Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

We paid 1.6 trillion last year in interest on the debt. If we weren't in debt that's 1.6 Trillion we don't have to pay. 1.6 trillion divided by the US population is 4500 ish. I'm married with 2 dependents, that's 18k in taxes I wouldn't have had to pay were we not in the debt we currently are.

So yes the US Government incurring debt does affect my taxes.

The interest on 40 billion at 5% is 2 billion. Divided by the us population is about 6 bucks a year in taxes per person to cover it.
The Government Has $14 Trillion in Gold That It Uses to Pay the Interest on the Debt
Then you don’t get to go there. When did the myth that everyone gets to do whatever they want to do exactly how they envisioned it get started? If you live in Utah and can’t afford UT out of state tuition and also don’t want to take out a loan then I guess you don’t get to attend UT. The US public certainly shouldn’t be on the hook to fund it for you.
The Vain Will Feel the Pain of the Brain Drain

So talent doesn't matter, only affordability? Americans who oppose paying students high salaries with no tuition are jealous of the mentally talented. But the mentally talented are also responsible for their gutless slavishness in putting up with this educational scam, the greatest insult to intelligence ever.
If you're good enough to get in to a highly selective college, you shouldn't be denied the opportunity for lack of means.

But I don't really give a xit about that.

The way we finance higher ed is ridiculous.

Education is a Common Good.....it should be financed accordingly
Sheepskins Are for Sheep

Half-truths won't get us anywhere. Just like attracting people to a job, the few students fit for college should be paid a higher salary there than they can expect from any other job at that age. "Working your way through college" is a ruling-class slogan that refuses to recognize schoolwork as actual work.
Sheepskins Are for Sheep

Half-truths won't get us anywhere. Just like attracting people to a job, the few students fit for college should be paid a higher salary there than they can expect from any other job at that age. "Working your way through college" is a ruling-class slogan that refuses to recognize schoolwork as actual work.
The Vain Will Feel the Pain of the Brain Drain

So talent doesn't matter, only affordability? Americans who oppose paying students high salaries with no tuition are jealous of the mentally talented. But the mentally talented are also responsible for their gutless slavishness in putting up with this educational scam, the greatest insult to intelligence ever.
Is that what I said?
You cannot forgive student loans unless you did what I did,,,,used Public Service Loan Forgiveness. I worked in group homes for 10yrs to qualify for loan forgiveness WITH NO INCOME TAX BURDEN,,,my loan went to ZERO. This is the ONLY WAY YOU CAN DO IT. If you work in a public service job YOU MAY QUALIFY ALREADY FOR PAST WORK,,,CALL THE DEPT OF ED.

Now,,,,the reason Stud Loans wont be forgiven is because they were Monitized and put into investment vehicles called "SLABS" ( student loan asset backed security). When Treasuries were not paying enough to keep banks, pensions and retirement accounts solvent, they sold investors SLABS that yielded 5% !!!!!!! A similar thing happened in 2006 when they bundled home mortgages into MBS (mortgage backed securities) and sold them to investors. So now, you can see that student loans are keeping many businesses going when they were bundled into SLABS and sold to investors.
Which question is that?
The Present College Education Puts Inferior People in Superior Positions

"Question" in this case means the answer you are seeking, as in "quest." "Begging" means asking for what is not yours. By assuming that those are deserved achievements, rather than set-asides by the Ivy League ruling class, you unjustifiable use them to prove how those toxic universities create leaders.

So you're assuming that Ivy League graduates deserve the high positions they get for being part of the decadent ruling class. The results of the higher-ups prove that the ruling class promotes conformity to its decadent regime and not people capable of doing the jobs they are bribed with. High-and-mighty lowlife.

Don't listen to the ignorant language usage of the inferior minds in the media; those Influencers are also no-talent brown-noses. They've got you thinking that "begging the question" means "which leads to the question."

An example of how illiterate those college graduates are: "Schwartzenegger is running for President. Which begs the question, which Party?" No, it begs the question because, being on foreign birth, he can't run for President.

The most destructive example of this logical fallacy was Marbury v Madison." The Supreme Court interpreted the Constitution as giving them the right to interpret the Constitution. Of course, since the universities are agencies of the terminal ruling class. you'll never hear that example in a college Logic course.
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Terrible truly terrible. Only the wealthy should get free things from the government.

Richkids live off an adult allowance in college and have their Daddies pay their tuition. Giving conceited spoiled brats an overwhelming advantage is what college is all about. So they should pay for the defaulted student loans through confiscation of trust funds. Government isn't the only thing that seeks to control our lives. The private sector has its own tyranny.

But even in free college, the students study without pay and have to live in a miserable and childish lifestyle on low-paying part-time jobs. So everybody is missing the point in treads like these, which is by the Heiristocracy's design.

Only massive thought-control can produce the objections in this thread. People with free minds would challenge this kind of "education." They'd say, "You want us to get a good job by going four years without a real job? What are you trying to pull?"
Obviously the reasons to forgive student loans include a wide range of reasons that go from ethical to economic.

First of all, students have no income, so it is unfair, punitive, stratified, and creates dynasties to charge for education at all.
Second is that clearly we do best economically if we have the most educated work force, that allows us to beat the international competition.

If we then make higher education free, it forces government to exert more influence on tuition, which has become extortive.

Richkids live off an adult allowance in college and have their Daddies pay their tuition. Giving conceited spoiled brats an overwhelming advantage is what college is all about. So they should pay for the defaulted student loans through confiscation of trust funds. Government isn't the only thing that seeks to control our lives. The private sector has its own tyranny.

But even in free college, the students study without pay and have to live in a miserable and childish lifestyle on low-paying part-time jobs. So everybody is missing the point in treads like these, which is by the Heiristocracy's design.

Only massive thought-control can produce the objections in this thread. People with free minds would challenge this kind of "education." They'd say, "You want us to get a good job by going four years without a real job? What are you trying to pull?"

I got not money for my education, so I had to work several jobs and try to do homework at the same time, commuting 120 miles every weekend.
The last year I did living in an unheated VW van, in a 20 degree below WI winter.
Most of the people in college with me, did not have to work, and instead spent most of their time partying.
So I graduated with only a 3.1 GPA instead of what I could have done.
Because it was a campaign promise. Other than that, I can't answer your question. But, I guess it traces back to the radical left wanting free college for everyone.

High school is no longer sufficient for anyone.
Everyone needs higher education now, even if it is just trade school to operate robotics.
A democratic republic can only exist if there is equal opportunity for all, and that requires higher public education we do not currently have.
I think everyone on earth should just be given a million, unearned dollars. Why not?

Okay ... I'm done pretending to be a Libtard. Back to reality.

Public higher education IS EARNED, by the grades you achieve.
If they are failing, then you can stop funding them.

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