CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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Women who wear that thing have no sympathy from me if they continue to put it on...specifically if they are here in the USA.
Gracie is true red,white and blue. Our nation was founded on the idea of “liberty” and “ natural rights.”
Why won't they bitch at islam that really does hold women back? Why is all the focus on destroying men in America that support equalness anyways?
I remember when Catholic women wore veils to church as a symbol of faith
But for a Muslim to do so is offensive
There is a bit of a difference between a Catholic woman choosing to wear a veil to church, and a Muslim woman having to wear a hijab/burqa everywhere.

For crap's sake, come on. This is what I talk about - how far the Left will go to spin and deflect for that religion. And then they get angry when it's just pointed out.
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Why won't they bitch at islam that really does hold women back? Why is all the focus on destroying men in America that support equalness anyways?
Because Islam exists on the "Oppressed" side of the Left's Identity Politics "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger. Any group that the Left identifies as "Oppressed" immediately qualifies to be defended by whatever means is necessary - spin, deflection, lowered standards, denial, distortion, and sustained attacks on the Oppressor. No matter what, no matter what damage can be caused, no matter what further bad behaviors are enabled and exacerbated.

Examples of the Identity Politics Ledger:

The World/Christianity
Hispanics & Latinos/Whites
College Students/Contrary Opinion
Planet Earth/America
Other Countries/America

It plays out over and over and over. Every day. Like clockwork.
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There is a bit of a difference between a Catholic woman choosing to wear a veil to church, and a Muslim woman having to wear a hijab/burka everywhere.

For crap's sake, come on. This is what I talk about - how far the Left will go to spin and deflect for that religion.

Okay, let's look at that.

Here are some women in Turkey. They aren't wearing Hijabs.

Here are some chicks from Indonesia. Not wearing Hijabs.


Here are some chicks from Egypt... ONly some are wearing Hijabs.


And I should point out- one more time - that two Muslim Countries, Indonesia and Pakistan- elected women as heads of state. Something our country was unable to do.
There is a bit of a difference between a Catholic woman choosing to wear a veil to church, and a Muslim woman having to wear a hijab/burka everywhere.

For crap's sake, come on. This is what I talk about - how far the Left will go to spin and deflect for that religion.

Okay, let's look at that.

Here are some women in Turkey. They aren't wearing Hijabs.

Here are some chicks from Indonesia. Not wearing Hijabs.


Here are some chicks from Egypt... ONly some are wearing Hijabs.


And I should point out- one more time - that two Muslim Countries, Indonesia and Pakistan- elected women as heads of state. Something our country was unable to do.
Pakistan killed Bhutto...oh lookie here...this is Canada...
Pakistan killed Bhutto...oh lookie here...this is Canada...

Because she was as corrupt as shit.

Point is, you can't whine about them when they did something we refused to do.

You don't think white Christian people kill their children over arguments?

Dallas man to be executed for killing daughters with their mom on speakerphone

Alabama dad kills son, daughter, her fiancé then himself | Daily Mail Online

But it's okay! Those were white people. When white people do awful things, we talk about "mental illness'.
I remember when Catholic women wore veils to church as a symbol of faith
But for a Muslim to do so is offensive
There is a bit of a difference between a Catholic woman choosing to wear a veil to church, and a Muslim woman having to wear a hijab/burqa everywhere.

For crap's sake, come on. This is what I talk about - how far the Left will go to spin and deflect for that religion. And then they get angry when it's just pointed out.
Aren’t you assuming all or even most Muslim women are forced to? What is the difference between a Muslim woman wearing a hijab and a Jewish woman wearing a head covering everywhere?
Women who wear that thing have no sympathy from me if they continue to put it on...specifically if they are here in the USA.
Gracie is true red,white and blue. Our nation was founded on the idea of “liberty” and “ natural rights.”
That would include the liberty to wear a hijab if one chooses yes?
I remember when Catholic women wore veils to church as a symbol of faith
But for a Muslim to do so is offensive
There is a bit of a difference between a Catholic woman choosing to wear a veil to church, and a Muslim woman having to wear a hijab/burqa everywhere.

For crap's sake, come on. This is what I talk about - how far the Left will go to spin and deflect for that religion. And then they get angry when it's just pointed out.
Aren’t you assuming all or even most Muslim women are forced to? What is the difference between a Muslim woman wearing a hijab and a Jewish woman wearing a head covering everywhere?
No, I'm not assuming that. If something is worn purely by choice, I'm all for it. If it is required in any way, if there is the remotest form of pressure to do so, or expectation, or punishment for not doing so, not so much. And there is one (1) major religion with which the above can be associated. Obviously.

In all sincerity, it's difficult for me to believe that this is a serious conversation. My point about the Left and Islam continues to be illustrated, over and over and over. Equating modern day Islam with any other major modern day religion is clearly and simply an effort by the Left to protect it's pet, chosen, oppressed, constituent religion.

I keep saying it, and my point continues to be illustrated here, every single day.
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lol at guys like the op attempting to mansplain what "Feminism" ought to be.

