Why exactly is Obamacare all that bad?

Did I hurt your feelings with THE TRUTH?... Does Hitler's reference to Obuma make sense... if you're a Progressive, you will have a problem with this!

Constant references to 'Hitler' are disrespectful to what that man did to his victims. It also helps to diminish his crimes and helps to desensitize the public to monsters like him.

It DOES... seems to me it REMINDS people what little dictators do, as we currently have one in the White House that is going to take over the last bastion of our freedom, the internet!

Balderdash, you see what you want.
Did I hurt your feelings with THE TRUTH?... Does Hitler's reference to Obuma make sense... if you're a Progressive, you will have a problem with this!

Constant references to 'Hitler' are disrespectful to what that man did to his victims. It also helps to diminish his crimes and helps to desensitize the public to monsters like him.

It DOES... seems to me it REMINDS people what little dictators do, as we currently have one in the White House that is going to take over the last bastion of our freedom, the internet!

The voters spoke. We want Congress to work or get to work. This is only a 2 year ride but it's not a free ride. For the first time in 20 years, Congress is controlled by the Republicans. Obama is right. (getting ready for the onslaught) If congress won't govern, the Administrative Branch must. If they get off their asses and actually govern then they can get another 2 to 4 years. If they continue like they are then they get thrown out on the asses. Even Fox is having trouble with the House right now trying to pass laws that even the Senate can't support. According to Fox News, the only major piece of legislation that has been passed is the Keystone Program and that is going to get a big red Veto on it.

So far, almost everyone outside of the Republican House sees the holding parts of the government hostage is wrong and won't work. Yet the House Speaker says the House has done the Job, over and over and over. "Boner" was a broken record. Even Fox News had trouble swallowing it.
The only thing I might add is that the ACA has planted the seed if you will for a tangle of tax laws, regulations, and new oversight government agencies that will make the IRS look like the J.V. When the tax code was first introduced in 1913 it was about 400 pages. Now 100 years later the tax code and it's myriad of supplemental explanations weighs in at 70,000+ pages. Compare that the ACA bill that is STARTING with 2400 pages of rambling gibberish that I defy anyone, lawyers included to understand.
Did I hurt your feelings with THE TRUTH?... Does Hitler's reference to Obuma make sense... if you're a Progressive, you will have a problem with this!

Constant references to 'Hitler' are disrespectful to what that man did to his victims. It also helps to diminish his crimes and helps to desensitize the public to monsters like him.

It DOES... seems to me it REMINDS people what little dictators do, as we currently have one in the White House that is going to take over the last bastion of our freedom, the internet!

The voters spoke. We want Congress to work or get to work. This is only a 2 year ride but it's not a free ride. For the first time in 20 years, Congress is controlled by the Republicans. Obama is right. (getting ready for the onslaught) If congress won't govern, the Administrative Branch must. If they get off their asses and actually govern then they can get another 2 to 4 years. If they continue like they are then they get thrown out on the asses. Even Fox is having trouble with the House right now trying to pass laws that even the Senate can't support. According to Fox News, the only major piece of legislation that has been passed is the Keystone Program and that is going to get a big red Veto on it.

So far, almost everyone outside of the Republican House sees the holding parts of the government hostage is wrong and won't work. Yet the House Speaker says the House has done the Job, over and over and over. "Boner" was a broken record. Even Fox News had trouble swallowing it.
You DO KNOW a Republican Congress can send the prick in the White House 1000 bi-part bills, and the Socialist won't sign them, and there are enough Socialist conformists in the DemocRAT party in the Senate to uphold his veto....DON'T YOU????
Let's assume that, since I'm on TriCare, I've paid basically no attention to the entire debate. In fact, let's say that I know almost nothing about it except that Obama spent his presidency trying to get it passed, the Republicans hate it, and Nancy Pelosi thought the only way she could find out what the bill said was to vote for it. This is your chance to sell someone more or less neutral on it and/or turn them against it.

I'd compare it to the Military draft. It's required for all men to sign up for Selective Service upon turning 18.
But enlisting and serving in the Military is optional. Once you're in, you agree to all the rules, and can't disobey orders or desert, etc.

Now compare this federal mandate that requires all citizens to enroll in either federal programs or buy insurance
that is also regulated, where you no longer have free choice.

And compare: what if you could have free choice to participate, and if you opt in, then you agree to follow the program as is.

Why is there not a choice to participate?
That's the part that is unconstitutional unless you happen to believe and agree with it.

If you don't, you're stuck unless and until someone in govt happens to have the guts to stand up and enforce the Constitution instead of putting this bill first over Constitutional rights and liberties, and separation of federal powers from the rights reserved to people and states.

If you are liberal, prochoice or unreligious, imagine if "the majority of Congress" decided it was better for public interest to require all people to enroll in Christian programs and/or pay a tax into a federal Christian program that "serves the public."
You can pay for any choice of program that is approved and meets federal standards.

That's "not so bad," right? Because what you're forcing the public to participate and pay for is all good, all the Christian programs are family supportive, and shown to benefit people in positive ways. So what's wrong with requiring this for all people, right?

But what if you want other choices besides Christian programs exempted and approve by govt.
Any other choices outside that don't count as exemptions, incur a tax penalty, and that goes into the federal program, NOT the programs you believe in choosing.

