Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.

The Girl friends account was suspect from the go and now she is proven to have LIED under oath as well as several times.

Since you indicate "under oath" I'm assuming her saying "yeah" when asked by the prosecutor if she went to the "hospital or somewhere". You have proof she didn't go to the hospital or was not "somewhere"?


Not a single mark on Martin except bruised knuckles. Pretty convincing evidence he was never assaulted. As for lying it was reported even by those papers and News media outlets that tried desperately to openly lie about what Zimmerman said and the condition of his face and head. In fact so has the prosecutor admitted she lied under oath, they have refused to say whether they will charge her though.
That hollow point bullet that busted through his heart might count as a mark.

(And no, he didn't have a bruised knuckle. One 1/8" to 1/4" laceration below his knuckle). No Zimmerman DNA on Martin's hand, under his nails, nor on his cuffs.) Impossible if he was beating him as Z said.)
Not a single mark on Martin except bruised knuckles. Pretty convincing evidence he was never assaulted.

When examined logically, it shows only that Martin was winning, not who started it.

BTW - Martin didn't have bruised "knuckles" he had a single small abrasion on the fourth finger of the left hand measuring 1/8 x 1/4 inch. Something inconsistent with the dozens of blows to the head that Zimmerman described. Punching a bony structure repeatedly should have produced more offensive damage to Martins hands.

As for lying it was reported even by those papers and News media outlets that tried desperately to openly lie about what Zimmerman said and the condition of his face and head. In fact so has the prosecutor admitted she lied under oath, they have refused to say whether they will charge her though.

To charge her for lying under oath they would have to shot that it was germane to the events that night. Whether she attended a funeral ofter the fact is not relevant to that night.

One thing I am surprised about though, the prosecution choose not to charge Zimmerman for lying to the court in regards to hiding money and a passport during the bond process.

(And no, he didn't have a bruised knuckle. One 1/8" to 1/4" laceration below his knuckle).

I believe the autopsy report listed it as an abrasion not a laceration. The difference being that an abrasion is a scrape type injury and a laceration is more like a cut. An abrasion type injury is more logical since it would be consistent with Martin punching Zimmerman in the head at least once.

(And no, he didn't have a bruised knuckle. One 1/8" to 1/4" laceration below his knuckle).

I believe the autopsy report listed it as an abrasion not a laceration. The difference being that an abrasion is a scrape type injury and a laceration is more like a cut. An abrasion type injury is more logical since it would be consistent with Martin punching Zimmerman in the head at least once.

Thanks. Whatever it was, it was tiny
Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.

The Girl friends account was suspect from the go and now she is proven to have LIED under oath as well as several times.

Since you indicate "under oath" I'm assuming her saying "yeah" when asked by the prosecutor if she went to the "hospital or somewhere". You have proof she didn't go to the hospital or was not "somewhere"?


Not a single mark on Martin except bruised knuckles. ....

Which only proves that Zimmerman, instead of exhausting all means to escape, as is required by the law in order to claim self-defense, was instead too busy reaching for his gun than "fighting back".

It never ceases to amaze me how Zimm supporters look at evidence and don't realize that evidence HURTS not helps Zimmerman's claims.

How some don't know that Trayvon's lack of injuries HURTS Zimmerman's case and doesn't help him, is hilarious.
That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.

Since you indicate "under oath" I'm assuming her saying "yeah" when asked by the prosecutor if she went to the "hospital or somewhere". You have proof she didn't go to the hospital or was not "somewhere"?


Not a single mark on Martin except bruised knuckles. ....

Which only proves that Zimmerman, instead of exhausting all means to escape, as is required by the law in order to claim self-defense, was instead too busy reaching for his gun than "fighting back".

It never ceases to amaze me how Zimm supporters look at evidence and don't realize that evidence HURTS not helps Zimmerman's claims.

How some don't know that Trayvon's lack of injuries HURTS Zimmerman's case and doesn't help him, is hilarious.

