CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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Hijabs are not their problem
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.

Feminists have bigger fish to fry

Historically, they have avoided going after sexism in religion. There are 2 million Muslims in the US, those wearing hijabs are a small portion and it is a matter of choice

If feminists really wanted to go after religion, the Catholic Church is a bigger target with their refusal to allow women priests and opposition to birth control
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.
And hardcore rightists go after Islam exclusively...with a broad brush. Is that more acceptable?
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.

Feminists have bigger fish to fry

Historically, they have avoided going after sexism in religion. There are 2 million Muslims in the US, those wearing hijabs are a small portion and it is a matter of choice

If feminists really wanted to go after religion, the Catholic Church is a bigger target with their refusal to allow women priests and opposition to birth control
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.
And hardcore rightists go after Islam exclusively...with a broad brush. Is that more acceptable?
No. It's yet another example of how similar the two ends of the spectrum are in their behaviors.

Zero credibility

I'm glad we agree on both.
Hijabs are not their problem
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.
They are a symbol of a woman’s devotion to God but the right has stripped it of that meaning and assigned it the tag of oppression. Without listening to the women in this country who choose to wear it.

Hindu women cover their hair, so do orthodox Jewish women, but you never call that a symbol of repression.

How about attacking real oppression instead? FGM ( which many women are working to irradiate) or child marriages?
the Zionist Entity.
I love that you can't even say the name of the Jewish state. That kind of Jewish hatred takes real commitment.
The Regressives have chosen their side. They will defend this religion (religion!) no matter what, and that includes spinning, deflecting and attacking for its darkest elements. Without shame or guilt or a second thought.

Is the the frequent use of term regressive any different than the use of racist?
the Zionist Entity.
I love that you can't even say the name of the Jewish state. That kind of Jewish hatred takes real commitment.
The Regressives have chosen their side. They will defend this religion (religion!) no matter what, and that includes spinning, deflecting and attacking for its darkest elements. Without shame or guilt or a second thought.

Is the the frequent use of term regressive any different than the use of racist?
I borrow the term "Regressive Left" from a liberal Muslim Brit named Maajid Nawaz (who is bravely risking his life fighting for a Reformation of his beloved religion), and advanced by Dave Rubin (a married gay man and former member of The Young Turks who is horrified by what has happened to liberalism), Sam Harris (a well-respected atheist liberal intellectual who is equally horrified by what has happened to liberalism), Richard Dawkins (another well-respected atheist liberal intellectual who is equally horrified by what has happened to liberalism), among others.

I think I have have good, reasonable, sound backup for the use of the term, and seeing how they react to it, it clearly strikes a nerve. Those who spray the word "racist" around like water are using it for political leverage only, like a bludgeon, and have chosen to dilute and trivialize a terribly important word on a massive scale.

If you look at the rest of my 40,000+ posts you'll find that the term is as close as I come to personal insults or name-calling, even though I have borrowed it from real liberals.
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Hijabs are not their problem
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.

Feminists have bigger fish to fry

Historically, they have avoided going after sexism in religion. There are 2 million Muslims in the US, those wearing hijabs are a small portion and it is a matter of choice

If feminists really wanted to go after religion, the Catholic Church is a bigger target with their refusal to allow women priests and opposition to birth control
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.

Conservatives tend to be outraged over women wearing hijab....they mistakenly call them burkas. To them, the hijab is an open symbol of Muslims in the US

In 50 years of feminism in this country, I have not seen them go after any religion. Catholics, fundamentalists, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, Amish.....all discriminate against women
To attack Muslims because women wear head coverings seems hypocritical. Why not attack Orthodox Jews whose women shave their heads and wear really bad looking wigs?

The answer is that Islam is a higher priority on their Oppressed/Oppressor scale than women's rights.

Or gay rights.

Yup, shows up right on time.

Here's the thing. It's not our place to dictate their culture.

Now, if they break the laws of this country in this country, I'm all for throwing the book at them.

In their own countries, guess what, that's the culture. Whether it's called a Hijab or an Abaya or a Chador or a Bhurka.

Hey, in this country, it's against the law for a woman to expose her nipples, but not a man. What a bunch of sexists we are!!!

Or we just have a cultural norm that you wouldn't find on, let's say, a French beach.
When it comes to murdering people for not wearing an article of clothing anyone has every right to condemn the religions and or culture that encourage and tolerate such acts.
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.

