Why don't we just admit the reason Obama wants a "path to citizenship" is because . .


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.
I thought Dem's position of the path to Citizenship was born even long before Obama was a known figure. Now it's suddenly to get him re-elected? OHHHHhhhhh..I get it..
I noticed that there weren't very many clapping about it the crowd.
American Citizens are looking for and competing for jobs and he wants to being in more immigrants?
That flopped big time!!
I thought Dem's position of the path to Citizenship was born even long before Obama was a known figure. Now it's suddenly to get him re-elected? OHHHHhhhhh..I get it..

Dude this is Democrat party policy. Obama is IN the Democrat party.

Why do you think Democrats ARE AGAINST VOTER ID laws?
I noticed that there weren't very many clapping about it the crowd.
American Citizens are looking for and competing for jobs and he wants to being in more immigrants?
That flopped big time!!

Yeah really!

I thought the line was lame when Bush said it, "jobs Americans won't do."

Well HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The word now is "just give me a job, dammit!"

And Obama wants to open the floodgates so it will be harder to get a job.

He doesn't care about us, all he cares about is getting reelected any way he can--the bastard.
He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.

Dude....the election is in 2012. The path to citizenship, if obtained, would be after 2012. You guys have mush for brains.
Show me how we are going to get all the illegals, or even some of them, out of this country, and I will support that. However, if all that is going to happen is for people to discuss how we can do it and nothing ever changes, then make them citizens, lock the doors so no others get in, and make the new citizens pay taxes like everyone else instead of working under the table.
Show me how we are going to get all the illegals, or even some of them, out of this country, and I will support that. However, if all that is going to happen is for people to discuss how we can do it and nothing ever changes, then make them citizens, lock the doors so no others get in, and make the new citizens pay taxes like everyone else instead of working under the table.

I see you haven't been paying attention AGAIN.


Republicans want a return to workplace immigration raids - Los Angeles Times
I'm all for getting illegals, by targeting the work place, and specifically the owners of the places they work, even moreso than the illegal. If you make it much more the problem of the person(s) running where the illegals work-you're going to cut down.

One reform I think we should have on citizenship is if somebody joins the military-give them citizenship within a year (as long as they have no disciplinary problems). Other than that, the first step is what I said above.
He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.

Dude....the election is in 2012. The path to citizenship, if obtained, would be after 2012. You guys have mush for brains.

C'mon dude, you have to know Obama is courting the Latino voters for 2012. If he doesn't get a big turnout frm them in states like Colorado and Florida, he's going to lose.
The dems are lucky, no one knows more about buying votes than Obama other perhaps than the last great Illinois politician Mayor Daley. The used to roam the cemetery getting names to register. Why don't the dems like voter ID, I have to show ID for almost everything and voting is one of the most important. I don't know how they can sleep at night unless they are up all night partying over the stupidity we cons seem to have. I hope for change.
The dems are lucky, no one knows more about buying votes than Obama other perhaps than the last great Illinois politician Mayor Daley. The used to roam the cemetery getting names to register. Why don't the dems like voter ID, I have to show ID for almost everything and voting is one of the most important. I don't know how they can sleep at night unless they are up all night partying over the stupidity we cons seem to have. I hope for change.

I don't see what the big deal with showing an ID to vote. You already have to in Florida.
He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.

Dude....the election is in 2012. The path to citizenship, if obtained, would be after 2012. You guys have mush for brains.

Come on now, don't you know better than to counter their talking point with facts, it makes their mush boil.
That's easy to say when you don't know anyone who's parents brought them over as babies and who grew up as Americans only to find out later that they're not. A lot of these young adults are smart, productive, and want to be Americans, willing to serve time in the military. I think we should let them.

You should look into how people get amnesty green cards. That's where the abuse is, but people get sidetracked by the Dream act.
He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.

He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.

Dude....the election is in 2012. The path to citizenship, if obtained, would be after 2012. You guys have mush for brains.

Hmmm.. We have about 25% unemployment amongst U.S. teens. I'd guess that number would go down if we'd enforce our laws and send all the illegals that are currently here back to their native countries. Instead, the President wants to keep them all here and get them started on the road to citizenship.

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