Only if you are ignoring reality. Zimmerman, on the bottom, getting his head smashed into the pavement gets in a shot before the threat of losing consciousness.
By Jack Cashill
March 11, 2013

Prodded by a president with a weakness for racial agitation and enabled by a politically complicit media, the State of Florida persists in a prosecution that can come to no good end.

The defendant is neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. The charge is the second-degree murder. The potential outcomes range from major injustice, if Zimmerman is convicted, to mayhem in the streets, if he's acquitted. And the state plods on as though the angels were on its side. They are not.

The witnesses to the February 2012 shooting of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin are proving even more troublesome than the angels. The state's case took a hit last week when Witness #8, Martin's alleged 16-year-old sweetheart "Dee Dee," was caught in falsehoods so flagrant that even the Trayvon-friendly Orlando Sentinel noticed them. Conceded the headline, "Lawyer: State's main witness in George Zimmerman murder case lied."

When Dee Dee was first introduced to the world last March, the state and the media presumed her testimony would nail Zimmerman's coffin shut. She had been on the phone with Martin during the incident. "Trayvon Martin told her that someone was following him," said CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin on March 20. "He was nervous. He was concerned. She explained to him that he should run."

According to Hostin, Dee Dee heard Martin say to Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" Right after this exchange, "She felt that someone had pushed or tackled Trayvon and, at that point, the phone call dropped." Hostin summarized that this "was the last conversation that Trayvon Martin had with anyone, and it also, in my view, dispels the notion of self-defense."

CNN then cut to a press conference featuring Benjamin Crump, attorney for the Martin family. "She couldn't even go to his wake she was so sick," Crump said of Dee Dee."Her mother had to take her to the hospital." Given the trauma and the fact Dee Dee was a "minor," Crump asked the media to respect her privacy. The media did not need to be asked. Dee Dee, as filtered through Crump, provided the confirmation they needed to establish the narrative they wanted: racist thug kills innocent Skittles-bearing black boy.

As it turns out Dee Dee was neither hospitalized nor a minor. This did not surprise the blogging collective at theconservativetreehouse.com. The "Treepers" had begun deconstructing "Dee Dee" within days of her debut and were predicting months ago that she would never appear in court. The major media, as is their custom with contrary facts, chose not to look in places they might find them.

The State of Florida had no interest in looking either. On April 11, 2012, Angela Corey, the special prosecutor in the case, filed an affidavit of probable cause against Zimmerman for second-degree murder. Corey took Dee Dee's word that Martin "attempted to run home" but that Zimmerman stalked and "confronted" him. As to the screams, Corey relied solely on the insights of Martin's mother, "who reviewed the 911 calls and identified the voice crying for help as Trayvon Martin's."

To come to these conclusions, Corey had to ignore Zimmerman's account and all the corroborating, on-the-scene testimony from eyewitnesses. "The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect & that an officer was on the way," Zimmerman wrote on the night of the shooting. "As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, 'You got a problem?'"

When Zimmerman answered "No," the suspect said, "You do now." Zimmerman tried to grab his phone to dial 911, but Martin punched him in the face."I fell backwards onto my back," Zimmerman continued. "The suspect got on top of me. I yelled 'Help' several times. The suspect told me, 'Shut the f*** up.' As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell 'Help.'"

Read more:
Articles: Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.
By Jack Cashill
March 11, 2013

Prodded by a president with a weakness for racial agitation and enabled by a politically complicit media, the State of Florida persists in a prosecution that can come to no good end.

The defendant is neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. The charge is the second-degree murder. The potential outcomes range from major injustice, if Zimmerman is convicted, to mayhem in the streets, if he's acquitted. And the state plods on as though the angels were on its side. They are not.

The witnesses to the February 2012 shooting of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin are proving even more troublesome than the angels. The state's case took a hit last week when Witness #8, Martin's alleged 16-year-old sweetheart "Dee Dee," was caught in falsehoods so flagrant that even the Trayvon-friendly Orlando Sentinel noticed them. Conceded the headline, "Lawyer: State's main witness in George Zimmerman murder case lied."