Feminists have bigger fish to fry

Historically, they have avoided going after sexism in religion. There are 2 million Muslims in the US, those wearing hijabs are a small portion and it is a matter of choice

If feminists really wanted to go after religion, the Catholic Church is a bigger target with their refusal to allow women priests and opposition to birth control
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.

Conservatives tend to be outraged over women wearing hijab....they mistakenly call them burkas. To them, the hijab is an open symbol of Muslims in the US

In 50 years of feminism in this country, I have not seen them go after any religion. Catholics, fundamentalists, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, Amish.....all discriminate against women
To attack Muslims because women wear head coverings seems hypocritical. Why not attack Orthodox Jews whose women shave their heads and wear really bad looking wigs?
When Israel kills a few thousand Americans with airplanes, cuts the heads off of Americans and puts it online, and swears to kill anyone who doesn't believe in their God, the Right must stand up. Agreed.

Did I really need to say that?
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.

Feminists have bigger fish to fry

Historically, they have avoided going after sexism in religion. There are 2 million Muslims in the US, those wearing hijabs are a small portion and it is a matter of choice

If feminists really wanted to go after religion, the Catholic Church is a bigger target with their refusal to allow women priests and opposition to birth control
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.

Conservatives tend to be outraged over women wearing hijab....they mistakenly call them burkas. To them, the hijab is an open symbol of Muslims in the US

In 50 years of feminism in this country, I have not seen them go after any religion. Catholics, fundamentalists, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, Amish.....all discriminate against women
To attack Muslims because women wear head coverings seems hypocritical. Why not attack Orthodox Jews whose women shave their heads and wear really bad looking wigs?


No one cares if a woman chooses to wear a head scarf.

It's the "We'll kill you if you don't wear a head scarf" culture that needs to be condemned.
The Left continues to deflect, enable, spin, and attack for its pet constituent religion.
Feminists have bigger fish to fry

Historically, they have avoided going after sexism in religion. There are 2 million Muslims in the US, those wearing hijabs are a small portion and it is a matter of choice

If feminists really wanted to go after religion, the Catholic Church is a bigger target with their refusal to allow women priests and opposition to birth control
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.

Conservatives tend to be outraged over women wearing hijab....they mistakenly call them burkas. To them, the hijab is an open symbol of Muslims in the US

In 50 years of feminism in this country, I have not seen them go after any religion. Catholics, fundamentalists, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, Amish.....all discriminate against women
To attack Muslims because women wear head coverings seems hypocritical. Why not attack Orthodox Jews whose women shave their heads and wear really bad looking wigs?
When Israel kills a few thousand Americans with airplanes, cuts the heads off of Americans and puts it online, and swears to kill anyone who doesn't believe in their God, the Right must stand up. Agreed.

Did I really need to say that?
I'm surprised you would sink that are usually better than that

We are talking about American Muslims. Contrary to the claims of our President, they were not dancing in the streets on 9-11
Like any other American, they have a right to practice their religion

Feminists know enough to let them
Conservatives do not
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

They have no control over what is done to women in other parts of the globe
Do they like it ?....No
Do they realize that protests in the US will have little impact? Yes

So, instead, we get women going after asshole men who can't keep their hands to themselves

There they are having an impact
Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.

Conservatives tend to be outraged over women wearing hijab....they mistakenly call them burkas. To them, the hijab is an open symbol of Muslims in the US

In 50 years of feminism in this country, I have not seen them go after any religion. Catholics, fundamentalists, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, Amish.....all discriminate against women
To attack Muslims because women wear head coverings seems hypocritical. Why not attack Orthodox Jews whose women shave their heads and wear really bad looking wigs?
When Israel kills a few thousand Americans with airplanes, cuts the heads off of Americans and puts it online, and swears to kill anyone who doesn't believe in their God, the Right must stand up. Agreed.

Did I really need to say that?
I'm surprised you would sink that are usually better than that

We are talking about American Muslims. Contrary to the claims of our President, they were not dancing in the streets on 9-11
Like any other American, they have a right to practice their religion

Feminists know enough to let them
Conservatives do not
Just pointed out facts. I know you have to do what you have to do.
So....#metoo....what about #ditchthehijab?

UCF Muslim Student Calls for Expulsion of Student Who Declined To Wear Hijab

Nonetheless, on World Hijab Day non-Muslim women all over the country wore hijabs in solidarity with Muslim women who are supposedly plagued by “Islamophobic” harassment.

But where was their concern for Aqsa Parvez?

