Why doesn't McCain do the honorable thing and step down?

Looking forward to when Hollywood comes out with a McCain monster movie.

Just when you thought Jason was as scary as it could get.

This man surely will not have the capacity to properly do his job and faithfully represent his constituents while going through the rigors of brain cancer treatment.

Well like Barack Obama said--"Cancer didn't know what it ran into when it met John McCain." We'll see how McCain handles this, but I am certain if he feels he can't do it, he will indeed step aside.
Well Barry Hussaine Obama didn't know what he and Crooked ran into when the American people voted them the fuck out. As far as Barry's knowledge of medical issues, has he ever said one of his gay friends with AIDS could be cured?
This man surely will not have the capacity to properly do his job and faithfully represent his constituents while going through the rigors of brain cancer treatment.
Your question contains the answer: because that would be the honorable thing to do.
This man surely will not have the capacity to properly do his job and faithfully represent his constituents while going through the rigors of brain cancer treatment.

McCain is duty orientated and will stay on the job until he keels over.
McCain is a sick, neocon POS. Not sure how he profits from his douchebaggery actions besides making his fragile ego feel better.
I've begun having the same thoughts about stepping down, only mine are about Trump. Hopefully the new Chief of Staff Kelly can get this administration on track, but if he fails I'll give up what little faith I have in Trump.

As for McCain, he likes being a Senator but loves being Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. I think he'll try his best to stay on through September and fight to advance military spending in the 2018 federal budget.
This man surely will not have the capacity to properly do his job and faithfully represent his constituents while going through the rigors of brain cancer treatment.

He must serve his corporate masters.

is there anything you twits don't get wrong?

17% of the country supported taking health care away form millions of people.

so who is it serving corporate masters?

damn, trump loons are beyond dense.

No, Republicans wanted to stop forcing people to buy insurance against their will.

People aren't forced to buy insurance. If don't want insurance, don't buy it.

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