speaker seat?

Why doesn't anyone in the GOP want the Speaker seat?

No sarcasm, no diverting to something about Obama or Hillary. Real answer to a real question.
It's very possibly a career-killer.

You essentially have to run two parties - the Republicans and the Freedom Caucus - together at the same time.

Running ONE is ENOUGH trouble, I'm sure.
The establishment in the GOP is losing its grip on power and is throwing a tantrum that's why. This is a good thing, we don't send hundreds of representatives to Washington to just cave and obey the demands of a select few establishment leadership thugs.
"Why doesn't anyone in the GOP want the Speaker seat?"

Because it's the fast track to ending one's political career.

The next speaker will be forced to make a choice between two equally miserable options:

Appease the Anti-Freedom Caucus and abandon all hope of sound, responsible governance.


Pursue sound, responsible governance and make an enemy of the Anti-Freedom Caucus, thus ending one's career.
Yep..................what everyone else said, it's a career ender, and Ryan hopes to eventually run for President again.

With the division that showed up when the Tea Party caucus came into being, the GOP has a hard time agreeing with each other, much less the Democrats, and the next speaker is going to inherit the mess created and left by Boehner, and the next speaker very well may face a vote of no confidence and be forced to step down like Boehner is.
Why doesn't anyone in the GOP want the Speaker seat?

No sarcasm, no diverting to something about Obama or Hillary. Real answer to a real question.
They don't want to deal with the assholes in the party, and there are a lot of them.

However, it is looking like Paul Ryan might run for the seat, but he will make it clear he isn't going to bow down to 40 irrelevant dipshits. They will have to come to him, not the other way around.
Yep..................what everyone else said, it's a career ender, and Ryan hopes to eventually run for President again.

The flaw in Ryan's plan is that he thinks he can be President some day. However, his chances are somewhere between "slim" and "none". So he may as well go for Speaker since that is a higher office than "former Presidential candidate".
Nancy Pelosi will take it

She knows how to use it
Pelosi is one of the worst speakers ever.

"We won the election, we'll write the bill". Oops! You end up losing the next election by a landslide. Good job Nancy!
Why doesn't anyone in the GOP want the Speaker seat?

No sarcasm, no diverting to something about Obama or Hillary. Real answer to a real question.
the teabagger republicans are the problem ... if you're going to pass a bill in your on party it must have nothing on it that a dem/liberal agrees with if there is one thing that a dem likes its voted down ... the teabaggers will not allow anythink liberal period ...
It is a position that almost assures that you cannot run for President. Additionally given the GOP obsession the "Hastert Rule" it makes getting anything done in the House nearly impossible, given the "purity" of the Freedom(Tea Party) caucus.
Nancy Pelosi will take it

She knows how to use it
Pelosi is one of the worst speakers ever.

"We won the election, we'll write the bill". Oops! You end up losing the next election by a landslide. Good job Nancy!
really seems she got a lot more done then Boehnor did ... just because you don't like liberal causes doesn't mean she didn't get things done ...
Nancy Pelosi will take it

She knows how to use it
Pelosi is one of the worst speakers ever.

"We won the election, we'll write the bill". Oops! You end up losing the next election by a landslide. Good job Nancy!
really seems she got a lot more done then Boehnor did ... just because you don't like liberal causes doesn't mean she didn't get things done ...
She got things done because,she had a near super majority in the Senate. She got things done so well that her party lost the House in a landslide.

The American people didn't like what the Democrats accomplished in 2009 and 2010. That's why they lost. If not for Roberts' unbelievable decision, Obamacare would be history today. And using reconciliation to get that passed when they no longer had the votes to beat the filibuster left a bad taste in the voters mouths. Pelosi lead like a crook.
Because no one wants individuals that are far right and who make up less than 10% of the entire's membership fucking up the rest of the country.
But whoever takes the Speaker slot will have to deal with these anti-Main Street and anti-American tools of the greedy who are dying to dictate plutocratic policies.
Why doesn't anyone in the GOP want the Speaker seat?

No sarcasm, no diverting to something about Obama or Hillary. Real answer to a real question.
They want it.

Problem is, will they get any support?

The job is poison right now. You can't please anybody.

I figure the best guy for the job right now is an outsider who knows the system and doesn't care about how unhappy his decisions make the Democrats and their media suck-ups.
Nancy Pelosi will take it

She knows how to use it
Pelosi is one of the worst speakers ever.

"We won the election, we'll write the bill". Oops! You end up losing the next election by a landslide. Good job Nancy!
really seems she got a lot more done then Boehnor did ... just because you don't like liberal causes doesn't mean she didn't get things done ...
She got things done because,she had a near super majority in the Senate. She got things done so well that her party lost the House in a landslide.

The American people didn't like what the Democrats accomplished in 2009 and 2010. That's why they lost. If not for Roberts' unbelievable decision, Obamacare would be history today. And using reconciliation to get that passed when they no longer had the votes to beat the filibuster left a bad taste in the voters mouths. Pelosi lead like a crook.
True, except Roberts's decision was not unbelievable. What seems to escape notice is that deferring to congress's authority to tax, and deferring to state's regulation of marriage are conservative positions. He's not "the flip flopper."

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