Why Florida Persists in the Zimmerman Prosecution

Already answered, which means reactionaries like The Rabbi discount, as usual, what is for what they want.
Already answered, which means reactionaries like The Rabbi discount, as usual, what is for what they want.

Translation: I really have no idea because I am Jake, King of the Low Information posters on USMB.

All hail!

Already answered and dismissed. You are a wack, nothing more, the kind Laura Bush is saying have to leave the party.

Because you have no answer and couldn't defend it if you did.
1. Zimmerman's Gun was infact ILLEGAL because he was a convicted felon.


where do you get that zimm is a felon

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer. The charge was FELONY WITH VIOLENCE.

He was able to get the charge reduced, as many first time offenders do, to a misdemeanor, but only until he attended Anger Management classes for several months.

So technically, no, he is not a convicted felon.
1. Zimmerman's Gun was infact ILLEGAL because he was a convicted felon.


where do you get that zimm is a felon

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer. The charge was FELONY WITH VIOLENCE.

He was able to get the charge reduced, as many first time offenders do, to a misdemeanor, but only until he attended Anger Management classes for several months.

So technically, no, he is not a convicted felon.

OK, so he's not a convicted felon. Glad we got that cleared up.
He isn't a murderer either.
1. Zimmerman's Gun was infact ILLEGAL because he was a convicted felon.


where do you get that zimm is a felon

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer. The charge was FELONY WITH VIOLENCE.

He was able to get the charge reduced, as many first time offenders do, to a misdemeanor, but only until he attended Anger Management classes for several months.

So technically, no, he is not a convicted felon.

OK, so he's not a convicted felon. Glad we got that cleared up.
He isn't a murderer either.
No, at this point he is only a killer, and an alleged murderer.
Poor Trayvon, I guess he should have thought twice before assaulting someone who had a concealed handgun. Let it be a message to all wannabe thugs like Trayvon... You might just end up dead when you assault someone because they might actually have the ability to defend themselves.
As to the title and OP. Jack Cashill is a beyond stupid birther idiot who is trying to sell a book. His columns at World Nut Daily and elsewhere are so over the top, his credibility is a little lower than Jerome Corsi, if it's possible to be lower than that. Fungi has better cred.

As to why it persists? It is a case that was directed by a republican governor, who appointed a republican special prosecutor to the case to look into the matter.

She apparently came to the same conclusion the lead detective did early on: To charge the defendant with Second Degree Murder.
As to the title and OP. Jack Cashill is a beyond stupid birther idiot who is trying to sell a book. His columns at World Nut Daily and elsewhere are so over the top, his credibility is a little lower than Jerome Corsi, if it's possible to be lower than that. Fungi has better cred.

As to why it persists? It is a case that was directed by a republican governor, who appointed a republican special prosecutor to the case to look into the matter.

She apparently came to the same conclusion the lead detective did early on: To charge the defendant with Second Degree Murder.

Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

The Girl friends account was suspect from the go and now she is proven to have LIED under oath as well as several times.
Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.

The Girl friends account was suspect from the go and now she is proven to have LIED under oath as well as several times.

Since you indicate "under oath" I'm assuming her saying "yeah" when asked by the prosecutor if she went to the "hospital or somewhere". You have proof she didn't go to the hospital or was not "somewhere"?

1. Zimmerman's Gun was infact ILLEGAL because he was a convicted felon.


where do you get that zimm is a felon

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer. The charge was FELONY WITH VIOLENCE.

He was able to get the charge reduced, as many first time offenders do, to a misdemeanor, but only until he attended Anger Management classes for several months.

So technically, no, he is not a convicted felon.

OK, so he's not a convicted felon. Glad we got that cleared up.
He isn't a murderer either.

A court will determine that.
No compelling evidence exists that Z acted in legitimate self defense. The judge will not permit defense to offer any such defense. That is what the hold up is with the negotiations for how long and for what Z is going to jail.
Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.


It's "whom".

Anyway, Zimmerman was down on the ground and Martin was over him beating his head into the pavement. According to Zimmerman Martin saw his gun and told him he was going to die. Zimmerman grabbed for it first and shot him.
Unless a jury has some evidence it didnt happen that way Zimmerman should be a free man. If there were any justice he'd get an apology and a medal for ridding the world of that worthless scum bag.
Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.

The Girl friends account was suspect from the go and now she is proven to have LIED under oath as well as several times.

Since you indicate "under oath" I'm assuming her saying "yeah" when asked by the prosecutor if she went to the "hospital or somewhere". You have proof she didn't go to the hospital or was not "somewhere"?


Not a single mark on Martin except bruised knuckles. Pretty convincing evidence he was never assaulted. As for lying it was reported even by those papers and News media outlets that tried desperately to openly lie about what Zimmerman said and the condition of his face and head. In fact so has the prosecutor admitted she lied under oath, they have refused to say whether they will charge her though.
No compelling evidence exists that Z acted in legitimate self defense. The judge will not permit defense to offer any such defense. That is what the hold up is with the negotiations for how long and for what Z is going to jail.

You're an idiot, Fakey. Why wouldn't the judge all the defense to argue Zimmerman acted in self-defense? That's tantamount to not allowing Zimmerman to put up a defense.

Every time you post you only convince everyone what a dolt you are.
Except there is compelling evidence it was, in fact, self defense. Both the condition of Zimmerman and the witness statements all indicate Martin was attacking Zimmerman, and no physical evidence Zimmerman ever struck Martin.

That's just evidence that Zimmerman was loosing the fight, Zimmerman's condition nor the witness statements show who attacked who.


It's "whom".

Big deal, you understood it.

Anyway, Zimmerman was down on the ground and Martin was over him beating his head into the pavement. According to Zimmerman Martin saw his gun and told him he was going to die. Zimmerman grabbed for it first and shot him.
Unless a jury has some evidence it didnt happen that way...

You mean like:

1. Zimmerman when describing the fight said that Martin placed his hands over his nose and mouth (which were bloody) yet there was no Zimmerman DNA on Martins hands or the cuffs of his sweater.

2. Zimmerman claimed that he and Martin were in a close struggle at the time he pulled his weapon and fired, but the trajectory does not match what would happen if a gun was pulled and maneuvered between two close bodies. The straight nature of the shot is more consistent with the shooting arm being extended, not jammed between bodies.

3. A forensic examination of Zimmerman's cloths showed no GSR on his jacket or sleeves which again is inconsistent with a weapon being discharged between the bodies. Lack of GSR is more consistent with the arm being extended away from the body so that the GSR did not splash/settle on the clothing.

4. Zimmerman also claimed that Martin punched him in the face dozens of times, yet Martin did not have offense damage to his hands from punch a bony structure. (He had only on small 1/8 x 1/4 inch abrasion on his off hand.)

5. Zimmerman claimed that Martin jumped him, punching him in the face and knocking him down and then Martin climbed on. He says that occurred at the "T" intersection behind the houses. Zimmerman shot Martin in the heart killing him instantly after one last gasp. Yet the body was (IIRC) about 50 feet down the south path of the intersection.​

BTW - Just because Zimmerman said something, someone who has shown a willingness to lie to the court, doesn't mean it's gospel.


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