Why drought?

It's more intriguing than that. Those floods that are carrying our topsoil into the oceans come largely from water that has evaporated from the oceans. Perhaps we should save some of it.
Yep, Californication does not capture their water. What a bunch of fking idiots. Seriously, the amount of stupid that is a demofk is astonishing.
Water projects aren't climate change projects. Spending money to increase drinking water supply is smart. Spending money to pretend to change the weather just sounds dumb.
Not necessarily true. The Greeks cut down their trees to make warships and turned the Eastern Mediterranean into desert. Water and will could undo that damage over time.
Not necessarily true. The Greeks cut down their trees to make warships and turned the Eastern Mediterranean into desert. Water and will could undo that damage over time.
It's almost as if you have no concept of scale or cause and effect when you compare cutting down trees in a region to desalinization of OCEAN water.
Yep, Californication does not capture their water. What a bunch of fking idiots. Seriously, the amount of stupid that is a demofk is astonishing.

California farmers have always had an abundance of cheap water and poor irrigation practices. They can do better.
California farmers have always had an abundance of cheap water and poor irrigation practices. They can do better.
well it isn't because of any nonsense of global warming. Mismanagement of resources is the issue as you correctly note.
You'll be shocked to hear I don't agree.
Of course you don't agree. The thing is you can't tell me why you don't agree.

Note: It's been around for a long time at a large scale and there's little to no opposition to it because IT HAS NOT CREATED ANY MAJOR PROBLEMS.
Of course you don't agree. The thing is you can't tell me why you don't agree.

Note: It's been around for a long time at a large scale and there's little to no opposition to it because IT HAS NOT CREATED ANY MAJOR PROBLEMS.
I think it is one of many possible solutions but it has nothing to do with cutting trees or desalination?
I think it is one of many possible solutions but it has nothing to do with cutting trees or desalination?
Solutions to what?

The link in post #53 didn't paste correctly. It keeps linking to a different article. Here's what it would have said if it pasted correctly without redirecting.

Desalination converts salty water into drinkable water by removing salt and other solids from seawater or brackish water. Although the desalination process has been around for centuries, desalination plants allowing large-scale treatment of water didn’t come into being until the 1950s. In 2002, 12,500 desalination plants in 120 countries provided 14 million cubic meters per day of fresh drinking water. World-wide desalination plant capacity will nearly double by 2015. Read on to find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of using water desalination plants.

Advantage: Provides Accessible Drinking Water​

Water desalination plants can provide drinking water in areas where no natural supply of potable water exists. Some Caribbean islands get almost all of their drinking water through desalination plants, and Saudi Arabia gets 70 percent of its fresh water via the process. Even in countries where fresh water is plentiful, desalination plants can provide water to drier areas or in times of drought. The United States, for example, uses 6.5 percent of the world’s supply of desalinated water.

Disadvantage: High Costs to Build and Operate​

It is very costly to build and operate desalination plants. Depending on their location, building a plant can cost from $300 million to $2.9 billion. Once operational, plants require huge amounts of energy. Energy costs account for one-third to one-half of the total cost of producing desalinated water. Because energy is such a large portion of the total cost, the cost is also greatly affected by changes in the price of energy. It is estimated that a one cent increase in the cost of a kilowatt-hour of energy raises the cost of of one acre-foot of desalinated water by $50.

Advantage: Quality and Habitat Protection​

Desalinized water generally meets or exceeds standards for water quality. Water desalination plants can also reduce pressure on freshwater supplies that come from areas that need protecting. By treating ocean water rather than removing it from sources that may also be habitats for endangered species, these important freshwater bodies can be preserved. In addition, removing salt water from the oceans can raise people's awareness about protecting these bodies of water.

Disadvantage: Environmental Impact​

The environmental impact is another disadvantage to water desalination plants. Disposal of the salt removed from the water is a major issue. This discharge, known as brine, can change the salinity and lower the amount of oxygen in the water at the disposal site, stressing or killing animals not used to the higher levels of salt. In addition, the desalination process uses or produces numerous chemicals including chlorine, carbon dioxide, hydrochloric acid and anti-scalents that can be harmful in high concentrations.
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Solutions to what?

The link in post #53 didn't paste correctly. It keeps linking to a different article. Here's what it would have said if it pasted correctly without redirecting.

Desalination converts salty water into drinkable water by removing salt and other solids from seawater or brackish water. Although the desalination process has been around for centuries, desalination plants allowing large-scale treatment of water didn’t come into being until the 1950s. In 2002, 12,500 desalination plants in 120 countries provided 14 million cubic meters per day of fresh drinking water. World-wide desalination plant capacity will nearly double by 2015. Read on to find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of using water desalination plants.

Advantage: Provides Accessible Drinking Water​

Water desalination plants can provide drinking water in areas where no natural supply of potable water exists. Some Caribbean islands get almost all of their drinking water through desalination plants, and Saudi Arabia gets 70 percent of its fresh water via the process. Even in countries where fresh water is plentiful, desalination plants can provide water to drier areas or in times of drought. The United States, for example, uses 6.5 percent of the world’s supply of desalinated water.

Disadvantage: High Costs to Build and Operate​

It is very costly to build and operate desalination plants. Depending on their location, building a plant can cost from $300 million to $2.9 billion. Once operational, plants require huge amounts of energy. Energy costs account for one-third to one-half of the total cost of producing desalinated water. Because energy is such a large portion of the total cost, the cost is also greatly affected by changes in the price of energy. It is estimated that a one cent increase in the cost of a kilowatt-hour of energy raises the cost of of one acre-foot of desalinated water by $50.

Advantage: Quality and Habitat Protection​

Desalinized water generally meets or exceeds standards for water quality. Water desalination plants can also reduce pressure on freshwater supplies that come from areas that need protecting. By treating ocean water rather than removing it from sources that may also be habitats for endangered species, these important freshwater bodies can be preserved. In addition, removing salt water from the oceans can raise people's awareness about protecting these bodies of water.

Disadvantage: Environmental Impact​

The environmental impact is another disadvantage to water desalination plants. Disposal of the salt removed from the water is a major issue. This discharge, known as brine, can change the salinity and lower the amount of oxygen in the water at the disposal site, stressing or killing animals not used to the higher levels of salt. In addition, the desalination process uses or produces numerous chemicals including chlorine, carbon dioxide, hydrochloric acid and anti-scalents that can be harmful in high concentrations.
I thought we were talking water scarcity. What are you talking about?

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