Why Evolution is False and is the biggest fairy tales EVER in our human history

The Bible is an assembly of Fairy Tales

Outside of the Bible, there is no evidence of Jesus.
Not in Roman documents or Jewish documents
Wrong 100% their is roman and Jewish documents outside the bible

For example

Historian Flavius Josephus wrote one of the earliest non-biblical accounts of Jesus.
The first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who according to Ehrman “is far and away our best source of information about first-century Palestine,” twice mentions Jesus in Jewish Antiquities, his massive 20-volume history of the Jewish people that was written around 93 A.D.
I just did. What is a human if not a KIND? So, you want me to say I guess walking on two feet and than you will say see like a monkey. Crazy stuff dude. A bear can walk on two legs, but it's stall another KIND. Why is this hard for you to understand?

Actually I read my scriptures from the original Hebrew.
See, you actually cannot define kind, as I stated. That is because it has no definition. You want to include examples and CALL that a definition. It is not. So far, a cat is not a kind. You have not given that as one of the examples. Of course you would say it IS a kind but then you would need to say WHY

And the WHY is the definition that you are lacking.

For instance:
Eukaryote: cells that contain a nucleus and organelles, and are enclosed by a plasma membrane.
That is the definition of a eukaryote. I can then apply that definition and see if Humans qualify as a eukaryote. Which we do, and then we can say that Humans belong in the eukaryote domain. We can then apply that definition to a bacteria and see if they fall into the eukaryote domain. They do not.

Now, one more time. DEFINE KIND.
Actually I read my scriptures from the original Hebrew.
Ok, so you admit that King James wasn't ordained by God, and you now disbelieve the KJV.
And if you are going to claim to read original "Hebrew"... one problem... not all of the Bible was written in Hebrew.
Some was in Greek. some was in early Egyptian and some Aramaic.
So you fluently speak 4 languages eh? Including ancient Egyptian no longer spoken.

Ok, so you admit that King James wasn't ordained by God, and you now disbelieve the KJV.
And if you are going to claim to read original "Hebrew"... one problem... not all of the Bible was written in Hebrew.
Some was in Greek. some was in early Egyptian and some Aramaic.
So you fluently speak 4 languages eh? Including ancient Egyptian no longer spoken.

So, the entire bible was first written in hebrew. The translations of greek, and Aramaic came later. I have never been aware of an egyptian translation. There is a book for your informatin called a concordance that breaks every word of the bible down to other languages. But the hebrew was the first because they were Gods chosen people. The only language that matter is the original language of Hebrew, because certain hebrew words cannot be translated into other languages and still have the same meaning.
So, the entire bible was first written in hebrew. The translations of greek, and Aramaic came later. I have never been aware of an egyptian translation. There is a book for your informatin called a concordance that breaks every word of the bible down to other languages. But the hebrew was the first because they were Gods chosen people. The only language that matter is the original language of Hebrew, because certain hebrew words cannot be translated into other languages and still have the same meaning.
Uh... yeah... no.
Yuo can start with Genesis.
Claim: It was written by Moses. It was written in Hebrew.
Problem with Claim: Moses lived in Egypt. He spoke Egyptian. He was raised by people who would NEVER have taught him Hebrew.
2nd Claim: Oops... oh yeah... uh... well Moses learned Hebrew, even though there was no reason he would, and he learned it so well, without even being taught... that he wrote three books in perfect Hebrew, a very complex language.
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I have never understood the binary thinking by many Christians that evolution means no God.
Intelligent design includes, of course, evolution. It includes it.
Believing in the obvious (evolution) does not mean you don't believe in God.

God can't have a long-range plan.

He waits until the last minute and pulls an all-nighter.
You have not addressed anything. You just lied and then claimed you did.

Sorry but the flat earth movement is almost entirely religious and based on taking verses literally that should not be taken literally. Verses such as:
Isaiah 40:22
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in

Which is, yet again, another fact. Something you seem to be woefully lacking.

