Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

Lol dude you don’t even know what was in that. What economists actually say that worked was the extension of the unemployment benefits that created immediate consumer demand for those who lost their jobs in the recession. It was Keynesian economics.
Republicans are giving ungodly amounts to the wealthy and multi -national corporations. We wouldn't even be talking about the debt ceiling if it weren't for that; This shit is so easy to understand, a fucking cave man could understand it. Do you think this rquires a PHD in economics to understand what is going on ? Hell no. Wake the fuck up.

Do you have a PHD in economics, BWK? Have you even taken introductory classes in economics?
You might want to look into what happened in New Jersey when they imposed a "millionaires tax" awhile back! I'll give you a hint...it didn't raise revenues...it actually decreased them. That's macro economics at its finest...something that you on the left never seem to be able to grasp!
Do you have a PHD in economics, BWK? Have you even taken introductory classes in economics?
You might want to look into what happened in New Jersey when they imposed a "millionaires tax" awhile back! I'll give you a hint...it didn't raise revenues...it actually decreased them. That's macro economics at its finest...something that you on the left never seem to be able to grasp!
Have you?

Hey you dumb fuck I didn’t say the tax cut wasn’t in there. Derp! I said that what actually worked was the extension of the unemployment benefits. God your comprehension is just terrible.

ILMAO.........My comprehension, really?

Open mouth inserts foot.

You just didn't like the message, poor baby. Where does it read I was responding to you anyway oh "reading comprehension" one?

ILMAO.........My comprehension, really?

Open mouth inserts foot.

You just didn't like the message, poor baby. Where does it read I was responding to you anyway oh "reading comprehension" one?

Lol I said repeatedly in this thread that there was a tax cut in that legislation. That’s the most embarrassing part for you.
Tax cuts are paid for by issuing T-bills, which are bought with the money from the tax cuts. So, tax cuts don't create any additional investment money. Supply-side is a fiction.

Economies are stimulated from the demand side. Democrats understand that, which is why the economy always does so much better under Democrats.
Tax cuts are paid for by T bills? :cuckoo:

Gotta link, Simp?

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