Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?

Democrats voted against Civil Rights

Democrats kept slaves, still do

:lol: The GOP can preach about their dedication to people of color for years to come, but until they actually DO SOMETHING, they will continue to lose their vote at the ballot box. A good start would be to pass an Immigration Bill in the House. But I don't see that happening until the Gerrymandering loses it effect. With the Demographics changing rapidly, that might be sooner than later...time marches on...:eusa_boohoo:

How does importing millions of low skilled workers help American people of color?

ZZZZZ- they're here, dingbat- this is to legalize and tax them, and stop more, if Pubs FINALLY allow a good work ID card. DUH.
:lol: The GOP can preach about their dedication to people of color for years to come, but until they actually DO SOMETHING, they will continue to lose their vote at the ballot box. A good start would be to pass an Immigration Bill in the House. But I don't see that happening until the Gerrymandering loses it effect. With the Demographics changing rapidly, that might be sooner than later...time marches on...:eusa_boohoo:

How does importing millions of low skilled workers help American people of color?

ZZZZZ- they're here, dingbat- this is to legalize and tax them, and stop more, if Pubs FINALLY allow a good work ID card. DUH.

We can stop more from coming without legalizing anyone. In fact, doing the later will just make doing the former even harder.
nEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, HATER DUPE...aLTHOUGH oBAMA THREW OUT 368K LAST YEAR....criminals. The perverse thing is RWers love them until one of their recessions. But they are part of the fabric, and needed now. Most pay taxes and live in their own homes- thanks to Pubs' refusal of a good ID card. Because actually they LOVE the cheap labor, dupe...
I didn't realize Soros owned all TV and print in the world outside your Fox/Rush/Heritage etc BS MACHINE

Most media is owned by leftist Jews. ABC, NBC and CBS to name a few...

What is the difference between a Jew of the left and a jew of the right in your mind?

Not really...

Though most so called "right wing Jews" in the United States and the West are neoconservatives. Neoconservatism evolved out of Trotskyism. There are some right wing Jews in Israel, such as the political party "Shas", which is a right wing nationalist party.
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:lol: The GOP can preach about their dedication to people of color for years to come, but until they actually DO SOMETHING, they will continue to lose their vote at the ballot box. A good start would be to pass an Immigration Bill in the House. But I don't see that happening until the Gerrymandering loses it effect. With the Demographics changing rapidly, that might be sooner than later...time marches on...:eusa_boohoo:

How does importing millions of low skilled workers help American people of color?

ZZZZZ- they're here, dingbat- this is to legalize and tax them, and stop more, if Pubs FINALLY allow a good work ID card. DUH.

Yeah, wouldn't want to help our low-skilled citizens by deported low-skilled illegals.
rw MEDIA IS RUN BY GREEDY BILLIONNAIRES, MOST OF THE lsm AND AROUND THE WORLD BY CORPORATIONS, sOROS GIVES MONEY to factcheckers of RW bs...Journalists work for AP, UPI, nyt, and other papers.

No one in the real world believes a gd thing from Fox etc and Issa etc, and/or wherever the heck you get your Jew hate bs...The LSM and NYT MAIN STREAM NEWS DON'T BOTHER- MM and MSNBC are down in the bs gutter with them....this is why the rest of the world doesn't understand where ugly American hater dupes come from...Fox/Rush etc are here only...

Franco you are like in shit central. I know where you are.And any one else who wants to fuck with me let's discuss upper state New York. I know this area very well.

And I love it. I ran a lot of punk bands thru your territory.
You dupes only care when your heroes start ANOTHER recession lol. Before, you like the cheap gardeners and maids...
Whats with you and your big mouth?

Do you just get your rocks off in here thinking you are some kind of left wing hero blabbing away with terms like dupes?
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

Sorry, but it's not so cut and dry. Tax cuts can be beneficial to the economy under the right circumstances, one being when the rates are too high to begin with. That does not make tax cuts the final solution, because they are not, and many times they actually do more harm than good. We saw this with the Bush tax cuts which actually came about because of projected surpluses for years to come. Everyone who signed on to those tax cuts agreed that if revenues fell, the tax cuts would be taken away. But guess what happened? When revenue fell, excuses were made that it was due to the small recession caused by 9/11, and then we were sold on even more tax cuts, which really did nothing.

The other gripe that comes from Republicans is that the government is very inefficient and spends too much, and I tend to agree. The problem is that Republicans never address the inefficiencies, nor do they try to resolve them, and if it is one of their favorite programs they ignore them completely. The inefficiencies in how our military wastes money is probably worse than any other department, but Republicans will never even mention the military as that would be un-American.

So is the Republican Party necessary? Absolutely, even if I disagree with them on almost everything. There has to be some balance, whichever side you are on. If not, the country would go off the edge in one direction or the other and neither is good.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.

Oh yeah. They really are ruining this country.
Freeing slaves? Civil Rights? The Right voted against the Civil Rights Act. Lowered taxes of the rich.

Democrats voted against Civil Rights

Democrats kept slaves, still do

:lol: The GOP can preach about their dedication to people of color for years to come, but until they actually DO SOMETHING, they will continue to lose their vote at the ballot box. A good start would be to pass an Immigration Bill in the House. But I don't see that happening until the Gerrymandering loses it effect. With the Demographics changing rapidly, that might be sooner than later...time marches on...:eusa_boohoo:
Neither party is doing what is right...they are just getting in the way. WHY do you think the same complaints are getting louder? How'd that 'Great Society' thing work out?
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.

Oh yeah. They really are ruining this country.

Yes they are, and at appalling velocity.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.

Damnit Chris, what makes you think the world is so damn black and white? You don't think the hundreds and millions of dollars the Democrats raise each year from many of the exact same donors that fund the Republican party don't come with any strings attached? Are you really that naive?

Obamacare? Do you know that President Obama practically handed this little nifty piece of legislation over to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies to write? Think they're going to make sure they make a shitload of money off of you and I? Of course they are. This isn't "universal healthcare", it's the exact same f'cking system we had before except now we need to participate or we are fined. What is so amazing about that?

The Democrats don't care about you; they are politicians just like the Republicans. They care about money and power. The sooner you realize this the better.
The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris?

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The new GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people while preserving the corporate welfare for the 1% at all costs.. All pretense of doing the people's work has vanished. The initiatives that they have championed--gun rights, abortion restrictions, weakening Social Security and Medicare, repealing Obamacare, eliminating food stamps--all seem designed to shoot, enslave, sicken or starve us into submission. They've fought collective bargaining, unemployment compensation, and every other program that might help ordinary people. They refuse to raise revenue, and then claim that there is no money to help anyone.
Aiming for the most projections in one post contest, Chris? After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

I think you won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What projection, brainwashed parrot? The rich pay less %wise than the middle class, which is falling apart aong with the country.

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