Why executing gays is allowed if you are an atheist

Then why atheist have a problem with it?

If Holy Book command execution of sodomy practitioners, then this be progressive since disease like AIDS or black plague be bigger killers of humans than guns or warfare.

So if atheist rather everyone die from disease than execute those who practice diseased lifestyle and save others' lifes, then atheist is igorant and backward, and really wants millions of people to die just to save a minority of disease spreaders? Which not be progressive ,but retrogressive.

So this prove that even ancient Levitical Law is more progressive and evolved than atheists are? Ironic no? He he.


Unification has, I suspect, set a rather ingenious (or mad) trap in this thread for atheists. What I think he is saying is what moral foundation (if not God--or more precisely religious values) do atheists derive from which would prevent them from killing the "amoral" to save the "moral" or which foundational moral code could they use to justify not killing them. That is my interpretation two cents. Could be wrong.
I love that argument. If not for the threat of eternal magical damnation, religious people would run around executing and raping people. And so that fear of damnation makes you “more evolved.” :lmao:

The paradox is hilarious. The atheist cannot justify moral or amoral choices without resorting to hard intellectual vapor lock (smoke pouring out their ears), or Christian values, which then nullifies their claim to godlessness. Unification has got you by the short hairs in this one. Ouch.
Since you’re an indoctrinated religious zombie, I can understand why you CAN’T understand how that urge you feel to rape and kill can be resisted by atheists. Thank goodness that magical fear was put in you, or who know how many victims you’d have by now.
No reason to resist it if one be materialistic atheist other than fear of punishment, which is point.

Much like lion which kill gazelle not need to "resist" impulse, since it not believe in god - unless it fear being killed by gazelle or other lion.
Then why atheist have a problem with it?

If Holy Book command execution of sodomy practitioners, then this be progressive since disease like AIDS or black plague be bigger killers of humans than guns or warfare.

So if atheist rather everyone die from disease than execute those who practice diseased lifestyle and save others' lifes, then atheist is igorant and backward, and really wants millions of people to die just to save a minority of disease spreaders? Which not be progressive ,but retrogressive.

So this prove that even ancient Levitical Law is more progressive and evolved than atheists are? Ironic no? He he.


Unification has, I suspect, set a rather ingenious (or mad) trap in this thread for atheists. What I think he is saying is what moral foundation (if not God--or more precisely religious values) do atheists derive from which would prevent them from killing the "amoral" to save the "moral" or which foundational moral code could they use to justify not killing them. That is my interpretation two cents. Could be wrong.
I love that argument. If not for the threat of eternal magical damnation, religious people would run around executing and raping people. And so that fear of damnation makes you “more evolved.” :lmao:

The paradox is hilarious. The atheist cannot justify moral or amoral choices without resorting to hard intellectual vapor lock (smoke pouring out their ears), or Christian values, which then nullifies their claim to godlessness. Unification has got you by the short hairs in this one. Ouch.
Since you’re an indoctrinated religious zombie, I can understand why you CAN’T understand how that urge you feel to rape and kill can be resisted by atheists. Thank goodness that magical fear was put in you, or who know how many victims you’d have by now.


Historically, nations run by atheists have not resisted the urge to rape, murder and imprison their political enemies, and even their friends. Lenin for instance came up with the idea that killing some of his closest, most loyal allies would send a much clearer message than just wiping out the opposition. The religious have killed in the name of their own earthly political and ideological misinterpretations of the truly sacred, and for greed, power, etc. Atheists on the other hand kill to prove they do not believe.

Unification has, I suspect, set a rather ingenious (or mad) trap in this thread for atheists. What I think he is saying is what moral foundation (if not God--or more precisely religious values) do atheists derive from which would prevent them from killing the "amoral" to save the "moral" or which foundational moral code could they use to justify not killing them. That is my interpretation two cents. Could be wrong.
I love that argument. If not for the threat of eternal magical damnation, religious people would run around executing and raping people. And so that fear of damnation makes you “more evolved.” :lmao:

The paradox is hilarious. The atheist cannot justify moral or amoral choices without resorting to hard intellectual vapor lock (smoke pouring out their ears), or Christian values, which then nullifies their claim to godlessness. Unification has got you by the short hairs in this one. Ouch.
Since you’re an indoctrinated religious zombie, I can understand why you CAN’T understand how that urge you feel to rape and kill can be resisted by atheists. Thank goodness that magical fear was put in you, or who know how many victims you’d have by now.


