why don't liberals trust Jim Webb?

Do liberals trust Jim Webb

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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Since he can't win, they'll only focus on issues they feel they can "get" him on.

Their primary tactic is to paint him as a racist, which he is not. He just feels the Democrats have put too much emphasis on PC and Identity Politics, and since that's their precious sacred cow, he is officially persona non grata with them. The enemy.

He's a war hero and a good, old fashioned liberal, and not a crazed hardcore partisan ideologue.

Oh, by the way, from an Independent:

Webb '16. Please run, sir.
Can anyone explain this to me?

be happy to.

Jim Webb is a malignant narcissist who can't work and play well with others.

This is a guy who quit the Navy after Reagan (yes, Reagan) mothballed ships the Navy didn't want and didn't have enough men to put on.

This is a guy who threw an immature hissy fit at a White House reception because the President asked how his son was doing.

This is a guy who didn't run for re-election because no one was paying attention to him in the Senate.

He whined on stage because the moderaters weren't asking him enough questions.
its not a trust issue. The guy has been consistent. The problem is that he's consistently wrong on several issues. Like.......the Iran nuclear negotiations, Keystone and environmental protection, breadth of the Second Amendment, military spending and corporate taxes.

Add to this the fact that he's very intense and doesn't seem likable.....and you have a recipe for a guy who isn't serious about being the president of this left leaning nation.
its not a trust issue. The guy has been consistent. The problem is that he's consistently wrong on several issues. Like.......the Iran nuclear negotiations, Keystone and environmental protection, breadth of the Second Amendment, military spending and corporate taxes.

Add to this the fact that he's very intense and doesn't seem likable.....and you have a recipe for a guy who isn't serious about being the president of this left leaning nation.
HA told ya :thup:
Can anyone explain this to me?

Who are the liberals who don't 'trust' Jim Webb?
Are you already drinking this morning???

Just read this thread and you'll get a clear picture....
The majority of them probably don't even know who he is. That's what the Democrat party counts on, and they feel they can just run the old corrupted Hillary and the old career nobody politician Socialist Bernie. they play you all like a fined tuned fiddle
I could take Webb over those other two. He's still a little of the Blue dog Democrats of old. One of a few left. the rest have went hard core left/progressive/commie

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