When Dee Dee was first introduced to the world last March, the state and the media presumed her testimony would nail Zimmerman's coffin shut. She had been on the phone with Martin during the incident. "Trayvon Martin told her that someone was following him," said CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin on March 20. "He was nervous. He was concerned. She explained to him that he should run."

According to Hostin, Dee Dee heard Martin say to Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" Right after this exchange, "She felt that someone had pushed or tackled Trayvon and, at that point, the phone call dropped." Hostin summarized that this "was the last conversation that Trayvon Martin had with anyone, and it also, in my view, dispels the notion of self-defense."

CNN then cut to a press conference featuring Benjamin Crump, attorney for the Martin family. "She couldn't even go to his wake she was so sick," Crump said of Dee Dee."Her mother had to take her to the hospital." Given the trauma and the fact Dee Dee was a "minor," Crump asked the media to respect her privacy. The media did not need to be asked. Dee Dee, as filtered through Crump, provided the confirmation they needed to establish the narrative they wanted: racist thug kills innocent Skittles-bearing black boy.

As it turns out Dee Dee was neither hospitalized nor a minor. This did not surprise the blogging collective at theconservativetreehouse.com. The "Treepers" had begun deconstructing "Dee Dee" within days of her debut and were predicting months ago that she would never appear in court. The major media, as is their custom with contrary facts, chose not to look in places they might find them.

The State of Florida had no interest in looking either. On April 11, 2012, Angela Corey, the special prosecutor in the case, filed an affidavit of probable cause against Zimmerman for second-degree murder. Corey took Dee Dee's word that Martin "attempted to run home" but that Zimmerman stalked and "confronted" him. As to the screams, Corey relied solely on the insights of Martin's mother, "who reviewed the 911 calls and identified the voice crying for help as Trayvon Martin's."

To come to these conclusions, Corey had to ignore Zimmerman's account and all the corroborating, on-the-scene testimony from eyewitnesses. "The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect & that an officer was on the way," Zimmerman wrote on the night of the shooting. "As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, 'You got a problem?'"

When Zimmerman answered "No," the suspect said, "You do now." Zimmerman tried to grab his phone to dial 911, but Martin punched him in the face."I fell backwards onto my back," Zimmerman continued. "The suspect got on top of me. I yelled 'Help' several times. The suspect told me, 'Shut the f*** up.' As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell 'Help.'"

Read more:
Articles: Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.

define "scot free"
By Jack Cashill
March 11, 2013

Prodded by a president with a weakness for racial agitation and enabled by a politically complicit media, the State of Florida persists in a prosecution that can come to no good end.

The defendant is neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. The charge is the second-degree murder. The potential outcomes range from major injustice, if Zimmerman is convicted, to mayhem in the streets, if he's acquitted. And the state plods on as though the angels were on its side. They are not.

The witnesses to the February 2012 shooting of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin are proving even more troublesome than the angels. The state's case took a hit last week when Witness #8, Martin's alleged 16-year-old sweetheart "Dee Dee," was caught in falsehoods so flagrant that even the Trayvon-friendly Orlando Sentinel noticed them. Conceded the headline, "Lawyer: State's main witness in George Zimmerman murder case lied."

When Dee Dee was first introduced to the world last March, the state and the media presumed her testimony would nail Zimmerman's coffin shut. She had been on the phone with Martin during the incident. "Trayvon Martin told her that someone was following him," said CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin on March 20. "He was nervous. He was concerned. She explained to him that he should run."

According to Hostin, Dee Dee heard Martin say to Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" Right after this exchange, "She felt that someone had pushed or tackled Trayvon and, at that point, the phone call dropped." Hostin summarized that this "was the last conversation that Trayvon Martin had with anyone, and it also, in my view, dispels the notion of self-defense."