Historically, nations run by atheists have not resisted the urge to rape, murder and imprison their political enemies, and even their friends. Lenin for instance came up with the idea that killing some of his closest, most loyal allies would send a much clearer message than just wiping out the opposition. The religious have killed in the name of their own earthly political and ideological misinterpretations of the truly sacred, and for greed, power, etc. Atheists on the other hand kill to prove they do not believe.
Historically, nations run by religious folks haven’t resisted those urges either :itsok:
Unification has, I suspect, set a rather ingenious (or mad) trap in this thread for atheists. What I think he is saying is what moral foundation (if not God--or more precisely religious values) do atheists derive from which would prevent them from killing the "amoral" to save the "moral" or which foundational moral code could they use to justify not killing them. That is my interpretation two cents. Could be wrong.
I love that argument. If not for the threat of eternal magical damnation, religious people would run around executing and raping people. And so that fear of damnation makes you “more evolved.” :lmao:

The paradox is hilarious. The atheist cannot justify moral or amoral choices without resorting to hard intellectual vapor lock (smoke pouring out their ears), or Christian values, which then nullifies their claim to godlessness. Unification has got you by the short hairs in this one. Ouch.
Since you’re an indoctrinated religious zombie, I can understand why you CAN’T understand how that urge you feel to rape and kill can be resisted by atheists. Thank goodness that magical fear was put in you, or who know how many victims you’d have by now.


Historically, nations run by atheists have not resisted the urge to rape, murder and imprison their political enemies, and even their friends. Lenin for instance came up with the idea that killing some of his closest, most loyal allies would send a much clearer message than just wiping out the opposition. The religious have killed in the name of their own earthly political and ideological misinterpretations of the truly sacred, and for greed, power, etc. Atheists on the other hand kill to prove they do not believe.
Historically, nations run by religious folks haven’t resisted those urges either :itsok:

Absolutely correct. Touché
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he

Big day for trolls I see.

If one is an atheist one doesn't believe in any big book of fairy tales telling us either to execute gays and adulterers- or not to execute them.

Instead we are forced to use our minds to come to our own conclusions.
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he
This thread is funny because in this country it is the religious that support executions and worldwide it is the religious that support executing gay people.

Really? Christianity supports executing gays?

You're a fucking dumbass
It’s in your religion’s holy book :itsok:
Then why atheist have a problem with it?

If Holy Book command execution of sodomy practitioners, then this be progressive since disease like AIDS or black plague be bigger killers of humans than guns or warfare.

So if atheist rather everyone die from disease than execute those who practice diseased lifestyle and save others' lifes, then atheist is igorant and backward, and really wants millions of people to die just to save a minority of disease spreaders? Which not be progressive ,but retrogressive.

So this prove that even ancient Levitical Law is more progressive and evolved than atheists are? Ironic no? He he.
Not only are you a biggot buit an idiot also! Aids does not kill more people than war. Your cuase and effect logic is absurd so go fuck yourself
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he
This thread is funny because in this country it is the religious that support executions and worldwide it is the religious that support executing gay people.

Really? Christianity supports executing gays?

You're a fucking dumbass
It’s in your religion’s holy book :itsok:
Then why atheist have a problem with it?

If Holy Book command execution of sodomy practitioners, then this be progressive since disease like AIDS or black plague be bigger killers of humans than guns or warfare.

So if atheist rather everyone die from disease than execute those who practice diseased lifestyle and save others' lifes, then atheist is igorant and backward, and really wants millions of people to die just to save a minority of disease spreaders? Which not be progressive ,but retrogressive.

So this prove that even ancient Levitical Law is more progressive and evolved than atheists are? Ironic no? He he.
Not only are you a biggot buit an idiot also! Aids does not kill more people than war. Your cuase and effect logic is absurd so go fuck yourself
AIDs kills more sodomy practitioners than executions in Islamic nations, that is point.

All diseases in human history such as black plague, obesity, and diseases which wiped out native Americans have killed more people than bullets or executions or warfare.

So most human deaths are disease related, not intentional violence related.
This thread is funny because in this country it is the religious that support executions and worldwide it is the religious that support executing gay people.

Really? Christianity supports executing gays?

You're a fucking dumbass
It’s in your religion’s holy book :itsok:
Then why atheist have a problem with it?

If Holy Book command execution of sodomy practitioners, then this be progressive since disease like AIDS or black plague be bigger killers of humans than guns or warfare.

