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Why don't Joe Arpaio, Orly Taitz, And Mike Zullo use the birther smoking gun?

Prove it.

Now listen slowly, do you see the below clip from the 1991 Harvard yearbook?


Snopes.com has this to say about it!

Promotional Booklet

Claim: A 1991 literary client list booklet listed Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.


Read more at snopes.com: Promotional Booklet

Look again.

Snopes says the booklet is real.

It does not say its factual.

Even if it is factual, he's still a citizen.

How many times do we have to repeat this?

What someone writes in a year book is a legal factual document. Certified Birth Certificates are just toilet paper. :lol:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio


birfers, 0-94 in the courts and the legislatures

but "Sheriff Joe"

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I see you have NOTHING to hang your hat on when ASKED...pathetic little child! Unfortunately the feckless republicans are afraid of having a BLACK MAN impeached!....I can't understand why, if the blacks are pissed over that, so what, they wouldn't vote Republican as the stats show in 2008 and 2012!:badgrin:

A marine held in Mexico means that Obama isn't a natural born citizen?

Could you explain that using, say, the law. Rather than your own imagination.

Show us a court ruling that indicates as much, for example. Because from where I'm sitting it looks like you're absolutely desperate to change the topic.

If your claims regarding natural born citizenship had merit, you wouldn't need to so obviously abandon them.

Simple logic that an American president, wouldn't let an innocent marine linger in a Mexican jail, when a single phone call to the above President of Mexico should free him. Even Clinton and Carter wouldn't stand for that.

Its 'simple logic' that natural born status is dependant on a phone call to Mexico?

I don't think logic means what you think it means. As citizenship is a legal standard, why don't you show us the law defining natural born citizenship by telephone calls to Mexico.

Clearly, the USSC rulings didn't work out so well for you. Perhaps US law will be more fruitful for you. As your imagination clearly isn't suffecient to carry your argument:

Now show me some SCOTUS decisions EXPLICITLY RULING on the natural born citizenship! What aspects of one decision does not make any or all others exactly the same, all are judged on the specifics of each case.

I've already presented the USSC telling you what natural born means:
The interpretation of the Constitution of the United States is necessarily influenced by the fact that its provisions are framed in the language of the English common law, and are to be read in the light of its history.

II. The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called "ligealty," "obedience," "faith," or "power" of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King's allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual -- as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem -- and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance, but were predicable of aliens in amity so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the King's dominions, were not natural-born subjects because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the King.

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

You don't even deny it now. You just ignore it and try and pretend it doesn't exist.

Shrugs.......Obama's natural born status is completely unaffected by your willful ignorance.
My God man... either you really are one dumb mother fucker, or you're getting into this issue without reading a damn thing about it. Well, yeah, I guess anyone that drives a cab for a living really must be uneducated, or they'd have a job that actually required you know something.

The kenyan himself claimed he was born in TWO different hospitals in Hawaii, and then had to pick one to stick to for his story.

Um, no he didn't. What else have you got?

Two, there is NO ONE, repeat, NO ONE at ANY hospital that recalls giving birth to one Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama's mother is the only one who would 'recall him giving birth to Barack Obama'. And she's dead.

You really didn't think that through, did you?

Third, both digital creations he's released online as proof of his birth have been debunked as poor, pathetic, amateurish creations forged in Adobe Illustrator.

They've both been affirmed as legitimate. And the State of Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in Hawaii no less than 4 times. The Secretary of State of Arizona requested verification of Obama's birth in Hawaii. And Hawaii verified it:

The Arizona Republic reported that Bennett announced he had "received information from Hawaii that proves President Obama's American birth and satisfies Arizona's requirements for having the president on the upcoming election ballot."

Arizona official yields on Obama birth certificate

Then they did it again for the Secretary of State of Mississippi. Hawaii trumps anyone on their own documents.

stupid, uneducated bubble head fails to realize is, the kenyan claimed the last forgery was a "SCAN" of his REAL certificate of birth, and NOTHING could be further from the truth. A "SCAN" does NOT have LAYERS.

Sure it does, if you use Optical Character Recognition software. If you do, layers are exactly what you get. In fact, you can't avoid them. And its ridiculously common to scan text based documents using OCR software.

Anyone you care to quote on the birth certificate being a 'forgery' loses ....as Hawaii has already officially affirmed Obama's birth in Hawaii. Ending the debate.

By any rational standard, Obama's COLB back in 2008 ended any rational debate and reasonable doubts. As it stands as prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used as proof of US birth when getting a Passport.

You're still stuck in 2008, with no rational reason to ignore the COLB. Let alone the avalanche of evidence that contradicts your absurd little conspiracy.
Layers that include fonts not found on any other CofB from that time period, not to mention the date they forged onto this digital creation is after a pair of twins that would have been born after him.
OCR software takes the shape of characters and recognizes them as text. That's the point of Optical Character Recognition. The font is whatever the OCR assigned to it. Its the *content* of the scan that's relevant.

