Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?

Good for him, smart kid. Better than being a hateful, brainwashed functional idiot GOP bigot. Try reality. Lock her up bs gossip and all the fearmongering and hate propaganda are what keeps the GOP alive while they rob and wreck poor America, dupe... Nice garbage spam propaganda meme.

We here this "hate" all the time from your ilk

Hodgkinson shared a post from “Republicans Suck,” saying, “Republicans Hate Women, Minorities, Working Class People, & Most All (99%) of the People of the Country.”

He also wrote, “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason” and “Trump is a Mean, Disgusting Person.”

June 2015 he wrote, “The Opposite of a Liberal Progressive is a Bigoted Racist that wants the Rich to get Richer at the expense of the 99%…..Republicans are so Stupid….”

He wrote in May 2015, “Congressional Republicans Hate Americans & Should All be Voted Out of Office……..”

He wrote, “Republican Bitch Wants People to Work for Slave Wages, when a Livable Wage is the Only Way to Go! Vote Blue, It’s Right for You

The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

Many do, it's close to a tie, which is ridiculous. The RW believes the rich pay too much, and 47% pay nothing.
A disgrace.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

Many do, it's close to a tie, which is ridiculous. The RW believes the rich pay too much, and 47% pay nothing.
A disgrace.

The rich pay a higher % rate for Federal Income tax.
The rich pay a higher % rate for State Income tax.
The rich pay the same % rate for sales tax.
The rich pay the same % rate for capital gains tax.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

Many do, it's close to a tie, which is ridiculous. The RW believes the rich pay too much, and 47% pay nothing.
A disgrace.

For the milionth time poor people vote against their pocket book by voting for Democrats local..

It's their fault of high taxes

Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?

So aside from what they are not, What redeeming quality makes Republicans a necessity ? cant be "we arent democrats", because if oneis honest the Republicans have been as huge a problem as the democrats and have done everything about he exact same way.
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1% — Here's What That Really Means
Tell me. Why exactly does USMB need YOU?

When you're done pondering that dumbass question try reflecting on your own.

The uniqueness of America is it's ability to be as diverse as we are yet we still flourish.

Go fuck a Pinto faggot
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1% — Here's What That Really Means
Tell me. Why exactly does USMB need YOU?

When you're done pondering that dumbass question try reflecting on your own.

The uniqueness of America is it's ability to be as diverse as we are yet we still flourish.

Go fuck a Pinto faggot
Go fuck a Pinto faggot? Lol what?

You're clearly just butthurt because you know my facts are correct. Otherwise, you would have offered a rebuttal. You got nothing and you know it.
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1% — Here's What That Really Means
Tell me. Why exactly does USMB need YOU?

When you're done pondering that dumbass question try reflecting on your own.

The uniqueness of America is it's ability to be as diverse as we are yet we still flourish.

Go fuck a Pinto faggot

Oh God help us if USMB doesn't need anyone. Bet you flipped your shit when rep went away. And you are really have a nerve calling anyone a fag as much as you cry to the mods grandma.
Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?

to make leftards cry

and cry a lot



Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1% — Here's What That Really Means
Tell me. Why exactly does USMB need YOU?

When you're done pondering that dumbass question try reflecting on your own.

The uniqueness of America is it's ability to be as diverse as we are yet we still flourish.

Go fuck a Pinto faggot
Go fuck a Pinto faggot? Lol what?

You're clearly just butthurt because you know my facts are correct. Otherwise, you would have offered a rebuttal. You got nothing and you know it.

Dude diddnt even know which republican he liked even more. Came out a Cruz worshiper, then was ridden by the Trump train, then bitches about Trump, but loves him some time. As for your OP, talking to the young guys I work with, 20+ I guess, none have any party alliance really. If you removed all the social justice shit, gay marriage, gun control, all the typical hot political issues you pretty much have a today voter. there is a new normal coming. I welcome it if it means the end of the Republican party.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

Many do, it's close to a tie, which is ridiculous. The RW believes the rich pay too much, and 47% pay nothing.
A disgrace.

The rich pay a higher % rate for Federal Income tax.
The rich pay a higher % rate for State Income tax.
The rich pay the same % rate for sales tax.
The rich pay the same % rate for capital gains tax.
Miss the point much? The rich don't pay enough taxes, our infrastructure and the nonrich have been falling apart for 35 years, all the new wealth goes to the richest. You vote for that.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

Many do, it's close to a tie, which is ridiculous. The RW believes the rich pay too much, and 47% pay nothing.
A disgrace.

For the milionth time poor people vote against their pocket book by voting for Democrats local..

It's their fault of high taxes

The GOP cuts mainly the rich's tax, then local taxes go up, which kill the nonrich. For 35 years now, dupe.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

The rich pay less %wise than the middle class

Many do, it's close to a tie, which is ridiculous. The RW believes the rich pay too much, and 47% pay nothing.
A disgrace.

For the milionth time poor people vote against their pocket book by voting for Democrats local..

It's their fault of high taxes

The GOP cuts mainly the rich's tax, then local taxes go up, which kill the nonrich. For 35 years now, dupe.
No one can cut the poor's taxes. They don't pay any.
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1% — Here's What That Really Means

Dude got news for you BOTH parties are corrupt.it is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.the president is just a puppet for the establishment,someone to blame,the last real one we had that served the people instead of the bankers and followed the constitution paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.why do you think all the others have all stayed alive since then?:biggrin:
The GOP is the last symbol of White Supremacy. It stands on the promise to "Make America White Again!"
The GOP is the last symbol of White Supremacy. It stands on the promise to "Make America White Again!"

Dont let Political Chic here you say that.she will have a meltdown that you dont agree with her and have facts to back up that the repubs are every bit as much corrupt as the dems she has an obsession over.:biggrin:

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