Wouldn't you consider that overreaching of federal govt?

But unfortunately we have Democrats in denial that this, in any way, constitutes imposing a political belief or it infringes on the political beliefs of others. Because it is secular, the biases and discrimination are masked.

We could see it better if it were more obviously a Christian or Muslim mandate, but because it is disguised as secular,
people don't see the bias.

If you happen to agree with federalized health care, or see this as a just another tax,
then you would have to understand how this violates the BELIEFS of others, similar to violating
Christian or Muslims beliefs, before you would see it is discriminatory. Most people can't see that,
so it is passed off as a tax, and considered voted on by Congress and approved by Courts.

Even if you agreed with the content of the bill, I still believe this should be protested on PRINCIPLE.
Otherwise, it is like allowing bills to be passed as long as they mesh with the majority religion,
and only protesting when it violates the majority religion but not the religion of other groups that "don't count."

That is a dangerous precedent, and I can't help but question the political competency of leaders who can't
see this bias going on, and aren't willing to defend the creeds of the people whose beliefs are violated and excluded,
penalized and discriminated against.

Even if I agree with people accessing health care in this manner if they so choose,
I believe the mandates should only apply to people who CHOOSE to participate in the public option
and should not be REQUIRED of all people to participate in. Citizens retain a free choice where
no crime has been committed and there has been no due process by govt to justify depriving liberties.

^ If this isn't inherent by the Constitution directly, then it still is defensible as a CREED that is protected by law.
And if that isn't inherent by the Constitution directly, then THAT is still a defendable CREED protected by law.

People who don't recognize this, don't understand the meaning and BELIEFS behind the Constitution,
and don't understand the reason half the nation is not represented by this bill. So how can anyone "lead and
claim to represent the nation" without understanding how this bill violates the beliefs of half the population?
We don't need health care reform, we need insurance reform. If you break your leg and go to the emergency room they will see you, x-ray it, put a splint on it, some bandages, give you some pain medication, and send you on your way. How does that even remotely justify the $5000 price you will have to pay for the emergency room visit? Obamacare approaches the problem from the entirely wrong end. Health care reforms should have been centered around the practice of the insurance companies and hospitals jerking each other off and splooging all over the citizenry, but that isn't at all what we got.
We don't need health care reform, we need insurance reform. If you break your leg and go to the emergency room they will see you, x-ray it, put a splint on it, some bandages, give you some pain medication, and send you on your way. How does that even remotely justify the $5000 price you will have to pay for the emergency room visit? Obamacare approaches the problem from the entirely wrong end. Health care reforms should have been centered around the practice of the insurance companies and hospitals jerking each other off and splooging all over the citizenry, but that isn't at all what we got.

That's part of the ACA. And you need to be aware that most health care and insurance is state controlled, not Fed controlled. By giving the STate the option of setting up it's own system, it allows the states to lower, raise or modify health care inside it's own borders. If the State doesn't step up to the plate then the Feds do it for them.
it helped my daughter get insurance through me until this year. up to that point it was great. Now at 26 she had to sign up, $350 a month and a $7000 deductible. She has insurance and she makes about $25K a year. No discount for her. The poor are getting a free ride as usual and those trying to make it and start out get nothing. So put out effort and lose out on the freebees. typical Govt BS. Not to mention the Billions spent to make a website that links you to a providers page. More Government incompetence and waste. Again the best ideas end up a disaster when the government does anything outside the military

I don't believe your numbers.
Let's assume that, since I'm on TriCare, I've paid basically no attention to the entire debate. In fact, let's say that I know almost nothing about it except that Obama spent his presidency trying to get it passed, the Republicans hate it, and Nancy Pelosi thought the only way she could find out what the bill said was to vote for it. This is your chance to sell someone more or less neutral on it and/or turn them against it.
It has Obama's name on it. In Kentucky, they changed the name to Kynect and they love it. And conservatives in Kentucky hate Obama the same way other white conservatives hate him.
The day the gov't can mandate that you purchase something from a private company or be fined is the day the slippery slope begins.
it helped my daughter get insurance through me until this year. up to that point it was great. Now at 26 she had to sign up, $350 a month and a $7000 deductible. She has insurance and she makes about $25K a year. No discount for her. The poor are getting a free ride as usual and those trying to make it and start out get nothing. So put out effort and lose out on the freebees. typical Govt BS. Not to mention the Billions spent to make a website that links you to a providers page. More Government incompetence and waste. Again the best ideas end up a disaster when the government does anything outside the military

As an adult, your daughter should have been providing it for herself before 26.
Let's assume that, since I'm on TriCare, I've paid basically no attention to the entire debate. In fact, let's say that I know almost nothing about it except that Obama spent his presidency trying to get it passed, the Republicans hate it, and Nancy Pelosi thought the only way she could find out what the bill said was to vote for it. This is your chance to sell someone more or less neutral on it and/or turn them against it.
It has Obama's name on it. In Kentucky, they changed the name to Kynect and they love it. And conservatives in Kentucky hate Obama the same way other white conservatives hate him.
Typical race card thrown out by Obama lovers. You simply have no other argument loser. Makes one think your support of him has nothing to do with anything but skin color.

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