And the content has been affirmed by the State of Hawaii as accurate. Hell, even Fox News admits you'll get layers and assigned fonts via OCR software, and debunked the absurd 'forgery' theory.

. The evidence that obama is lying is a virtual MOUNTAIN, so when some MORON like you comes along and thinks he's going to convince someone you know what you're talking when it's painfully obvious you know NOTHING and are just talking out your ASS, all we can do is laugh at your fucking ignorant bull shit.

You're hopelessly out of your depth here, buddy.

The evidence universally affirms Obama's Hawaiian birth. His COLB says he was born in Hawaii, his family says he was born in Hawaii, his LFBC says he was born in Hawaii, two birth announcements affirm he was born in Hawaii, Republican former Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle affirms Obama was born in Hawaii, Director of Health Dr. Chiyome Fukino affirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii, Dr. Fukino affirmed Obama was born in Hawaii again, the State of Hawaii affirmed Obama was born in Hawaii to the Secretary of State of Arizona, the State of Hawaii affirmed Obama was born in Hawaii to the Secetary of State of Mississippi.

And backing the 'born in kenya' nonsense?

Nothing. It doesn't even make sense. Why would a 19 year old first time mother with *no* money fly all the way to Kenya to give birth to her first child...

....when she could just have herself driven 7 miles down highway 1 by her parents to give birth in a modern hospital?

Can anyone explain why that would *ever* happen? Let alone show us evidence that it did? I didn't think so.

There's a mountain of evidence, all right. And you're buried under it.
See we also have his Kenya birth certificate....


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See we also have his Kenya birth certificate....

Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in hawaii 4 times. Twice directly to other States.

How many times has Kenya affirmed Obama's birth in Kenya? C'mon....say it?

Never once. There's as much evidence that Obama was born in orbit as born in Kenya. And yet you silly birthers just gobble it all down without the slightest thought or question.

Laughing....good luck with that.
See we also have his Kenya birth certificate....
Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in hawaii 4 times. Twice directly to other States.

How many times has Kenya affirmed Obama's birth in Kenya? C'mon....say it?

Never once. There's as much evidence that Obama was born in orbit as born in Kenya. And yet you silly birthers just gobble it all down without the slightest thought or question.

Laughing....good luck with that.

Seems Kenya officially affirmed his birth!

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See we also have his Kenya birth certificate....
Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in hawaii 4 times. Twice directly to other States.

How many times has Kenya affirmed Obama's birth in Kenya? C'mon....say it?

Never once. There's as much evidence that Obama was born in orbit as born in Kenya. And yet you silly birthers just gobble it all down without the slightest thought or question.

Laughing....good luck with that.

Seems Kenya officially affirmed his birth!


Nope. That's just you hallucinating. Here's what official recognition looks like:

The Arizona Republic reported that Bennett announced he had "received information from Hawaii that proves President Obama's American birth and satisfies Arizona's requirements for having the president on the upcoming election ballot."

Arizona official yields on Obama birth certificate

But hey......birthers are hopelessly irrational souls who will ignore any source, even the Secretary of State of that bastion of liberal bias Arizona.

There's a reason why birthers are a national laughing stock. And you're showing us right now.
Sorry little man, if anyone should know where Barry was born, it would have to be the Mooch.... Did she LIE, or was all the shit made up for him...Hmmmm

And it's HARD to argue with a video! Point, set, match, and GAME! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M7Rp_Ghv6k"]Michelle Obama Admits Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country is Kenya - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry little man, if anyone should know where Barry was born, it would have to be the Mooch.... Did she LIE, or was all the shit made up for him...Hmmmm

And it's HARD to argue with a video! Point, set, match, and GAME! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Michelle Obama Admits Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country is Kenya - YouTube

And where does she say Obama was born in Kenya? No where. While Obama's COLB, LFBC, and the State of Hawaii all affirm that Obama was born in the good ol' US of A.

Try again, birther. You line em' up, I'll knock 'em down!
Sorry little man, if anyone should know where Barry was born, it would have to be the Mooch.... Did she LIE, or was all the shit made up for him...Hmmmm

And it's HARD to argue with a video! Point, set, match, and GAME! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Michelle Obama Admits Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country is Kenya - YouTube

And where does she say Obama was born in Kenya? No where. While Obama's COLB, LFBC, and the State of Hawaii all affirm that Obama was born in the good ol' US of A.

Try again, birther. You line em' up, I'll knock 'em down!

Moooch stated "Visited his home country of Kenya".... game over! Everything else is a phony, or forgery! Why would the Moooch lie?

Got you by the shorthairs, little man! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in hawaii 4 times. Twice directly to other States.


HAHAHA. I don't know if that's true but so what if it is.? They were paid off. I'd much rather know why hawaii governor and obama friend Abercrombie promised to produce the birth certificate and couldn't find it.
Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in hawaii 4 times. Twice directly to other States.


