Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

To answer the OP’s question as to why Biden (and the Democrats who control him) focus on forgiving student loans and not, say, a car loan, it is because they want to make college more affordable since this is where the Left is indoctrinating young adults in the New Democrat Marxism they are forcing upon America.

Many parents can tell you how alarmed they are when the college freshman returns for Christmas break, hearing the teen they raised with American values, start spewing nonsense about the “oppressed” and the “oppressors,” how evil the country is, that whites are awful racists, etc., etc.

It is all part of the plan to fundamentally change America, just as Obama threatened.
thats not the discussion,, its not free when the government forces you to close or restrict your business,,,

the people that took out student loans agreed to pay it back,,,

But interest is inherently deceptive and not easily understood.
The students also did not realize how hard it is to get and keep jobs.
They got so deeply into debt that they will then never be able to finance a house.
Which then spirals them even deeper into permanent debt.
And interest is theft in many ways.
But interest is inherently deceptive and not easily understood.
The students also did not realize how hard it is to get and keep jobs.
They got so deeply into debt that they will then never be able to finance a house.
Which then spirals them even deeper into permanent debt.
And interest is theft in many ways.
thats on them not me,,
To answer the OP’s question as to why Biden (and the Democrats who control him) focus on forgiving student loans and not, say, a car loan, it is because they want to make college more affordable since this is where the Left is indoctrinating young adults in the New Democrat Marxism they are forcing upon America.

Many parents can tell you how alarmed they are when the college freshman returns for Christmas break, hearing the teen they raised with American values, start spewing nonsense about the “oppressed” and the “oppressors,” how evil the country is, that whites are awful racists, etc., etc.

It is all part of the plan to fundamentally change America, just as Obama threatened.

I disagree.
Clearly there are fundamental problems with the US.
We have not been attacked since 1812, and yet spend almost as much on a very aggressive military, then the whole rest of the world combined.
We do not buy defensive weapons, but offensive ones, like amphibious landings, long range bombers, cruise missiles, carriers, etc.
Look at all the illegal wars the US deliberately started, to either steal land or install puppet dictators.
The Mexican wars, the genocide of the natives, supporting the Allies who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife and then invaded Bavaria, it was US companies who funded Hitler's rise, trying to install Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, etc. The WMD lies about Iraq, the illegal attacks on the Taliban, the illegal attacks on Qaddafi, Assad, etc.
How can anyone defend the evil the US has done, as being a "democratic republic".
We have very serious problems, obvious.
We likely the single most evil and greedy country in the whole world.
thats on them not me,,

We have lied to them continually, telling them this is the "land of opportunity", that we have freedom, rights, equality, etc., when none of that is true.
It is really a monarchy, with inherited wealth dynasties, largely funded originally by slavery or illegal military conquest.
Tell me why we have to make a profit off student loans, by charging interest?
If we had universal higher education, our GDP would likely increase by over 30%.
So how is that not a reasonable investment?
We have lied to them continually, telling them this is the "land of opportunity", that we have freedom, rights, equality, etc., when none of that is true.
It is really a monarchy, with inherited wealth dynasties, largely funded originally by slavery or illegal military conquest.
Tell me why we have to make a profit off student loans, by charging interest?
If we had universal higher education, our GDP would likely increase by over 30%.
So how is that not a reasonable investment?
I never lied to anyone,, and most of the country has been saying this whole thing is stupid,,

if you feel guilt you pay for it,, just leave the rest of us out of it,,,
thats not the discussion,, its not free when the government forces you to close or restrict your business,,,

the people that took out student loans agreed to pay it back,,,

The students took out the loans on the false belief they could easily then get a good job, with a stable income.
Which is not the case.
I did contract work for 50 years, and never even got paid holidays or health coverage.
The students took out the loans on the false belief they could easily then get a good job, with a stable income.
Which is not the case.
I did contract work for 50 years, and never even got paid holidays or health coverage.
why is that my problem??
I disagree.
Clearly there are fundamental problems with the US.
We have not been attacked since 1812, and yet spend almost as much on a very aggressive military, then the whole rest of the world combined.
We do not buy defensive weapons, but offensive ones, like amphibious landings, long range bombers, cruise missiles, carriers, etc.
Look at all the illegal wars the US deliberately started, to either steal land or install puppet dictators.
The Mexican wars, the genocide of the natives, supporting the Allies who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife and then invaded Bavaria, it was US companies who funded Hitler's rise, trying to install Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, etc. The WMD lies about Iraq, the illegal attacks on the Taliban, the illegal attacks on Qaddafi, Assad, etc.
How can anyone defend the evil the US has done, as being a "democratic republic".
We have very serious problems, obvious.
We likely the single most evil and greedy country in the whole world.
^^^ This is the Leftist indoctrination I’m speaking of: someone who thinks we are the most evil country in the world.
The students took out the loans on the false belief they could easily then get a good job, with a stable income.
Which is not the case.
I did contract work for 50 years, and never even got paid holidays or health coverage.
So, that was your choice. You’re telling me that in 50 years, you could not get a regular job?!
High school is no longer sufficient for anyone.
Everyone needs higher education now, even if it is just trade school to operate robotics.
A democratic republic can only exist if there is equal opportunity for all, and that requires higher public education we do not currently have.
Why? Some people are as dumb as a box of rocks and shouldn't go to college. And, with the left wanting everyone to earn a living wage, what's the point of going to college at all if you can earn a living wage without going?
Why? Some people are as dumb as a box of rocks and shouldn't go to college. And, with the left wanting everyone to earn a living wage, what's the point of going to college at all if you can earn a living wage without going?
Agree! Half the people have IQs in the 90s or lower. Why should we invest money in people of below-average intelligence to attend college, likely dropping out, when they and we would be better served if they went for a six-month trade certificate?
I never lied to anyone,, and most of the country has been saying this whole thing is stupid,,