Her Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it.

Or for Aqsa and Amina Muse Ali, a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn’t wearing a hijab?

They showed no concern for the 40 women who were murdered in Iraq in 2007 for not wearing the hijab; or for Alya Al-Safar, whose Muslim cousin threatened to kill her and harm her family because she stopped wearing the hijab in Britain; or for Amira Osman Hamid, who faced whipping in Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab; or for the Egyptian girl, also named Amira, who committed suicide after being brutalized by her family for refusing to wear the hijab; or for the Muslim and non-Muslim teachers at the Islamic College of South Australia who were told they had to wear the hijab or be fired; or for the women in Chechnya whom police shot with paintballs because they weren’t wearing hijab; or for the women in Chechnya who were threatened by men with automatic rifles for not wearing hijab; or for the elementary school teachers in Tunisia who were threatened with death for not wearing hijab; or for the Syrian schoolgirls who were forbidden to go to schoolunless they wore hijab; or for the women in Gaza whom Hamas has forced to wear hijab; or for the women in Iran who protested against the regime, even before the recent uprising, by daring to take off their hijabs; or for the women in London whom Muslim thugs threatened to murder if they didn’t wear hijab; or for the anonymous young Muslim woman who doffed her hijab outside her home and started living a double life in fear of her parents; or for the fifteen girls in Saudi Arabia who were killed when the religious police wouldn’t let them leave their burning school building because they had taken off their hijabs in their all-female environment; or for the girl in Italy whose mother shaved her head for not wearing hijab; or for all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab.

Who is standing in solidarity with them?

Not Western feminists.
The answer is that Islam is a higher priority on their Oppressed/Oppressor scale than women's rights.

Or gay rights.
Indeed. The hierarchy of victimhood will be enforced in the march toward equality...
Maybe they are scared of being fatwa’d, failing that, being eaten by their own:

...Criticising Islamic attitudes to women increasingly comes under the remit of ‘hate speech’, as the Danish Iranian artist Firoozeh Bazrafkan found. In 2013, she was found guilty of violating anti-racism legislation and handed a 5,000 kroner fine for a blog post she wrote that was critical of Islamic misogyny.

In an interview with the Copenhagen Post, she argued that Danish anti-racism legislation should not apply to a critique of religion.

‘I wrote it as an artistic manifesto to show that we cannot say what we want [in Denmark] and we cannot criticise Islamic regimes. As a Danish Iranian, I know what a big problem Islamic regimes are in both Iran and the Middle East.

These Islamic codes give men the rights to do whatever they want to women and children and I think it’s disgusting. They also prevent people in Iran from discussing and saying what they want. This is what I wanted to criticise.’...

Few feminists dare criticise Islam. To see why, look at the ones who do | Coffee House
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So....#metoo....what about #ditchthehijab?

UCF Muslim Student Calls for Expulsion of Student Who Declined To Wear Hijab

Nonetheless, on World Hijab Day non-Muslim women all over the country wore hijabs in solidarity with Muslim women who are supposedly plagued by “Islamophobic” harassment.

But where was their concern for Aqsa Parvez?

Her Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it.

Or for Aqsa and Amina Muse Ali, a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn’t wearing a hijab?

They showed no concern for the 40 women who were murdered in Iraq in 2007 for not wearing the hijab; or for Alya Al-Safar, whose Muslim cousin threatened to kill her and harm her family because she stopped wearing the hijab in Britain; or for Amira Osman Hamid, who faced whipping in Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab; or for the Egyptian girl, also named Amira, who committed suicide after being brutalized by her family for refusing to wear the hijab; or for the Muslim and non-Muslim teachers at the Islamic College of South Australia who were told they had to wear the hijab or be fired; or for the women in Chechnya whom police shot with paintballs because they weren’t wearing hijab; or for the women in Chechnya who were threatened by men with automatic rifles for not wearing hijab; or for the elementary school teachers in Tunisia who were threatened with death for not wearing hijab; or for the Syrian schoolgirls who were forbidden to go to schoolunless they wore hijab; or for the women in Gaza whom Hamas has forced to wear hijab; or for the women in Iran who protested against the regime, even before the recent uprising, by daring to take off their hijabs; or for the women in London whom Muslim thugs threatened to murder if they didn’t wear hijab; or for the anonymous young Muslim woman who doffed her hijab outside her home and started living a double life in fear of her parents; or for the fifteen girls in Saudi Arabia who were killed when the religious police wouldn’t let them leave their burning school building because they had taken off their hijabs in their all-female environment; or for the girl in Italy whose mother shaved her head for not wearing hijab; or for all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab.

