Why evidence of hacking Hillary's server is an irrelevant diversion

The latest tactic to emerge in the Hillary email server saga is to somehow use "no evidence of hacking" as a means of exoneration. Totally irrelevant. First of all when you are talking about State level cyber-hacking, the Chinese are as good as anyone at disguising their hack attempts. So by saying "we found no evidence of hacking" just means you weren't smart enough to detect the hack attempt. Secondly, National security laws do not say "it's ok to put Secret and Top Secret stuff on an unsecured server as long as no bad guys get it". That is utter nonsense. If you hold the highest Security clearance given as Hillary does, and you do what Hillary did the law is clear. You immediately lose your clearance and you are going to do time in jail.

Like Powell and Patreaus did time in jail?

As an example, in 2011 there was a Marine that ran into financial trouble and he approached the Chinese with a proposition. He took photographs of the Chinese consulate including location of security cameras etc. He was caught, the photographs were classified at the Secret level. He was stripped of his clearance and got 9 years in prison. I'm going off the top of my head here sorry no link but it happened. Compare what the Marine did to what Hillary did. What should be her sentence?

And who did Hillary approach with top secret information?

Patreaus was convicted and given probation.

Are you recommending that Clinton should get probation, vice jail time?

I'm suggesting that if Patreaus wasn't given jail time for walking out 8 binders of top secret information from the CIA to impress the woman he was fucking.....its remarkably unlikely Hillary will for using a private email server.
Patreaus was convicted of a felony. If that's what happens to Hillary, she's finished.
you sit in front of the fucking Internet nitwit
what the fuck is wrong with your kind?

Whenever I make the slightest error I can always count on the left-wing douche nozzles to pile on. I hope these small victories salve your bruised egos.
Nor is it evidence of existence either. Logic 101.

So what would be your evidence of a hack into those email servers be? The answer is obvious: jack shit.
That's irrelevant. She still broke the law and should be in prison for the rest of her life.

Like Powell and Patreaus were put in prison for the rest of their lives?

Petraeus had classified information in an unsecure setting with ONE PERSON viewing it. Much different than a commercial server shared with other PERSONAL stuff as an open target. And some aides FORWARDING this information were not even indoctrinated in RECOGNIZING the classified nature of the communications. Huge diff.

When Powell held that job -- the State Dept electronic systems were in the Stone Age. HE was the Sec. that implemented secured networks and field communications. So most of HIS classified work was done on INTERNAL older systems. And it's quite possible that ANY OUTSIDE e-mail he used was relegated to unclassified convos. Just like you can't pick up ANY phone and have a classified session -- same with email..

Hilliary OTH -- used the Private server EXCLUSIVELY --- even tho the State Dept by that time had external secure nets that COULD have been used, but would have been "recorded" and logged.

You folks need to appreciate the magnitude of the issue here. There are MILLIONS of Americans who know what a crime this was. And at the LEAST -- Hilliary ought NEVER hold high Security again.. NEVER EVER....

Which would make it REALLY REALLY hard to act as Prez -- wouldn't it?? That kind of arrogance and irresponsibility and bad judgement would disqualify ANYONE else from obtaining those clearances. Most folks don't know the demands made of people security cleared at that level. It's absurdly strict... It affects your Real life.. It affects the way you travel or maybe even party or socialize.. And it's a kick in the face to the others who have to guard national secrets to see this poo-flinging back and forth..
that's simply not true.... the staffers that sent her this stuff were ALL Indoctrinated in handling of and identifying top secret/classified material.... thus they are requesting the release of this material, they don't believe it is top secret....

There's a lot we DON'T KNOW and shouldn't know. But just the folks who INSTALLED and HOSTED that server had access to ALL those communications --- if they wanted them. What about the aide that ARRANGED for the server??? The one given immunity just yesterday ??

