Why Evolution is False and is the biggest fairy tales EVER in our human history

It is simply a fact that there are more religious people that trust the scientific reality of Evolution than atheists.

Just a statistical reality in a nation that is 70% Christian. As I said earlier, the rejection of Evolution is EXACTLY the same as the rejection of the 'globe model.' Flat earthers use the same reasoning, they identify sections in the bible and demand they prove reality wrong.

The God those people have faith in is a puny God indeed. The larger world is FAR more fascinating than the tiny box they demand God operate within.
It wasn't ALL that long ago people were imprisoned for saying the earth is not the center of the solar system
Show me one case where any species has changed from one species to another. You say humans came from another species and changed into a human, show me any other thing that has ever done that. As far as your so called missing links go they have never been proven nor will they ever be. As for your source Wikipedia goes. I can go to that page right now and edit it. Anyone can, that's whey no one uses it as a source.
I did.

Watch the series linked a few posts ago. It goes over a wealth of facts covering taxonomy and speciation. Further, speciation happens all the time, is observed and documented both in and out of the lab.

A few simple examples:

And it is worth noting that even the most die hard deniers of reality have had to capitulate to admitting that speciation has been documented to occur.

Again, watch the link of the taxonomy series already given. It shows a wealth of such speciation all over the place. I am willing to bet you just off hand denied obvious reality without even getting the basic failures I pointed out last post addressed.
I did.

Watch the series linked a few posts ago. It goes over a wealth of facts covering taxonomy and speciation. Further, speciation happens all the time, is observed and documented both in and out of the lab.

A few simple examples:

And it is worth noting that even the most die hard deniers of reality have had to capitulate to admitting that speciation has been documented to occur.

Again, watch the link of the taxonomy series already given. It shows a wealth of such speciation all over the place. I am willing to bet you just off hand denied obvious reality without even getting the basic failures I pointed out last post addressed.
The planet is filled with examples of speciation. And once again, seeing the obvious evidence everywhere around you doesn't mean you must deny there is a God.
It is silly.
I did.

Watch the series linked a few posts ago. It goes over a wealth of facts covering taxonomy and speciation. Further, speciation happens all the time, is observed and documented both in and out of the lab.

A few simple examples:

And it is worth noting that even the most die hard deniers of reality have had to capitulate to admitting that speciation has been documented to occur.

Again, watch the link of the taxonomy series already given. It shows a wealth of such speciation all over the place. I am willing to bet you just off hand denied obvious reality without even getting the basic failures I pointed out last post addressed.
No where does you info show a change of species. A fly into a cow, a cow into a squirrel etc... No where can you show a change of kind.
I find that these talks about evolution is missing the mark since evolution does not attempt to address our origins.

The chance that life evolved from non-life is so statistically enormous that to think it happened is laughable.

God could have easily made things evolve as a function of creation.

No where does you info show a change of species. A fly into a cow, a cow into a squirrel etc... No where can you show a change of kind.

Why are Conservatives so ignorant when it comes to Evolution?
No where does you info show a change of species. A fly into a cow, a cow into a squirrel etc... No where can you show a change of kind.
I showed several changes in species. Of course, you do not know what the term species even means so that would, again, be a problem with your ignorance rather than the basic facts I linked for you.

You will not find a cow chaining into a squirrel Because that would violate evolution.

If you can find such an example you would disprove evolution. The FACT is you do not outgrow your ancestry which is why you are a eukaryote and why you are an ape.

But you would know that of you bothered to understand anything about evolution whatsoever. If you bothered to read any of the linked material. If you bothered to watch the 7 minute introductory where the basic definitions were outlined for you.

But you did none of that like I said from the get go that you and the other deniers would. Instead you are clinging to falsehoods to support your bald faced conjectures in the face of the most well attested theory in science.

And now you jump right into the bullshit terms like 'kind.' A term you cannot define. Go on, try. Give us a definition of kind. You already displayed you have no idea of what species means.
I showed several changes in species. Of course, you do not know what the term species even means so that would, again, be a problem with your ignorance rather than the basic facts I linked for you.

You will not find a cow chaining into a squirrel Because that would violate evolution.

If you can find such an example you would disprove evolution. The FACT is you do not outgrow your ancestry which is why you are a eukaryote and why you are an ape.

But you would know that of you bothered to understand anything about evolution whatsoever. If you bothered to read any of the linked material. If you bothered to watch the 7 minute introductory where the basic definitions were outlined for you.

But you did none of that like I said from the get go that you and the other deniers would. Instead you are clinging to falsehoods to support your bald faced conjectures in the face of the most well attested theory in science.

And now you jump right into the bullshit terms like 'kind.' A term you cannot define. Go on, try. Give us a definition of kind. You already displayed you have no idea of what species means.
It's you saying human somehow changed from some other species. You showed NO change of kind. I watched everything you presented. You are still lacking in evidence. God spoke everything into existence. Even you, and I don't think teaching kids they came from a monkey is a healthy thing to teach. No science is proven, it's all theory.
That is about it
You value Faith over Fact
I've seen no fact yet on this by anyone. Science changes it's mind on things over and over again. As soon as they say something is fact, they than change their mind and say something else. Before Einsteins theory of reletivity we believed something completly different did we not? So, your belief in evolution is by faith not fact.
It's you saying human somehow changed from some other species. You showed NO change of kind. I watched everything you presented. You are still lacking in evidence. God spoke everything into existence. Even you, and I don't think teaching kids they came from a monkey is a healthy thing to teach. No science is proven, it's all theory.
Sure you did.

