Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

There was no reason for Zimmerman to call the cops in that situation. He should have allowed Martin to continue on his way. Only a racist would think Zimmerman's call to the police was justifiable.
There was no reason for Zimmerman to call the cops in that situation. He should have allowed Martin to continue on his way. Only a racist would think Zimmerman's call to the police was justifiable.

He didn't accuse Martin of any crime, so what difference does that make? Zimmerman didn't interfere with Martin in anyway. That's an assumption on the part of the lynch mob that wants to crucify him.

The lynch mob has a thousand different idiot reasons as to why Zimmerman is guilty, and none of them will ever even be mentioned in a court of law.
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Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Because he murdered an unarmed kid?

Really? Would you care to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt? Never mind, I know I'm asking the impossible, because neither you or anyone else on this board has all the facts, so anyone throwing the presumption of innocence out the window is doing so out of pure ignorance. So carry on in your ignorance and I'll keep laughing.
There was no reason for Zimmerman to call the cops in that situation. He should have allowed Martin to continue on his way. Only a racist would think Zimmerman's call to the police was justifiable.

Only a racist would think this case has anything to do with race
Is Zimmerman guilty?

I don't know, I wasn't there and no matter which side you listen to, you aren't going to get the whole truth. There are too many opinions about this case and you don't know who to believe.

Will Zimmerman be able to recieve a fair trial?

I don't think he will. I'm afraid that even if the jury thinks Zimmerman is innocent, they will still convict because they don't want to become targets themselves and they will be afraid of what will happen, you know like what happened when that guy in California was beat up by cops and were acquitted, I can't remember his name.
Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Because he murdered an unarmed kid?

You are picking a few false reports and coming to a conclusion. I guess the facts don't matter to some. Murder and killing someone in self defense are not the same thing.

According to Zimmerman, he was walking back to his truck when Martin had circled around and confronted him. He also claimed that the gun didn't come into play until Martin was beating his head on the cement and his jacket fell back to reveal the gun. At that point, he may have feared Martin would try to go for the gun, which would be an understandable fear. If Zimmerman hadn't been armed, he could have ended up the victim in this case. Martin was a pretty strong and big guy, not the innocent looking little kid the media liked to portray him as. He had tattoos and a gangta grill and likely resembled a gang member more than a boy scout. Zimmerman said he had no idea the guy was a teenager. Funny how so many across the country thought Martin was a little kid toting candy. Many I know were surprised when they saw a recent photo of Martin because it completely blew away the mental image they had because of the media.

Facts can really ruin some people's perception of what happened, but the witnesses and physical evidence all supported Zimmerman's account. The prosecutor's main witness, whose account was used by media to build their story around, turns out to be a big liar.

We just have to wait for all the evidence to be presented.
Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Because he murdered an unarmed kid?

You are picking a few false reports and coming to a conclusion. I guess the facts don't matter to some. Murder and killing someone in self defense are not the same thing.

According to Zimmerman, he was walking back to his truck when Martin had circled around and confronted him. He also claimed that the gun didn't come into play until Martin was beating his head on the cement and his jacket fell back to reveal the gun. At that point, he may have feared Martin would try to go for the gun, which would be an understandable fear. If Zimmerman hadn't been armed, he could have ended up the victim in this case. Martin was a pretty strong and big guy, not the innocent looking little kid the media liked to portray him as. He had tattoos and a gangta grill and likely resembled a gang member more than a boy scout. Zimmerman said he had no idea the guy was a teenager. Funny how so many across the country thought Martin was a little kid toting candy. Many I know were surprised when they saw a recent photo of Martin because it completely blew away the mental image they had because of the media.

Facts can really ruin some people's perception of what happened, but the witnesses and physical evidence all supported Zimmerman's account. The prosecutor's main witness, whose account was used by media to build their story around, turns out to be a big liar.

We just have to wait for all the evidence to be presented.

People dont want all the evidence. If they did, they wouldnt put up with so much garbage.
Because he murdered an unarmed kid?

You are picking a few false reports and coming to a conclusion. I guess the facts don't matter to some. Murder and killing someone in self defense are not the same thing.

