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Why don't Joe Arpaio, Orly Taitz, And Mike Zullo use the birther smoking gun?

Simple logic that an American president, wouldn't let an innocent marine linger in a Mexican jail, when a single phone call to the above President of Mexico should free him. Even Clinton and Carter wouldn't stand for that.

Now show me some SCOTUS decisions EXPLICITLY RULING on the natural born citizenship! What aspects of one decision does not make any or all others exactly the same, all are judged on the specifics of each case.

Nonsense. Utter and complete nonsense.

Thank you Nuttley for admitting that fact, but why you would want to confess to it in this thread is a mystery...But we thanks you, anyway! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You silly twit.

You go to another country, you abide by their laws. Period.

And, SCOTUS hasn't changed the Contitution.

You fools are just dumb. Add up the number of Repubs, RWs and the amount of dirty money that has been behind the birfer crap.

and more

That's a load of money and they all want to (a) end Obama and (b) end the United States. If there was anything to find, they would have found it.

For the same reason, if there were grounds to impeach, it would be a done deal by now. Same with the silly law suit.

Quit wishing and start thinking.

If that's possible.

Nonsense. Utter and complete nonsense.

Thank you Nuttley for admitting that fact, but why you would want to confess to it in this thread is a mystery...But we thanks you, anyway! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You silly twit.

You go to another country, you abide by their laws. Period.

And, SCOTUS hasn't changed the Contitution.

You fools are just dumb. Add up the number of Repubs, RWs and the amount of dirty money that has been behind the birfer crap.

and more

That's a load of money and they all want to (a) end Obama and (b) end the United States. If there was anything to find, they would have found it.

For the same reason, if there were grounds to impeach, it would be a done deal by now. Same with the silly law suit.

Quit wishing and start thinking.

If that's possible.


And where does she say Obama was born in Kenya? No where. While Obama's COLB, LFBC, and the State of Hawaii all affirm that Obama was born in the good ol' US of A.

Try again, birther. You line em' up, I'll knock 'em down!

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. The issue is the literary agency brochure that says he was born in kenya. Refute that, loonybird.

So we're *not* adding Republican Arizona Secretary of State Bennett your little wall of batshyte?

As for the literary agent, you've already lost that one. The woman who edited the pamphlet said it was her bad. That she made an editing mistake 20 years ago.

You already know that.....you even gave us another heaping helping of tin foil hysterics by claiming she was lying. Or was that 'paid off'. I can never remember. Its always one of the two with you, no matter the source. Any source that contradicts your conspiracy you bizarrely insist must be part of it.

And of course, you can't back up any of your nonsense with evidence. So what else have you got?
...Who cares what anyone says, they are either subversives, or stupid to NOT BELIEVE the obomanations wife when she states, ON VIDEO, NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS ONE... "Visited his home country of Kenya".... game over!
Laughing....that's it? that's your smoking gun?

Um, where does she say Obama was born in Kenya? Just show us that video. You can't. As she never said it. And your little game ends again.

The State of Hawaii, however has affirmed Obama was born in Hawaii. 4 times.

And like a good little birther, you ignore the COLB, the LFBC, an the State of Hawaii, the State of Arizona, birth announcements, family members.....anything that you don't want to believe.

And backing your little batshyte conspiracy? Your imagination.
If there was an issue here, it's over.. I never voted for, nor endorsed nor do I even , in a googlbzilion years agree with his pathetic politics ever. In fact, if a fissure opened up and swallowed him up, or if boko haram kidnapped Obama, I might shake off my ennui and even feign concern.
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...Who cares what anyone says, they are either subversives, or stupid to NOT BELIEVE the obomanations wife when she states, ON VIDEO, NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS ONE... "Visited his home country of Kenya".... game over!
Laughing....that's it? that's your smoking gun?

Um, where does she say Obama was born in Kenya? Just show us that video. You can't. As she never said it. And your little game ends again.

The State of Hawaii, however has affirmed Obama was born in Hawaii. 4 times.

And like a good little birther, you ignore the COLB, the LFBC, an the State of Hawaii, the State of Arizona, birth announcements, family members.....anything that you don't want to believe.

And backing your little batshyte conspiracy? Your imagination.

