Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

Agree! Half the people have IQs in the 90s or lower. Why should we invest money in people of below-average intelligence to attend college, likely dropping out, when they and we would be better served if they went for a six-month trade certificate?
That's why we're going through this student loan forgiveness thing now. The government rubber stamped loans to morons. In a way, I feel sorry for them. It was more the government's fault for giving them loans in the first place. But, I'm not going to blanketly forgive student loans and then continue rubber stamping more. That would be like letting illegals stay in the country while continuing to have open borders.
I did not say "college", but "higher education", which includes things like trade schools that teach robotics, using software like spreadsheets, databases, etc.
High school is no longer nearly enough.

Nor can anyone "earn a living wage" anymore without it.
Most families only get by with 2 wage earners, and that is bad for the children.
And even with 2 wage earners, fewer are able to afford their own home anymore.
And landlords are a return to monarchies and feudalism.
But if we paid everyone a living wage (which I am against) then what would be the point of needing "higher education" for everyone?
Obviously the reasons to forgive student loans include a wide range of reasons that go from ethical to economic.

First of all, students have no income, so it is unfair, punitive, stratified, and creates dynasties to charge for education at all.
Second is that clearly we do best economically if we have the most educated work force, that allows us to beat the international competition.

If we then make higher education free, it forces government to exert more influence on tuition, which has become extortive.
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

Free tuition will get the same inferior minds that are willing to work without pay because they are afraid to grow up. So this debate is irrelevant to the reality that unpaid education produces graduates who aren't worth much to the economy.

Hypocritically, the business plutocrats who mandate this indentured servitude pay not only their brats' tuition, but far more importantly, pay them an adult allowance to live on, giving them the time and energy to study. Until they practice what they preach, or rather preach what they practice with their own heirs, we should take our manly revenge on the Preppy students. If richkids have a future, America doesn't.
So how is that not a reasonable investment?
Tuition Is Irrelevant. That's Why the Rulers Make Us Think It Is What College Is All About.

Absolutely not enough. Replace this fraud with highly paid professional education. Only then will we get the few students smart enough to benefit the rest of us.
I did not say "college", but "higher education", which includes things like trade schools that teach robotics, using software like spreadsheets, databases, etc.
High school is no longer nearly enough.

Nor can anyone "earn a living wage" anymore without it.
Most families only get by with 2 wage earners, and that is bad for the children.
And even with 2 wage earners, fewer are able to afford their own home anymore.
And landlords are a return to monarchies and feudalism.

Who was put in charge of such a terminal economy? College graduates! So that system is economically destructive; it attracts only richkids and no-talent brown-noses. Our decline proves that if students aren't paid, graduates aren't worth anything.
Schumer and the Dems / Marxists did say they wanted to change America.

College Is a Mind-Rape Room

Chucky got perfect SATs. His stupidity proves that slavish college education humiliates the smartest and dumbs them down. In such an unnatural institution, their depression makes them grasp at straws of meaningfulness. Emotionally abused students desperately magnify the significance of what their professors indoctrinate them with.

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