Who is standing in solidarity with them?

Not Western feminists.
The answer is that Islam is a higher priority on their Oppressed/Oppressor scale than women's rights.

Or gay rights.
Indeed. The hierarchy of victimhood will be enforced in the march toward equality...
I get a little annoyed when they spin and deflect and attack for a religion that includes people who would love to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God, who would love to murder my beautiful daughters for the crime of being raped by one of their own, and who would love to render my beautiful daughters second class citizens behind a hijab.

So they attack me for pointing out facts, try to equate Modern Day Islam with Modern Day Christianity, and minimize the horrors going on as we speak because they don't want to say anything bad about their pet constituent religion. That's ugly to me. If this is the road they have chosen, fine, that's up to them. But I don't have to enable them.
Critising islamic misogyny has nasty consequences:

....Over the weekend, a Muslim conference held near Paris was interrupted when two Femen activists stormed the stage during a talk given by two fundamentalist preachers. The focus of the talk was on the role of women in Islam and, according to Inna Shevchenko – Femen’s founder member – they were discussing why husbands should not beat their wives. The topless activists were then forcibly removed from the stage and kicked aggressively by a number of the event organisers. Irony doesn’t even cover it....

According to Femen’s own statement on their website, the two activists were from Muslim backgrounds, one of Tunisian and the other of Algerian origin. They jumped onto the stage, screaming ‘no one makes me submit, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet’ and had a similar slogan written across their chests. Femen claim that the activists were protesting against violence against women, which they see as widespread in some Muslim communities...

...Following the incident, the conference organisers urged fellow Muslims to ‘stand together’ and attend the final day of the event on Sunday, claiming that they were ‘the victim of an anti-Muslim media frenzy’....

...Following their protest, the Femen activists have been subjected to calls on Twitter for them to be stoned and collectively raped. They have also been accused of only representing ‘white feminism’ despite the two activists being themselves from Muslim backgrounds...

Few feminists dare criticise Islam. To see why, look at the ones who do | Coffee House
I am glad to see Conservatives so concerned about women's rights around the globe.....We need to do something about those hijabs

Yet, Michelle Obama initiated a global program to improve educational opportunities for girls in developing countries

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries,

What happened to that program?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program - CNNPolitics

Maybe if Michelle had worked to ban the hijab around the globe instead of something frivolous like education
all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab.

Who is standing in solidarity with them?

Not Western feminists.

Nonsense. I'm opposed to those head things. That's terrible and shouldn't be allowed, at least not for unsanitary issues (I heard of a female Muslim gastroenterologist who was wearing them! That's just wrong.) or for identification on license pix. Muslims who force them on girls should one and all be investigated by social services. I knew a Muslim Paki who made a huge hurrah about a ceremony forcing his daughter to wear one when she was EIGHT -- he sent big emails of religious celebration all over the office. Disgusting; no one replied.
As for CHOOSING to wear headgear, whatever. The Amish come to mind. If they don't, they are out, but no one kills them. (And I have known women and any number of men who have left: they lose a lot of people to the general society.)

I don't like the Jewish thing where the women apparently wear wigs!! And call them hats --- that's trying to fool the general society that they aren't really behaving weirdly religious. Well, do or don't, I'd say. Lying is no good. Rather grotesque, in fact.
Do feminists not feel that the total subjugation of women, including the slaughter of women for the crime of being raped, is a little more negative than getting women priests and birth control?

The only time the Left seems to care about that stuff is when it is specifically pointed out. "Oh, yeah, well that's bad too".

Okay, let's put a number to it. How many women are killed in the Muslim world for the crime of "being raped"? If you are going to throw out these claims, how about quantifying them with numbers?

Hardcore feminists are also largely hardcore Leftists, and hardcore Leftists will use any excuse to avoid going after Islam, their pet constituent oppressed religion.

When I see some of these ladies going after Islam- even just SAYING SOMETHING would be nice - for these horrors, they'll have a little more credibility. Right now, the only religion the Left attacks with any passion or conviction is you-know-what.

You mean the religion that actually has THE ABILITY TO MAKE POLICY even though the constitution says they can't?

Sorry, man can't get worked up over fake attrocities in other countries. Gave that up after the Iraqi incubator heist that never happened in 1990.
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