According to Zimmerman, he was walking back to his truck when Martin had circled around and confronted him. He also claimed that the gun didn't come into play until Martin was beating his head on the cement and his jacket fell back to reveal the gun. At that point, he may have feared Martin would try to go for the gun, which would be an understandable fear. If Zimmerman hadn't been armed, he could have ended up the victim in this case. Martin was a pretty strong and big guy, not the innocent looking little kid the media liked to portray him as. He had tattoos and a gangta grill and likely resembled a gang member more than a boy scout. Zimmerman said he had no idea the guy was a teenager. Funny how so many across the country thought Martin was a little kid toting candy. Many I know were surprised when they saw a recent photo of Martin because it completely blew away the mental image they had because of the media.

Facts can really ruin some people's perception of what happened, but the witnesses and physical evidence all supported Zimmerman's account. The prosecutor's main witness, whose account was used by media to build their story around, turns out to be a big liar.

We just have to wait for all the evidence to be presented.

People dont want all the evidence. If they did, they wouldnt put up with so much garbage.

yes from the start the media reported anything but the facts

first off the news reported that zimmerman was white

thenit was discovered that he was Hispanic

so the media reported on zimmerman as a "White Hispanic "

to continue on the racial narrative

then of course Martin was pictured as a 12 year old

then the doctored 9-1-1 calls to make zimmerman sound racist

then of course the star witness (number 8) was sheltered away

from the public and reported that she was a minor

when in fact is is an adult

surfacing most recently

star witness lied under oath

and the family lawyer has some explaning to do

since ABC released another audio

from the Crump/witness 8 interview

Benjamin Crump and Subornation of Perjury – The “Horse Shedding” Of Witness #8

Benjamin Crump and Subornation of Perjury ? The ?Horse Shedding? Of Witness #8 | The Last Refuge
Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Because he murdered an unarmed kid?

You can justify shooting someone who is unarmed. If they go for your firearm, and you tell them to back off and they fail to follow your instructions, and they continue to assault you.
But no one on this forum knows what happen that night
Shit liberals allow obama a pass on more bull shit that they can actually see than they allowed for something they can't see, as in what happen that night of the shooting.
1. Zimmerman's Gun was infact ILLEGAL because he was a convicted felon.

2. Trayvon Martin DID NOT provoke Zimmerman to pursue him. Zimmerman did that on his own motivation, taking his illegally possessed weapon with him.


In the United States of America, stand-your-ground law states that a person may justifiably use force in self-defense when there is reasonable belief of an unlawful threat, without an obligation to retreat first.

So, lets asses the situation.

Zimmerman followed and possibly confronted him. Trayvon had the right to stand his ground until an officer arrived to trespass him after/without verbal confrontation WITHOUT THE ILLEGAL GUN.

Instead, things escalated. Both could have been charged with assault (It doesn't matter who the aggressor is. If they both duke it out without taking an opportunity to retreat, it's mutual assault)

Things were escalated further when the illegal weapon was brought into the conflict.

Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. Stand your ground or not, the weapon was illegally in the possesion of Zimmerman because it was unregistered, unlicensed, and because he was a convicted felon. Therefore, it is illegal use which does not fall under the stand your ground law.
What does it mean since the Stand your ground law doesn't apply? It means that he committed murder.

where do you get that zimm is a felon

the police say he legally owned the firearm

did you know under Florida law

even if zimm was the aggressor

he still has a right to justifiable deadly force
The Rabbi continues to be a self victim of the emotional malady of misrecognition.


I concluded the last chapter by pointing out that bad faith, while in some sense
essential to human existence, takes a great deal of work to maintain. Thus, like
thoughtlessness, it must constantly threaten us with exhaustion. How, then, to account for
its persistence? In this chapter I turn to a final disposition—misrecognition—to account
more fully for the stubborn persistence of bad faith. However, the peculiar character of
misrecognition seems simultaneously to open up new possibilities for overcoming
barriers to responsiveness and acknowledging connections between our everyday lives
and broader conditions and events in the world. Accordingly, the central questions for
this chapter are: How does the phenomenon of misrecognition further complicate the
cultivation of responsiveness? How might it nonetheless make the problem of
responsiveness more tractable? How and to what extent might we overcome
misrecognition in order to cultivate responsiveness?

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