In my mind feminism is really just one thing...the freedom and right to choose. The same freedom and right that men have. They same access to the same choices. And the right to choose means you can choose to be a stay at home mother and raise a family or a high powered CEO. Or you can choose to follow a faith that requires women to dress and behave "modestly" as symbol of their devotion to God or you can choose to reject it.

It's choice. No one has that right to take away that choice from any woman.
It’s the choice part that many of us have a problem with. Clealry many women who do not want to wear the garb run into trouble, even being murdered by their own family for daring to make that choice. It isn’t much of a choice if exercising it might result in your brutal murder - and that is what feminists should be getting uppity about - but - largely - crickets.
In much of the world women lack choice, whether it is forced marriage or rape or domestic violence or pursuing a vocation. It goes beyond religion and is ingrained in the cultures and that is much harder to eradicate. I think most people naturally pay more attention to what is happening in their own countries...but I do wish some would put aside the pink pussy hats and reach out to fight for their sisters in other parts of the world. Some do but...where is the media attention and anger?
Feminists like Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton worked to improve the rights of women around the world. They were openly mocked for it by Conservatives

Conservatives only care about banning hijabs
Women who wear that thing have no sympathy from me if they continue to put it on...specifically if they are here in the USA.

Yeah, no sympathy from me, either: they are behaving badly, trying to scare people. Shame on them, letting men control them like that.

I remember a few years ago I frequented a supermarket near a black area and sometimes black Muslim women would come in totally covered head to toe in a burka. I guess it was a kind of cult. White people (all women, during the day) would run, you could hear the feet drumming, to go look at this bizarre sight. And one time a woman had this costumed-up male kid in a stroller and he was disrespectful to me at the entrance to the market, and she did nothing! I was scandalized; I suppose she was brainwashed, that males get to do any atrocities and have total control, even young boys. Eventually all that went away; I suppose the cult faded away. But it was a horrible thing to see while it lasted.
lol at guys like the op attempting to mansplain what "Feminism" ought to be.

Yeah, really. Lots of mansplaining going on here. I hate that. Useless to read men deciding what we should do and believe. Sheeeeesh.
In all sincerity, it's difficult for me to believe that this is a serious conversation. My point about the Left and Islam continues to be illustrated, over and over and over. Equating modern day Islam with any other major modern day religion is clearly and simply an effort by the Left to protect it's pet, chosen, oppressed, constituent religion.

I keep saying it, and my point continues to be illustrated here, every single day.

Totally agree. You have sensible ideas on the issue, IMO.
So....#metoo....what about #ditchthehijab?

UCF Muslim Student Calls for Expulsion of Student Who Declined To Wear Hijab

Nonetheless, on World Hijab Day non-Muslim women all over the country wore hijabs in solidarity with Muslim women who are supposedly plagued by “Islamophobic” harassment.

But where was their concern for Aqsa Parvez?

Her Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it.

Or for Aqsa and Amina Muse Ali, a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn’t wearing a hijab?

They showed no concern for the 40 women who were murdered in Iraq in 2007 for not wearing the hijab; or for Alya Al-Safar, whose Muslim cousin threatened to kill her and harm her family because she stopped wearing the hijab in Britain; or for Amira Osman Hamid, who faced whipping in Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab; or for the Egyptian girl, also named Amira, who committed suicide after being brutalized by her family for refusing to wear the hijab; or for the Muslim and non-Muslim teachers at the Islamic College of South Australia who were told they had to wear the hijab or be fired; or for the women in Chechnya whom police shot with paintballs because they weren’t wearing hijab; or for the women in Chechnya who were threatened by men with automatic rifles for not wearing hijab; or for the elementary school teachers in Tunisia who were threatened with death for not wearing hijab; or for the Syrian schoolgirls who were forbidden to go to schoolunless they wore hijab; or for the women in Gaza whom Hamas has forced to wear hijab; or for the women in Iran who protested against the regime, even before the recent uprising, by daring to take off their hijabs; or for the women in London whom Muslim thugs threatened to murder if they didn’t wear hijab; or for the anonymous young Muslim woman who doffed her hijab outside her home and started living a double life in fear of her parents; or for the fifteen girls in Saudi Arabia who were killed when the religious police wouldn’t let them leave their burning school building because they had taken off their hijabs in their all-female environment; or for the girl in Italy whose mother shaved her head for not wearing hijab; or for all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab.

Who is standing in solidarity with them?

Not Western feminists.
Free full body massage with happy ending for right wing women willing to vote blue and not red!
I remember when Catholic women wore veils to church as a symbol of faith
But for a Muslim to do so is offensive
There is a bit of a difference between a Catholic woman choosing to wear a veil to church, and a Muslim woman having to wear a hijab/burqa everywhere.

For crap's sake, come on. This is what I talk about - how far the Left will go to spin and deflect for that religion. And then they get angry when it's just pointed out.
It was not a CHOICE to wear veils over our hair in Church, it was a REQUIREMENT....

But like I said, with Vatican 2, it was changed and Nuns no longer were forced to wear habits all the time and women were no longer forced to wear veils in church....
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