Just knowing the physical location or the IP address of that server should have been Top Secret to match the communications that went over it.. There IS NO WAY --- to make what she did --- excusable..
if she used the State email system that you all wanted her to use, State.gov, this was an UNCLASSIFIED email system and NOT a classified one. All of her staff used the State.gov system for all of their every day duty and workload.... these LATER/AFTER THE FACT classified emails, would be sitting on the State.gov UNCLASSIFIED email system and all of the same emails that were classified AFTER the fact but before the FOIA release, would have been classified, AFTER THE FACT of creation, as well...and there still would be 2000 emails on an UNCLASSIFIED system, no different than her own server, EXCEPT the .gov system has been HACKED several times and her server was not.

She was sent things by her staff that were not classified, at the time they were sent, her systems manager was also a systems manager for the government and would have had access if he wanted it, to these now later classified emails IF HE WANTED IT....

For classified top secret info, Hillary used in the State Department, a separate server with a separate user id and password, on a system that is NOT hooked up to the internet or the State.gov server system.

There was and is no reason for her to believe she would ever in a million years be sent top secret info that came from the separate top secret server on the State.gov email system her staff had to work off of.... and she was not sent any of the top secret info from the top secret server, because they were NOT top secret and on that top secret server at the time they were sent to her.... They believed two of them were the highest level of top secret, but when they checked in to it, one... she got this top secret info FROM A PUBLIC SOURCE, and the other it was found that the info she received had not yet been designated top secret by intelligence and was not put on to the top secret server until about a week after she had gotten this info.....

She and anyone, has to KNOWINGLY send top secret info to someone who does not have top secret clearance....

She didn't, end of story....unless there is more that comes out that we have not heard yet.

The FBI NEVER stated Hillary was under investigation, they stated specifically that they were investigating her server and securing her server....they specifically and OFFICIALLY on the record, said that Hillary Clinton WAS NOT THE TARGET of their investigation....

I'm sorry you bought in to the propaganda spun, by the right wing.
That's irrelevant. She still broke the law and should be in prison for the rest of her life.

Like Powell and Patreaus were put in prison for the rest of their lives?

Petraeus had classified information in an unsecure setting with ONE PERSON viewing it. Much different than a commercial server shared with other PERSONAL stuff as an open target. And some aides FORWARDING this information were not even indoctrinated in RECOGNIZING the classified nature of the communications. Huge diff.

When Powell held that job -- the State Dept electronic systems were in the Stone Age. HE was the Sec. that implemented secured networks and field communications. So most of HIS classified work was done on INTERNAL older systems. And it's quite possible that ANY OUTSIDE e-mail he used was relegated to unclassified convos. Just like you can't pick up ANY phone and have a classified session -- same with email..

Hilliary OTH -- used the Private server EXCLUSIVELY --- even tho the State Dept by that time had external secure nets that COULD have been used, but would have been "recorded" and logged.

You folks need to appreciate the magnitude of the issue here. There are MILLIONS of Americans who know what a crime this was. And at the LEAST -- Hilliary ought NEVER hold high Security again.. NEVER EVER....

Which would make it REALLY REALLY hard to act as Prez -- wouldn't it?? That kind of arrogance and irresponsibility and bad judgement would disqualify ANYONE else from obtaining those clearances. Most folks don't know the demands made of people security cleared at that level. It's absurdly strict... It affects your Real life.. It affects the way you travel or maybe even party or socialize.. And it's a kick in the face to the others who have to guard national secrets to see this poo-flinging back and forth..
that's simply not true.... the staffers that sent her this stuff were ALL Indoctrinated in handling of and identifying top secret/classified material.... thus they are requesting the release of this material, they don't believe it is top secret....

There's a lot we DON'T KNOW and shouldn't know. But just the folks who INSTALLED and HOSTED that server had access to ALL those communications --- if they wanted them. What about the aide that ARRANGED for the server??? The one given immunity just yesterday ??

Just knowing the physical location or the IP address of that server should have been Top Secret to match the communications that went over it.. There IS NO WAY --- to make what she did --- excusable..
if she used the State email system that you all wanted her to use, State.gov, this was an UNCLASSIFIED email system and NOT a classified one. All of her staff used the State.gov system for all of their every day duty and workload.... these LATER/AFTER THE FACT classified emails, would be sitting on the State.gov UNCLASSIFIED email system and all of the same emails that were classified AFTER the fact but before the FOIA release, would have been classified, AFTER THE FACT of creation, as well...and there still would be 2000 emails on an UNCLASSIFIED system, no different than her own server, EXCEPT the .gov system has been HACKED several times and her server was not.