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN.com

Shit like this happens all the time... IRS hard drives disappear, Ambassadors are murdered on secret mission for the Manchurian muslim, Border agent killed by guns sold by Holder, NSA tapes THE WORLD Unconstitutionally...you know, if it wasn't for small insignificant things like this, AND OTHERS....YOU might have had a shot...Now :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Hell, Moooch might be next, the way things are going!:eusa_whistle:
Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash

Dr. Chiyome Fukino is perfectly fine.

The Hawaiian state health official who personally reviewed Barack Obama's original birth certificate has affirmed again that the document is "real" and denounced "conspiracy theorists" in the so-called "birther" movement for continuing to spread bogus claims about the issue.

"It’s kind of ludicrous at this point," Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, said in a rare telephone interview with NBC....

.....The first is that the original so-called "long form" birth certificate — described by Hawaiian officials as a "record of live birth" — absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. Fukimo said she has personally inspected it — twice. The first time was in late October 2008, during the closing days of the presidential campaign, when the communications director for the state's then Republican governor, Linda Lingle (who appointed Fukino) asked if she could make a public statement in response to claims then circulating on the Internet that Obama was actually born in Kenya.

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims - politics - More politics | NBC News

So we're adding Dr. Fukino to your tinfoil wall of conspiracy batshyte too? I mean, a conspiracy is a hungry thing. You've always got to feed it new people, make it more fantastically complicated, more insanely elaborate.

And then there is Republican ex-Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle.

"I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records at the Department of Health. We issued a news release at the time saying the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that is just a fact."

Governor Linda Lingle
Debunking the birther claim: Obama releases birth certificate ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Lingle, a life long republican, campaigned for John McCain in 2008. But she's in on it too, huh?

Laughing.......and you wonder why birthers are a national laughing stock.
Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash
Dr. Chiyome Fukino is perfectly fine.

The Hawaiian state health official who personally reviewed Barack Obama's original birth certificate has affirmed again that the document is "real" and denounced "conspiracy theorists" in the so-called "birther" movement for continuing to spread bogus claims about the issue.

"It’s kind of ludicrous at this point," Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, said in a rare telephone interview with NBC....

.....The first is that the original so-called "long form" birth certificate — described by Hawaiian officials as a "record of live birth" — absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. Fukimo said she has personally inspected it — twice. The first time was in late October 2008, during the closing days of the presidential campaign, when the communications director for the state's then Republican governor, Linda Lingle (who appointed Fukino) asked if she could make a public statement in response to claims then circulating on the Internet that Obama was actually born in Kenya.

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims - politics - More politics | NBC News
So we're adding Dr. Fukino to your tinfoil wall of conspiracy batshyte too? I mean, a conspiracy is a hungry thing. You've always got to feed it new people, make it more fantastically complicated, more insanely elaborate.

And then there is Republican ex-Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle.

"I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records at the Department of Health. We issued a news release at the time saying the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that is just a fact."

Governor Linda Lingle
Debunking the birther claim: Obama releases birth certificate ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Lingle, a life long republican, campaigned for John McCain in 2008. But she's in on it too, huh?

Laughing.......and you wonder why birthers are a national laughing stock.

So now you're telling us that, as CNN reported, "Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii official who confirmed the authenticity of President Obama's birth record in Hawaii, died Wednesday night in a small-plane crash."

I think your Dr. is also a subversive like the obomanation.... BUT take his worthless word over Obuma's WIFE!!!

Sorry, TOO MANY coincidences! And too easy to FOOL others with the decent FAKES used by the regime! Two+ years in the making! :badgrin:

But a nice TRY little boy!

Moooch WINS! but keep trying, perhaps his mother or grandparents can help you out?...NO? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

This is beginning to become my entertainment tonight! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
I think your Dr. is also a subversive like the obomanation.... BUT take his worthless word over Obuma's WIFE!!!
His wife never said he was born in Kenya. You've hallucinated that.

Of course you ignore Chiyome Fukino....without even listening to anything SHE had to say. Again, anyone who doesn't ape your batshyte conspiracy becomes part of it. You don't need to anything more about them. Based on that one fact alone, you ignore anything they have to say.

Even when they're the former Director of Health of Hawaii who personally inspected the very birth certificate in question. Twice. Demonstrating yet again, there's nothing you won't ignore to keep polishing that little turd of a conspiracy.

