Why don't we just admit the reason Obama wants a "path to citizenship" is because . .

Show me how we are going to get all the illegals, or even some of them, out of this country, and I will support that. However, if all that is going to happen is for people to discuss how we can do it and nothing ever changes, then make them citizens, lock the doors so no others get in, and make the new citizens pay taxes like everyone else instead of working under the table.

No proof of citizenship no work. easy a pie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw6SvgSh0bc]YouTube - Stephen Colbert to House Sub-Committee: 'This Is America'[/ame]​
Barry had 2 years to do something on this with both houses and didnt do dick..........but a brilliant political play because all the potential constituents here have the political sophistication of a small soap dish. More phoney from Barry..............knows the Dream Act has zero chance of passage.
I support following the law. It is not difficult. It is illegal to enter this country in a manner inconsistent with the immigration laws. It doesn't matter to me what grade of violation you want to call it. It is illegal.

It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant. So I support busting the guy or company that hires one.

But I also support busting these so called sanctuary cities.

The law is the law is the law.
If every misdemeanor committed by everyone in the U.S. was always enforced, good 2 shoes like you would be broke from all the taxes needed to build prisons. Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public (and I live in New Orleans!)

That being said - what part of any path to citizenship requiring that the person plead guilty to the offense of illegal entry do you not understand?

What part of ship them back where they came from don't you understand?

It is simple. You do not belong here, get out. I don't care if they plead guilty, I don't care if they are paying taxes. I do care that they do not belong here and are more than likely not loyal to the USA. Though that is not a certainty. I have known many legal immigrants over the years, most of them became citizens, and they did it legally. I've served with Naturalized citizens and with children of naturalized citizens. Great people for the most part.

But I refuse to accept any path to citizenship for an illegal that does not involve them going home and starting over.
Yes, I'm a stubborn jackass about it and you cannot change my thinking.

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I support following the law. It is not difficult. It is illegal to enter this country in a manner inconsistent with the immigration laws. It doesn't matter to me what grade of violation you want to call it. It is illegal.

It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant. So I support busting the guy or company that hires one.

But I also support busting these so called sanctuary cities.

The law is the law is the law.
If every misdemeanor committed by everyone in the U.S. was always enforced, good 2 shoes like you would be broke from all the taxes needed to build prisons. Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public (and I live in New Orleans!)

That being said - what part of any path to citizenship requiring that the person plead guilty to the offense of illegal entry do you not understand?

Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public

Here's a hint do away with all the useless laws and you will stop the overcrowding of prisons. Next problem?
We cannot deport our way out of our illegal immigration problem. People aren't even trying to employ a reasonable person standard if they think we can.
We cannot deport our way out of our illegal immigration problem. People aren't even trying to employ a reasonable person standard if they think we can.

Really? No citizenship no work. Go home or starve and be homeless
We cannot deport our way out of our illegal immigration problem. People aren't even trying to employ a reasonable person standard if they think we can.

Why not? One at a time or by the busload. But we'll never fix it if we don't start. And I mean start in earnest not with the playing at it we've done in the past 40 years.
What part of ship them back where they came from don't you understand?

What part of they'll come right back over the border as long as there are jobs for them don't you get? Its been happening for years. Not once has an increase in border security actually stemmed the tide of illegal entries.
He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

Illegals can't vote, fool! And if they follow that path to citizenship, they will be AMERICANS.

And then they will be paying taxes.

They already pay sales taxes directly and property taxes indirectly through rent (some even own property and pay it directly) - but many actually do pay income tax. The ones that use some else's social security # will pay withholding as if they were that person. They pay the FICA tax in this case even though they have no hope of every getting the benefits, essentially subsidizing the social security and medicare funds with free money.
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What part of ship them back where they came from don't you understand?

What part of they'll come right back over the border as long as there are jobs for them don't you get? Its been happening for years. Not once has an increase in border security actually stemmed the tide of illegal entries.

And you think we cannot seal the borders? We can, but it takes guts to do it and Washington has no desire to do so.

Start with rewriting the posse comitatus act.
And you think we cannot seal the borders? We can, but it takes guts to do it and Washington has no desire to do so.

No. We can't. Its a 2000 mile long border, not the entrance to a fucking mall parking lot. And even if you could seal that border they'd come in on boats through our water borders, they'd sneak into less secure canada and hop over that even bigger, less secured border.
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He knows he can't get enough AMERICANS to vote for him in 2012.

His presidency has been such a disaster, he knows the only way he is going to get reelected is if he recruits more people who want to live off the hard work of others.

He doesn't care if he breaks the country. California is already broke from trying to support illegal aliens

This is the kind of president we have now.

2012 is coming.

you're mentally deficient.
Show me how we are going to get all the illegals, or even some of them, out of this country, and I will support that. However, if all that is going to happen is for people to discuss how we can do it and nothing ever changes, then make them citizens, lock the doors so no others get in, and make the new citizens pay taxes like everyone else instead of working under the table.

No proof of citizenship no work. easy a pie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw6SvgSh0bc]YouTube - Stephen Colbert to House Sub-Committee: 'This Is America'[/ame]​

Did Congress dismmiss him for being a clown?:lol: of course you're stupid to realize that.
I support following the law. It is not difficult. It is illegal to enter this country in a manner inconsistent with the immigration laws. It doesn't matter to me what grade of violation you want to call it. It is illegal.

It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant. So I support busting the guy or company that hires one.

But I also support busting these so called sanctuary cities.

The law is the law is the law.
If every misdemeanor committed by everyone in the U.S. was always enforced, good 2 shoes like you would be broke from all the taxes needed to build prisons. Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public (and I live in New Orleans!)

That being said - what part of any path to citizenship requiring that the person plead guilty to the offense of illegal entry do you not understand?

Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public

Here's a hint do away with all the useless laws and you will stop the overcrowding of prisons. Next problem?

OohPooPahDoo wouldn't you like to address this post?
If every misdemeanor committed by everyone in the U.S. was always enforced, good 2 shoes like you would be broke from all the taxes needed to build prisons. Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public (and I live in New Orleans!)

That being said - what part of any path to citizenship requiring that the person plead guilty to the offense of illegal entry do you not understand?

Heck in my state you can get up to 6 months for smoking a cigarette too close to a public entrance way, or for being drunk in public

Here's a hint do away with all the useless laws and you will stop the overcrowding of prisons. Next problem?

OohPooPahDoo wouldn't you like to address this post?
100% agree

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