She was sent things by her staff that were not classified, at the time they were sent, her systems manager was also a systems manager for the government and would have had access if he wanted it, to these now later classified emails IF HE WANTED IT....

For classified top secret info, Hillary used in the State Department, a separate server with a separate user id and password, on a system that is NOT hooked up to the internet or the State.gov server system.

There was and is no reason for her to believe she would ever in a million years be sent top secret info that came from the separate top secret server on the State.gov email system her staff had to work off of.... and she was not sent any of the top secret info from the top secret server, because they were NOT top secret and on that top secret server at the time they were sent to her.... They believed two of them were the highest level of top secret, but when they checked in to it, one... she got this top secret info FROM A PUBLIC SOURCE, and the other it was found that the info she received had not yet been designated top secret by intelligence and was not put on to the top secret server until about a week after she had gotten this info.....

She and anyone, has to KNOWINGLY send top secret info to someone who does not have top secret clearance....

She didn't, end of story....unless there is more that comes out that we have not heard yet.

The FBI NEVER stated Hillary was under investigation, they stated specifically that they were investigating her server and securing her server....they specifically and OFFICIALLY on the record, said that Hillary Clinton WAS NOT THE TARGET of their investigation....

I'm sorry you bought in to the propaganda spun, by the right wing.

Here's the rule: You don't send classified documents by email.
That's irrelevant. She still broke the law and should be in prison for the rest of her life.

Like Powell and Patreaus were put in prison for the rest of their lives?

Petraeus had classified information in an unsecure setting with ONE PERSON viewing it. Much different than a commercial server shared with other PERSONAL stuff as an open target. And some aides FORWARDING this information were not even indoctrinated in RECOGNIZING the classified nature of the communications. Huge diff.

When Powell held that job -- the State Dept electronic systems were in the Stone Age. HE was the Sec. that implemented secured networks and field communications. So most of HIS classified work was done on INTERNAL older systems. And it's quite possible that ANY OUTSIDE e-mail he used was relegated to unclassified convos. Just like you can't pick up ANY phone and have a classified session -- same with email..

Hilliary OTH -- used the Private server EXCLUSIVELY --- even tho the State Dept by that time had external secure nets that COULD have been used, but would have been "recorded" and logged.

You folks need to appreciate the magnitude of the issue here. There are MILLIONS of Americans who know what a crime this was. And at the LEAST -- Hilliary ought NEVER hold high Security again.. NEVER EVER....

Which would make it REALLY REALLY hard to act as Prez -- wouldn't it?? That kind of arrogance and irresponsibility and bad judgement would disqualify ANYONE else from obtaining those clearances. Most folks don't know the demands made of people security cleared at that level. It's absurdly strict... It affects your Real life.. It affects the way you travel or maybe even party or socialize.. And it's a kick in the face to the others who have to guard national secrets to see this poo-flinging back and forth..
that's simply not true.... the staffers that sent her this stuff were ALL Indoctrinated in handling of and identifying top secret/classified material.... thus they are requesting the release of this material, they don't believe it is top secret....

There's a lot we DON'T KNOW and shouldn't know. But just the folks who INSTALLED and HOSTED that server had access to ALL those communications --- if they wanted them. What about the aide that ARRANGED for the server??? The one given immunity just yesterday ??

Just knowing the physical location or the IP address of that server should have been Top Secret to match the communications that went over it.. There IS NO WAY --- to make what she did --- excusable..
if she used the State email system that you all wanted her to use, State.gov, this was an UNCLASSIFIED email system and NOT a classified one. All of her staff used the State.gov system for all of their every day duty and workload.... these LATER/AFTER THE FACT classified emails, would be sitting on the State.gov UNCLASSIFIED email system and all of the same emails that were classified AFTER the fact but before the FOIA release, would have been classified, AFTER THE FACT of creation, as well...and there still would be 2000 emails on an UNCLASSIFIED system, no different than her own server, EXCEPT the .gov system has been HACKED several times and her server was not.