if you feel guilt you pay for it,, just leave the rest of us out of it,,,

First of all, if we do not reduce student loans, then other countries will quickly surpass us in technology and we will be poorer and collect less in taxes anyway.
Second is that if you allow students to become jaded over "the American dream of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps", then you will have more support for political fanatics in all directions.
No one is going to support a system that does not offer them anything.
Why? Some people are as dumb as a box of rocks and shouldn't go to college. And, with the left wanting everyone to earn a living wage, what's the point of going to college at all if you can earn a living wage without going?

I did not say "college", but "higher education", which includes things like trade schools that teach robotics, using software like spreadsheets, databases, etc.
High school is no longer nearly enough.

Nor can anyone "earn a living wage" anymore without it.
Most families only get by with 2 wage earners, and that is bad for the children.
And even with 2 wage earners, fewer are able to afford their own home anymore.
And landlords are a return to monarchies and feudalism.
Agree! Half the people have IQs in the 90s or lower. Why should we invest money in people of below-average intelligence to attend college, likely dropping out, when they and we would be better served if they went for a six-month trade certificate?

A "six month trade certificate" costs a fortune as far as unemployed kids go.
Several thousand dollars minimum.
And there are very few that are just 6 months.
Realistically most people need at least a 2 year community college degree, costing over $50k.
First of all, if we do not reduce student loans, then other countries will quickly surpass us in technology and we will be poorer and collect less in taxes anyway.
Second is that if you allow students to become jaded over "the American dream of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps", then you will have more support for political fanatics in all directions.
No one is going to support a system that does not offer them anything.
coddling them and paying their debts is what demeans them and lowers our countries chances of ever being great again,,
The Present College Education Puts Inferior People in Superior Positions

"Question" in this case means the answer you are seeking, as in "quest." "Begging" means asking for what is not yours. By assuming that those are deserved achievements, rather than set-asides by the Ivy League ruling class, you unjustifiable use them to prove how those toxic universities create leaders.

So you're assuming that Ivy League graduates deserve the high positions they get for being part of the decadent ruling class. The results of the higher-ups prove that the ruling class promotes conformity to its decadent regime and not people capable of doing the jobs they are bribed with. High-and-mighty lowlife.

Don't listen to the ignorant language usage of the inferior minds in the media; those Influencers are also no-talent brown-noses. They've got you thinking that "begging the question" means "which leads to the question."

An example of how illiterate those college graduates are: "Schwartzenegger is running for President. Which begs the question, which Party?" No, it begs the question because, being on foreign birth, he can't run for President.

The most destructive example of this logical fallacy was Marbury v Madison." The Supreme Court interpreted the Constitution as giving them the right to interpret the Constitution. Of course, since the universities are agencies of the terminal ruling class. you'll never hear that example in a college Logic course.
Before you get too worked up...

I'm not talking about what is deserved, I'm talking about what is.

The good news is that the practice is waning.
To answer the OP’s question as to why Biden (and the Democrats who control him) focus on forgiving student loans and not, say, a car loan, it is because they want to make college more affordable since this is where the Left is indoctrinating young adults in the New Democrat Marxism they are forcing upon America.

Many parents can tell you how alarmed they are when the college freshman returns for Christmas break, hearing the teen they raised with American values, start spewing nonsense about the “oppressed” and the “oppressors,” how evil the country is, that whites are awful racists, etc., etc.

It is all part of the plan to fundamentally change America, just as Obama threatened.
Schumer and the Dems / Marxists did say they wanted to change America.

Public higher education IS EARNED, by the grades you achieve.
If they are failing, then you can stop funding them.
I'll stop funding them before they even begin. Their education isn't my responsibility. If and when I want something, I get to pay for it. I would never ask others to sacrifice their earnings for my benefit.
To answer the OP’s question as to why Biden (and the Democrats who control him) focus on forgiving student loans and not, say, a car loan, it is because they want to make college more affordable since this is where the Left is indoctrinating young adults in the New Democrat Marxism they are forcing upon America.

Many parents can tell you how alarmed they are when the college freshman returns for Christmas break, hearing the teen they raised with American values, start spewing nonsense about the “oppressed” and the “oppressors,” how evil the country is, that whites are awful racists, etc., etc.

It is all part of the plan to fundamentally change America, just as Obama threatened.
An entirely made up narrative.

Thank you for sharing.

I went to a university which is a favorite of Reich Wing Media....the WSJ was in the habit of writing garbage like the post above, railing about "Marxist indoctrination"....

We had ONE Marxist professor.

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