CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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I borrow the term "Regressive Left" from a liberal Muslim Brit named Maajid Nawaz (who is bravely risking his life fighting for a Reformation of his beloved religion),

maybe he'd be happier in another religion. You know, instead of trying to ingratiate himself to white bigots.

When Israel kills a few thousand Americans with airplanes, cuts the heads off of Americans and puts it online, and swears to kill anyone who doesn't believe in their God, the Right must stand up. Agreed.

Did I really need to say that?

Okay, and when American apologizes for killing half a million Iraqis over weapons that didn't exist, maybe the Right will stand up and admit that.

Oh, no, you see, only attrocities committed by their side are bad. The awful stuff we do... meh, that's okay because we're "civilized".
I get a little annoyed when they spin and deflect and attack for a religion that includes people who would love to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God, who would love to murder my beautiful daughters for the crime of being raped by one of their own, and who would love to render my beautiful daughters second class citizens behind a hijab.

Except a "religion" has never tried to do that. Hey, dude, there are 1.3 billion of them and only 300 million of us. They kind of got us outnumbered. So you can kind of spare us the appeals to emotion.

If you really don't want a FRINGE of the Muslims population to engage in the acts you hate, how about not supporting the moronic policies that create them to start with. Al Qaeda and ISIS exist because of our dumb policies.

So they attack me for pointing out facts, try to equate Modern Day Islam with Modern Day Christianity, and minimize the horrors going on as we speak because they don't want to say anything bad about their pet constituent religion. That's ugly to me. If this is the road they have chosen, fine, that's up to them. But I don't have to enable them.

The problem is, you are condeming 1.3 BILLION Muslims for the bad behavior of maybe 100,000 people living on the fringe. That's what makes you a bigot. You aren't making a theological argument, you are blaming a whole religion for the actions of the worst people in it.
I get a little annoyed when they spin and deflect and attack for a religion that includes people who would love to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God, who would love to murder my beautiful daughters for the crime of being raped by one of their own, and who would love to render my beautiful daughters second class citizens behind a hijab.

Except a "religion" has never tried to do that. Hey, dude, there are 1.3 billion of them and only 300 million of us. They kind of got us outnumbered. So you can kind of spare us the appeals to emotion.

If you really don't want a FRINGE of the Muslims population to engage in the acts you hate, how about not supporting the moronic policies that create them to start with. Al Qaeda and ISIS exist because of our dumb policies.

So they attack me for pointing out facts, try to equate Modern Day Islam with Modern Day Christianity, and minimize the horrors going on as we speak because they don't want to say anything bad about their pet constituent religion. That's ugly to me. If this is the road they have chosen, fine, that's up to them. But I don't have to enable them.

The problem is, you are condeming 1.3 BILLION Muslims for the bad behavior of maybe 100,000 people living on the fringe. That's what makes you a bigot. You aren't making a theological argument, you are blaming a whole religion for the actions of the worst people in it.

They are backward......and lack the technology and societal advances that would allow them to take us on militarily....had their religion not stunted their growth they would have been more of a threat.
all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab.

Who is standing in solidarity with them?

Not Western feminists.

Nonsense. I'm opposed to those head things. That's terrible and shouldn't be allowed, at least not for unsanitary issues (I heard of a female Muslim gastroenterologist who was wearing them! That's just wrong.) or for identification on license pix. Muslims who force them on girls should one and all be investigated by social services. I knew a Muslim Paki who made a huge hurrah about a ceremony forcing his daughter to wear one when she was EIGHT -- he sent big emails of religious celebration all over the office. Disgusting; no one replied.
How is it different than a nun wearing a habit?
They are backward......and lack the technology and societal advances that would allow them to take us on militarily....had their religion not stunted their growth they would have been more of a threat.

Ah, spoken like a true clueless white person.

Should point out that in the middle ages, the Islamic World was far more techinically advanced than Europe, and that persisted pretty much all the way up until about 1500 or so. They developed trade, astronomy, mathematics, military technology, and they STILL didn't conquer us and put us all into Hijabs....

Imagine that.
Joe thinks the hijab is just about fashion.

Someone tell me how you can communicate with a person whose thought processes work like this.

Is there anyone from the Left who would like to jump in here and agree with Joe?

Why, I'm doing pretty well on my own.

So you are all terribly upset about their fashions... and oh my gosh, they are so scary because they make their women wear head coverings (as do a lot of traditions, but never mind, you just want to whine about the scary muslims.
The real problem is men having rules about women's "purity" and then being the judge sentencing a woman ON THE MANS TERMS !!!
Nope, I'm just refusing to validate your bigotry.

Here's the thing. 100 years ago, bigots like you told all sorts of horror stories... about the Catholics.

Let's all take a good, close look at what Joe said in post 22:
Seriously, we are having a debate here about FASHION!
Yes, their lack of fashion sense clearly shows they are less advanced.
Joe thinks the hijab is just about fashion.

Someone tell me how you can communicate with a person whose thought processes work like this.

Is there anyone from the Left who would like to jump in here and agree with Joe?

It's complicated....but it has far more meaning then fashion - American Muslim Women Explain Why They Do — Or Don't — Cover

For Muslim women, a headscarf — or hijab — is a visible sign of their faith and identity, and whether to wear one is a big decision. The recent decision by a Christian college professor to don a headscarf out of solidarity with her Muslim sisters highlighted the hijab question, at least for non-Muslims. For Muslim women themselves, especially in the United States, it was an old story.

"I support women who choose to wear it [and] who choose not to wear it," says Yasmin Elhady, a civil rights attorney who was born in Egypt and raised in Alabama. "I don't believe that anyone should comment on why women should wear it or shouldn't wear it. I think that if women want to wear it ... we should be supportive of them."

