Why Evolution is False and is the biggest fairy tales EVER in our human history

Then you should have no problem refunding the government for all those costs it paid for in medical research, sanitation projects, and the increase in food supplies and market access that keeps you alive past 35-40, among other things. Like most phony 'libertarians'. you just want to squat here for free and snivel about coughing up to pay a small portion of the bennies you mooch off of from the rest of the world.
I get a kick out of all those gov naysayers who would be dead right now if it wasn’t for Medicare, Medicaid and all the non profit gov supported hospitals throughout the US. Let’s start with all the republucan frauds in congress who routinely go to Gov run facilities like Bethesda Naval hospital for their most urgent medical needs. How about Libertarian Rand Paul who ran to Canada and a gov supported healthcare system for his healthcare need. These guys are ALL white supremest frauds.
Medicare, Medicaid are not the same as universal heath care, these federal programs do much good - and yet, even - universal heath care COULD ALSO do much good.

I am not referring to helping people with taXpayers finances to those with disabilities and are incapable of working

I am not referring to helping people with taXpayers finances to those who have health complications beyond their control.

You should know what I was referring to, is it not clear in my previous post ? ? ?
Medicare, Medicaid are not the same as universal heath care, these federal programs do much good - and yet, even - universal heath care COULD ALSO do much good.
We wouldn’t need Medicare and Medicaid with universal healthcare. It’s a capitulation to the insurance companies who don’t want to ensure the old or the poor regardless. They charge more for 20% of the coverage then it cost for Medicare to provide 80%. It’s a scam. They are left with charging huge premiums to the healthiest and capable segment of people. It’s awful. The middle class continues to get skrewed. Public healthcare has 2% overhead, private insurance has 12.4%. Pretty ridiculous. That’s why they are called, “ for profit”.
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The Bible is an assembly of Fairy Tales
It's also an historical record
Outside of the Bible, there is no evidence of Jesus.
There most certainly is, his existence is not in question, it is his claim as the son of god that is questioned...
But your post now begs the question, did/do you need evidence of a 'missing link' in the evolutionary chain before believing in evolution?
Do you believe there is "a missing link" in the evolutionary chain?

Not in Roman documents or Jewish documents
What kind of documents would he be in? [especially jewish] ...
...I would venture a guess that the vast majority of citizens 2000 years ago could not be verified through "documentation"...
As one of those citizens Jesus would not have documented proof of anything until the bible was written hundreds of years later.
It's also an historical record

There most certainly is, his existence is not in question, it is his claim as the son of god that is questioned...
But your post now begs the question, did/do you need evidence of a 'missing link' in the evolutionary chain before believing in evolution?
Do you believe there is "a missing link" in the evolutionary chain?

What kind of documents would he be in? [especially jewish] ...
...I would venture a guess that the vast majority of citizens 2000 years ago could not be verified through "documentation"...
As one of those citizens Jesus would not have documented proof of anything until the bible was written hundreds of years later.
Romans left quite a written record
None of which mentioned Jesus
Romans left quite a written record
Of what? what documents would have mentioned him as an ordinary citizen? rome didn't even begin the process of becoming christian until around the 3rd or 4th century, prior to that they would have no need or cause to recognize Jesus...but after becoming Christian they couldn't stop mentioning him

None of which mentioned Jesus

There was only a short period [a few years perhaps] where he would have caught the attention of authorities and even then he was only recognized as what we today call an evangelist, to them he was just hustling like so many others...what would have been documented about him?
Not really. There are almost no links missing anymore, we have them.
Well since my question assumed only one missing link the claim that "there are almost no missing links anymore" means that there were/are even more than my question assumed...

...The point being does a missing link mean that evolution is not correct any more than missing documentation means jesus did not exist? can we call the lack of documentation a missing link then?...

prior to the discovery of those missing links was it the prudent thing to do in not believing evolution was real?
Well since my question assumed only one missing link the claim that "there are almost no missing links anymore" means that there were/are even more than my question assumed...

...The point being does a missing link mean that evolution is not correct any more than missing documentation means jesus did not exist? can we call the lack of documentation a missing link then?...

prior to the discovery of those missing links was it the prudent thing to do in not believing evolution was real?
That we have thousands of examples of transitional forms is what supports revolutionary processes occurring.

It is not the lack of a single or multiple examples that supports a theory, it is the overwhelming abundance of examples that do. No one claims a lack of documentation shows Jesus did not exist. It would be the lack of contemporary sources that say he does exist, there just are not that many of them.

He is better sourced, afaik, than someone like Plato though. But the claims for Jesus have MUCH more impact than those of Plato existing so generally people are going to expect quite a bit more. Historical Jesus generally does not have much to show that he existed outside of motivated sources and very few modern scholarship studies the subject that does not already have a hard position on the subject.

