Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

fire was the main cause of the collapse, aided by damage to the structure.

do you even understand how that building was constructed?

not according to nist...deal with it

We all know what sumder said about the damage.

But hey, at least you're acknowledging that the fires did contribute to the collapse. Because well, they did!......i mean, fire weakens steel, eh?

none of your drivel changes the findings of NIST and the fact you are in contradiction with those findins
Eots has this problem with comprehension.

He has been told probably 100 times or more that most people believe that the 911 CR and NIST got all the main points correct.

That some of us believe that the damage to WTC 7 played a role in it's collapse makes eots think we are saying that NIST is completely wrong.

Eots can't understand how we can disagree with any one point yet still not believe him and his cronies with their wild theories.

Hey eots, all you have to understand is that there was no controlled demolition. That easy enough for you?
EOTS...is there any particular reason you have ignored my post!?

Eots has this problem with comprehension.

He has been told probably 100 times or more that most people believe that the 911 CR and NIST got all the main points correct.

That some of us believe that the damage to WTC 7 played a role in it's collapse makes eots think we are saying that NIST is completely wrong.

Eots can't understand how we can disagree with any one point yet still not believe him and his cronies with their wild theories.

Hey eots, all you have to understand is that there was no controlled demolition. That easy enough for you?

so your saying you saw a video and it did not start until after the penthouse collapsed...I see....are you saying it took 9 secs for the penthouse to collapse ?

Here's the video eots.

The penthouse starts it's collapse into the building at :12. The global collapse doesn't start until :19. The top of the outer facade doesn't disappear from sight until :23.

Ollie's question is why do all the videos posted by truthers all start at :19 when the facade starts? Why do they always say the collapse happened at free fall when it didn't? Only a portion of it did. Why is the penthouse collapse not shown in the truther videos?

Answer me this. If the facade collapsed at freefall because the columns were cut with thermite or explosives, why didn't the free fall start until .8 seconds AFTER the start of the descent? According to you "physics experts" the columns were removed thus creating free fall right? If that were the case, free fall would have started from the moment the facade started to fall.

No truther has ever been able to answer this.

How about it PhysicsExist? Care to answer this one? Eots? Anyone?

because the center columns were blown .8 secs before the rest...

What a fucking moron!!!!

You are here arguing this bullshit and you don't even understand what your truther brethren are claiming!! You look REAL intelligent now.

WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This takes the cake.

Let me explain it for you. The claim is that the out perimeter fell at free fall. The moment the top edge of the facade began to fall is when you dumbasses claim the columns were all cut. This is the reason you guys post the video of WTC7 collapsing WITHOUT the penthouse or center columns shown to have collapsed. Which is what Ollie has asked you a number of times and you balk at it like a weasel.

The .8 seconds is AFTER the outer facade begins to descend. After .8 seconds has gone by, that's when the 2 seconds of free fall occurred. Next is a screen capture from David Chandler's video. The one you truthers used to prove the supposed free fall and demolition.

You see that area circled in red? That's the .8 seconds of no free fall. Then the free starts and continues for 2.25 seconds. The very left of the graph is the start of the facade descent.

So no, the .8 is not when the center columns were cut dipshit. It's when the perimeter facade starts to fall.


What a moron!
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apples and oranges

Yup, apples and oranges. You're quite famous for making these types of comparison to try and further your views, but never answer the tough questions.

For example, comparing this building collapse from fire alone...

To this...

And this...

Can you please tell all of us here what structural and damage characteristics were similar between building in video YOU posted above and the Twin Towers/WTC7 that you think were similar in order to make that comparison. That the towers and WTC7 should have reacted exactly like the building in your video and remained standing.

Let's see if your intelligent enough to do that.

Otherwise, you're full of shit.

there were several buildings in the video I posted...are you saying the design of wtc 7 was faulted in the collapse...what changes to building code were made as a result of these design flaws ??

Answer my question numbnuts.

Which of those buildings in the videos you posted have the same structural and damage characteristics as the towers and WTC7? I want to know how you are making a comparison that the three buildings that colapsed should have reacted the same as all the buildings in your video that you compare.

Example. Is a semi truck's structure going to react the same way as a Mini Cooper's structure being struck from behind by an SUV? They're both vehicles right. Is a Mini Cooper's structure going to react the same way and a VW Bug's structrure when struck from behind by an SUV?

So answer the question. What similar characteristics in your video do the buildings share in structrural design and damage that you can make a comparison?

Apples to apples, right eots?
not according to nist...deal with it

We all know what sumder said about the damage.

But hey, at least you're acknowledging that the fires did contribute to the collapse. Because well, they did!......i mean, fire weakens steel, eh?

none of your drivel changes the findings of NIST and the fact you are in contradiction with those findins

Kind of like you using certain points from Dr. Quintiere to try prove your crap, but then not believing other parts of what he says.


We all know what sumder said about the damage.

But hey, at least you're acknowledging that the fires did contribute to the collapse. Because well, they did!......i mean, fire weakens steel, eh?

none of your drivel changes the findings of NIST and the fact you are in contradiction with those findins

Kind of like you using certain points from Dr. Quintiere to try prove your crap, but then not believing other parts of what he says.


all I say is you are a raving lunatic...I am simple saying if the failure of column 79 due to fire could initiate collapse ..then logical so could removing that column with other means...ie;explosives

and as far as the rest of your drivel goes I think you are the one that looks like a fool

Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists'

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
none of your drivel changes the findings of NIST and the fact you are in contradiction with those findins

Kind of like you using certain points from Dr. Quintiere to try prove your crap, but then not believing other parts of what he says.


all I say is you are a raving lunatic...I am simple saying if the failure of column 79 due to fire could initiate collapse ..then logical so could removing that column with other means...ie;explosives

and as far as the rest of your drivel goes I think you are the one that looks like a fool

Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists'

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

That's what I thought dipshit. I hand you your ass and you can't say a damn thing about it.