"Some Muslim women wear hijab, some don't, and it's just not an issue," she says. "It's a non-issue. But then you have one person write an engaging article, and suddenly it's a debate that we're supposed to be having, [a debate] that we are not having."

In Judaism - it's called Tzniut

and it's pretty much the same as it is in Islam...including, by the way, how observent men should dress (modestly, covering limbs).

We are a country of free choice. That means free choice for Muslim women as well.
lol at guys like the op attempting to mansplain what "Feminism" ought to be.
lol at guys like the op attempting to mansplain what "Feminism" ought to be.

In my mind feminism is really just one thing...the freedom and right to choose. The same freedom and right that men have. They same access to the same choices. And the right to choose means you can choose to be a stay at home mother and raise a family or a high powered CEO. Or you can choose to follow a faith that requires women to dress and behave "modestly" as symbol of their devotion to God or you can choose to reject it.

It's choice. No one has that right to take away that choice from any woman.
Nope, I'm just refusing to validate your bigotry.

Here's the thing. 100 years ago, bigots like you told all sorts of horror stories... about the Catholics.

Let's all take a good, close look at what Joe said in post 22:
Seriously, we are having a debate here about FASHION!
Yes, their lack of fashion sense clearly shows they are less advanced.
Joe thinks the hijab is just about fashion.

Someone tell me how you can communicate with a person whose thought processes work like this.

Is there anyone from the Left who would like to jump in here and agree with Joe?

It's complicated....but it has far more meaning then fashion - American Muslim Women Explain Why They Do — Or Don't — Cover

For Muslim women, a headscarf — or hijab — is a visible sign of their faith and identity, and whether to wear one is a big decision. The recent decision by a Christian college professor to don a headscarf out of solidarity with her Muslim sisters highlighted the hijab question, at least for non-Muslims. For Muslim women themselves, especially in the United States, it was an old story.

"I support women who choose to wear it [and] who choose not to wear it," says Yasmin Elhady, a civil rights attorney who was born in Egypt and raised in Alabama. "I don't believe that anyone should comment on why women should wear it or shouldn't wear it. I think that if women want to wear it ... we should be supportive of them."

"Some Muslim women wear hijab, some don't, and it's just not an issue," she says. "It's a non-issue. But then you have one person write an engaging article, and suddenly it's a debate that we're supposed to be having, [a debate] that we are not having."

In Judaism - it's called Tzniut

and it's pretty much the same as it is in Islam...including, by the way, how observent men should dress (modestly, covering limbs).

We are a country of free choice. That means free choice for Muslim women as well.
I remember when Catholic women wore veils to church as a symbol of faith

But for a Muslim to do so is offensive
all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab.

Who is standing in solidarity with them?

Not Western feminists.

Nonsense. I'm opposed to those head things. That's terrible and shouldn't be allowed, at least not for unsanitary issues (I heard of a female Muslim gastroenterologist who was wearing them! That's just wrong.) or for identification on license pix. Muslims who force them on girls should one and all be investigated by social services. I knew a Muslim Paki who made a huge hurrah about a ceremony forcing his daughter to wear one when she was EIGHT -- he sent big emails of religious celebration all over the office. Disgusting; no one replied.
How is it different than a nun wearing a habit?
A nun wearing a habit demonstrates that she is religious by profession and that she has sacrificed many things we take for granted, such as marrying, having children ,grandchildren etc.
That she is wedded to Jesus and the church, and that she devotes her every waking moment to her religion.
The laity cannot wear the nuns habit - only nuns can. So you could walk past Catholic women and never know their religion,they do not advertise it by dressing as nuns. You may see the odd catholic woman wearing a lacy shawl on her hair in church, even now that is a rairity.
Nuns choose their vocation and the attire that goes with it as adults. You don’t see 8 yr old nuns and you don’t see women and girls being coerced to dress as nuns, rarely are women forced to become nuns, particularly now, and nor do you see them being murdered by their families for refusing to wear habits. So many differences.
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lol at guys like the op attempting to mansplain what "Feminism" ought to be.

In my mind feminism is really just one thing...the freedom and right to choose. The same freedom and right that men have. They same access to the same choices. And the right to choose means you can choose to be a stay at home mother and raise a family or a high powered CEO. Or you can choose to follow a faith that requires women to dress and behave "modestly" as symbol of their devotion to God or you can choose to reject it.

It's choice. No one has that right to take away that choice from any woman.
It’s the choice part that many of us have a problem with. Clealry many women who do not want to wear the garb run into trouble, even being murdered by their own family for daring to make that choice. It isn’t much of a choice if exercising it might result in your brutal murder - and that is what feminists should be getting uppity about - but - largely - crickets.
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Women who wear that thing have no sympathy from me if they continue to put it on...specifically if they are here in the USA.
When I was a young child, and we went to church on Sunday, Girls had to wear veils or a scarf or a little round doily like thing over our hair BEFORE we could enter Church.

and it was considered wrong and disrespectful to God, by not wearing one....... well the Church rules changed over the years but for the millennium before that... it was required....

it changed for westernized women, in my lifetime.
Because U.S. feminists are part of a larger anti-white male culture. Your talking about mostly non-white they can’t go there.
Because U.S. feminists are part of a larger anti-white male culture. Your talking about mostly non-white they can’t go there.
is bill cosby white?:lol:

what are you so worried about? are there lines of women out there ready to accuse you of sexual harassment and ruin your life?
Because U.S. feminists are part of a larger anti-white male culture. Your talking about mostly non-white they can’t go there.
is bill cosby white?:lol:

what are you so worried about? are there lines of women out there ready to accuse you of sexual harassment and ruin your life?
Oh yes...making white males targets of accusations is the new Hollywood sport.
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