So if atheist rather everyone die from disease than execute those who practice diseased lifestyle and save others' lifes, then atheist is igorant and backward, and really wants millions of people to die just to save a minority of disease spreaders? Which not be progressive ,but retrogressive.

So this prove that even ancient Levitical Law is more progressive and evolved than atheists are? Ironic no? He he.
Not only are you a biggot buit an idiot also! Aids does not kill more people than war. Your cuase and effect logic is absurd so go fuck yourself
AIDs kills more sodomy practitioners than executions in Islamic nations, that is point.

All diseases in human history such as black plague, obesity, and diseases which wiped out native Americans have killed more people than bullets or executions or warfare.

So most human deaths are disease related, not intentional violence related.
That is not what you stated! So do you deserve a bullet for being pudgy, it is on thew way to obese. Should we start shooting cooks because they feed us to much? Or should we be shooting sopft drink makers because of diabetes. Gun nmakers for making guns? AIDs is no longer a death sentance, we have drugs to prevent death and manage the illness. Get real! We should start murdering people because they have the common cold which can kill the elderly and the weak! What a shit subject!
Really? Christianity supports executing gays?

You're a fucking dumbass
It’s in your religion’s holy book :itsok:
Then why atheist have a problem with it?

If Holy Book command execution of sodomy practitioners, then this be progressive since disease like AIDS or black plague be bigger killers of humans than guns or warfare.

So if atheist rather everyone die from disease than execute those who practice diseased lifestyle and save others' lifes, then atheist is igorant and backward, and really wants millions of people to die just to save a minority of disease spreaders? Which not be progressive ,but retrogressive.

So this prove that even ancient Levitical Law is more progressive and evolved than atheists are? Ironic no? He he.
Not only are you a biggot buit an idiot also! Aids does not kill more people than war. Your cuase and effect logic is absurd so go fuck yourself
AIDs kills more sodomy practitioners than executions in Islamic nations, that is point.

All diseases in human history such as black plague, obesity, and diseases which wiped out native Americans have killed more people than bullets or executions or warfare.

So most human deaths are disease related, not intentional violence related.
That is not what you stated! So do you deserve a bullet for being pudgy, it is on thew way to obese. Should we start shooting cooks because they feed us to much? Or should we be shooting sopft drink makers because of diabetes. Gun nmakers for making guns? AIDs is no longer a death sentance, we have drugs to prevent death and manage the illness. Get real! We should start murdering people because they have the common cold which can kill the elderly and the weak! What a shit subject!
That be absurd extreme - point is hypothetical,* if * best way to stop aids crisis was to execute those who practice sodomy, then there not be any reason for atheist to oppose it.
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he
This thread is funny because in this country it is the religious that support executions and worldwide it is the religious that support executing gay people.
Not matter, if evidence prove that it saves more people from dying from AIDS than it kills, then an atheist cannot oppose it.

If he is, then he is saying it is wrong based on... faith not on evidence, no?

More of this? An atheist can have a strong belief that killing is wrong. That is not the exclusive domain of religious people. In fact, the atheist believes that way out of a love for humanity and a desire to do right. The religious person does it out of fear of punishment from God.
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he
This is the absolute worst self hate op I've ever read.

just admit you like the dick and move on.
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he

Anyone want to take bets on how long before this Troll gets banned?

Any takers?
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he

So, who's the real christian here?

The "real number" of abused children might be in the thousands since some secret church records were lost, and victims were afraid to come forward, the grand jury said.

"Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing. They hid it all," Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference in Harrisburg.

I am all for executing these Catholic priests. If you want to start somewhere, start with them.

By the way, are these priests real Christians? How about the entire Catholic religion? Is it real? Because the church itself covered up pedophilia!!!!!!!

I guess you can just say "oh those aren't real christians" like you do every time a christian does something wrong. Either that or they can just ask god for forgiveness. How about this. If the kid you molested doesn't forgive you, God isn't allowed to either. He's not the one you raped you perverted christians.
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he
Why do all the Republican/Christian/Conservative states in America have the death penalty? Most of us liberals know the death penalty is not a deterant, it's just so Christians can get legal payback. They want to murder. Why is it ok that Christians murder?
If one is atheist, then there is actually nothing wrong with capital punishment for homosexuality.

If execution of 100 sodomites, save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then it be good thing as far as society and the greater good is concerned.

So if one atheist but contradict the facts, and say it's still wrong to kill gays just based on "faith", even if evidence proves it in the greater good of society, then they be in conflict, no? He he
Are atheist allowed to kill theists? Because they are way worse than gays in quite a few respects.

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