CNN then cut to a press conference featuring Benjamin Crump, attorney for the Martin family. "She couldn't even go to his wake she was so sick," Crump said of Dee Dee."Her mother had to take her to the hospital." Given the trauma and the fact Dee Dee was a "minor," Crump asked the media to respect her privacy. The media did not need to be asked. Dee Dee, as filtered through Crump, provided the confirmation they needed to establish the narrative they wanted: racist thug kills innocent Skittles-bearing black boy.

As it turns out Dee Dee was neither hospitalized nor a minor. This did not surprise the blogging collective at theconservativetreehouse.com. The "Treepers" had begun deconstructing "Dee Dee" within days of her debut and were predicting months ago that she would never appear in court. The major media, as is their custom with contrary facts, chose not to look in places they might find them.

The State of Florida had no interest in looking either. On April 11, 2012, Angela Corey, the special prosecutor in the case, filed an affidavit of probable cause against Zimmerman for second-degree murder. Corey took Dee Dee's word that Martin "attempted to run home" but that Zimmerman stalked and "confronted" him. As to the screams, Corey relied solely on the insights of Martin's mother, "who reviewed the 911 calls and identified the voice crying for help as Trayvon Martin's."

To come to these conclusions, Corey had to ignore Zimmerman's account and all the corroborating, on-the-scene testimony from eyewitnesses. "The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect & that an officer was on the way," Zimmerman wrote on the night of the shooting. "As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, 'You got a problem?'"

When Zimmerman answered "No," the suspect said, "You do now." Zimmerman tried to grab his phone to dial 911, but Martin punched him in the face."I fell backwards onto my back," Zimmerman continued. "The suspect got on top of me. I yelled 'Help' several times. The suspect told me, 'Shut the f*** up.' As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell 'Help.'"

Read more:
Articles: Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.

define "scot free"

Not charged with a crime, basically accepting Zimmerman's tale without question.
Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.

define "scot free"

Not charged with a crime, basically accepting Zimmerman's tale without question.

Cops frequently shoot people and aren't charged with a crime. An investigation takes place to examine the law to determine if a crime was actually committed. I'm sorry that you can't slam dunk this dude into prison like you want to. We still have due process in America. I think even Florida has it.
define "scot free"

Not charged with a crime, basically accepting Zimmerman's tale without question.

Cops frequently shoot people and aren't charged with a crime. An investigation takes place to examine the law to determine if a crime was actually committed. I'm sorry that you can't slam dunk this dude into prison like you want to. We still have due process in America. I think even Florida has it.

Cops do not frequently shoot people who are unarmed.

I want Zimmerman to get his fair trial. It's conservatives who are against this, and think he should have already been exonerated.

This is a big story on the right, because calling the cops on blacks for walking down the street is something that conservatives want to be able to do without their motives being questioned.
Not charged with a crime, basically accepting Zimmerman's tale without question.

Cops frequently shoot people and aren't charged with a crime. An investigation takes place to examine the law to determine if a crime was actually committed. I'm sorry that you can't slam dunk this dude into prison like you want to. We still have due process in America. I think even Florida has it.

Cops do not frequently shoot people who are unarmed.

I want Zimmerman to get his fair trial. It's conservatives who are against this, and think he should have already been exonerated.

This is a big story on the right, because calling the cops on blacks for walking down the street is something that conservatives want to be able to do without their motives being questioned.
That's a pretty lame assumption.
By Jack Cashill
March 11, 2013

Prodded by a president with a weakness for racial agitation and enabled by a politically complicit media, the State of Florida persists in a prosecution that can come to no good end.

The defendant is neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. The charge is the second-degree murder. The potential outcomes range from major injustice, if Zimmerman is convicted, to mayhem in the streets, if he's acquitted. And the state plods on as though the angels were on its side. They are not.