But why would a rational person ignore what you do?

Oh, and you never did tell me....is Republican ex-Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle folded into your little ball of conspiracy batshyte as well? She's affirmed repeatedly that Obama's birth certificate is legit, that the birth conspiracy is silly, and that Obama was born in Hawaii.

So the republicans are in on it too, huh? Laughing......strap on that tin foil! Even the republicans are against you!
I think your Dr. is also a subversive like the obomanation.... BUT take his worthless word over Obuma's WIFE!!!
His wife never said he was born in Kenya. You've hallucinated that.

Of course you ignore Chiyome Fukino....without even listening to anything SHE had to say. Again, anyone who doesn't ape your batshyte conspiracy becomes part of it. You don't need to anything more about them. Based on that one fact alone, you ignore anything they have to say.

Even when they're the former Director of Health of Hawaii who personally inspected the very birth certificate in question. Twice. Demonstrating yet again, there's nothing you won't ignore to keep polishing that little turd of a conspiracy.

But why would a rational person ignore what you do?

Oh, and you never did tell me....is Republican ex-Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle folded into your little ball of conspiracy batshyte as well? She's affirmed repeatedly that Obama's birth certificate is legit, that the birth conspiracy is silly, and that Obama was born in Hawaii.

So the republicans are in on it too, huh? Laughing......strap on that tin foil! Even the republicans are against you!

The DNC sure isn't getting its money worth from you, child... What part of ENGLISH do you NOT UNDERSTAND?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk3OMRqO7aY]Obama home country is Kenya - YouTube[/ame]
The DNC sure isn't getting its money worth from you, child... What part of ENGLISH do you NOT UNDERSTAND?

Just quote her saying Obama was born in Kenya.

But you can't, can you....because she never said that. Ending your latest little game. Try again, birther.

Oh, and you never did tell me....is Republican ex-Governor Linda Lingle being folded into your bubbling ball of conspiracy batshyte? I mean, you've already made the absolutely fact free claim that Chiyome Fukino, former Director for the Department of Health must have been in on it.

Despite being a republican and appointed by a republican. Yet she says the same thing I do: Obama was born in Hawaii, and your silly little conspiracy is ridiculous. So now the Republicans are in on it, huh?

Laughing....and the funny part? You've still got *jack shyte* to prove Obama was born in kenya. So you ignore absolutely overwhelming evidence, even from fellow Republicans who tell you Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States, ignore every document, ignore the COLB, ignore the LFBC, ignore the birth announcements, ignore Republican Linda Lingle, ignore the State of Hawaii affirming Obama's eligibility to other States.


But you have absolutely nothing to back your tin foil jabberings. Just your imagination, and your desperate, willful ignorance. And *that* is why Birthers are a national laughing stock.
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The DNC sure isn't getting its money worth from you, child... What part of ENGLISH do you NOT UNDERSTAND?
Just quote her saying Obama was born in Kenya.

But you can't, can you....because she never said that. Ending your latest little game. Try again, birther.

Oh, and you never did tell me....is Republican ex-Governor Linda Lingle being folded into your bubbling ball of conspiracy batshyte? I mean, you've already made the absolutely fact free claim that Chiyome Fukino, former Director for the Department of Health must have been in on it.

Despite being a republican and appointed by a republican. Yet she says the same thing I do: Obama was born in Hawaii, and your silly little conspiracy is ridiculous. So now the Republicans are in on it, huh?

Laughing....and the funny part? You've still got *jack shyte* to prove Obama was born in kenya. So you ignore absolutely overwhelming evidence, even from fellow Republicans who tell you Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States, ignore every document, ignore the COLB, ignore the LFBC, ignore the birth announcements, ignore Republican Linda Lingle, ignore the State of Hawaii affirming Obama's eligibility to other States.


But you have absolutely nothing to back your tin foil jabberings. Just your imagination, and your desperate, willful ignorance. And *that* is why Birthers are a national laughing stock.

The ex. governor was shown that faked birth certificate, and how would she know any difference?

Now, child, what part of HOME COUNTRY do you not get? How many times have you played that 8 seconds over and over again to NOT understand HOME COUNTRY?

Most Republicans in Congress are feckless little pieces of shit, that are easily scared by the MSM playing up that silly birther crap, as you try on me, but I laugh at your feeble attempts!

