Why Evolution is False and is the biggest fairy tales EVER in our human history

LMAO. It's you who is a liar and that's been proven. Otherwise, you can easily show us the fossil record which you can't. All you can have are fossil records and there isn't enough to show transition from one species to another. Regular science has skeletal records and living creatures today as well as fossils to back them up.

Now, will you admit that you are SAF and POS? We all know it, but you admitting it will help you get a skosh better.
It is easily shown.

That you are willing to lie to yourself about the obvious is just a hard example of how pointless showing you the thousands of transitional fossils we have would be.
You can start here but we all know you wont:
Nonsense. The hypothesis of evolution is solely predicated on the metaphysical presupposition of naturalism.
It is not a hypothesis.

You have no clue what a scientific theory even is if you can spout off something so asinine.

The denial of evolutionary facts is a vapid as believing the earth is flat.

Another asinine assertion that is falsely pulled out of the bible.
It is easily shown.

That you are willing to lie to yourself about the obvious is just a hard example of how pointless showing you the thousands of transitional fossils we have would be.
You can start here but we all know you wont:

Nope. Nothing OBVIOUS either. You can't even explain yourself. That's how lame you are. Try again.

Yours is based on huge assumptions about the layers like nothing catastrophic happened to your fossils in millions of years and the fossils are millions of years old. Again, the OBSERVABLE evidence is that we have is no transitional fossils such as the flight-flightless mythical transitional creature.
Nope. Nothing OBVIOUS either. You can't even explain yourself. That's how lame you are. Try again.

Yours is based on huge assumptions about the layers like nothing catastrophic happened to your fossils in millions of years and the fossils are millions of years old. Again, the OBSERVABLE evidence is that we have is no transitional fossils such as the flight-flightless mythical transitional creature.
Like I said, we all knew you would not even bother.

The linked detailed explanation of phylogeny had all the details you need. That you still cling to your flat earthism is your own failure.
Like I said, we all knew you would not even bother.

The linked detailed explanation of phylogeny had all the details you need. That you still cling to your flat earthism is your own failure.
I knew you couldn't explain what you wanted to say, as you don't have the intelligence. I was right once again.

What I knew was the evo side claims that birds RE-EVOLVED after going extinct. You couldn't even point that out you know nothing lol.

"A once-extinct bird species "re-evolved" itself into existence and returned to the island it once colonized thousands of years ago, researchers say.

The Aldabra rail, named after the Aldabra Atoll it inhabits in the Seychelles, is the last surviving native flightless bird in the Indian Ocean region. It is a descendant of the flying white-throated rail that is believed to have lost its ability to fly because the lack of predators made it unnecessary."

It really is ridiculous as the layers just point out where the poor creatures died. Nothing more. The layers could not just have layed themselves one layer upon another as evos assume. We can observe the layers change over time as catastrophes happen. For example, the huge asteroid impact at Chicxulub. The layers of the Earth were impacted there. Same with areas of volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, etc. There are catastrophes that most of us are not familiar with like moving stars, supernova explosions, expanding sun, etc.

I knew you couldn't explain what you wanted to say, as you don't have the intelligence. I was right once again.

What I knew was the evo side claims that birds RE-EVOLVED after going extinct. You couldn't even point that out you know nothing lol.

"A once-extinct bird species "re-evolved" itself into existence and returned to the island it once colonized thousands of years ago, researchers say.

The Aldabra rail, named after the Aldabra Atoll it inhabits in the Seychelles, is the last surviving native flightless bird in the Indian Ocean region. It is a descendant of the flying white-throated rail that is believed to have lost its ability to fly because the lack of predators made it unnecessary."

It really is ridiculous as the layers just point out where the poor creatures died. Nothing more. The layers could not just have layed themselves one layer upon another as evos assume. We can observe the layers change over time as catastrophes happen. For example, the huge asteroid impact at Chicxulub. The layers of the Earth were impacted there. Same with areas of volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, etc. There are catastrophes that most of us are not familiar with like moving stars, supernova explosions, expanding sun, etc.

Flat earthers cannot be reasoned with. You are unable to recognize a fact.

Go back to the link. I know, they are a high school level so I doubt you can understand them. Lets try this:

There, this one is for kindergarteners. Maybe you can understand that one.