So, do try to address even one thing. Anything. Throwing your ignorance around just does not amount to addressing a topic.
I have embarrassed your lack of knowledge as well as pointed out your SAF-idity. What's next? Your POS-idity?

Isaiah 40:22 tells us what the universe looks like where omega < 1. What do you have? omega = 1 as flatness like your head lol.
LMAO. It's you who is a liar and that's been proven.
Has it? Can you show me where you did that because I'm calling you are liar again?
Otherwise, you can easily show us the fossil record which you can't. All you can have are fossil records and there isn't enough to show transition from one species to another.
If that is the case, where do you get your information to ascertain its not enough? Are you trained in fossils etc? Of course not. Youre just another godbotherer.
Regular science has skeletal records and living creatures today as well as fossils to back them up.
And that's not relevant to palaeontology? Youre as dumb as dogshit.
Now, will you admit that you are SAF and POS?

We all know it, but you admitting it will help you get a skosh better.
No. I am not stoned or a pos. Its the fact you will not accept anything but god shit.

Who is this "we" who knows everything? Do you mean all your religious idiots like you?

I've worked you over before dickhead. You don't have the smarts to prove anything against evolution.
That filthy bible has brain washed you to the state of near anaesthetic.
But if you feel the urge to keep banging away at me, don't let the frustration build. Continue gods work. There's a lifetime recognition here for your meticulous crusade to destroy atheism. There's a special place in heaven for those people.
Nonsense. The hypothesis of evolution is solely predicated on the metaphysical presupposition of naturalism.
It is not a hypothesis. Its even gone past the stage of a theory. It is now fact.

Metaphysical Presupposition of naturalism? What a load of shit.
It is not a hypothesis. Its even gone past the stage of a theory. It is now fact.

Metaphysical Presupposition of naturalism? What a load of shit.
Shut up, you syphilitic moron. You haven't the faintest clue about what I even getting at.

Zoom Right over your head.

You don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect and learning. Not even close.

You're a mindless, slogan-spouting brainwash.

I would just as soon bitch slap the stupid out of the likes of you as look at ya.

Now drop and give me twenty, you myth mumbling doofus of a bitchstain. :auiqs.jpg:
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I have never understood the binary thinking by many Christians that evolution means no God.
Intelligent design includes, of course, evolution. It includes it.
Believing in the obvious (evolution) does not mean you don't believe in God.
I've encountered this binary thinking as well. Given that it's more often exhibited by atheists than Christians, I find your observation a bit disingenuous. I myself see no compelling reason to assume the biological naturalism of a common ancestry, and ID does not necessarily entail evolution as you seem to think.

I know that evolution is false, not because it's incompatible with classical theism, but because it's incompatible with Christian soteriology.
I've encountered this binary thinking as well. Given that it's more often exhibited by atheists than Christians, I find your observation a bit disingenuous. I myself see no compelling reason to assume the biological naturalism of a common ancestry, and ID does not necessarily entail evolution as you seem to think.

I know that evolution is false, not because it's incompatible with classical theism, but because it's incompatible with Christian soteriology.
Well no. Religious extremists have no real option but to reject much of science, biology and the physical sciences because their mythology is utterly contrary to reason and rationality.
That's weird. I didn't know there was a scientific proof for naturalism. Please, do tell us about this mysterious proof.
There is evidence for evolution that to any knowledgeable and objective jury would be considered proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
This is a real illustration of the fallacious thinking, (such as they can manage), that typifies creationism and other anti-science, hyper-religious belief. Testing of theories using the disciplines of science, gathering of data and peer review is viewed by the hyper-religious as irrelevant because ''the bible says....''
as their confiscation of the true events of 1st century liberation theology, self determination for their own nefarious purposes is the type of fortitude they use to insure their objective by crucifying whatever stands in their way.
Oh look, is anyone surprised that Stash could not actually define kind.

Just run away.

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