Why doesn't Trump....

I "know" Trump is dirty but would not ask for a penny of taxpayer money to prove it.

So this is all about Trump then, right? Not the corrupt officials around him who have been shown to have been involved in misconduct..

Just so we are clear.

Truunp doesn’t even release his taxes! Who knows what he’s hiding.

Here’s a good breakdown on this uranium nonsense . It’s all fake news . It’s companies buying companies . The Uranium can’t even leave the United States !

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Some facts for Vott, note no uranium every leaves the USA:

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating such transactions for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can.

All nine federal agencies and the Utah Division of Radiation Control were required to approve the transaction before it could go forward. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton “never intervened” in committee matters. Clinton herself has said she wasn’t personally involved.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

The timing of most of the donations does not match

Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.

So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Nope, sorry, makes no sense, next!
So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.

Why is the allegation of the Clinton Foundation a joke when the allegations about Trump are not?

Because your claim just doesn't make sense.

And saying that the Hillary funded dossier about Trump having hookers urinate on him does make sense?

Watch the documentary, I assure you, it makes perfect sense.

Yes ! Like you’d be shocked to find womanizer trump had a pee fetish ?
Could it be that the entire DNC, GOP, CIA, and FBI are all out to get Trump and defend Hillary?

Sure, why not? I heard the illuminati, Bigfoot, the Beverly Hillbillies, and a new group of shape shifting reptiles from outer space just signed on too. Somebody should inform Alex Jones.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.

So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.
Why doesn't Trump....Go after Hillary with her uranium deal?
  • Because Hillary is not running for elective office.
  • Because HIllary does not hold any public office.
  • Because one does not profit on account of donations to a charity.
  • Because the financial statements and tax returns of the Clinton Foundation, which is a charity, are available to the public and nothing in them indicates Hillary or Bill Clinton profited from its activities.
  • Because Hillary had nothing to do with the State Dept's approval of the deal.
  • Because eight other agencies also approved the deal.
  • Because Canada's approval was also required for the deal to go through.
  • Because Trump knows that although he can spew a ton of rhetoric about the Uranium One deal, rhetoric that owners of smaller minds than his will "buy," he knows too that there's no "there" there.
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So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.

Why is the allegation of the Clinton Foundation a joke when the allegations about Trump are not?

Because your claim just doesn't make sense.

And saying that the Hillary funded dossier about Trump having hookers urinate on him does make sense?

Watch the documentary, I assure you, it makes perfect sense.

Is it your contention that one claim is the only one in that dossier?
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.

So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Nope, sorry, makes no sense, next!

You want to throw quid pro stones ? How about China approving hard to get “trump “ trademarks for don and ivanka after he got elected ? Potentially worth billions.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.
Same with going after the IRS.

Most disappointed.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.
Why doesn't Trump....Go after Hillary with her uranium deal?
  • Because Hillary is not running for elective office.
  • Because HIllary does not hold any public office.
  • Because one does not profit on account of donations to a charity.
  • Because the financial statements and tax returns of the Clinton Foundation, which is a charity, are available to the public and nothing in them indicates Hillary or Bill Clinton profited from its activities.
  • Because Hillary had nothing to do with the State Dept's approval of the deal.
  • Because eight other agencies also approved the deal.
  • Because Canada's approval was also required for the deal to go through.
  • Because though Trump knows that although he can spew a ton of rhetoric about the Uranium One deal, rhetoric that owners of smaller minds than his will "buy," he knows too that there's no "there" there.

No, you had Bill meeting with the head of the DOJ in private during the Hillary investigation. They you had Comey come out and publically say she is a big fat liar but....................she had no intent?


The only way to prosecute these clowns is to wait till they are out of power so that there is actually a political will to prosecute them.

Trump is a unique case in that both parties hate him and the establishment is out to get him.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.
Same with going after the IRS.

Most disappointed.

I think the establishment is sending the message, go ahead, elect who you want. Those we don't like won't ever get anything done, neither will they last 4 years.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.
Same with going after the IRS.

Most disappointed.

I think the establishment is sending the message, go ahead, elect who you want. Those we don't like won't ever get anything done, neither will they last 4 years.
Go after Hillary with her uranium deal? Appointing a special prosecutor looking into Uranium One would not only go after Hillary, a special council would also have to investigate the F.B.I.’s role in approving the deal, thereby making Mueller—who was in charge of the bureau at the time—a target.

Everyone knows Hillary is dirty, and Mueller probably knows he is on borrowed time having been involved with crooked Hillary, which is why he is so driven to bring down Trump.

It seems his best defense is a good offense.

So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
...but only if the SOS is not a corrupt greedy criminal.
So where do you think all that uranium went to? Do you think they packed it up and send it to Russia?

You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
...but only if the SOS is not a corrupt greedy criminal.

So if the SOS is a corrupt greedy criminal, what laws change to give her that authority? Explain what you mean.
You tell me. Let's just have an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium issue and get it all out into the open, otherwise there will always be doubt.

In fact, why not investigate every high ranking official like this? I remember when Obama went to appoint cabinet members. One after another stepped down because it was found out they did not pay their taxes, all but the head of the IRS Geithner. No, he stayed.

Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
...but only if the SOS is not a corrupt greedy criminal.

So if the SOS is a corrupt greedy criminal, what laws change to give her that authority? Explain what you mean.
I don't think you understand the capabilities of a corrupt greedy criminal, who all knew could be POTUS and who's husband was POTUS.
Th right has made lots of claims about the Clinton foundation. Do you expect anyone to believe right wingers haven't been spending every day trying to prove wrong doing? No luck for them yet.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
...but only if the SOS is not a corrupt greedy criminal.

So if the SOS is a corrupt greedy criminal, what laws change to give her that authority? Explain what you mean.
I don't think you understand the capabilities of a corrupt greedy criminal, who all knew could be POTUS and who's husband was POTUS.

Then explain it to me. How did the SOS assume authority she didn't have, and how did she use that authority? Are you saying she did have the authority to deny or approve that deal? Explain yourself.
Let's see....Russians give Bubba $500,000 for one speech and then $145 million to Clinton Foundation, after uranium deal is completed when Cankles was SOS.

Libs can't see the quid pro quo....but they would, if Trump did exactly the same thing.

Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
...but only if the SOS is not a corrupt greedy criminal.

So if the SOS is a corrupt greedy criminal, what laws change to give her that authority? Explain what you mean.
I don't think you understand the capabilities of a corrupt greedy criminal, who all knew could be POTUS and who's husband was POTUS.

Then explain it to me. How did the SOS assume authority she didn't have, and how did she use that authority? Are you saying she did have the authority to deny or approve that deal? Explain yourself.
You need to be able to think.
You could still get help with your mental processing problems, GIPPER.
Secretary of State had neither the ability to approve or deny such a deal.
...but only if the SOS is not a corrupt greedy criminal.

So if the SOS is a corrupt greedy criminal, what laws change to give her that authority? Explain what you mean.
I don't think you understand the capabilities of a corrupt greedy criminal, who all knew could be POTUS and who's husband was POTUS.

Then explain it to me. How did the SOS assume authority she didn't have, and how did she use that authority? Are you saying she did have the authority to deny or approve that deal? Explain yourself.
You need to be able to think.

You need to think instead of spouting crazy conspiracy theories.

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