Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

Just wait till biden starts to talk about adjusting Social Security payments down... because some in his cabinet are beginning to send out trial balloons....
The loans were to keep people working, not to pay them to stay home.
no it was to pay them because the government locked down everything that limited commerce,,

if they were working they wouldnt need the money,,

why didnt you file a law suit??

you sure bitch about it a lot,,
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Why do poor and working class right wingers get upset when they hear about the average guy getting a break for a change? There's always big giveaways to the very wealthy corporations from the republican politicians and presidents. Even that trump character acting like he was for the little guy. The only ones he benefited were himself, his family, and the very wealthy who benefited from his tax breaks.
this isnt a break,, its a handout to people that signed a contract and now complain because they dont want to do what they said they would do,,
US students are the most in debt in the world leaving college...
Because student loans are a Democratic party CASH COW. The money flows to higher ed which kicks back money to the Dem politicians. The students get screwed on overpriced degrees that have climbed at twice the rate of inflation but Dems don't give a shit.

Why don't asshole Dems and higher ed give the billions of dollars back to students? They are sitting on huge piles of cash at the expense of students.

Why should I have to work overtime to pay off loans students took out so Dems could line their pockets with money?
What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?
It's called demogoguery.

Watch listen learn

This country was never supposed to be a "democracy." That is a lie we've all been told and sold to us long before most of us were born.

Voting was never supposed to be a right. THIS IS THE RESULT. A full blown demogoguery.

The people are too sedated. Our iconic corporations have been bought and enslaved by the world economic forum.

It's over. Prepare. Ask, beg Christ for mercy. The tribulations are upon us.
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What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?

It passes then he instantly gets millions of dumb idiot kids on his parties side. They will blindly follow anyone who just gives them stuff and takes care of them and tells them "you don't need to responsible for any of your actions ".

If it fails then he gets to stand on national tv and say "the republicans have stopped me from giving you student loan relief. They have stopped democracy and want to destroy your money. We must stand together against the super ultra mega magas that want to turn America into a facist nazi country". It also gives them more ammo for trying to dismantle or pack the supreme court.

He wins either way. It's a brilliant play because they can spin it to their advantage regardless of the outcome.
Yes we have excused billions in loans. Why not student loans also?

Some we didn't even pretend were loans. We just gave the money away.

It's a transfer of wealth to the better off.

Most college educated people will go on to make better livings than most non-college educated people. I don't think it's good policy to transfer wealth from the less well-off to the well-off.
The Founding Fathers created a system where a only a majority of the 500 or so members of congress had access to the federal checkbook and a single crazy or mental defective person (the president) could not sell freaking Mt. Rushmore or make crazy promises in exchange for votes.
It's a transfer of wealth to the better off.

Most college educated people will go on to make better livings than most non-college educated people. I don't think it's good policy to transfer wealth from the less well-off to the well-off.

I don't disagree but we do it all the time.
What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?

90% of the fuktards in college are taking useless courses for useless degrees.
So they are going to believe any lie that will result in them getting out of paying their dues and responsibilities.

The other 10% are taking actual courses for real life degrees that will get them a job.

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