How does it feel to look as stupid as you do?

Learn what you are arguing about before opening your piehole and making moronic claims and comments.


eots said:
because the center columns were blown .8 secs before the rest...

Not to bright are you? Try putting the weed down once in a while.
Kind of like you using certain points from Dr. Quintiere to try prove your crap, but then not believing other parts of what he says.


all I say is you are a raving lunatic...I am simple saying if the failure of column 79 due to fire could initiate collapse ..then logical so could removing that column with other means...ie;explosives

and as far as the rest of your drivel goes I think you are the one that looks like a fool

Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists'

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

That's what I thought dipshit. I hand you your ass and you can't say a damn thing about it.

How does it feel to look as stupid as you do?

Learn what you are arguing about before opening your piehole and making moronic claims and comments.


eots said:
because the center columns were blown .8 secs before the rest... [/quoteNot to bright are you? Try putting the weed down once in a while.

blah, blah blah blah...you said nothing ...you avoid the fact NIST claims a single column initiated the collapse . you ignore NIST statement that this is the first steel frame high rise to collapse due to fire and there have been fires in similar buildings.you pretend DR Q claims there is one alternative theory and he has it...when he so clearly does not...you are a joke
all I say is you are a raving lunatic...I am simple saying if the failure of column 79 due to fire could initiate collapse ..then logical so could removing that column with other means...ie;explosives

and as far as the rest of your drivel goes I think you are the one that looks like a fool

Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists'

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

That's what I thought dipshit. I hand you your ass and you can't say a damn thing about it.

How does it feel to look as stupid as you do?

Learn what you are arguing about before opening your piehole and making moronic claims and comments.


eots said:
because the center columns were blown .8 secs before the rest... [/quoteNot to bright are you? Try putting the weed down once in a while.

blah, blah blah blah...you said nothing ...you avoid the fact NIST claims a single column initiated the collapse . you ignore NIST statement that this is the first steel frame high rise to collapse due to fire and there have been fires in similar buildings.you pretend DR Q claims there is one alternative theory and he has it...when he so clearly does not...you are a joke


Similar buildings? I've asked you four times now you chickenshit. Name the similarities between the buildings you compare to WTC7 and the towers.

What are they? You balk at this every time. I know why. Because there ARE none. You're grasping at straws hoping people believe you and your blanket descriptions. That is until someone comes along and asks you to explain yourself.

What about the asinine .8 seconds you claim was when the central columns came down? That .8 seconds was when the outer facade came down. You even fucked that up.

I bet all the truthers want you to shut the fuck up already because you're giving them a bad name. Not that they had a good name to begin with.
And yet the good Doctor does not believe there was any controlled demolition.
And yet the good Doctor does not believe there was any controlled demolition.

His actual quote was he thinks he has a more likely hypothesis and thats fine and does nothing to change the fact that he feels the investigation is seriously flawed and fact finding was deterred and blocked by the government...does it
And yet the good Doctor does not believe there was any controlled demolition.

His actual quote was he thinks he has a more likely hypothesis and thats fine and does nothing to change the fact that he feels the investigation is seriously flawed and fact finding was deterred and blocked by the government...does it
but he thinks troofers are "nutters"
That's what I thought dipshit. I hand you your ass and you can't say a damn thing about it.

How does it feel to look as stupid as you do?

Learn what you are arguing about before opening your piehole and making moronic claims and comments.


blah, blah blah blah...you said nothing ...you avoid the fact NIST claims a single column initiated the collapse . you ignore NIST statement that this is the first steel frame high rise to collapse due to fire and there have been fires in similar buildings.you pretend DR Q claims there is one alternative theory and he has it...when he so clearly does not...you are a joke


Similar buildings? I've asked you four times now you chickenshit. Name the similarities between the buildings you compare to WTC7 and the towers.

What are they? You balk at this every time. I know why. Because there ARE none. You're grasping at straws hoping people believe you and your blanket descriptions. That is until someone comes along and asks you to explain yourself.

What about the asinine .8 seconds you claim was when the central columns came down? That .8 seconds was when the outer facade came down. You even fucked that up.

I bet all the truthers want you to shut the fuck up already because you're giving them a bad name. Not that they had a good name to begin with.

and yet the good doctor does not believe there was any controlled demolition.

his actual quote was he thinks he has a more likely hypothesis and thats fine and does nothing to change the fact that he feels the investigation is seriously flawed and fact finding was deterred and blocked by the government...does it
but he thinks troofers are "nutters"

do you have a link...of course not because you are a liar
his actual quote was he thinks he has a more likely hypothesis and thats fine and does nothing to change the fact that he feels the investigation is seriously flawed and fact finding was deterred and blocked by the government...does it
but he thinks troofers are "nutters"

do you have a link...of course not because you are a liar
i told you, dipshit, it was in an email
so no link
you are fucking insane
and 90% of the public knows it
but he thinks troofers are "nutters"

do you have a link...of course not because you are a liar
i told you, dipshit, it was in an email
so no link
you are fucking insane
and 90% of the public knows it

really 90 % of the public ..so do you have a link to that one ?

No of course you dont because it all takes place in divecunts delusional imaginings

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