She was sent things by her staff that were not classified, at the time they were sent, her systems manager was also a systems manager for the government and would have had access if he wanted it, to these now later classified emails IF HE WANTED IT....

For classified top secret info, Hillary used in the State Department, a separate server with a separate user id and password, on a system that is NOT hooked up to the internet or the State.gov server system.

There was and is no reason for her to believe she would ever in a million years be sent top secret info that came from the separate top secret server on the State.gov email system her staff had to work off of.... and she was not sent any of the top secret info from the top secret server, because they were NOT top secret and on that top secret server at the time they were sent to her.... They believed two of them were the highest level of top secret, but when they checked in to it, one... she got this top secret info FROM A PUBLIC SOURCE, and the other it was found that the info she received had not yet been designated top secret by intelligence and was not put on to the top secret server until about a week after she had gotten this info.....

She and anyone, has to KNOWINGLY send top secret info to someone who does not have top secret clearance....

She didn't, end of story....unless there is more that comes out that we have not heard yet.

The FBI NEVER stated Hillary was under investigation, they stated specifically that they were investigating her server and securing her server....they specifically and OFFICIALLY on the record, said that Hillary Clinton WAS NOT THE TARGET of their investigation....

I'm sorry you bought in to the propaganda spun, by the right wing.

Geez, i give you winner just to work that hard to clear HER. I am worn out now.
OK if we're comparing Patreus to Clinton here is a decent article on the subject. The most relevant point is made concerning the magnitude of what Hillary did in terms of national security vs what Patreus did. There are also other crimes such as deleting 30,000 emails the SHE determined were personal in nature. That is evidence tampering. Anyhow here is the link to Patreus v Clinton:
How Gen. David Petraeus Gets It, And Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't
nope! Every employee of the govt is instructed NOT TO SEND personal emails, to the govt archive...to only send what is worthy of govt archiving and they have instructions on what is considered a gvt document.... THAT was settled already....she had every right to delete personal emails if they did not involve government or gvt archive worthy.... the gvt rules say so...

Regardless, the FBI got her server and ALL OF THE 30000 personal emails her lawyer/ workers had deleted that did not involve the govt back in August/Sept of last year....when given to the FBI.

The FBI recovered everything from her server, it was not wiped clean, including the personal emails....
OK if we're comparing Patreus to Clinton here is a decent article on the subject. The most relevant point is made concerning the magnitude of what Hillary did in terms of national security vs what Patreus did. There are also other crimes such as deleting 30,000 emails the SHE determined were personal in nature. That is evidence tampering. Anyhow here is the link to Patreus v Clinton:
How Gen. David Petraeus Gets It, And Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't
nope! Every employee of the govt is instructed NOT TO SEND personal emails, to the govt archive...to only send what is worthy of govt archiving and they have instructions on what is considered a gvt document.... THAT was settled already....she had every right to delete personal emails if they did not involve government or gvt archive worthy.... the gvt rules say so...

Regardless, the FBI got her server and ALL OF THE 30000 personal emails her lawyer/ workers had deleted that did not involve the govt back in August/Sept of last year....when given to the FBI.

The FBI recovered everything from her server, it was not wiped clean, including the personal emails....

She wasn't asked to send her emails to the government archive. She was asked not to delete them from her server. By doing so she's guilty of obstruction of justice.
A whole bunch of posts have been scrubbed...for those that need help, the Romper Room is located in building Flame Zone, down stairs, two doors on the left.
That's irrelevant. She still broke the law and should be in prison for the rest of her life.

Like Powell and Patreaus were put in prison for the rest of their lives?

Petraeus had classified information in an unsecure setting with ONE PERSON viewing it. Much different than a commercial server shared with other PERSONAL stuff as an open target. And some aides FORWARDING this information were not even indoctrinated in RECOGNIZING the classified nature of the communications. Huge diff.

When Powell held that job -- the State Dept electronic systems were in the Stone Age. HE was the Sec. that implemented secured networks and field communications. So most of HIS classified work was done on INTERNAL older systems. And it's quite possible that ANY OUTSIDE e-mail he used was relegated to unclassified convos. Just like you can't pick up ANY phone and have a classified session -- same with email..