I think Bart Ehrman is actually a pretty sound source as he is both a biblical scholar and not a motivated participant as he is not a Christian. He stands by a historical Jesus and I find little fault with his theories on the topic so I would not state positively that Jesus did not exist in one form or another.
That we have thousands of examples of transitional forms is what supports revolutionary processes occurring.

It is not the lack of a single or multiple examples that supports a theory, it is the overwhelming abundance of examples that do. No one claims a lack of documentation shows Jesus did not exist.
That is exactly what was claimed and why I needed to use the "missing link" to dispose of the claim as valid...you did that for me which is all I wanted out of this.
Of what? what documents would have mentioned him as an ordinary citizen? rome didn't even begin the process of becoming christian until around the 3rd or 4th century, prior to that they would have no need or cause to recognize Jesus...but after becoming Christian they couldn't stop mentioning him

There was only a short period [a few years perhaps] where he would have caught the attention of authorities and even then he was only recognized as what we today call an evangelist, to them he was just hustling like so many others...what would have been documented about him?
Jesus was executed for political reasons
Means he was on the radar
That is exactly what was claimed and why I needed to use the "missing link" to dispose of the claim as valid...you did that for me which is all I wanted out of this.
Do you think the example is similar though?

There really is not all that many sources for the existence of Jesus. There are enough that it is not unreasonable to think he did exist but there are also not so many that the counter position is not unreasonable either.
Evolution is a fake theory created by Satan to provide our souls to Hell.
I advise you to read the article and to think how many souls were lost for ever ?

Over the years, being hard-pressed for real evidence, the evolutionists have managed to conjure up a number of "proofs" that Darwin's theory is a scientific fact. This so-called "evidence" is worshipped by all evolutionists, while all contrary evidence is ignored. Let's consider some of their evidence.

VESTIGIAL ORGANS are believed by evolutionists to be parts of the human body that are no longer needed. Therefore these useless body parts must be "left-overs" from our ancestors, the monkeys. These "useless" body parts include the appendix, the coccyx (tail bone), the pineal gland, the plica semilunaris, the tonsils, and the ear lobes.

Naturally, the facts are ignored. Many medical doctors agree that all of these organs have important functions in the human body,
Name me one doctor who will swear to that.
and aren't "vestigial organs" in any sense. The appendix contains a rich blood supply which serves as some defense against cancer.

You are a liar.
The tail bone isn't where your monkey tail used to be, as Darwinians believe, but it instead provides support for the muscles which control elimination.
it is exactly where it was on a monkey. You are a liar.
The pineal gland contains important hormones which the body needs. The plica semilunaris helps to keep foreign particles out of the eye, and the tonsils help to keep foreign particles out of your child's throat.
tonsils are not necessary for anything.
The tonsils also help to keep infection from spreading.
you mean like the virus which is an aerosols? Yeah right.
Yes, even the ear lobe has a purpose, for it helps to keep our ears warm during cold weather.
Thats odd. They're the first thing you get cold. You beginning to sound silly.
Another "proof" for evolution is found in the field of BIOCHEMISTRY. This is where scientists mix genes and chromosomes in their effort to prove relation between man and animal.
That is a lie and you have no evidence to support dickhead.
Is there any conclusive evidence? No there isn't. Any learned scientist should be familiar with the rather embarrassing test conclusions of Dr. Nutall back in 1904. Nutall's tests concluded that baboons and hoofed animals are related to whales, that pigs are related to tigers, and that black people are related to monkeys! There isn't one ounce of real evidence anywhere in the entire field of biochemistry which proves that men and animals are kin--just theories and wishful thinking.
DNA is in every living thingnin earth and proves the link. Youre an ignoramus.
EMBRYOLOGY is another field of study. This is where unborn embryos are studied in order to detect the preformed shape of humans and animals. This is the field where we find Haeckel talking about "ONTOGENY RECAPITULATES PHYLOGENY" This is the belief that every individual passes through the many evolutionary stages while still in the mother's womb. That is, you body took on the shape of an amoeba, then a paramecium, then a jelly fish, then a fish, then a bunch of other creatures during the nine months prior to your birth. Of course, this theory ignores the fact that respiratory systems develop LATE in the human embryo. So how did early mammal life exist without breathing? They've also ignored the fact that the head of an unborn baby is larger than the body, which is NOT the case with fish.
Youre a complete crack pot.