HAHAHA. I don't know if that's true but so what if it is.? They were paid off. I'd much rather know why hawaii governor and obama friend Abercrombie promised to produce the birth certificate and couldn't find it.

The Secretary of State of Arizona says its true.

rizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett said Tuesday night that he has received information from Hawaii that proves President Obama's American birth and satisfies Arizona's requirements for having the president on the upcoming election ballot.

A Hawaii official sent Bennett's office verification of birth for President Obama on Tuesday, according to both Bennett and Hawaii officials.

Bennett said the issue is now resolved from his point of view. He has cancelled a planned Wednesday news conference where he was expected to discuss the issue.

"I'm happy that we got what we asked for and that's what I was expecting all along," Bennett said Tuesday night.

Read more: Hawaii sends Arizona verification of Obama's birth

Or do we just add Bennett's name to your silly little conspiracy. Laughing.....good ol' Arizona. God knows they're so far in Obama's camp they might as well be California.
And where does she say Obama was born in Kenya? No where. While Obama's COLB, LFBC, and the State of Hawaii all affirm that Obama was born in the good ol' US of A.

Try again, birther. You line em' up, I'll knock 'em down!

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. The issue is the literary agency brochure that says he was born in kenya. Refute that, loonybird.
Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth in hawaii 4 times. Twice directly to other States.


HAHAHA. I don't know if that's true but so what if it is.? They were paid off. I'd much rather know why hawaii governor and obama friend Abercrombie promised to produce the birth certificate and couldn't find it.

The Secretary of State of Arizona says its true.

rizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett said Tuesday night that he has received information from Hawaii that proves President Obama's American birth and satisfies Arizona's requirements for having the president on the upcoming election ballot.

A Hawaii official sent Bennett's office verification of birth for President Obama on Tuesday, according to both Bennett and Hawaii officials.

Bennett said the issue is now resolved from his point of view. He has cancelled a planned Wednesday news conference where he was expected to discuss the issue.

"I'm happy that we got what we asked for and that's what I was expecting all along," Bennett said Tuesday night.

Read more: Hawaii sends Arizona verification of Obama's birth
Or do we just add Bennett's name to your silly little conspiracy. Laughing.....good ol' Arizona. God knows they're so far in Obama's camp they might as well be California.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...Who cares what anyone says, they are either subversives, or stupid to NOT BELIEVE the obomanations wife when she states, ON VIDEO, NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS ONE... "Visited his home country of Kenya".... game over!

Put your tail between your legs, little puppy, you can't run with the BIG DOGS! :lmao::lmao::lmao::funnyface:
I see you have NOTHING to hang your hat on when ASKED...pathetic little child! Unfortunately the feckless republicans are afraid of having a BLACK MAN impeached!....I can't understand why, if the blacks are pissed over that, so what, they wouldn't vote Republican as the stats show in 2008 and 2012!:badgrin:

A marine held in Mexico means that Obama isn't a natural born citizen?

Could you explain that using, say, the law. Rather than your own imagination.

Show us a court ruling that indicates as much, for example. Because from where I'm sitting it looks like you're absolutely desperate to change the topic.

If your claims regarding natural born citizenship had merit, you wouldn't need to so obviously abandon them.

Simple logic that an American president, wouldn't let an innocent marine linger in a Mexican jail, when a single phone call to the above President of Mexico should free him. Even Clinton and Carter wouldn't stand for that.

Now show me some SCOTUS decisions EXPLICITLY RULING on the natural born citizenship! What aspects of one decision does not make any or all others exactly the same, all are judged on the specifics of each case.

Nonsense. Utter and complete nonsense.
A marine held in Mexico means that Obama isn't a natural born citizen?

Could you explain that using, say, the law. Rather than your own imagination.

Show us a court ruling that indicates as much, for example. Because from where I'm sitting it looks like you're absolutely desperate to change the topic.

If your claims regarding natural born citizenship had merit, you wouldn't need to so obviously abandon them.

Simple logic that an American president, wouldn't let an innocent marine linger in a Mexican jail, when a single phone call to the above President of Mexico should free him. Even Clinton and Carter wouldn't stand for that.

Now show me some SCOTUS decisions EXPLICITLY RULING on the natural born citizenship! What aspects of one decision does not make any or all others exactly the same, all are judged on the specifics of each case.

Nonsense. Utter and complete nonsense.

Thank you Nuttley for admitting that fact, but why you would want to confess to it in this thread is a mystery...But we thanks you, anyway! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Seems Kenya officially affirmed his birth!


You should take that to court. You have a winner there. You should have that Muslim lovin Hussein Obama impeached in a week tops.


Now THAT is funny.

These idiots keep grabbing at one straw after another always forgetting that his mommy was an American citizen. He could'a been born in Kenya (which didn't exist) and he'd stil be an American citizen.

BTW, Kiss ... you misspelled m-u-s-l-i-n. :)

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