If you watched it you would have seen the proposed changes and the MASSIVE amount of evidence that goes along with it. As noted already, I provided several speciation events.

That is called facts. Things that are demonstrable right now.

So I have shown that speciation occurs. That is called change. So 'no change of kind' would be a direct lie. One you try and pass off because you do not even know what kind means.


Where is your definition of kind. Species is clearly defined, which is shy I can show clear examples of speciation and the change from one species into another over time in populations.
Sure you did.

If you watched it you would have seen the proposed changes and the MASSIVE amount of evidence that goes along with it. As noted already, I provided several speciation events.

That is called facts. Things that are demonstrable right now.

So I have shown that speciation occurs. That is called change. So 'no change of kind' would be a direct lie. One you try and pass off because you do not even know what kind means.


Where is your definition of kind. Species is clearly defined, which is shy I can show clear examples of speciation and the change from one species into another over time in populations.
Ok I will. Humans are a kind. A woman is different than me but she is still a human. A Kind. Humans come in many colors, speak multiple languages, every one of us look different but we are all of the same KIND. Pretty simple. No one I know looks at a monkey and calls it a human because it is of another KIND called primate.
No where does you info show a change of species. A fly into a cow, a cow into a squirrel etc... No where can you show a change of kind.
Birds. Feathers, reptilian skin on feet....like Hillary
Flat earthers cannot be reasoned with. You are unable to recognize a fact.

Go back to the link. I know, they are a high school level so I doubt you can understand them. Lets try this:

There, this one is for kindergarteners. Maybe you can understand that one.

Or you could whine about 'layers' some more without understanding what the geological column is, why it exists or understand that without the geological column the body of facts that proves evolution would still be one of, if not the most, robust facts in all of science.

Sounds like your mama and papa were Flat Earthers and didn't know how to raise their son. Did you even graduate from middle school? You still can't explain in your own words even kindergarten level material. I notice you know where their materials are.

It's the Bible and its believers who promote a spherical Earth that is just in the right place in relation to the sun.

Anyway, its the R&E forum, so what else do you have? I already updated your lack of knowledge in the sentence above.

Here's where I learned about evolution from my alma mater -- Understanding Evolution - Your one-stop source for information on evolution.
Ok I will. Humans are a kind. A woman is different than me but she is still a human. A Kind. Humans come in many colors, speak multiple languages, every one of us look different but we are all of the same KIND. Pretty simple. No one I know looks at a monkey and calls it a human because it is of another KIND called primate.

No definition given.

try one more time.

the thing sitting under my dinning table.
^ that is NOT a definition of a char.

a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.
^ that is a definition for a char. See, it has specific metrics which allows us to apply to various objects to determine if they fit within the definition or not.

So try one more time.

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Because we believe in God. Genesis tells us how everything was created. That's all. There is no doubt in faith.
Was King James ordained by God over the Apostles?? Was he?? Please answer, because that is what your entire faith rests on. You MUST 100% believe that King James of England who lived in the 1600s is more ordained than Saint Paul himself, who is supposed to be the author of darn near half the New Testament. You MUST believe this sole King of England was anointed by God.
Sounds like your mama and papa were Flat Earthers and didn't know how to raise their son. Did you even graduate from middle school? You still can't explain in your own words even kindergarten level material.

It's the Bible and its believers who promote a spherical Earth that is just in the right place in relation to the sun.

Anyway, its the R&E forum, so what else do you have? I already updated your lack of knowledge in the sentence above.
You have not addressed anything. You just lied and then claimed you did.

Sorry but the flat earth movement is almost entirely religious and based on taking verses literally that should not be taken literally. Verses such as:
Isaiah 40:22
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in

Which is, yet again, another fact. Something you seem to be woefully lacking.

So, do try to address even one thing. Anything. Throwing your ignorance around just does not amount to addressing a topic.

No definition given.

try one more time.

the thing sitting under my dinning table.
^ that is NOT a definition of a char.

a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.
^ that is a definition for a char. See, it has specific metrics which allows us to apply to various objects to determine if they fit within the definition or not.

So try one more time.

I just did. What is a human if not a KIND? So, you want me to say I guess walking on two feet and than you will say see like a monkey. Crazy stuff dude. A bear can walk on two legs, but it's stall another KIND. Why is this hard for you to understand?
Was King James ordained by God over the Apostles?? Was he?? Please answer, because that is what your entire faith rests on. You MUST 100% believe that King James of England who lived in the 1600s is more ordained than Saint Paul himself, who is supposed to be the author of darn near half the New Testament. You MUST believe this sole King of England was anointed by God.
Actually I read my scriptures from the original Hebrew.
Evolution is man making a monkey out of himself. PERIOD!
How come monkeys are still monkeys? Why haven't humans evolved into something else? How come people who live in the cold enviroments have not grown hair on their bodies to protect from the cold? I don't see polar bears having to wear a coat.

How come monkeys are still monkeys?

What should they be?

Why haven't humans evolved into something else?

How do you know they aren't?

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