Or you could whine about 'layers' some more without understanding what the geological column is, why it exists or understand that without the geological column the body of facts that proves evolution would still be one of, if not the most, robust facts in all of science.
Evolution is man making a monkey out of himself. PERIOD!
How come monkeys are still monkeys? Why haven't humans evolved into something else? How come people who live in the cold enviroments have not grown hair on their bodies to protect from the cold? I don't see polar bears having to wear a coat.
Evolution is man making a monkey out of himself. PERIOD!
How come monkeys are still monkeys?
We did not evolve from monkeys. That is like saying why are there still dogs because golden retrievers evolved. It is even worse because monkeys is not even the proper category.

You need a basic understanding of taxonomy.

At least learn the VERY basics.
Why haven't humans evolved into something else?
Populations are always evolving. We ARE evolving at this minute. There is never a time when one generation of a spiecies evolves into something else. If you find an example it would prove evolution FALSE.

How come people who live in the cold enviroments have not grown hair on their bodies to protect from the cold?
Because that is not how evolution works. Not by a long shot.

I don't see polar bears having to wear a coat.
No you don't.

The above kindergarten video should provide you some help. It explains a FAR more sophisticated model of evolution than you seem to have. Your school failed you badly.
I have never understood the binary thinking by many Christians that evolution means no God.
Intelligent design includes, of course, evolution. It includes it.
Believing in the obvious (evolution) does not mean you don't believe in God.
I have never understood the binary thinking by many Christians that evolution means no God.
Intelligent design includes, of course, evolution. It includes it.
Believing in the obvious (evolution) does not mean you don't believe in God.
Because Gods word say what they say. No Christian is going to take anything away from what God says in the Bible. It says in Genesis how God created all.
Because Gods word say what they say. No Christian is going to take anything away from what God says in the Bible. It says in Genesis how God created all.
It most certainly does not.
It doesn't describe HOW he did it whatsoever.
Many people think you have to believe he just waved his hands around and it all happen instantly, and if you don't believe that - you hate God!! GRRR!
It most certainly does not.
It doesn't describe HOW he did it whatsoever.
Many people think you have to believe he just waved his hands around and it all happen instantly, and if you don't believe that - you hate God!! GRRR!
I not saying you don't believe in God. I really hope you do. But they only reason you even know of God is from the Bible. You have to take for what it says otherwise there is no such thing as faith. If you do not have faith than you can't be a Christian and believe the the message of Christ.
There is something called the missing link. Until they find that so called missing link they cannot prove evolution.
No, there is not.

A nice list of the MANY 'links' in the absolutely tiny taxonomic section of Homo. The earlier linked series will go into the entire line and the hundreds of links in that tree.
I not saying you don't believe in God. I really hope you do. But they only reason you even know of God is from the Bible. You have to take for what it says otherwise there is no such thing as faith. If you do not have faith than you can't be a Christian and believe the the message of Christ.
I have had things happen in my life that are well beyond the tangible.
This makes me accept the existence of something other than what we see.
I can identify more with Gnostic teachings than the KJV, which is simply a collection of heavily-heavily-heavily edited, redacted and condensed texts. All written 100s of years after the events described.
I have never understood the binary thinking by many Christians that evolution means no God.
Intelligent design includes, of course, evolution. It includes it.
Believing in the obvious (evolution) does not mean you don't believe in God.
It is simply a fact that there are more religious people that trust the scientific reality of Evolution than atheists.

Just a statistical reality in a nation that is 70% Christian. As I said earlier, the rejection of Evolution is EXACTLY the same as the rejection of the 'globe model.' Flat earthers use the same reasoning, they identify sections in the bible and demand they prove reality wrong.

The God those people have faith in is a puny God indeed. The larger world is FAR more fascinating than the tiny box they demand God operate within.
No, there is not.

A nice list of the MANY 'links' in the absolutely tiny taxonomic section of Homo. The earlier linked series will go into the entire line and the hundreds of links in that tree.
Show me one case where any species has changed from one species to another. You say humans came from another species and changed into a human, show me any other thing that has ever done that. As far as your so called missing links go they have never been proven nor will they ever be. As for your source Wikipedia goes. I can go to that page right now and edit it. Anyone can, that's whey no one uses it as a source.

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