Hilliary OTH -- used the Private server EXCLUSIVELY --- even tho the State Dept by that time had external secure nets that COULD have been used, but would have been "recorded" and logged.

You folks need to appreciate the magnitude of the issue here. There are MILLIONS of Americans who know what a crime this was. And at the LEAST -- Hilliary ought NEVER hold high Security again.. NEVER EVER....

Which would make it REALLY REALLY hard to act as Prez -- wouldn't it?? That kind of arrogance and irresponsibility and bad judgement would disqualify ANYONE else from obtaining those clearances. Most folks don't know the demands made of people security cleared at that level. It's absurdly strict... It affects your Real life.. It affects the way you travel or maybe even party or socialize.. And it's a kick in the face to the others who have to guard national secrets to see this poo-flinging back and forth..
that's simply not true.... the staffers that sent her this stuff were ALL Indoctrinated in handling of and identifying top secret/classified material.... thus they are requesting the release of this material, they don't believe it is top secret....

There's a lot we DON'T KNOW and shouldn't know. But just the folks who INSTALLED and HOSTED that server had access to ALL those communications --- if they wanted them. What about the aide that ARRANGED for the server??? The one given immunity just yesterday ??

Just knowing the physical location or the IP address of that server should have been Top Secret to match the communications that went over it.. There IS NO WAY --- to make what she did --- excusable..
if she used the State email system that you all wanted her to use, State.gov, this was an UNCLASSIFIED email system and NOT a classified one. All of her staff used the State.gov system for all of their every day duty and workload.... these LATER/AFTER THE FACT classified emails, would be sitting on the State.gov UNCLASSIFIED email system and all of the same emails that were classified AFTER the fact but before the FOIA release, would have been classified, AFTER THE FACT of creation, as well...and there still would be 2000 emails on an UNCLASSIFIED system, no different than her own server, EXCEPT the .gov system has been HACKED several times and her server was not.

She was sent things by her staff that were not classified, at the time they were sent, her systems manager was also a systems manager for the government and would have had access if he wanted it, to these now later classified emails IF HE WANTED IT....

For classified top secret info, Hillary used in the State Department, a separate server with a separate user id and password, on a system that is NOT hooked up to the internet or the State.gov server system.

There was and is no reason for her to believe she would ever in a million years be sent top secret info that came from the separate top secret server on the State.gov email system her staff had to work off of.... and she was not sent any of the top secret info from the top secret server, because they were NOT top secret and on that top secret server at the time they were sent to her.... They believed two of them were the highest level of top secret, but when they checked in to it, one... she got this top secret info FROM A PUBLIC SOURCE, and the other it was found that the info she received had not yet been designated top secret by intelligence and was not put on to the top secret server until about a week after she had gotten this info.....

She and anyone, has to KNOWINGLY send top secret info to someone who does not have top secret clearance....

She didn't, end of story....unless there is more that comes out that we have not heard yet.

The FBI NEVER stated Hillary was under investigation, they stated specifically that they were investigating her server and securing her server....they specifically and OFFICIALLY on the record, said that Hillary Clinton WAS NOT THE TARGET of their investigation....

I'm sorry you bought in to the propaganda spun, by the right wing.

Sorry but you are hopelessly clueless about handling classified information if you think that by "secure communications" we are talking about state.gov.. . :eek-52:

And you don't understand where Top Secret info or above comes from. It is IN PEOPLE'S BRAINS, It's not all on documents like you see in the movies with Big RED STAMPS on it.. When folks need to discuss those things they put themselves in a CERTIFIED secure setting behind huge locked doors and verify that anyone present has the proper clearances. They don't conduct that work from the back of limos over public networks and from commercially available toy devices.

She had the option to bop on into any US Embassy or military installation or CIA/NSA post and have those tools available. But because of arrogance and need to obscure her work from public scrutiny and probably laziness, she decided ON HER OWN to ignore the protocols of handling that responsibility,..

And you're missing the most important part. And that is that national security breaches are a lot like the "chain of evidence" in the legal system. You can make evidence worthless without ever actually contaminating it. All you have to do is to break the PROTOCOLs for handling that evidence. Even if the evidence is NOT tampered with-- if the PROCEDURES are not carried out to the letter -- You are guilty of impeaching that evidence.