Professor Waldo Sumway, of Stephens Institute of Technology, says that "There is never a time in the development of a mammal when it could have been mistaken for a fish or reptile."
185000000 generations ago you ancestors were fish. DNA proves it.
Now we come to the wonderful world of TAXONOMY, where cartoon charts are used to artificially classify bones in order to "prove" evolution. This is where evolutionists develop a "disneyland" mentally and construct a chart which shows the earth to be about 4.5 billion years old. Then they proceed to divide this chart up into various time frames containing hundreds of millions of years each. As new discoveries are found, the scientists conveniently place them at selected places on the chart.
Absolute total ignorance. Youre a brain dead fool
This would be a dandy little system, except for one minor problem: THEY'VE NEVER PROVEN THE ORIGINAL CHART! It's nothing more than blind guesswork.
like you are suggesting is correct???
No one has ever proven that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. The chart is NOT scientific. In fact, many scientists believe that the earth isn't over 6,000 to 10,000 years old!

there's not one scientist on earth that believes that. Only idiots like you believe that crap.
Of course, all opposing views are ignored by evolutionary scientists, for they need a nice big time period in which to place their new findings. You've heard of people "buying time?" Well, evolutionists just DREAM IT UP.
Ehy would they waste time on knuckle dragging Neanderthals like you who believe a god exists.
Another "proof" for evolution is COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, the belief that similar bone structures prove animal kin through evolution. That is, if two different animals have similar bone structures, then they must have evolved from the same original ancestors. Of course, this is more

again, DNA connects them. Youre s bit confused son.
Any scientist knows perfectly well that many such bone structures are produced by entirely DIFFERENT GENES, thus proving that they are in NO WAY RELATED! In fact, if similar bone structure proves anything, it proves that these animals were created by the same God!
Aaaasah I knew you would get to religion. The "same" god? How many gods are their if they rotate in creating humans?
The sixth argument used to support evolution is the so-called FOSSIL EVIDENCE. The evolutionist believes that the fossil record proves a progressive evolution of the species over millions of years, beginning with non-living matter. This non-living matter supposedly evolves into protozoans, and the protozoans evolve into metazoan invertebrates, which evolve into vertebrate fishes.
thats a lie. Non living matter has never been declared part of evolution. What you really mean is science say we evolved from rocks. Thats a lie and your still an idiot.
The fishes evolve into amphibians, which evolve into reptiles, which evolve into birds. The birds then evolve into fur-bearing quadrupeds (animals with 4 legs), and these quadrupeds evolve into apes, and the apes evolve into man.
By god, your starting to get the message. That's exactly what happened.
Now for those who actually believe such a fable, we have a question: WHERE ARE THE TRANSITIONAL FORMS? If all of those life forms survived by changing into higher life forms, then would someone please show us one living example of this today?
you are an example of evolution. But sadly when it got to religious freaks like you brains never evolved. You remain with the capacity of apes.
Where can we observe a reptile who is slowly changing into a bird?
you can't be ause it takes millions if years. You know that so stop making a fool of yourself.
How about a bird who is turning into a four-legged animal? This is one of the strongest arguments against evolution: NO TRANSITIONAL FORMS.
fossils proved sone 4 legged animals had feathers. Go research it dickhead.
Even Darwin realized this in his "Origin of the Species" when he said that "this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be argued against it." (Vol. 2, 6th Ed. p. 49)
Of course it can be argued against and should be. When it is found to be correct it should be confirmed, it was. Darwin agreed to it.
Yes, it certainly is. The more the fossil record builds, the weaker the theory of evolution becomes,
In fact, it is exactly the opposite. You'll believe anything that you think will connect a god. Dream on dickhead.
because the needed transitional forms are NOT BEING FOUND to link the species! They never will be found, because the species are NOT LINKED (I Cor. 15:38-39).
They are in museums workd wide. You can't be so ignorant.
The evolutionist also runs into another problem when he considers WHERE and HOW many fossils are found. The devout evolutionist subscribes to the belief that things are pretty much the same as always. He believes that there have been no major world catastrophes to wipe out animal life, but that various species have become extinct as a result of failing to adapt to their environment.
another lie idiot. 65 million years ago an asteroid killed 70 percent of life on the planet in one go. Try again.
The problem with this is the stubborn fact that there are many burial sites around the world which are literally paved with fossils! Often times such fossils are found in a totally different climate from that in which they once lived. Mammoths have been found frozen, preserved perfectly in ice in Northern Siberia and Alaska. Many of these are very large and strong animals, which evolutionists claim should have survived and overcame any obstacles. BUT THEY DIDN'T! What happened?
errrrrrr. They died there???

Why did they die out? How can evolution explain this? Evolution CAN'T explain it. Evolution IGNORES it. It is explained in Genesis chapters 6, 7 and 8--the Flood.
No its not. Its typical religious clap trap supported by nothing 8ther than fools like you.
Before moving on to our next section, a few words should be said about the various "ape men" that have been found and placed neatly on the fictional cartoon chart in standard text books. A few simple cases will be more than enough to show the reader that Anthropology is not without it's humor.