Interesting how you pond scum subversives OCD on things. It has to be a genetic flaw that goes with the Liberalism being a mental disorder! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The ex. governor was shown that faked birth certificate, and how would she know any difference?

So now the officials of Hawaii don't know their own documents? Laughing......why your batshyte conspiracy just keeps getting more complicated and more elaborate.

And to back your latest ignorant ramblings? Nothing. There's nothing that indicates Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii. And you'll ignore anyone, any source, even the State of Hawaii itself....

....to cling to your little turd of a conspiracy.

The part you keep failing at, is convincing the rest of us why we would want to cover ourselves in conspiracy shyte by ignoring what you do. There is no reason, is there?

Now, child, what part of HOME COUNTRY do you not get?

Can you quote her saying Obama was born in Kenya? Its a simple question. And one you keep refuing to answer.

Yes, or no. Or......you can keep refusing to answer, and I'll keep pointing and laughing.

Interesting how you pond scum subversives OCD on things

Says the poor hapless soul that is still desperate for our attention, frantically tugging at the coat sleeve of anyone who will listen, hopelessly trying to convince the rest of us of his failed little conspiracy.......a full 6 years after Obama blew it out of the water by any rational standard with his COLB.

Enjoy Obama's presidency! As there's not a thing you can do about it, birther. You lost.
The ex. governor was shown that faked birth certificate, and how would she know any difference?
So now the officials of Hawaii don't know their own documents? Laughing......why your batshyte conspiracy just keeps getting more complicated and more elaborate.

And to back your latest ignorant ramblings? Nothing. There's nothing that indicates Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii. And you'll ignore anyone, any source, even the State of Hawaii itself....

....to cling to your little turd of a conspiracy.

The part you keep failing at, is convincing the rest of us why we would want to cover ourselves in conspiracy shyte by ignoring what you do. There is no reason, YOU is there?

Now, child, what part of HOME COUNTRY do you not get?
Can you quote her saying Obama was born in Kenya? Its a simple question. And one you keep refuing to answer.

Yes, or no. Or......you can keep refusing to answer, and I'll keep pointing and laughing.

Interesting how you pond scum subversives OCD on things
Says the poor hapless soul that is still desperate for our attention, frantically tugging at the coat sleeve of anyone who will listen, hopelessly trying to convince the rest of us of his failed little conspiracy.......a full 6 years after Obama blew it out of the water by any rational standard with his COLB.

Enjoy Obama's presidency! As there's not a thing you can do about it, birther. You lost.

HOME COUNTRY, you little halfwit STILL has no idea what it means after I spelled it out for you and gave you the video.... weakling! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Sorry, YOU LOST!
re's not a thing you can do about it, birther. You lost.
HOME COUNTRY, you little halfwit STILL has no idea what it means after I spelled it out for you and gave you the video.... weakling

Can you quote her saying Obama was born in Kenya? Yes or no?

Laughing...that's what I thought. Keep running.

You failed on the 'natural born' issue, you failed on the LFBC, you failed on the COLB, you failed on the State of Hawaii affirming Obama's birth in the US, you failed on the birth announcements, you failed on Obama's family affirming his Hawaiian birth.

And backing your bubbling ball of conspiracy batshyte? Nothing. Just you and your imagination.

Obama is still president........for the simple reason that you birthers didn't know what the hell you were talking about. And still don't. Enjoy the rest of his presidency!
re's not a thing you can do about it, birther. You lost.
HOME COUNTRY, you little halfwit STILL has no idea what it means after I spelled it out for you and gave you the video.... weakling
Can you quote her saying Obama was born in Kenya? Yes or no?

Laughing...that's what I thought. Keep running.

You failed on the 'natural born' issue, you failed on the LFBC, you failed on the COLB, you failed on the State of Hawaii affirming Obama's birth in the US, you failed on the birth announcements, you failed on Obama's family affirming his Hawaiian birth.

And backing your bubbling ball of conspiracy batshyte? Nothing. Just you and your imagination.

Obama is still president........for the simple reason that you birthers didn't know what the hell you were talking about. And still don't. Enjoy the rest of his presidency!

"WHEN HE VISITED HIS HOME COUNTRY".....You didn't lose child....America did!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk3OMRqO7aY]Obama home country is Kenya - YouTube[/ame]

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