The witnesses to the February 2012 shooting of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin are proving even more troublesome than the angels. The state's case took a hit last week when Witness #8, Martin's alleged 16-year-old sweetheart "Dee Dee," was caught in falsehoods so flagrant that even the Trayvon-friendly Orlando Sentinel noticed them. Conceded the headline, "Lawyer: State's main witness in George Zimmerman murder case lied."

When Dee Dee was first introduced to the world last March, the state and the media presumed her testimony would nail Zimmerman's coffin shut. She had been on the phone with Martin during the incident. "Trayvon Martin told her that someone was following him," said CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin on March 20. "He was nervous. He was concerned. She explained to him that he should run."

According to Hostin, Dee Dee heard Martin say to Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" Right after this exchange, "She felt that someone had pushed or tackled Trayvon and, at that point, the phone call dropped." Hostin summarized that this "was the last conversation that Trayvon Martin had with anyone, and it also, in my view, dispels the notion of self-defense."

CNN then cut to a press conference featuring Benjamin Crump, attorney for the Martin family. "She couldn't even go to his wake she was so sick," Crump said of Dee Dee."Her mother had to take her to the hospital." Given the trauma and the fact Dee Dee was a "minor," Crump asked the media to respect her privacy. The media did not need to be asked. Dee Dee, as filtered through Crump, provided the confirmation they needed to establish the narrative they wanted: racist thug kills innocent Skittles-bearing black boy.

As it turns out Dee Dee was neither hospitalized nor a minor. This did not surprise the blogging collective at theconservativetreehouse.com. The "Treepers" had begun deconstructing "Dee Dee" within days of her debut and were predicting months ago that she would never appear in court. The major media, as is their custom with contrary facts, chose not to look in places they might find them.

The State of Florida had no interest in looking either. On April 11, 2012, Angela Corey, the special prosecutor in the case, filed an affidavit of probable cause against Zimmerman for second-degree murder. Corey took Dee Dee's word that Martin "attempted to run home" but that Zimmerman stalked and "confronted" him. As to the screams, Corey relied solely on the insights of Martin's mother, "who reviewed the 911 calls and identified the voice crying for help as Trayvon Martin's."

To come to these conclusions, Corey had to ignore Zimmerman's account and all the corroborating, on-the-scene testimony from eyewitnesses. "The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect & that an officer was on the way," Zimmerman wrote on the night of the shooting. "As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, 'You got a problem?'"

When Zimmerman answered "No," the suspect said, "You do now." Zimmerman tried to grab his phone to dial 911, but Martin punched him in the face."I fell backwards onto my back," Zimmerman continued. "The suspect got on top of me. I yelled 'Help' several times. The suspect told me, 'Shut the f*** up.' As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell 'Help.'"

Read more:
Articles: Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.

It's called self defense. Trayvon was beating Zimmerman into a pulp and he learned a valuable lesson.

Don't beat the shit out of someone who might have a gun. You could die.
If I was a judge, I'd throw this case out. Shouldn't even go to trial. Zimmerman was obviously defending himself, according to witnesses.. He suffered a broken nose.

I'm not a big fan of wannabee policemen, but Martin could have talked his way out of the situation instead of attacking the man like an animal.
By Jack Cashill
March 11, 2013

Prodded by a president with a weakness for racial agitation and enabled by a politically complicit media, the State of Florida persists in a prosecution that can come to no good end.

The defendant is neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. The charge is the second-degree murder. The potential outcomes range from major injustice, if Zimmerman is convicted, to mayhem in the streets, if he's acquitted. And the state plods on as though the angels were on its side. They are not.

The witnesses to the February 2012 shooting of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin are proving even more troublesome than the angels. The state's case took a hit last week when Witness #8, Martin's alleged 16-year-old sweetheart "Dee Dee," was caught in falsehoods so flagrant that even the Trayvon-friendly Orlando Sentinel noticed them. Conceded the headline, "Lawyer: State's main witness in George Zimmerman murder case lied."

