Why drought?

You confuse logic with economics. You can't wish for something and expect it to be real.
Intrinsic value which is THE measure of value says otherwise.

value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
"In wet years, Californians forget about the dry years ... and in dry years, Californians forget about the wet years ..." -- John Steinbeck, East of Eden ; 1952 ...

Just picked this up and BOY does he have A LOT to say about drought in California ...
Intrinsic value which is THE measure of value says otherwise.

value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
What is the intrinsic value of bird poop? If I offered you a bag of it how much would you pay me? If I you had a billion pounds of it you'd be rich.
Intrinsic value which is THE measure of value says otherwise.

value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

Is that why tulip bulbs cost the same as a small house? ... in Amsterdam? ... in 1632? ...

If Los Angeles has no water ... then desalinization plants will be up and working within a week ... easy ... easier than fabricating the Apollo Moon Missions ...
What is the intrinsic value of bird poop? If I offered you a bag of it how much would you pay me? If I you had a billion pounds of it you'd be rich.
You think bird poop is comparable to drinking and irrigation water? That's even worse logic. The intrinsic value of bird poop - I'm guessing - would probably be limited to fertilizer. Whereas the intrinsic value of water is self evident to anyone who needs water to live and grow crops.
You think bird poop is comparable to drinking and irrigation water? That's even worse logic. The intrinsic value of bird poop - I'm guessing - would probably be limited to fertilizer. Whereas the intrinsic value of water is self evident to anyone who needs water to live and grow crops.
Water has no intrinsic value in and of itself, it depends on location and quantity as these pix show:
Water has no intrinsic value in and of itself, it depends on location and quantity as these pix show:
View attachment 676107View attachment 676109
ummm.... humans need water to drink. Crops need water to grow. There's your intrinsic value.

intrinsic: belonging naturally; essential.​
value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.​
Desalinization is good but very expensive. A fine solution for the West or the richer countries of the Middle East, not so good for the poor.

You get a twofer with nuclear desalination.. Clean water and cheap electricity.
You get a twofer with nuclear desalination.. Clean water and cheap electricity.
There are no free lunches. Building a nuke plant is very, very expensive, here in the US it's next to impossible. I'm all for it but no one wants one in their back yard.
There are no free lunches. Building a nuke plant is very, very expensive, here in the US it's next to impossible. I'm all for it but no one wants one in their back yard.

The Saudis will build one.

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