In 1922, a bunch of bones were found in Nebraska by a man named Harold Cook. After studying the upper and lower jaws and the teeth of some thirty animals, a complete ape known as Ramapithecus was constructed on the basis of ONE TOOTH! Years later, the entire skeleton from which the tooth came was found. It turned out to be an extinct species of pig.
No it didn't. Where does it prove that in the bible?
Dr. Eugene Dubois discovered the famous Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus) in 1891. This "great discovery" consisted of a small piece of the top of a skull, a fragment of a left thigh bone, and three molar teeth. But, instead of being found all together, these remains were found in an area of about seventy feet, and they were found over about a year's time. They were also found in an old river bed with other assorted extinct animal bones. This, of course, presents a number of problems for Java Man. How can the "experts" be so sure that these remains all came from the same being? Better yet, how do such bones survive for 750,000 years without decaying? Where's the EVIDENCE to PROVE these theories? We know what the scientists want to believe about these findings, but WHERE'S THE PROOF?
The fact they had it, it was carbon dated and the links connected. Wheres your proof it wasn't.
Piltdown man was discovered by Charles Dawson in 1912. Dawson claimed to have found some bones, some teeth, and even some primitive implements in a gravel pit in Piltdown, Sussex, England. He took them to a British museum where anthropologists claimed that they were 500,000 years old. Textbooks throughout the world then proclaimed Piltdown Man as the greatest find to date. Then in October of 1956, Reader's Digest EXPOSED this finding as "The Great Piltdown Hoax." The bones where found to be fraudulent. The jaw bone was proven to have belonged to an ape which had died only FIFTY YEARS before (not 500,000).
what was an ape doing living in there? It makes no sense
The teeth had been filed down, and both, teeth and bones, had been discovered with bichromate of potash to cover up their true identity! So much for Piltdown Man.
Wheres yourvrvidrnce of that fairy tale.
The so-called Neanderthal Man was discovered around 1900 in a cave in the Neanderthal Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany. Naturally, he was hailed as another great "missing link." Since that time, it has been proven that Neanderthal wasn't an ape-man at all. He turned out to be a fully erect human being with a cranial capacity of over 13% more than that of normal man.
13% bigger. What a load of shit. Youre a complete
nut case.
Today, he is classified as "Homo Sapiens" (completely human). The "missing link" is still missing.
In your case it's your brain which is missing as you never evolved past an ape.
Finally, we come to Lucy, a 40% skeleton found in Ethiopia by D.C. Johanson in the 70's. Johanson claimed that "Lucy" had walked on two legs, because of the "angle of the thigh bone and the flattened surface at it's knee joint" (National Geographic, December, 1976). However, the knee joint was badly crushed; so Johanson's conclusion is mere speculation. Anatomist Charles Oxnard said the "Lucy" did NOT walk upright, at least not in the same manner as humans. The chimpanzee DOES spend some time walking upright, so this was probably just another ape.

Now this is the kind of "evidence" which supports evolution. This is what a child is taught in the public school system and in the state universities as "scientific fact." This is what the Bible labels as "science falsely so called" (I Tim. 6:20).
Does the bible dispell the myth of immaculate conceptions and virgin births? Thats about as factual as your above bullshit.

Do you think the example is similar though?
If you are hanging your hat on documentation then they are not only similar but necessary

There really is not all that many sources for the existence of Jesus. There are enough that it is not unreasonable to think he did exist but there are also not so many that the counter position is not unreasonable either.
It think that if you really are concerned with that approach you would have made the same point to the poster I was addressing...
do me a favor and ask him the same thing.
If you are hanging your hat on documentation then they are not only similar but necessary

It think that if you really are concerned with that approach you would have made the same point to the poster I was addressing...
do me a favor and ask him the same thing.
No, I will not do you that favor.

I try and avoid talking with chatbots that are unable to make a coherent point. Have you actually read the waste of space RW's posts bring to this board?
Proven by science. You should bone up on your history, whenever religion and science clashed, science won.
That's weird. I didn't know there was a scientific proof for naturalism. Please, do tell us about this mysterious proof.
If it's false, and you don't believe it, then why are you so concerned about it?

Does everyone have to believe what you believe?

Like Tinkerbell, does your belief die if everyone doesn't believe?

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I'm disappointed in you, fncceo, I would have thought that you understood the metaphysical basis of evolution.
You are a liar.
LMAO. It's you who is a liar and that's been proven. Otherwise, you can easily show us the fossil record which you can't. All you can have are fossil records and there isn't enough to show transition from one species to another. Regular science has skeletal records and living creatures today as well as fossils to back them up.

Now, will you admit that you are SAF and POS? We all know it, but you admitting it will help you get a skosh better.

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