When Dee Dee was first introduced to the world last March, the state and the media presumed her testimony would nail Zimmerman's coffin shut. She had been on the phone with Martin during the incident. "Trayvon Martin told her that someone was following him," said CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin on March 20. "He was nervous. He was concerned. She explained to him that he should run."

According to Hostin, Dee Dee heard Martin say to Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" Right after this exchange, "She felt that someone had pushed or tackled Trayvon and, at that point, the phone call dropped." Hostin summarized that this "was the last conversation that Trayvon Martin had with anyone, and it also, in my view, dispels the notion of self-defense."

CNN then cut to a press conference featuring Benjamin Crump, attorney for the Martin family. "She couldn't even go to his wake she was so sick," Crump said of Dee Dee."Her mother had to take her to the hospital." Given the trauma and the fact Dee Dee was a "minor," Crump asked the media to respect her privacy. The media did not need to be asked. Dee Dee, as filtered through Crump, provided the confirmation they needed to establish the narrative they wanted: racist thug kills innocent Skittles-bearing black boy.

As it turns out Dee Dee was neither hospitalized nor a minor. This did not surprise the blogging collective at theconservativetreehouse.com. The "Treepers" had begun deconstructing "Dee Dee" within days of her debut and were predicting months ago that she would never appear in court. The major media, as is their custom with contrary facts, chose not to look in places they might find them.

The State of Florida had no interest in looking either. On April 11, 2012, Angela Corey, the special prosecutor in the case, filed an affidavit of probable cause against Zimmerman for second-degree murder. Corey took Dee Dee's word that Martin "attempted to run home" but that Zimmerman stalked and "confronted" him. As to the screams, Corey relied solely on the insights of Martin's mother, "who reviewed the 911 calls and identified the voice crying for help as Trayvon Martin's."

To come to these conclusions, Corey had to ignore Zimmerman's account and all the corroborating, on-the-scene testimony from eyewitnesses. "The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect & that an officer was on the way," Zimmerman wrote on the night of the shooting. "As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, 'You got a problem?'"

When Zimmerman answered "No," the suspect said, "You do now." Zimmerman tried to grab his phone to dial 911, but Martin punched him in the face."I fell backwards onto my back," Zimmerman continued. "The suspect got on top of me. I yelled 'Help' several times. The suspect told me, 'Shut the f*** up.' As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell 'Help.'"

Read more:
Articles: Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.

It's called self defense. Trayvon was beating Zimmerman into a pulp and he learned a valuable lesson.

Don't beat the shit out of someone who might have a gun. You could die.

Zimmerman was the aggressor, and TM was "standing his ground" against an armed man. TM had every right to defend himself. It's Zimmerman's fault that he was getting his butt kicked, although I believe Zimmerman purposefully allowed himself to be hit so he'd have a ready-made excuse to murder Trayvon.

Dear Conservatives, call the cops when a crime is committed, not when you see a black kid you've never seen before walking down the street. Otherwise, you'll end up in jail and on trial, like 30 year old community college student loserboy Zimmerman is.
Sorry, but you can't shoot unarmed people and get away with it scot free. I know this upsets alot of conservatives, who want the right to call the cops on and then shoot black teen males with impunity. But we're not gonna live in that kind of America.

It's called self defense. Trayvon was beating Zimmerman into a pulp and he learned a valuable lesson.

Don't beat the shit out of someone who might have a gun. You could die.

Zimmerman was the aggressor, and TM was "standing his ground" against an armed man. TM had every right to defend himself. It's Zimmerman's fault that he was getting his butt kicked, although I believe Zimmerman purposefully allowed himself to be hit so he'd have a ready-made excuse to murder Trayvon.

Dear Conservatives, call the cops when a crime is committed, not when you see a black kid you've never seen before walking down the street. Otherwise, you'll end up in jail and on trial, like 30 year old community college student loserboy Zimmerman is.

Well of course you believe that Zimmerman framed TM. You have all that evidence to go on.

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