And that is the way that national security breaches happen.. Not required that someone GETS that information. You are guilty if you subjected that information to the RISK of being disclosed. Just like the example I gave about the unattended briefcase. Even a few minutes not in contact with your hand -- and you have violated the security protocols.

Worse part of this is --- that the moron egomaniac put herself in a position to be blackmailed by anybody who MIGHT HAVE gotten that information. And to continue having clearances -- you cannot be in any way subject to blackmail about ANYTHING. Your finances, your love life, secrets in your past, your poor choices of getting high, OR ESPECIALLY, mistakes you've made in previously handling national secrets. If the Chinese were to have some of these communications -- and she was to become Prez --- that would be very bad for US relations with them.. It was a colossally stupid thing to do for anyone who wanted that job..
OK if we're comparing Patreus to Clinton here is a decent article on the subject. The most relevant point is made concerning the magnitude of what Hillary did in terms of national security vs what Patreus did. There are also other crimes such as deleting 30,000 emails the SHE determined were personal in nature. That is evidence tampering. Anyhow here is the link to Patreus v Clinton:
How Gen. David Petraeus Gets It, And Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't
nope! Every employee of the govt is instructed NOT TO SEND personal emails, to the govt archive...to only send what is worthy of govt archiving and they have instructions on what is considered a gvt document.... THAT was settled already....she had every right to delete personal emails if they did not involve government or gvt archive worthy.... the gvt rules say so...

Regardless, the FBI got her server and ALL OF THE 30000 personal emails her lawyer/ workers had deleted that did not involve the govt back in August/Sept of last year....when given to the FBI.

The FBI recovered everything from her server, it was not wiped clean, including the personal emails....

Interesting.. The classified info was never compromised (according to you) but it was processed and viewed and collated by a 'legal staff' consisting of many people? That's why the FBI jumped in to take EVERYTHING away from her "lawyer" and staff. Because breaches had ALREADY OCCURRED. Hope you get that point..
Hillary's server worked out of a freaking bathroom. Isn't that significant? Hillary committed about a hundred felonies related to security and a kid could have hacked her server.
As an example, in 2011 there was a Marine that ran into financial trouble and he approached the Chinese with a proposition. He took photographs of the Chinese consulate including location of security cameras etc. He was caught, the photographs were classified at the Secret level. He was stripped of his clearance and got 9 years in prison. I'm going off the top of my head here sorry no link but it happened. Compare what the Marine did to what Hillary did. What should be her sentence?

I hate the Hildebeast as much as anybody, but this is weak. Taking pictures and trying to strike a deal is far worse than being foolish and irresponsible & potentially having your shit stolen.

Powell used a private server while SOS
Florida Governor Jeb Bush - a possible 2016 candidate for the US presidency - relied on a private email address ([email protected]). Like Mrs Clinton, he has selected which correspondence to make public

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, also a Republican presidential aspirant, faced questions over his staff's use of private email addresses when he was Milwaukee County executive.

Government Executive magazine conducted a poll in February 2015 of 412 high-level federal workers and found that 33% of those surveyed said they use personal email for government business "at least sometimes".

President George W Bush, told ABC he used a personal email account while in office, including to correspond with foreign leaders.
where were we?

oh yeah, Clintons email server


Florida Governor Jeb Bush - a possible 2016 candidate for the US presidency - relied on a private email address ([email protected]). Like Mrs Clinton, he has selected which correspondence to make public

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, also a Republican presidential aspirant, faced questions over his staff's use of private email addresses when he was Milwaukee County executive.

Government Executive magazine conducted a poll in February 2015 of 412 high-level federal workers and found that 33% of those surveyed said they use personal email for government business "at least sometimes".

President George W Bush, told ABC he used a personal email account while in office, including to correspond with foreign leaders.

You've got to be kidding. Jeb Bush and Scott Walker never received classified materials, so of what relevance are their email practices?

As for W, he's just as big of a dumb fuck as Hillary. Feel free to prosecute him.

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