Why exactly do people think it's okay to kill murderers?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
The act of killing another human being (with the exceptions largely being limited to cases of self defense, or they if they should pay you to kill either themselves or their child and you're one of the majority of doctors who doesn't give a single shit about the Hippocratic Oath) is a serious crime in this country. This is reasonable. One of the main reasons society exists is to protect our inherent human rights and lives. We punish criminals according to the severity of their crime. The punishment for murder (defined as killing another human being without what is legally considered to be "just" cause) is often to be killed by the state. How is this not hypocritical though? To kill a killer makes oneself a killer. You might not be a murderer as you did it with the state's rubber stamp, but you did kill another human being in revenge for their own killing of another human being. If you were to be consistent in the belief that humans who kill humans should die, then shouldn't the executioner have his own executioner on standby?
The act of killing another human being (with the exceptions largely being limited to cases of self defense, or they if they should pay you to kill either themselves or their child and you're one of the majority of doctors who doesn't give a single shit about the Hippocratic Oath) is a serious crime in this country. This is reasonable. One of the main reasons society exists is to protect our inherent human rights and lives. We punish criminals according to the severity of their crime. The punishment for murder (defined as killing another human being without what is legally considered to be "just" cause) is often to be killed by the state. How is this not hypocritical though? To kill a killer makes oneself a killer. You might not be a murderer as you did it with the state's rubber stamp, but you did kill another human being in revenge for their own killing of another human being. If you were to be consistent in the belief that humans who kill humans should die, then shouldn't the executioner have his own executioner on standby?
Executing murderers is societal self defense.

A fuckin' cave man knew that.
A fuckin' cave man knew that.
If we're going to define killing a human as immoral, then shouldn't we be holding ourselves higher than that? That's what I'm really asking here. It seems wildly hypocritical to decide that someone who kills someone else must be killed, even if you say it's okay because the one doing it is being paid by the government to carry it out.
A fuckin' cave man knew that.
If we're going to define killing a human as immoral, then shouldn't we be holding ourselves higher than that? That's what I'm really asking here. It seems wildly hypocritical to decide that someone who kills someone else must be killed, even if you say it's okay because the one doing it is being paid by the government to carry it out.
This is a serious thread fail.
The act of killing another human being (with the exceptions largely being limited to cases of self defense, or they if they should pay you to kill either themselves or their child and you're one of the majority of doctors who doesn't give a single shit about the Hippocratic Oath) is a serious crime in this country. This is reasonable. One of the main reasons society exists is to protect our inherent human rights and lives. We punish criminals according to the severity of their crime. The punishment for murder (defined as killing another human being without what is legally considered to be "just" cause) is often to be killed by the state. How is this not hypocritical though? To kill a killer makes oneself a killer. You might not be a murderer as you did it with the state's rubber stamp, but you did kill another human being in revenge for their own killing of another human being. If you were to be consistent in the belief that humans who kill humans should die, then shouldn't the executioner have his own executioner on standby?
Executing murderers is societal self defense.

A fuckin' cave man knew that.

True, cave men knew that. The old religions, the pagans, and Jews knew that. Our instinctive morality is, "eye for an eye." It is crude and basic. It is also unenlightened and leads to a very primitive, short, nasty, violent, and crude society.

Then spiritual enlightenment came to earth via the Buddha and the Christ. They came to teach us forgiveness and redemption.

The enlightened have learned that we are the sum of all of our thoughts and fears. We are only what society has made us, what choices we have made, and the thoughts we have chosen to think.

It is how we, as a society and a people CHOOSE to treat the lowest and most destitute among us that will define how advanced and righteous our societies become. The more caring and humane a society is towards it most craven and destitute, the more blessings it will receive from the creator. This has always been true.

The more cruel, murderous, and licentious we become, the more our civilization will regress.

If you want to live like cavemen, or in the old west, feel free. I'd prefer to live in an enlightened society.

Let's do away with abortion and the death penalty shall we?

In western civilization, we are asked to accept that the state executes the law of Nature on our behalf. Of course it fails in this task when it comes to things like polluters giving children leukemia, for instance. This is because we live in a superstitious society that enjoys feeling needed when it gives charity to the victims of evildoers, and so they preserve the evildoer for the sake of their own pride. It is disgusting, really.
If a murderer request the death penalty what should we do with them? Also a murderer often will represent a threat to the rest of the prison population, so are they to be segregated from the rest? And if we do segregate them , how can we humanely do so?

I hate to tell some people this but psychopathy is not curable and a psychopath will always be a threat in no matter what environment that psychopath is in. So someone please tell me how we deal humanely with the inhumane?
"If you were to be consistent in the belief that humans who kill humans should die, then shouldn't the executioner have his own executioner on standby?"

No, this is idiocy.

The death penalty is Constitutional, it comports with the 8th Amendment, and those condemned are afforded comprehensive due process in accordance with the 5th Amendment.

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